《One man army in a marvel universe》Life is but a stage


One week had passed since I had come up with my plan. Hopefully, I was plenty prepared for what was to come. Fortunately, Nat and Clint had been off base, and will also be away for a few more days. I was gambling on this being just long enough, that those on base won't ask the expertise of two master spies in the upcoming investigation.

"Parker! Get your mind out of the gutter. You better focus on the task at hand boy. I don't want another accident like yesterday." A gruff commanding voice came from my instructor, who was right by my ear shouting into it. I could spot with my peripheral, a cruel sadistic glee in his burning dark brown eyes. I hated his guts, more than once I had to calm myself down, from ripping the man in two.

At least the man was competent as far as instructors go. what really boiled my blood was his insistence, in pushing me and the team in using more and more vicious fighting styles. It felt like he was trying to turn us into emotionless killing machines. For me at least, it was by being forced to take the full brunt of the punishment, as I was ordered in holding back from hitting too hard without causing permanent injuries to my sparring partners.

"Sir, yes sir. It just, I'm a little tired sir." I wasn't kidding or being cocky, it had been maybe two or three weeks since I had more than three hours of uninterrupted sleep. All the instructors made damn sure I never slept more than that. After only three hours, someone would always wake me up, yelling at me that I had this or that random task that needed doing immediately.

It was after they had started this new tactic in trying to break me, that I had come to realize I needed a plan that wouldn't expose all my cards to SHIELD. In my tired stats from the first month of a brutal spartan regime, it took a while for my tired brain to catch up with their insidious plot. Another week to build and mix all I needed for my 'breakdown'.

"Oh my, well looks like miss littles Parker is crying because training is just so damn hard." The mockery and an almost smug grin on his self-satisfying look on his face. Was so tempting in having my fist meet his nose in some very intimate meeting, repeatedly with great force of impact. Coming closer to my face, he stared right into my eyes. I could see an almost burning sick fascination in being in the front row seat of my possible break.

"That not it sir... I was o" I started trying in setting up the stage.

"I don't care for your excuses Parker. You here to become the best agent of SHIELD, I can make you into. By pushing your limits, all your majesty has to do is say yes sir, and how high sir! Is that clear dirtbag!" His spit projected itself on my face, as he stood inches away screaming way too close for comfort.

For a brief moment, I open my mouth about to take it once more bend down and take it. Only to realize, this is exactly what I need, this is the moment it was perfect in enacting my break. So making a very discreet motion I injected the mix into my bloodstream. I could feel the compound make its way into my veins, a euphoric sensation took hold in my brain.

I also felt certain shackles and locks that would limit my power and strength at just a little more than was recorded. A savage grin slowly grew on my face, now I could go all out without accidentally exposing anything I wanted to keep hidden. The instructor must have felt the difference in my change since he cautiously took a step back.


"Fuck you, and your damn fucking rules!" I uttered right before I move faster than he could react, the surprise and glee on his face, both were satisfying and annoying. No matter, the sound of my fist caving in his face was more than reward enough.


I turn to the one who had shouted, it was another agent instructor. He was reaching for his stun gun. I felt my grin grow as I held back a maniacal laugh as I launch myself at the slow-moving agent, who was desperately trying to bring the gun up in time. He got halfway before I hit him with a beautiful place spartan kick right in the middle. His body catapulted into the wall that was but two-meter behind him.

"Get him! He's lost it!"

Concentrating on my senses, I could tell in a moment that both instructors were very much alive. Out cold sure, but nothing that some of my healing shots couldn't fix. I smiled in knowing that for the next few minutes, I could let loose as long as I didn't actively try and kill anyone. I had a sudden morbid fascinating, in finding out just how long I could go before they took me down.

As I took stock of my new training dummies, it was another instructor along with two of my classmates. Oh, I was so going to enjoy this. If I was to use my real power, my guess was that I had a good chance of beating half of the base personnel, before I went down. In my self nerf condition, I figure maybe fifty or seventy before I was too tired or let something slip under my senses.

Still, that was only against a normal human trained agent, if it was a fully trained super or people like Nat or Clint well my chances went down drastically. Pushing that negative downer aside, I focus on kicking my new opponents down on the floor.

The instructor had an electric baton out active at his side, he came at me with his guard up. unlike my two classmates who seem to rush me, with truly unfound confidence. Guess all those stage spares were clouding their judgment, of their ability in taking me down. One had a medium pyrokinesis ability, the other had a half baked bear transformation. It was like a weaker version of a werewolf, just without the cures spreading and weakness to silver. Instead, he just got the strength and senses of a bear plus his own human strength.

I smirk at the two idiots, both weren't anything special. Pyro created two fireballs in his hands, throwing them in my direction. Right behind them, the bear idiot burst out his power, in all his hairy glory as he let out a roar. I easily dodge the slow-moving fireballs, he should've sent a stream of fire instead. As the big hairy brute came running into range, I smash my fist into his gut.

The fool didn't even block, the sound he made in his bear hybrid form turned into a weird moan and growl. His mouth started to foam, as some vomit made its way up to from his stomach instinctively he swallowed it back down, just as his eyes started glazing over. I grab a firm bunch of flesh and hair from his belly, using him as an improv shield. Pyro was surprised and stun at the current event. Freezing in doubt at my unexpected tactics, by the time he came back in focus, it was too late.

Once I was close enough, I trew the overgrown bear at the pyro. The fire user jumped aside dogging my makeshift cannonball, the instructor sped up once he saw the pathetic result of my two classmates. One already out of commission the other open for the picking. With my speed, it must have looked like I had just appeared in front of my pyro classmate.


