
After Ashura reached the sea region he saw thousands and thousands of monsters coming towards his direction. He gave a light chuckle and came in front of those monster beasts. After seeing him all the monster started growling and came running towards him. Ashura slowly lift his hand and pointer a finger towards the horde and said ‘Netherworld flame fury’.

A flame black in colour like an abyss started generating on his finger and then he shot it towards the horde. The flame which was small like a candle flame when left his finger started spreading towards the monster horde. Netherworld flame as soon as came in touch with those beasts started corroding them; it was not burning them but was corroding them. The beasts howled in agony. It lasted for couple of minutes and when the flame died down there was nothing but the beast core and ashes. The entire class 3-5 beasts were killed in an instant.

Ashura used another spell ‘Gather’ and all the beast cores were collected by him in his dimension. The beast core counted around 30 thousand. As ashura looked in front of him he saw around 3 thousand class 6 beasts and 100 class 7 beasts and 5 class 8 beasts. Ashura knew that the previous spell was not strong enough for him to destroy class 5 above beasts. Seeing the thousand of beasts being eradicated in just couple of minutes the remaining beast looked at him angrily and started using magic attacks. Seeing the attacks Ashura used another spell ‘Cosmic Shield’. Cosmic shield was a part of his meditation technique. The shield not only protected him against any kind of attack but it also consumed the attack and converted the mana into Etheric energy for Ashura. It was like devouring their attacks. After their attacks had failed Ashura looked at them and said


“I don’t have time to play with you. I am only interested in those 5 class 8 beast cores. So if you can handle my next spell you will be lucky.”

Ashura again pointed his finger towards the remaining beasts and n a low voice said

‘Thunder meteor’

Soon thunder started falling in the shape of meteors from the sky on the remaining beast and as soon as the meteors came contact with anything they would blast leaving only the flesh and blood scattered all over the place. All it took was 5 seconds and all the class 6 and class 7 beast turned into nothing but gore and flesh. Fear crept up onto the remaining 5 beast. They were stronger and had developed a consciousness. They knew attacking the continent was the biggest mistake that they should not have committed. The person in those wings was like a devil incarnate. They wanted to run away but Ashura never gave them any chance. He created a divine barrier which was one of his spell and covered everything around a radius of 2 km. He had to create the barrier to contain the magic spell he would be using next or else he would destroy the whole continent. As soon as the barrier was in place the 5 beast knew they could not escape so they used every bit of their power and attacked Ashura. Ashura again used cosmic shield which not only consumed their attacks but also gave back a small amount of Etheric energy to Ashura. The amount could not be compared to the amount he had consumed to use those spell but he had more than enough for his next spell. He then vanished and came outside the barrier. He knew if he himself got caught in the next spell he won’t be able to save himself. Ashura cancelled his cosmic shield looked at them with pity and then shouted towards the sky


‘Cosmic Annihilation’

Ashura created this spell himself based on the principles of nuclear bomb. Instead of using atoms of uranium or plutonium he used the mana and qi particles and started to fuse it. He almost had to consume all of his etheric energy in his dantian and mana core and the result was thousand times stronger than what a nuclear bomb is capable of. As soon as the 5 beast were caught in the blast, Ashura used Gather magic again to collect the 5 beast core before they would get destroyed in the blast. The blast was contained in the barrier and when everything was over and dust and smoke settled there was only a huge crater left on the ground. After consuming all the energy Ashura had he could not control his wings and they disappeared and he fell down like a broken kite but before he could reach the ground he was caught by his father.

Everyone had reached when Ashura had already destroyed the class 3-5 beats. King Drazon didn't know why but he felt his son could take care of the horde so didn't interrupt him. He held back the queen too. And after everything was over they didn't know how to describe what had happened before them. Such powerful magic they had never seen in their life. They knew Ashura was special but now they came to realize the true capacity of Ashura. A king level mage had completely eradicated monster horde which contained thousand of class 3-7beast and also completely eradicated class 8 beasts and Ashura did not even take a long time to wrap up the battle. They looked at unconscious Ashura and sighed, that is all they could do. They had never thought that they would so easily be saved by beast horde and also the one who saved them was their young prince who was not even sixteen. Who in the world could believe if they told anyone about it? The last spell of Ashura had completely destroyed the proof that a battle had occurred between him and the beasts. It could never be called a battle because it was a one sided massacre. There was just a big crater left in the ground covering 2 km of the radius. The king Drazon carried Ashura back to the palace and evacuation plan was canceled. After the healer was called and check up of Ashura was done everyone was relieved to know that Ashura was just unconscious due to the full consumption of his mana. Ashura had used his last bit of energy to contain and destroy the aftermath of his last spell inside the barrier. Everyone was happy to hear that the beast horde has been taken care of but no one mentioned that the one who destroyed the beast horde was young Prince Ashura.

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