《Midgard》Chapter 5 - Hard Work


Day 4 - April 05:46

[670 Experience gained.]

[Level-Up! You reached level 5.]

[Your Strength rose by 1]

[Your Vitality rose by 1]

[Your Toughness rose by 1]

[Your Speed rose by 1]

[5 Skillpoints gained.]

[Tangun the Cruel used Going out with a Bang.]

[You received 32 Damage.]

[You are stunned for 5 seconds.]

One could not believe it. This damn bunny nearly killed him with an exploding-on-death skill. He did not even consider the possibility. On a early game boss too. One checked his stats.

Profile - Level 5

Gamer-Tag: “One”

Name: “Uffe” [grants 5% Cold immunity and grants “Fenrir affiliation”]

[Fenrir affiliation: 20% attack speed for allied wolves / +80% domesticating to wolves and dogs / heightened chance to gain lycanthropy]

Title: Deceiver I [+10% Bargaining; +2 Vitality; +1 Strength]


Experience: 0.23%

Strength: 6

Vitality: 10

Toughness: 5

Speed: 6

Damage per second: 4.80(+20)

Armor: 0

Movement Speed: 1.06

Attack Speed: 0.80

HP [Health Points]: 1/110

Weight: 0.00

Critical Hit: 0.05

Armor Pierce: 0.00

Cold Immunity: 5.00%

Heat Immunity: 0.00%

Skillpoints 20


Weapon: [Wooden Stick] +20 Damage on Hit, +5% Crit. Chance; blunt weapon

Head: -none-

Necklace: -none-

Shoulders: -none-

Torso: -none-

Belt: -none-

Legs: -none-

Boots: -none-

Rings: -none- [10 Rings equipable]


Builder I

84 %

Hunter I

61 %

1/110 HP. Wow. The level up actually saved him. 5 seconds later One looted this epic boss monster. Such a vile creature. A real villain.

Tangun the Cruel dropped:

5x [Fresh Meat]

1x [Lucky Bunny Foot Necklace]

1x [White Rabbit Pelt]

[Lucky Bunny Foot Necklace]

110/110 Durability

0 Weight

+5 Vitality

+1 Health regeneration every 30 seconds.

Awesome! With the quest he received earlier he would have enough meat to fulfill the hunting quests and the 2 [Stone Block]s would help with the other quest for the [Token of Dirt] as well. And with this Necklace he finally had something that would regenerate his health!

Around one hour and he would be full HP again. Sadly his “weapons” were bound to break very easily. He really had to find something new with a higher durability. Even if he found a Job where he would be able to repair weapons and gear instead of buildings, he still could not repair a low durability weapon like the [Wooden Stick]s.

Their durability ranked between 3 and 9. He would have to repair them after each monster, if he could even get to the end of the fight. And next time he might not be so lucky and survive with 1 HP.

Also you needed to be really careful with your items. The stick he broke during the fight against Tangun was no longer in his inventory. It broke.

One made note to keep check on the necklace durability a lot. Quickly he equipped the item. The small little bunny foot tangling around his neck made him look like a pervert kid that liked to kill rabbits for fun with a wooden stick. He really needed some fancy clothes. Hopefully he would receive some sort of gear soon. At least it was functional. One went on collecting two more sticks before he went back to the farmhouse. Just in case his mighty “weapons” would break.

As he finished he quickly hurried to fulfill all his quests. First he cashed in at the farmhouse, receiving the missing fresh meat for the hunting quests. He also received two [Token of Dirt]. A pretty good start. On the way up to the temple he slipped. A pop up appeared.


[Watch where you are going dumbass! It's not like it's winter. Seriously.]

[You received 2 Damage.]

Damn. Rude. Game was still hating on his ass. And this could have killed him without his newfound regeneration item (so awesome). Finally he reached the temple and was able to put an end to his lost time. It could have been so much easier.

