《One man army in a marvel universe》Just another day at the office
"Hello Braden Parker. It good that your here so early this morning, by the way she's already inside." A tall brunette, with a forgettable appearance slid her glasses back up her nose. As she lock on too me with her pale green eyes.
"Good morning Hellen, I'm fine thank you." I held back from growling at her, since the rest of the floor would look at me funny. I said hello toward watch dogs number two, then made my way to my office. Barley two days after Fury pop in my house, she was sitting at my previous secretary desk acting like it was the most natural thing in the world.
Counting her along four other agent, making a group of five, who we're blatantly living in the house right in front of mine. The words "for your protection" were use with obvious hostility and sarcasm by the group. My biggest thorn in my side was their leader, who was waiting in my office. The lack of respect and toxic atmosphere from my watch dogs, was weighing heavily on me daily.
Sitting behind a new desk facing my own, was a beautiful young women in her early twenties. She had light caramel colour skin, sharp graceful features more leaning toward her Lakota descent. A fact she had proudly shared, in her hate filled speech on are first meeting. She wore a metallic silver moon shape neckless with a few weird symbols inside.
It was very eye catching so I did a little digging. Interesting enough, the symbol was of Etu, the Lakota deity that ruled over the aspect of time. Along with some tribal tattoos on her upper and lower armes, I had no idea if they were true tribal or simply very good artfully made tattoos. So far it didn't matter much, since this lady was the mutant with the time ability.
"Kimimela, here early again I see." At first I had tried in offering a few olive branches toward this group of watch dogs. Sadly all attemps were rejected, the more vocal in their displeasure came from Kimimela. It seem she had a literal axe to grind on my behalf, one she had brought literally on are first day only to slammed it, in my desk in broad daylight. I had too get a new one after that, the big hole in the middle had made paper work impossible.
I had nearly ripe off all their stupid heads from their bodies on that day. Barely holding down my rage at such provocation, it had only spiralled out of control from that point. Any attempt in mending the fences prove to be met with contempt and displeasure. Add on the fact that they keep on showing up on my and Peter private time, during all these weeks. It had done nothing but cement my displeasure of SHIELD. In fact, they had angered me so much that, I had been contemplating on just how I could screw over SHIELD in the future once HYDRA pop out, just like a xenamorphe from it victim chest.
"Better to be here making sure you don't run off. Like the coward you are." Her musical voice was drip heavely in venoms. Anger was smouldering vividly in her deep dark brown eyes.
"I get that you and the other have hunted me for years. But I still don't understand this rage you have for me? Im also loosing patience, over your constant sabotage in my running of my company. At least keep your attacks on me and not drag other innocent into it." I met her anger filled eyes without flinching, before my transformation I might have avoided her staire. Now it took more of my self control not to bash her into a bloody pulp, form the constant aggressive violent pheromone she was releasing.
Kimimela look away, her cheeks had a small reddening from shame. But in the end she still refuse to answer my demands. I grinded my teeth in frustration, in a attempt to smother my growing need of simply ripping off her arm and beating her with it. The image help in calming down my emotion, it had the effect of giving me a savage smile toward Kimimela. Only for her to respond by her own feral smile. As she took out the axe that never left her side, placing it on the desk. In a silent invite for me too make the first move.
Holding back my instinct, from wanting to jump over my desk, and caving to her provacation into luring me into breaking the deal with SHIELD. In the negotiation I had in my dinning table, a few clause were iron out later by the legal team. One of the more annoying clause was for me in having from refraining from using any form of violence no matter what. Only in extreme circumstance was I allowed in resorting to using force. If I didn't abide by these clause, my familly and life would no longer be protected. It would be mark as a criminal, to be hunted down either capture or killed would be my only two choices.
Hell, during the negotiation with Fury and later with SHIELD legal team. I was abel to confirm that they only knew about a third of what I had done. Which was impressive, but it still demonstrated that I was still being underestimated. It was a good thing as well, ever since a few years back, I had started to notice more and more of Jarvis work in the dark web. Tony truly had created a incredible being, it was still in its infancy but my god, he was a fricking genius.
