《One man army in a marvel universe》The chains of freedom
"I got to say. If you don't make it as an agent. I could alway hire you as my personal chef." Fury place his utensil on the empty plate. With a satisfied expression, with a few tong swipe inside of his mouth he savoured the reminisce taste of my chicken. Taking out a cigarette as he lit it up, exhaling an impressive smoke ring up in the air. With a relax air he eyed me over from the opposite side of the table.
"Are you going to finish that?" He pointed toward my half eaten meal. A smug smile on his face, I spotted the flash of amusement in his eye.
It took a great deal of myself control, not to get up and bash his face in. Not even the heavenly taste of the meal, could bring back my appetite. Looking down at the chicken, I felt cheated of all my hard work. I mean sure I knew that I would have to contact SHIELD. Just not like this, when Fury waltz right in. I had to take, quick control of my emotion, preventing myself from doing something stupid, only to have no choices but to jump out the window and running for the hills.
Having Fury walk in my home, acting like he own the place, it left a bad after taste in my mouth. Ever since I had seen him. I was in a constant struggle with my own instinct, were they were screaming at me to break one of his limb, just so he could know just who was boss. But that might just be the rage talking, instead I tried too acted like a proper host. An slithy angry host, but a host nothing less, especially since I could make out some faint noise from outside. No doubt, he had an army out there just incase, I prove to be uncivilized.
"There wasn't a need to visit. I would've come in, once the thing with Natalia and Clint were resolve." I keep my tone neutral but it still had a small edge in it. I was trying not to allow my growing sense of alarm to get out of control, from the fact that the director of a globle spy agency was sitting across from me. With allot of armed men ready at any second, from blasting open the walls of my house at just the first faint rumor of hostility.
"What, and miss your face once I walk in on you. Oh no, I wanted to personally come and see you." With a certain amount of edge in his tone. He lean in closer, even with a table between us. He suddenly felt way to close for comfort.
Fighting the urge of leaning back, I sat still as I keep my tone as flat as possible, the edge now gone. "As far as I can remember, I can't recall anything that I would've done. Which would warrant such attention of the director of SHIELD." I frown in though as I tried to place this puzzle piece in the right order for it to make any sense. I knew I had a certain reputation, but It seem I had highly underestimated just how much of a target, I had made myself out to be in all these years.
Fury gave me a cold smiled, I felt a faint shiver run up my spine at his predatory grin. I felt more like some prey who had suddenly spotted a hunter pointing his weapon on it. "Oh but you are somewhat of a illusive mark in my personal black book, for a few years now." He had his elbows on the table, as he supported his chin with one of his fist. Puffing another perfect ring in my direction.
"You see, for years now we have only caught, some whispers of your presence. Only learning of your involment in certain cases from behind the scene. Of course every damn time, we only learn too late that it was you behind some of it. As so, after a few years it has become somewhat of a unique cat and mouse game, we have been playing with you. Of course its been difficult since you weren't like the typical hacker, unlike your kind you always went the extra mile in hidding your presence." He lean back attracting my full attention, despite my discomfort. I couldn't help but be a little curious in knowing how SHIELD saw me. I was also in awe of the masterful way he spoke. He had my full attention, as he wielding his words in such a way that I had no choice but to stick with his every word.
He gave me another wolfish grin at the obvious discomfort and excitement that was plastered on my face. Looking straight into my eyes, he grin knowing he had my full attention. "Are little tracker, has had a small obsession with you. Since you have been like a certain white whale for her to catch, from the very beginning of her recruitment in SHIELD. In fact, she was very disappointed, in not being the one allowed from rushing inside and beating the living hell out of you. You should be thanking me."
I was surprise by what he had revealed, it seem I had been on their radar from much longer then I had thought. I soon frown as I piece what he had just said, about that tracker, no doubt this was an attempt in manipulating my feelings. "If only half of what they say about you is true. Then why do I get the impression, that you had a hand in forming her unhealthy obsession in catching me." I raise my eyebrow in question, no way in hell was I letting him establishing some bullshit gratitude in the back of my mind, not without a fight. On a problem, I was about 99.9% sure was of his making.