This time he was very careful with the meat. He did not want to waste any more time putting up traps for nothing. The one [Fresh Meat] that was left he gave to Eric the High Priest. But of course he did not receive Shadow Realm buff food. Just his luck. Everyone he spoke to gave him praise for defeating the evil bunny out in the fields and rewarded him as his awesome deed should be! Sadly only 7 [Carrot]s and 4 [Apple]s in total. Pretty useless. Not even the fat cook Snorri was able to cook him something with this.

Finally he was able to do something more usefull again. He headed out again. All the snow had melted in the short time which passed since the fight. 11:43, Day 4- April.

As he headed towards the bigger rocks he equipped his [Patience I] and the [Pickaxe]. It was time to grind! After hitting the rocks continuously for a couple minutes he was rewarded with another popup window.

[You can't mine this yet.]

Well, rocks clearly seemed to outclass him on level one. So he continued to just hit the ground at random. Three hits and One got another window in front of him.

[Miner: Beginner I learned.]

[A quiet straight up job. Take your pickaxe and hit the ground. Over and over. Do not overthink it. Absolutely not rocket science. Only the really dedicated really grasp for the stars here.]

After about an hour he realised that he really overestimated himself. The Job Mastery was rising very, very slowly. 2%. At this rate reaching the Beginner II would take days! Another thing he noticed that the ground which he was working slowly disappeared as he received [Dirt] from mining. It was very slow and the ground would most likely give a lot more [Dirt] before One would stand in a hole.

But in general this meant that any player could shape this word like he or she saw fit! For the rest of the day One did nothing but continuously hitting away at the ground. With 50 [Dirt] per quest he would need at least 400 before he could quit.

When the clock reached midnight he had 113 [Dirt]. The Patience title most likely helped out a bit, but One was only able to reach 29% Mining: Beginner I. Raising this would be hard.

Day 5 - May

As midnight passed something very unexpected happened.

[Unlocked Skill: Passive: Hard Worker.]

[Continuously working as a miner, woodchopper or carrying around heavy weight hardened your resolve. The mindless work shaped your body and made you more resilient. Chance to gain +1 Strength or +1 Vitality while working.]

One´s motivation shot up like a rocket into the silvester skyline. Gaining base stats while grinding. Furthermore it was a skill and not a title! He could run Patience alongside it as well! The best part was the little word “passive” right in front of it. It was like an ultra awesome upgrade to himself. He would gain this stats for free while grinding something that he would do anyway. Hopefully not too many people did the same thing as One and grind mining and woodchopping for twelve hours straight! Motivated by this sudden discovery he continued his assault onto the helpless ground.


When the clock hit 13:02 he was finally finished. Over 24 hours of grinding. 400 [Dirt]. Kinda seemed to be a totally worthless gain. The Job Mastery had climbed to 48 %. At this rate it would take another 2 days at the very least to reach 100%.

One still did not know what would happen then. It could either auto level up or you had to fulfill certain things to move on. Level, better Pickaxes and Hammers? All very possible. Maybe even find a NPC that teaches you how to raise the level for money?

One still had not received any money in Midgard. No copper or iron coin. No silver. No gold. All he had was some food ingredients to trade. But no NPC would trade with him. Not able to gain money he just held on to everything he had. He climbed out of the small hole he made while mining. It was around one meter deep and also not broader. Like a minecraft hole. Kinda felt weird.

One threw the thought out and walked back to the farmhouse. He took the long way around the rocks and through the woods. As the fields were tended to by Sigurd the Farmer the wheat had grown quite a bit. One did not want to destroy any crops. No use risking all his questing by upsetting the farmer of the temple. The risk would be small but One wanted to make sure now. He fucked up already once and it would not happen again easily!

The woods were back to life as well. Birds, singing on top of them, while squirrels ran around the branches below. Most of the trees had needles. You could not tell very easily that they already had awoken as well. But some of the branches had fresh young green needles on already. The other trees would still take some time but the first leaves were already out and a few even carried small flowers with white and pink petals.

