
Somewhere in a cabin 10 people were sitting around a table. They looked old and by the robes they wore it easy to assume that they were saint realm mages. Soon a young man comes in the cabin and when the 10 people see him they bow towards him. He was the leader of the 10 people in the cabin. Soon he addressed them and said

Leader-“labum are the reports you presented correct?”

Labum-“Yes lord I was personally leading the monster horde when the boy showed up and it didn't take him too long to wipe out the monster army especially the last spell that he used was terrible.”

Leader-“And as per your investigation he is the third prince of the demon continent and if he is able to completely wipe out those beasts then he should be at Saint Realm stage. So young and already at Saint realm, what a pity no matter how much the boy or other saints try but they won’t be able to hinder our plan. We have to be careful and avoid creating trouble for the demon continentfor sometime. Is the new vessel prepared Bremuch? This body won’t be able to hold onto my powers for a long time. I will need 1000 vessels soon and also Renol and Kayla go to elves continent distract them with beast horde and get the water from fountain of life. Drane and Fenoya will go to Dragon Mountains and get me the dragon core they so much treasure, try to acquire the core without getting into their eyes. Well it will be all for now, report to me after you have completed the mission.”

Everyone-“yes lord”

After the leader went out of the cabin the strongest member of the 10 named Drane spoke

Drane-“I am at the peak of saint realm but still by the power our lord Selom emits I can easily say I am not even 1% of his total power. It is so hard to be near him. Fenoya lets go and let’s take care of the lizard business”


Ashura’s p.o.v.

I was unconscious for freaking 2 days. I should not have casted the last spell. It took a huge toll on me. The spell was for high god realm mages and using it has not only drained my complete energy but my meridians and mana core has been damaged a bit. It will take approximately 2 months to fully heal from all the damages. I will never use cosmic annihilation again till it is extremely dangerous. I collected those cores for Ragnarok; this little cute thing needs to evolve. It’s not even a class 1 beast and it will require a huge amount of mana or core to evolve. Fortunately by luck I was able to acquire such a huge amount of cores. It should be enough for him to evolve to class 9 beast.

There was something wrong with this monster horde. They were organised just like an army. Is it just me or did anybody else felt that something was amiss? I hope it’s just my presumption but if I am true then we are against something we will not be able to deal with. I will discuss with father. But first let’s feed Ragnarok one of class 3 cores.

After Ashura fed Ragnarok the beast core he went to meet his father. King Drazon and Queen Serrin were in their chamber when Ashura came.

Serrin-“son are you okay? Healer told us that because of mana consumption you lost consciousness. Why did you go and attack those monsters yourself. We would have helped you out. Never do that again no matter what. I was so worried about you.”

Ashura-“mother I am perfectly fine. It will take 2 months for me to replenish my mana but there is nothing to be worried about. I needed to talk to both of you about the monster horde. There was something wrong with this attack. They were completely organised like an army. They were not attacking on instinct.”


Drazon-“we too felt that something was wrong. We have sent envoys to other continents to enquire whether they had faced the same problem. Although I am happy that we were able to deal with this problem because of you but I would like you not be so reckless again. Soon Pluto and Ashena will be leaving for Saint Rolins academy next month so spend some time with them together”

Ashura-“Father next year although it will be soon but I would like to join the academy. I have the knowledge thanks to Supreme Father about magic but still I would like to see the world and hone myself.”

Drazon-“let’s not talk about it now we will discuss it later. What do you plan to use the beast core for? If there is nothing important please provide it to the minister of magic development. They need cores to various purposes.”

Ashura-“ok father I won’t be able to give all the cores to them as I will need some of it for Ragnarok but still there will be a huge amount for them to use.”

Drazon-“good. And don’t be reckless again.”

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