The silver lining in all my frustration during the past few weeks, was that all this hostile atmosphere, was pushing my control into over drive. The down side was that my cloning training was put on hold. Not a day went past, that I didn't find my home infested with replace spy bugs, of course I was removing them all every time. This did make it impossible in properly training my cloning ability, the only practice that came close was when I despawn and respawn Alpha.
On the other hand the lent of time I could keep Alpha active, along his limited morphing ability was getting better and better. I could keep myself in human shape up to twenties hours, I had to admit the constant surveillance was pushing my limits too the breaking point. As for the invite Clint had offered me, well until I started my training with SHIELD. I was denied access to both Nat and Clint, the two only friends I had in SHIELD right now.
Uncle's Ben favorite phrase keep ringing in my ears, helping me in holding on from acting on my increasing violent emotional build up. Beside, breaking the agreement would bring down the full might of SHIELD on my head. Something I was positive about being far from ready in taking on, as I was right now it would be the height of stupidity and desperation if I was to make SHIELD my ennemy before I was ready in shouldering that trial.
I also refuse in leaving my familly behind especially when they still needed me. I would not just trow them away, just to satisfy my growing urge of beating this group of five into the ground. Also there was one more reason why I didn't. One reason to which I found this problem getting even more complicated. Were acting on my impulse migth cost me more than I bargain for, on one hand I was happy but on the other, this problem filled me with dread.
Keeping the frosty silence in the room going, as I keep ignoring Kimimela. I focus on the mountains of paper work that seem to grow larger daily. I swear, ever since Helena my new secretary kick out my old one. I found myself force into doing more over time, since she was barely doing the minimum of her s'oppose job. This made me grind my teeth in frustration, since she wasn't so much as making my life harder. But putting the life of people working for me at risk.
For the thousand time, I prayed that this bunch of nitwit, prove to turn in being HYDRA in the future. As I was lightly grinning in the delusion of how satisfying that would be, the next part of why Kimimela was such a pain as well as the reason the situation had turn so complicated walk in the door. Without my secretary so much as giving me a heads up, another mark in my black book of vengence on her behalf.
"Hey drop out! Hows its going." Naomi walk in with a massive grin on her face.
A more relax smile spread om my face, as I spotted my best friend making herself comfortable in a chaire facing Kimimela. I saw Kimimela sit up straighter and focus fully on Naomi. A part of me found it funny and another felt like banging my head on my desk. Ever since Naomi saw Kimimela, she would find whatever excuse she could come up with, all so she could pay her a visit in my office.
"Oh Im good, except for the wooden statue in the room." Nodding with my chin in the direction of Kimimela.
"Not cool, you shouldn't be such an ass, toward such a lovely work of art." Naomi turn giving a heated grin toward Kimimela. Kimimela ended up turning a light shade of red at the complement, still she never look away from Naomi steamy gaze.
I held back from clicking my tong at such blatant betrayal. Apparently the phrase bros before hos, only went so far. Still this was so much better then the hostile silence I was usually subjugated to. My hope and dread was that Naomi could shine a light on the origin of the hostility, from this group of agent. I wasn't thrilled in having to resorted in using my best friend this way. Even less with the though of her and Kimimela becoming a thing.
That of course lasted only a moment, as I reminisce on the memory of me stupidly asking her to come to my office for moral support. Only for her to fall madly infatuated once she met with Kimimela, well they both found an undeniable attraction too each other.
Hell if I was being honest, Naomi was switching partners more often then I could count. At some point, I had stop trying to learn her new girlfriends names, since by the time I learn it, she would either have move on or been dump. A part of me was happy seeing my best friend find someone she was very interested in, another part was frustrated that this persone was Kimimela.
