《One man army in a marvel universe》Hell it has a name and its Bootcamp


My first few weeks were nothing but a continuous pain buffet. The physical side was pure tortured since SHIELD knew of my enhanced body. So the instructor knew that he could crank up the difficulty up to a thousand. Also, I had become his favourite punching bag, not just for him but for everyone else in Bootcamp.

Well, once people found out that even if my arm was cut off. As long as it was reattached back on and I was given a week off, I would be as good as new. For my sadistic instructor, I was a gold mine. He could push me and the others, much further along in training since I was almost like a free pass for all forms of brutal close quarter combat styles.

With me in the group, the others were pushed into being more vicious in their fighting style. I personally believe that he was from HYDRA. Of course, I had no proof of backing that up. So I had no choices but to endure the unfair treatment. Since I had to constantly hold back, all so that I didn't accidentally kill the other trainees.

Besides my physical torture that was passed off as training, I was also denied any normal rest period. when others were given a few hours or some days off, all so they could heal and rest. I was stuck in the lab, having to explain and empty my reserves of whatever I had left of my mental energy.

I had to answer a parade of questions, from a bunch of ravenous scientists. Draining me beyond the point of zero, from my already dwindling reserve of energy. Instead, I was passed on from one group of scientists after another. They all demanded me to give them my full focus, on their various projects. The thing I had come to realize later, was that what to me was but the very basics of a subject, it turns into a sort of master class for each of them.

To all of them, it was the discovery of a new revolutionary era in generic, chemistry, biology and some small achievements in engineering. The constant stress was pushing me near my breaking point. I had come to suspect that all this was the higher-up's plot. I think that a few in SHIELD upper brass wanted to see where were my limits.

"I can't give in, but at the same time, I will break at some point with all this pressure. I could also try faking my breakdown, not so simple since they have a lot of experts that will no doubt review any evidence they have on my breakdown. I might slip up at that moment, exposing my other hidden ability to deal with the pressure. No way I'm I placing such a tempting morsel near this bunch of circling sharks."


At the moment I was having one of my very rare private moments in this crazy part of my new life. Looking down at the device I was building, it was a small chip that could potentially help increase the nerve signals between the brain and body. It could provide as much as a 30% increase in speed and help in overcoming the body limits. So it would make people react 30% faster to anything, plus grant them temporary strength or enhance sense at least triple of a peak Olympic athletes.

Even if this might seem like a good thing, I had done more in-depth research. It had a few serious drawbacks since it increases the reaction and communication, between the brain and the nervous system. It did absolutely nothing, for the amount of stress the body would be put under.

Unless they increase the body's ability to heal or repair itself. From the constant damage, the wear and tear on the muscle would be under from using the chip. The more one used the chip, the faster your body would destroy itself.

My personal analysis was it would take between Ten to Twenty years before the damage would lead to a life in a broken body. If it was used in excess then it would take just five, before almost every muscle turns into a raw ground beef version of muscles. The person's brain and nervous system wouldn't be any better, they would be lucky in just being in a coma inside a broken body.

Even with all that, I had been ordered in building one chip, also to turn in every blueprint I had on it. Seeing this as the perfect chance, of buying myself some much need time to rest. The chip in my lab would take only a few hours, I manage to stretch the manufacturing time to about a month.

"I won't be able to keep doing this, they no doubt will start to see the pattern soon. I have maybe another few days before they wise up on my scam." Looking down on the many electronic parts laying on the workbench. in the middle of all the mess was a half finish chip.

"I need a better plan, maybe if I could contact Nat. I could call in that favour I got from saving Clint." Sitting back in my chair, I mindlessly stare at the grey concrete ceiling. Wondering if the risk is worth it, or would she just out me to Fury the very moment I ask for her help. "Would Clint be a better choice? I did literary save his life. Then again I think at this point he is still very loyal to SHIELD." I sigh in frustration. As I gloomily ran one flawed plan after another in my mind.