"Now, now don't be like that. You have had us run after you for so long, all over the world for quite some time now. Its normal for a few agent with the task of catching a wanted criminal, to become heavily invested in his capture." The smug look said allot on his involvement, and in my future personal stalker issues. The worse was that we both knew, that I couldn't do shit in stopping this future headache.
"So that your plan. Using my past against me, as we negotiated my recruitment in SHIELD." I grimace, as I felt like the condition he was about too bring at the table, would have me bleed heavily all so that I could get what I desperatly needed.
"Well, can you blame me. I for one, know very well that you have a few super soldier serum formulas, in that head of yours. You will deliver those formulas to a team outside after I leave, also if you have made any breakthrough, with any of them you will also give that to us as well." A hard light was in his eye, when he said that. From it I could see that Fury was looking for things that could level the playing field for SHIELD agent out in the field. Considering what they had too face on a daily basis, I could understand, it didn't mean I had to like it.
It was just terribly unfortunate, that I had no desire in watching SHIELD grow too powerful. Especially since I knew that HYDRA was playing parasite inside of SHIELD. What had happen with Nat and Clints was a big flag, beside I had a few close calls with Zola. So now begun the nasty negotiations session against Fury. The bastard wasn't pulling his punches, he came at me strong leaving me with little choices but to concede allot more then I had wanted too.
We spend an hour going back and forth, I was force to bring out more and more hidden ace's. All so that I could better my position inside of SHIELD. I went from a front line thug with a short leash, to a field slash lab agent. I was still fumming on having to give up three more super soldier serum to SHIELD. As well as all my research data on my prototype healing potion. Throw in a few schematic on exo skeleton power suits I had been working on, it seem Fury had come in much more prepare then I did. I felt like he had walk in my room in the mist of me pulling my pants down, only for him to take a photo of the action.
It was all worth it since, I had bought myself a year. Hopefully enough time to master or at least getting my cloning, as well as my morphing ability up to were I needed it to be. I gloomily watch as Fury practically hop skip out of my front door. If I could see his face, I would no doubt see a massive chester shire grin on his ebony face. One of the more annoying condition was that, I had a fricking watch dog set on me for a year. He had phrase it as if it was for my protection, but it was clear that whoever it was going to be, will no doubt turn into a massive pain in the butt.
"Should we go after those outside sir?" Alpha came out carrying a tray with a hot chocolate with some marshmallow in it. I had spawn him in the upstairs bathroom, after a few words with Fury, I had excuse myself so that I could spawn a clone. After that he had come down an acted exactly like he had when Nat and Clint had been in my home.
It seem his presence hadn't surprise Fury in anyway. That was good news, it seem that for now SHIELD had absolutely no idea of my complete ability. Keeping Alpha active, will have to be something I will have to keep up in order to avoid suspicion. It would make for a good training, a little risky but the pressure would push me in mastering this ability.
Sighing out loud, as I pick up the mug from the tray. After lightly blowing on the hot chocolate. "Don't bother, my guest is if I was to move erratically right now. I would just be playing right in Fury palm. I get the feeling this is some kind of tests, one about my self restrained. I believe that my actions at the appartment has raise a few eyebrows." Even if the drink was sweet, in my mouth it tasted bitter with my new found leash around my neck.
The feeling of being chain and cage by another, was proving to be an unpleasant experience. Sadly the alternative was far worse, if I tried in resisting this new chain. Going on the run, with so many people counting on me. It would prove to be a death sentence, it had too many risk on my survival. No this was for the better, it wasn't like it was only getting the stick, there was also plenty of carrots to go around in this deal.
For one, I would get plenty of support from a globlal spy agency, well for some time at least. I would be also instructed in all kinds of spy training. From fighting, to sneaking and avoiding detection, plus all kinds of tips and trick that would go a long way in helping me in my search of other organization, like for instance finding a few magical society. Of course I would need to be discreet, I didn't want SHIELD being introduce to that aspect of the world. That was of course if they weren't already aware of magic. With the ancient one around, I was betting that they were still in the dark.
