《The First Light Mage》15. A New Job


Outside on the street, Liam sees a boy, around ten years old, standing on the corner handing out flyers, he walks over to him. “Mister, we have a twenty percent discount at Nakamura Dinner If you bring this flyer” The boy thrusts the flyer into Liam’s empty hand. Not wanting to be impolite he takes the flyer and folds it up into his pocket. “Where is this Diner?” questions Liam. “Oh sorry, I forgot to say, it’s newly opened on Fairview Avenue, there are loads of good restaurants there! But of course, this one is the best. Please show the flyer if you go there.” The young boy quickly finishes the sales pitch. “I’ll be sure to check it out” Liam replies with a smile, while patting his front pocket.

After a brisk walk to Fairview Avenue, Liam is bombarded by a series of new sounds and smells. The sweet aromas, fragrant aromatic herbs, and the rich scents of fried meats. Liam took it all in, for several years now he had survived on simple foods, whatever basics he could afford from working odd jobs or occasional fruits and vegetables which Oak provided for him. A short queue shuffles forward outside of a mellow orange building, Nakamura Diner. With his stomach grumbling in complaint, Liam ignores this and looks around for other options.

Slightly further down the street past the Diner there is an elegant wooden building, some characters which Liam cannot read are painted above the entrance in simple red lettering. Drawn in by the interesting aesthetic and earthy scents, Liam pushes open the door and walks inside.

A waiter with Asian features introduced himself to Liam and then showed him to his seat. After sitting down, the waiter hands him a piece of wood with more of the same graceful characters written on it. “Sorry Kaito, but I can’t read this language, do you have a different menu or perhaps you could make a recommendation?”

The waiter bows deeply and says “My apologies young sir, most guests who visit here are familiar with Bakuran. We do not have menus in the common tongue at this time, however I can recommend the grilled Lionfin Shark, it just arrived a few hours ago. Considering the rarity and difficulty of catching such a creature, there is an additional fee.

I haven't had fancy food since father was around, might as well treat myself. A wide smile spreads across Liam’s face “That won’t be a problem, could you also bring me something to drink? Whatever you would recommend is fine.” The waiter disappears with a bow. Two minutes later he returns carrying a wide handled glass filled with an amber liquid. He sets the glass down in front of Liam who inspects the strange drink.

Sweet Peach Tea

A simple brew of tea and peach slices served with ice. It will help with meditation exercises.

Liam lets out a satisfying “ahhh” sound after taking a few sips from a simple bamboo straw, the drink is refreshing and delicious. Several minutes later the waiter returns once more carrying a streaming plate of food. Liam examines this too.


Grilled Lionfin Shark

An expertly prepared cut of Lionfin Shark, a small part of the creature’s fierce constitution remains in this meat.

It was served atop some brown rice and some kind of green vegetable Liam is unfamiliar with. He quickly tucks into the food. Half an hour later, Liam wanders outside after paying. That was so good, although pricy too! That money from Wainstain isn’t going to last forever, I’m going to need to find some kind of income eventually.

Liam ponders his finances while wandering through the street. He makes his way back to Grayhawk Row.

Inside of the Boarelk’s Tusk , Liam sits at the bar talking to the bartender. “So, two weeks basically until I can attend, I do have enough for a while but I think it would be best if I had at least some money coming in.” complained Liam.

“Well Lad, I’d offer you to help out around here, but we are fairly full up, and most of the men would rather see a cute serving girl than your ugly mug” joked Godrick as he reached over to ruffle Liam’s hair. “What are you good at? I could put in a good word for you at the brewery, wouldn’t be much mind you, few handfuls of copper each week.”

“I’m kind of a late bloomer when it comes to the whole spirit thing, although I can move quite fast, I’ve a light spirit and it helps a lot… I think?” Liam replies. “Not a clue here, I never was much of a studious one myself, never heard of a light spirit. But if you really can run, then I think Jonah is looking for new help. I’m sure you have heard him yelling at that Parker kid.” Answers Godrick. “Hmm, not a bad idea, I’ll head over there right away, thanks!” Liam answers excitedly, while standing up and moving toward the exit. Godrick grins at his reaction and returns to polishing silverware.

The teenager rushes down the street and quickly stops in front of Jonah’s Jolting Couriers. With a gentle, push he enters the building, a bell jingles faintly above the door as he does so. A dark haired main with a beefy moustache walks forward. “Don’t worry sonny your letter has already gone out young Parker went out with it first thing this morning.”

“Oh no, it’s not about that. Well, you see, I’d like a job sir.” Liam asks timidly. “Job? No jobs here, all freelance, best thing in the world for a kid your age. You quick on your feet son? We have some very demanding clients here.” Jonah replies. “Yes Sir, I only awoke my powers a year ago, but I have a light spirit and I can run really well.” Answers Liam.

