《The First Light Mage》14. Nature


With his application submitted and feeling hopeful for the future for the first time in a long time, Liam makes his way out of the campus grounds. The dueling ring sits empty now and the outdoor class he spotted earlier in the day seems to have moved on. However, there are still plenty of students moving trough the area, most of them are around his age but occasionally Liam spots some that are a bit younger or older.

While walking northbound, Liam is deep in thought. I hope I am not too far behind, most people awaken their spirit around ten years old. It’s a shame I can’t just use some of Lord Wainstein’s money to pay my way in. I will need practice as much as I can in the next two weeks to catch up.

As the midday sun passes over his head, Liam passes through Eternia City on dusty paved roads. Up ahead he hears some commotion, he walks around a bend in the street. There is a strange scene seems to be unfolding before him. A young boy is struggling with the leash of a feathered dog which strains against her, trying to break free. He is wearing a sleek orange outfit which seems to be made of some type of silk, it is decorated with fine gold embroidery. Beside the boy an older man is ineffectively barking instructions at his younger companion. Liam takes a moment to examine the creature.

Juvenile Hawkhound

A young Hawkhound, despite its small size it quite strong. Adults of the species are capable of harnessing wind mana.

The dog is a brown sandy colour and around a meter long from beak to tail. The boy continues to struggle with the dog, knuckles turning white as he grips the leash. Suddenly its head turns starts snapping a sharp beak at the young boy. He falls backwards and drops the leash. The small creature leaps forward, wings unfurling, it gallops towards Liam’s direction. A ball of fire forms in the older mans hand and with an over arm throw he launches a fireball at the fleeing animal. As if sensing the danger, it takes a giant leap with flapping wings, soaring up over Liam’s head. It’s leash trails behind and Liam lunges forward in vain to try and catch it. The leather strap, slick with sweat from the boy, easily slips through his fingers. The fireball smacks into the stone ground, leaving a black scorch mark. The hound continues to gain height as it flies over rooftops. While admiring its speed and grace, Liam’s attention is brought back down to earth when he hears a loud smack.

Up ahead in the street the young boy is rubbing his cheek, nursing a bright red handprint. “That was an expensive beast, boy. You need to spend less time with your nose buried in a book and more in the training yard. How could you let it get away? I told you to show no fear.” The boy mumbles something inaudible in response. “If you weren’t the spitting image of your father, I would think you were adopted, speak up boy. How can you call yourself a Monfort ?” The boy hangs his head in shame while his older companion drags him away. Liam looks on at their retreating forms with a frown.


I suppose everybody has their problems, no matter what their background is. Liam thinks with a sigh, moving past the area.

A while later he comes across a familiar stone archway which serves as an entrance to a lush green park. Verdant Park is painted in white letters on a wooden sign jutting out of the ground. He walks through the entrance, several familiar faces are meditating underneath trees. He ignores them and walks in a different direction this time, to explore more of the area.

After crossing a wooden bridge over a lazy river, Liam sees a dirt path diverging from the main stone one. Curious, he decides to see where it leads. After passing through several small glades, it leads up a small hill and ends before a shrine. A jade tree with tiny carvings of animals etched into it is surrounded by a tiny flowing stream and large variety of flowers and plants. There is a sort of elegance to their seemingly random pattern. A middle-aged man wearing an earth brown hooded robe sits on a large rock below the tree. Several leaves have fallen on him and it would appear that he has not moved in a long time. An aura of tranquillity washes over Liam as he approaches the shrine. Feeling a bit shy, he waits several meters away, not wanting to disturb the druid. A calm voice calls out “You can approach child, this shrine should be enjoyed by all. Depending on your spirit, it may be enlightening should you choose to meditate here.”

“Oh.. thank you, I didn’t want to disturb you, but what do you mean by ‘depending on my spirit’” Liam asked with clear confusion in his voice. ” This is a nature shrine.” He simply replies. Still confused Liam asks “Yes, but what does that mean? Do I need a wood spirit?” Still sitting on the rock, with his back turned to Liam, the druid replies “Wood, earth, water.. even beast. Any that fall in the natural cycle should find this place beneficial. Come join me, have a seat here” He gestures to another large weather worn rock nearby, it’s top smoothed down from years of rain. Liam walks forward and sits down, he still cant make out any distinctive features of the hooded man.

After several minutes of trying and failing to meditate Liam lets out a sigh. It’s just too dark here, the trees around are too big and block out light. This is pointless.