He opened his mouth about to say some shit, my closing in fist did the talking for me. He crumbled to the floor like a broken marionette, I could practically hear the instructor grinding his teeth. As the instructor attack, he was far more prepared for me than the two idiots. He manages to avoid two moves before I had him on the floor.

I looked up as I heard the sound of many feet stomping toward me. At some point, someone had even turned on an alarm that was blaring out from the intercoms. I was smiling feeling invincible if the locks weren't blocking a vast majority of my power. I would have reverted to my new true form, this was why I had mixed a little something that would limit me. This was all so that I could fool everyone, and let them think they had a handle of my power.

A squad of twenty fully heavily armoured men burst into the room. "Stand down Parker! If you don't, we are authorized in using extreme force in taking you down. So stand the fuck down agent." One of the armour men shouted at me. Too bad the compounded, that was coursing through my veins had a negative effect, it wasn't the best at logic it was more inclined toward giving into my more primitive instincts.

So with a laugh that finally let out my maniacal glee, I rush the heavily armoured unit. "Bunch of weakling dare tell me what to do! HAhaHAhahAhHa! Let's see what you pansy can do! Entertain me, trash!" With those words, I collided in the middle of their formation. At this point, my mind was giving into a chemical blood lust that would last five minutes.

I'm not sure what happened in the next five minutes, but when I came back from the haze, I had just been smack hard into the wall I think. Taking quick stock of my situation, my left arm was broken in several places. A few of my left side ribs were also broken, I believe that my lung was punctured, with the difficulty I was having in breathing. My right knee seemed to be shattered, whoa some party I had missed.

Looking around or at least I tried to, damn seem my eyes were out of commission. Also, my left ear was ringing so I couldn't hear from one side at the moment. Using the remainder of my senses, I investigated my situation as I painfully extracted myself from the concrete hole I was in. I heard what must be a few gasps in the distance, and also what sounded like someone asking how was I still moving.

Making an internal check, seem I still had a few more minutes before the mixture was eating up by my system. I then focus on trying to figure out just how much trouble I was in. Apparently, I had held back enough in avoiding killing anyone in that armoured unit, all were on the ground with a variety of wounds. Some were out cold others had broken limbs, a few were bleeding heavily.

I could make out a few people, already administrating some of the healing shots since a few seemed to be healing at a rapid rate. Couldn't be sure since I couldn't see, I was relying upon my other sense to figure out my situation. As I was pondering if I had to run from SHIELD, or if I could surrender and stay.

"That enough agent! All of you stand down, especially you! Agent Parker, if you do not surrender, I have orders of executing you on the spot. So stand down now. This is a direct order from the director."

I recognize that voice, it was fricking Agent Coulson. I was hesitating, should I continue the charade. Risk going further down in the quagmire, I found myself in or back down peacefully. Tunning my surrounding off for brief inner mind planing, in seeing what was the best option. Bitting my lips, I knew that if I wanted to sell this, I had to go all the way.

"No more, month I have done all that you ask. Pushing me further closer to breaking. More than once I brought up this issue, every fucking time, I was denied and punish for some absurd reasons no more, NO MORE!" I shouted before wabbling my way toward where I could sense the fear and presence of others.

I could hear a faint sigh. "Open fire." What followed was nothing but pain. I could feel that it was a mixture of bullets and needles. My best guess was that they had mixed a bunch of tranquillizers, in this firing squad. Once they stop shooting, I was barely standing. The new drug was coursing in my veins, my system was already running on fumes. I had just had my body process through a limiter, along with some massive damage I was trying to heal.

Before falling I tried and failed to fight off the drug, I grab the wall beside me. As my grip weaken I slid down to the floor, I could sense the group give a collective sigh of relief. Pointing my face toward the group I gave my best grin which should have been terrifying. Since I could feel all of them take a step back, the fear was so thick I could almost taste it.

"Is that the best you can doooo bbbbiiiitchhhh..." Were my last words, before the drug drags me down into the dark abyss of unconscious.


Agent Phil Coulson perspective

As he looked at the down mutant, he could still see his chest barely slowly moving up and down. Looking around at the terrified group of forthy heavily armed men, he sighs as he spotted a few still shaking once they manage to knock the target down.

He gave thanks to whatever entity that was watching over them since before coming on the scene, he receives a report that stated no death among all the wounded. Sure a lot of heavy and serious damage, that a year ago would've meant retirement for life as a cripple. But thanks to the very same knock out burn out mentally and physically exhausted mutant. No, the damage was in fact minor compare to what could've been.

He grimaces in distaste, on the order form on up high had been to, let the thing play out as they did. Many were curious about seeing, just what would happen once Braden was pushed all the way to his breaking point. Well, they had their answer, it was frankly terrifying what this man was capable of. Half of their fully prepared and armed teams, that what it took to take him down. That was even considering that they all had been brief and prepared for this very scenario for weeks.

In the meeting, no one had expected things to go this far. The brutality and resistance were beyond what was projected. Hell, he turned toward the sorry state of the team of mutant that had been ripe apart by this operation. This team of six should have been able, in taking him down after the first armoured group. Instead, he took them down, then move on to charge another four-team before he finally arrived, with enough tranquillizer and bullets to down five elephants in a few seconds.

"Clean it up, and drag Mr.Parker in his cell." Coulson couldn't help but feel like all this was one big clusterfuck. Here they were pushing this powerful mutant button, all so they could better manipulate him in serving SHIELD. As loyal as he was, it was these kinds of decisions that had him wonder late some nights, just who was the real monster in this world.

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