I hatted this, since my inexperience in dealing with such a situation was popping out its ugly head. I reluctantly join SHIELD, to get knowledge on how to act in these very situations. I had hope in getting to this very class much earlier. Sadly, these assholes keep pushing me into more combat and research without any rest. Conveniently leaving me out of any infiltration class utile I broke.


I grounded my teeth in frustration at my total lack of control over my environment. If I was just a normal human, I would have a lot more freedom as a low-level agent. Instead, I was in the group that was the most heavily monitored. Logically I understood why this was done, in the past more than one superpower agent, was either a spy or was turn to a rival country or organization.

Even if today SHIELD had many ways in checking one background. They were still one of the biggest and most powerful spy agencies in this world. SHIELD had long ago gone from just being a small thing in the good old USA. To a global power that had many other underground agencies pause, in contemplating the pros and cons before getting into a conflict with them.

Sure at its core SHIELD, would take America side if a global conflict ever happened. Besides such a serious crisis it would remain loyal to its other creeds. To fight the evil of the world, yeah I know it sounds edgy as Hell. I had to remember that this was founded in memory of Steve Rogers. Howard Stark, Peggy Carter and Edwin Jarvis were some of its core founders.

All it did was cement the amount of influence, one man had in this world second world war. Not gonna lie, Captain America had been a favourite of mine even before my transmigration. I knew that the comics had probably embellished some of his ability still. You did have to admire the fact that with only a basic power-up, along with his powerful will, he was a beacon of hope in a time of uncertainty.

"No amount of fanboying will help me in my current predicament. I need to come up with something, now that I think about it. SHIELD seems to have kept me too busy to have the time in contacting either Natasha or Clint." Sigh. "Looks like I'm on my own for... wait!" standing up in a rush with an excited look on my face, a grin broke across my face as the numb lost look I had just a moment ago, crumbled in pieces.

"Yes, that could work. It going to take a lot of prep, but it's possible." Looking down on the scattered pieces around the chip, I smiled at the balls of my plan. If I pulled this off, it would be one of the biggest scams to be made on SHIELD. I would say it as big or as great as when Hydra parasites themselves into SHIELD.

I get to work, fortunately, I had access to almost all the base material for step one of the plan. The rest I would need to get from my time with other scientists. With a quick calculation, I realize that if this was to work I had to give out another faulty piece of tech, I had come across to buy the time I needed.

"Which to choose, I don't want to give them something too powerful, considering Hydra is still a part of SHIELD at this moment." I frown as I discard hundred of blueprints in my mind. Going over the various scenario, of either me or Peter coming across any possible bastardize version of the tech I would be sharing.

I knew that nothing was a hundred percent certain, even this chip could come back to haunt me in the future. Still considering that I was already pushing this tech to its limits. They would need to incorporate alien tech in it to push it to new heights. I had first hands experience with how that could go, either really good or terribly wrong.

Staring at my new best friends, I grin at just the end game this would bring. Finally, I decided on a faulty serum with so many bugs it would take years in getting something half functional decent from it. "New challenge, how the Hell to get my new pets out of this room. Without tripping every alarm on my way out. Not only that but where to hide them until the big reveal." I groan in realizing that what was a simple solution would intel a lot of time and effort into getting it done.

Taking a deep breath, I focus on the task at hand. One thing at a time, doing a final sweep on all the parts I was missing to finish my little beauty. I reviewed the finer detail that I would need to gather without attracting too much attention to this part of the plan.

"I have to be extra careful if anyone gets wind of this. I can count my agreement with SHIELD voids and nulls, I have no choices. Besides, they kind of been dicks about my integration even before I even joined."

"Who am I kidding, I was never loyal to them, I mostly join cause I didn't have a choice and they could offer me the training I need to thrive out in the world." I grin as I imagine and hope for the outcome of this plan. If it works, I would be selling a fake limit of my ability and finally moving along my training in SHIELD.

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