It was complicates, her family background was a big factor as well in her personal quest for love. From the bits and pieces, I have gather over the years, I was fairly certain that she and her family practice Chi. Now just who they were, or if they were tangled with the Hand or perhaps another group, that I had no clues. I apparently was to be keep in the dark, about her family legacy in being Chi partitioner. The only reason I knew that they could use Chi, was thanks to Peter who was initiate in the very basic.
Nothing major, but I was damn sure that just this bit would make him into a even stronger Spiderman. The fact that I her best friend was never introduce to it, told me either one of two things. One I wasn't trust worthies enough to learn about it. Which if true, would deeply offend my feeling, so I went for the second option. That is, I had no talent in Chi, so it just wasn't worth even trying to teach me about it.
So here they are, the two love birds just lost in their own little world, as they gaze deep into each other eyes. Of course so far both seem to be holding back. Naomi in a last shread of loyalty to me, and Kimimela in a morbid sense of duty and protest toward me, for whatever reason the thing that was motivating her hatred of me keep her from going past flirting stage with Naomi.
My secret hope slash dread was that Naomi could whisk away Kimimela focus completely on her. Leaving me with only four other annoying flies buzing arround me. So far I had no so luck or misfortune on that side. These five seem determined in turning me against SHIELD. Like if they would much prefer making me into an enemy instead of a friend.
As I sat focusing in getting the pile of paper work down. The constant background noise of the two women talking, was like a pleasant nauseating gut punch. Compare to the frosty silence and heavy murderouse environment, I was usually under. I much prefer having the annoying flirting in the back ground, instead of the freezer like static I was under every other day. Just another day at the office....at least until I started boot camp for SHIELD.
Kimimela POV
In the corner of her eyes she keep watch on her target. It was getting harder ever since Naomi walk in the room. Most of her focus was all on her, the object of her desire and guilt. As she smiled and made small talk she couldn't help the smile that refuse to go away. When ever Naomi was looking or talking to her she was grinning like an idiot for the rest of the day.
Her team had warner her, on multiple time not to get to close to Naomi. But it was hard when the beautifull half asian was any were near her. All her anger and focus just went out the window so that she could better focus on much better things.
Stomping down on her guilt, not wanting it to ruin this wondrous moment. For the several hundred time she wonder if what they were doing was right. At first, she had been on board in seeking revenge for the death of the team members that the hunt for the Sandman had cause. Sure he wasn't ever directly involve in there death, and it was mostly their haste and lack of caution that had cause their death.
But the reason they had died was all so they could uncover the identity of the hacker Sandman. Only for Fury to send them a text saying that he was found and that SHIELD was cutting a deal, all so that this criminal could join SHIELD. The rest of the team were furious, she and the rest didn't care on why the order of captured had change. Only that all that they had suffered in the past during all these years, we're ignored all so that SHIELD could get a new tool.
Despite there disatifaction with SHIELD decision, they were still loyal agents of SHIELD. So looking through the contract they found there last hope in bringing down this criminal scum. They had to provoke him in attacking, she was pick since with her ability being in the same room. She would be abel to tell a few second before he attack giving her the best chance at surviving and stricking this bastard down.
Only after meeting him for the first time, and after some time and investigation his past. She had started too question the amount of anger she had place on the Sandman. Sure he was a hacker, but from al she could see he didn't seem to be such a terrible person. Hell the most violence act he had ever committed, was in defence of two high level agents.
Not being sure how the rest of the team really felt on this, but she did see that most were still holding on their pain and anger. She keep going with the rest of the teams plan in slowly sabotaging everything in his life. Only they were getting more and more calls from Fury who was royaly piste off from their current actions. They were only one more call away, from being pulled and replace by another team.
One more call from possibly never seeing this asian beauty, she subtly bit her lip. Wondering if risking it all, for a grudge that was misplace from the begining, was really the best of decision. Looking at Naomi smilling warm flush face, her resolve in walking down the road the rest of her team was walking seem more and more like a fools crusade. Bit by bit she could feel her resolve crumbling as her heart beat faster, as she imagine Naomi delicate lip on her own.
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