Lets not forget that I would also get limited access too all kinds of new toys, I had no doubt that much would be restricted but I would still have access to some of the data, at least I hope. The help of other brilliant minds working on some of my projects would be a good boon as well. Of course, I had no attention of giving out the best super soldier formulas. I would offer the more unstable faulty one, or at least the one's I knew too have some glaring weakness in their fabrication. It did mean that I was force in presenting a battery, I had been working on. It was what powered the exo, it was a far cry from Tony brilliant arc reactor. It could only work for six hours before needing to recharge, still it was powerful and portable.
It was a giving, that the Hyde formulas was to be presented. Offering most of my research on it as well. I of course would conveniently forget certain details, like my parents special suitcase formulas. For as long as possible, I would hide that genius discovery. I had little doubt that it wasn't the only delivery formulas around, but I was confident that it was in the top three in the world. This would slow down any human trials in the future. Perhaps long enough for me to do something in nipping this problem for any progress in this particullar field.
Getting up I took with me the half drunk mug of hot chocolate, making my way to my lab. I figure it wouldn't be long before the team Fury had spoken about, would be banging on my door demanding the data on the super soldier formulas. Pausing at the entrance, I looked back at my half eaten chicken. "Throw that out would you Alpha. After that, clean the place up then wait at the door and anwser it when the team arrives. Alert me when they are inside."
Once in the lab, I sat down infront of my computer. Starring absently at the monitor, I was momentary at a lost on what to do. I knew what I had to do, but Fury descent seem to have stomp out a great deal of my earlier enthusiasm.
("Sir! Quickly open the tv at the news! You must see this!") Alpha sended over with his mind in a excited tone.
Confuse, I saw that he had lightly block access to what it was he was seeing. I could feel his excitement bleeding over in are telephatic link. This new turn of event had me intrigue, getting up I made my way toward the nearest tv from me.
Fliping the chanels around until I found the news. On it was a reporter frantically, looking behind him as he went on about a lab explosion at Berkeley California nuclear biotechnology institute. He went on, saying that so far no one was hurt but many floors had been destroyed in this odd explosion.
Weirdly enough, there didn't seem to be any flames in the after math of the destruction. But a few witness said that, they had spotted a big thing shooting up from the roof. So far no one had a clue on what that thing was, and nothing seem to have landed anywhere near in the area, at least that expert could see for now. The reported then turn toward a firefighter as he interview him about the likely cause of this explosion.
Letting the reported jabering on with the firefighter, I was stun as this place was somewere I had been keeping an eye on. I had no clue if my hunch was right, or this could be a big coincidence. This was one of many places I had decided too keep watch over. I knew that at some point, the Hulk would be born. So I keep tabs on every nuclear research institute in the country.
Not knowing which one it could be, of course this could also happen on some secret military base in the middle of nowhere. I was kind of fuzzy on the details, I did try in finding a scientist called Bruce Banner. Oddly enough I found nothing on that end, I found plenty of scientist called Bruce but no Banner. So I gave up on that front and just loosely monitor the research for any sudden accidents.
"Is this it? Does this mean that the Hulk is born? Or is this just a freak accident. I know that in a few more years Tony will also have his rebirth as Ironman." Staring out into space, I was shaking out of it once Alpha sended another message about the SHIELD team knocking on my door. At the same time, I could faintly hear many running feets getting into cars and driving away.
Considering all action on the current event, it was more then likely that this was the Hulk first night out. "Well, looks like things are heating up now." Turning back toward my lab, I sended a message to delay my new guest for as long as possible, all so that I could have more time in selecting the files I would offer.