The realism in this game was unreal. No way One would have ever guessed it. Reminded of real life he checked his notifications. 16 Messages. He sighted. He hated socialising. And it had been barely five days too! Price of beeing a coma patient that could talk back by messages. After reading through all of it he found out that his family actually did what he told them to do: gone on a world trip. Perks of being sick and in a coma. His last will. What a joke.

One was quite sure he would be able to wake up at any time. His brain functions clearly worked well, he just did not want to drop out yet. He wrote messages to the developers and the doctors how he is slowly improving and other lies. He was perfectly fine after all. This would buy him some more time at least. Maybe he would come out of coma for a couple hours to assemble some of his old games gang? Not before he reached day 30 though. He wanted to get a huge head start, no matter how big those guys could really catch up like madmen.

While strolling through the woods he suddenly stood in front of a wooden cabin. The door was ripped out, smashed to pieces. Also a small chunk of wood was missing where the lock of the door must have been once. Ones danger sense was tingling. He decided to slowly investigate. Maybe it was only a setup stage for a quest. Something along the lines of “Oh, hi there. Could you fix my door? I will give you ten horseshits for it.” Or another boss monster was around.

Monster was a little much for Tangun the fluffy endboss, but he would qualify some kind of wolf or bear as a monster for sure. Hell, One would even run if there were two fluffy bunny bosses here! He did not know the penalty for dying, but he also did not really want to find out yet. Carefully he moved up to the door, a lot of splinters were ripped out of the door and the grass around the cabin was roughed up as well. Most likely a bear. Even Goblins would not qualify to destroy property as extremely like that.

One did not even bother raising his [Wooden Stick]. A bear would more likely smash him through it rather than him being able to do anything. A quick glance inside the hut did not really tell him much. It was way too dark. Some big shadows were not very inviting either. He decided to wait.

Cowardly as hell but no reason to risk getting one-shot for nothing. The sun would shine inside the house in one or two hours anyway. So he delivered his quests, received nothing but the tokens and returned. Those quests really did not give a lot of stuff. Arriving at the cabin nothing really changed. A bit more light allowed another quick glance and One was able to see it.

A huge shadow lying in the back of the small building. Huge, covered with grey and dark brown fur it rested. One ran like he was stung by a whole swarm of bees. After another try he discovered the identity of his “bear”.

Just a normal guy. Normal only considering that he was over two meters tall and build like a mountain (yes, like the mountain in game of thrones). Clearly he passed out drinking. When one approached, preparing some emotes to cry, beg and smile on command the man talked in his sleep.

“Booooooyyy!!! I am soo drunk, i tell ya! Here take this!”

[Woodcutter's Axe Level 1]

[Even though the this axe looks sturdy and is pretty heavy it does not posses any battle strength. Using it will unlock the [Woodcutter: Beginner I] Jobmastery.]

Well, this was another quest. For sure. All this grinding became a little tiring though. He approached the big, sleeping pile of muscles and fur again. “You know… Ahhg! My head hurts so much. Go work for me, i totally cannot. And please ask the flask right here, uhm… i mean take the flask there right to Snorri. He has to fill it. With some winterghost… you know… liquor.” He collapsed on the sheets again before he continued to talk again.

“And tell him… BURP!... that i… uhm… scratched myself. I mean... wounded! That was it. It's for… desiiiiTiiiiiFekTiiiiiooon, disinfection. Yes. Thanks.” He got up again for a second, took a sip from another bottle and continued. “And get me some wood damnit. How long are you gonna wait?” Then he fell asleep again and did not wake up anymore. What a charming guy.

[Received: Quest:Hard Work.]

Objective: Help the totally not drunk Olaf with his work. But hurry up. How long are you gonna wait? Bring back 25 [Common Wood] or 1 [Normal Wood].

Reward: [Awesome Reward of Olaf the Woodcutter]; [Token of Hard Work]

Declining will grant “Dedicated Atheist” for 60 days.

[Dedicated Atheist: +65% Attack Speed; +30% Movement Speed; +20 Strength; +100 Toughness; +50% Experience gained. Also destroys all relations to the Order of Loki and their Faith.]

The declining offer got longer again. Sigh. Tempting.

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