“Light spirit eh, never heard of that, usually the speedy types are fire, air or beast. Light is either there or its not there, can’t see how it would be good for running.” Jonah sees Liam is about to interrupt and holds up his hand. “But I’m willing to give you a shot, this came in thirty minutes ago and none of my guys are back yet. Get it there in time and maybe I’ll have some more work for you.” The older man holds up a small cloth parcel, he sets it down on the counter. Liam reaches forward and takes it, tucking it under his arm.


Upon seeing that Liam had no bag, Jonah reaches to a nearby shelf and takes out a leather bag, he passes it to Liam.

Foxhide Courier Satchel

A small bag made from the hide of an elderly fox, despite it’s worn exterior it should keep the contents safe.

Liam secures the package inside and equips the satchel. He is about to head out the door when he seems to remember something important. “Where am I taking this?” he asks.

Jonah pulls back a drawer which has several compartments, he withdraws a piece of paper and hands it over to Liam. F. Hoodsworth, Southern Harbourmaster’s office, Before sundown. “Over to the docks, south side, if you get lost just ask a guard for directions. Make sure he signs that paper as proof of delivery. Now scram kid, clocks ticking.” He ushers him out the door. Liam quickly exits the building.

Hmm, south side of the port. I arrived at the north side, it was dark, but I think I know roughly where this should be. This could be a great job for me, I can practice while making money, I might as well try to impress this guy. Slightly up the street and out of view, Liam bends down on one knee. Focusing on the feeling of the sunlight, he imagines his mana slowly moving down his body, through his legs and finally to his toes. Now feeling his legs bursting with power, Liam takes off at a sprint.

Appearing to onlookers as just a brown and white looking blur, Liam dashes through Eternia City. After passing through the outer western gate, he enters the port area and stops to look at his surroundings. A slope down to his right leads northward, it is mostly filled with workers pulling carts filled with goods in the direction of the city or empty carts toward the waterfront. To his left there is a wider path with several U-shaped bends. The wider path has a lot of foot traffic, mostly townsfolk in nice clothes. Noticing the increased traffic and not wanting to cause any trouble he maintains a light jog, not running so fast as to cause alarm.

A tall building of grey stone overlooks the south side of the port. It rests at the very corner, allowing clear sightlines well into the horizon. Rows of one and two-story warehouses line the port, Liam avoids these and walks to the front entrance of the tall building. Kind of nice to enter through the front and not have to sneak around the back begging for a job. A curious sailor sitting outside of the building gives him a curious glance as Liam enters the building. Past the heavy wooden doors, a loud argument is taking place. “I don’t care if I need an appointment, surely you can make an exception. Lord Monford is very interested in the success of this venture. He would be highly disappointed if I were to return empty handed.” A heavyset man with dark red hair is leaning over the reception desk.

The receptionist, a lithe figured woman with black hair lets out a deep sigh “Mister Monford, I have told you three times already, the Harbourmaster is busy, he simply can not see you right now. If you would like, you may take a seat in his reception, I’m sure that he will see you as soon as possible.”

The man stands up with a groan and stomps up a staircase to Liam’s right. The woman lets out a sigh of relief, before looking up at Liam. “May I help you?” she asks.

“I have something for a F. Hoodsworth” replies Liam, taking the parcel out of his courier bag. “Third office on your left” she answers, gesturing vaguely behind her.

Liam walks down the hallway she motioned to, a large window at the end provides ample light from outside. A vague sound of grunting can be heard from the first office, Liam quickly walks past the first two doors and knocks lightly on the third. A voice calls out from inside “Come in.”

Calling the office messy would be an understatement. An old lunch sits on a table in the corner, various bookcases groan under the weight of the tomes they old, several of which are facing the wrong direction. To the opposite corner of the table there is a chest with several pieces of clothing draped over it. Directly in front of Liam there is a man about the same height as him, he is bent over a desk far too big for him while writing something down. As Liam approaches the desk, package in hand he says “Mister Hoodsworth?”

The man continues writing and answers without looking up at Liam “Yes?” He leans over and consults a giant book. “I have a delivery for you, I work for Jonah’s Jolting couriers” Liam cringes once again at the name. “Oh, I see, just leave it over there on the table” replies the man, gesturing to the over laden table. After carefully shifting a few things around, Liam is able to make room and carefully sets the package down.

He walks back over to the desk and sets down the piece of paper. “I just need your signature here and then I can be on my way” says Liam. The man grabs the paper and jots something down, ending with a flourish. He stretches and looks out the window “Hey you made good time, thanks a lot kid.” he replies, flicking a coin up into the air. Liam quickly snatches the coin and mutters “thanks” before exiting the office.

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