- In Serial33 Chapters
Out of Foxes to Give
When you’re reincarnated as Naruto Uzumaki you do one of two things: cheer because you remember the story and are able to abuse your future knowledge, or realize that you’re in a world where they train child soldiers who throw fireballs and explosions around like candy and reasonably freak out. In a sense you’re either screwed or screwed but you know why. I didn’t really read Naruto when I was a kid. However, had I known that it would be useful in death, I would have! And I’m certainly regretting it now! ———————————— A definite AU for Naruto. I’m going to remove some parts and add some others for the sake of plot holes(so if something doesn't seem quite right it's probably intended... maybe), but I’ll try to stick to as close to how the Naruto-verse works. Also, say goodbye to canon! Also, disclaimer, I do not own Naruto as that belongs solely to Kishimoto. I do, however, own this story. Source for the pictures(as in I can't draw that well and they are not mine): Kurama:http://orig10.deviantart.net/2baa/f/2013/258/2/e/pup_kurama__nine_tailed_fox___naruto__by_dennismennis13-d6mfjuu.png Naruto:https://www.deviantart.com/byhatakekakashi/art/naruto-chibi-327169893
8 214 - In Serial11 Chapters
Dawn of the System
The world as we knew it ended after an alien civilization invaded earth, but in the end, mankind prevailed thanks to the invention of Omega, a system that could modify genes in real time. Everybody in 2119 knows this story, everybody except for Richard, a college student who wakes up in his bed a century in the future and inside the body of a dragon-like monster. With abhorrent creatures roaming the destroyed cities and with those who were supposed to be his allies now turning on him, it’ll be difficult to survive in this harsh world and discover the truth of his past.
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Heaven's App
Liam was at the point of his life where he couldn't care about anything at all. After being kicked out of his classroom from sleeping, he opened his phone just to notice that it doesn't have any app besides one. The Heaven's App. Having nothing to do, for the time being, he curiously opened it and he saw things that weren't quite pleasing to him. "This is lame." After a few interactions with the app, he vanished into thin air. He opened his eyes and realized that he came back to time. No, he teleported into an alternative world where monsters live to destroy humanity. With the mysterious app he received, he decided to turn the world around his way. --- --- --- cover art: Polygonatic
8 68 - In Serial10 Chapters
When Earth Sneezed A Dungeon (A LitRPG)
No one knows why but there was once a time when Earth made such a loud sneeze that millions went deaf, and a dungeon popped up out of nowhere. It was filled with monsters, riches, and death. A hundred years later a person known as Terax stood beside the bed of his dying father. He gave Terax a golden pendant and told him that, "You must head for the dungeon, because..." And with that, his father passed away before telling him the reason. That pissed Terax off, so he headed to the dungeon to find out what his father wanted to tell him.
8 117 - In Serial22 Chapters
The Lost Archon
One early spring afternoon, sixteen-year-old Reid is going for a walk when he finds a magical occurrence taking him to another world. A world where he is considered an impossible mage - and where he becomes ridiculously powerful quickly. Though he's happy for the adventures he can go on and the friends he makes, Reid also wants to find out how he got there and why, and if there's a way to return home to his parents. Reid's priorities in this new world are learning magic, going on a few adventures, dealing with his feelings for the cute wolfkin Terrence Windfang, and seek an audience with the gods. All but one of them, he finds, is significantly easier than he expected. This is a participant in the [April 2022 Royal Road Writathon Challenge]. The story is also concluded as of 4/26/2022. IMPORTANT NOTES: 1) This is a story about an OP guy doing OP guy things. There will be few fights that he struggles with, and he will rarely, if ever, find his life in peril. 2) This is a slice-of-life and adventure story, which means that there will be periods of chapters without any action or conflict, but also periods of chapters with battles and exploration/adventure. 3) There will be NO petty squabbles or conflicts going on in this story, because it is meant to be a fun one, not a high-tension, drama-filled story. So it will NOT be that. If you want lots of action or lots of conflict, then find another story to read because this isn't it. 4) There will never be an overarching evil/villain/conflict to deal with in this story. Ever. 5) This story will not contain sexual content as it will end after Book 1. As such, Reid and his future boyfriend will never reach 18+ years of age in-story, so they will never have sex in the story. There will also be no harem in this story. 6) This is a part of the Royal Road April 2022 Writathon Challenge. 7) This story takes place in its own story universe, with its own rules. Please keep that in mind when reading it and other stories.
8 197 - In Serial45 Chapters
Heathers The Musical Preferences
Characters Include:-Veronica Sawyer-Jason Dean-Martha Dunnstock-Ram Sweeney-Kurt Kelly-Heather Chandler-Heather Duke-Heather McNamara-Betty Finn
8 88