“I feel much frustration in you. Slow your breathing, use that to calm your heart. When you feel stillness, think about the cycle of life.” The man simply instructs. He speaks without moving and his voice is remains just as calm as before.

Liam closes his eyes once more and at first, he just focuses on his breath, taking long shallow breaths. Cycle of life? What does that even mean? Any time I was able to properly meditate even for a little while I was able to actually feel light on my skin. These stupid overgrown trees are blocking everything. Although I suppose they need the light too, and water. It is amazing really, just some light, water and after a while an apple tree can bear fruit.


He starts to think about the growth cycle of any plant that he can name. It takes a long time as his best friend Oak has taught him a fair bit when it comes to plants and trees. Hours later and having run out of plants to think about, Liam opens his eyes. He sits alone in the shrine now, the druid has long since moved on. Liam looks up at the setting sun in the distance, feeling confused.

What the.. I feel like I just sat down here a few minutes ago. It is such a relaxing place, Oak would love it here. Shit, Oak! I completely forgot to let him know I arrived, and everything is alright. He turns and walks out of the area before starting into a jog along the dirt trail. After exiting Verdant Park, Liam runs in the direction of a general store he saw earlier in the day. After spending a few copper pieces in exchange for parchment, a handful of quills and some ink, Liam quickly heads back to the inn.

The Boarelk’s Tusk is very busy this evening, a serving girl who seemed only to be around when things were busiest is weaving through the tables while carrying a tray of glasses. Behind the bar, Godrick’s hands seem to blur as he works in a frenzy. Understanding that he is too busy with other customers, Liam heads up stairs to write his letter.

Less than an hour later Liam has finished his letter, with a sealed scroll in hand he walks downstairs and out the inn’s front door.

Across the street Liam walks into the door of Jonah’s Jolting Couriers, while cringing once more at the name, he approaches the counter. Jonah is sitting down, organising something with his hands out of Liam’s line of sight, upon hearing a customer come in he looks up with a smile. “Ah we are just finished up for the day I’m afraid, but we can take payment now and arrange for delivery first thing in the morning” He seems to have noticed the parchment held firmly in Liam’s hand. “How much will it be to send this to Esterstone?” Liam asks. “Esterstone.. hmm quite a ways distance.” The older man looks down at his desk and consults a thin book. “Unfortunately, all of my flight specialists are on long term deliveries, so air delivery won’t be possible. It will have to be via land or sea I’m afraid, the next boat leaving is tomorrow, so It will arrive three days after that. Over land will be cheaper but take considerably longer” Liam quickly shakes his head at this. “No let’s get it sent out on the boat tomorrow, this is somewhat urgent I’m afraid” He slides the parchment and a few silver coins across the counter.

After retrieving his change, Liam walks out of the store. As he opens the door Liam passes the same teenage kid he saw the previous morning. While walking back across the street to the Boarelk’s Tusk Liam hears a yell behind him “Parker, you’re late again!”.

With his stomach full after a huge evening meal and glass or two of ale, Liam is feeling quite happy. All evening he felt like is bursting with energy, still feeling envigored Liam drops down to the floor and starts to exercise. A great deal of push ups and sit ups later, Liam collapses in bed and is snoring just moments later.

Liam awakens as the morning sun passes through his window. After several moments laying there, just enjoying the feeling of sunlight, he hops out of bed. With a thought, he brings up his status.






Light(Foundling Stage)



Liam thinks to himself. Finally, it went up to five! Although what does that even mean. I suppose I do feel a bit stronger and faster compared to last week. I really should be using mana, it seems wasteful to leave it full all day. I wonder what other uses for light I can think of, maybe I can do some kind of blast to dodge and move quickly, like that mage did earlier. Enhancing my strength or speed is a lot of fun, although it feels very draining. I really hope that I can go to Ezalor and learn this stuff properly.

After getting dressed for the day and heading downstairs, Liam smells some kind of oat porridge cooking from the kitchen. Not very appealing Liam thinks to himself. He sees Godrick sweeping up in the corner. “Morning Godrick, good crowd last night?” Liam greets. “Aye lad, mostly the same old faces but a few extra guards in too. Apparently, some idiot alchemist burned down half of Fengfang Square. They were celebrating after finally getting off cleaning duty.” Feeling very aware of his beating heart, Liam takes a breath “Wow, that’s terrible. Was anybody hurt?” He asks. “Ah no, nothing too bad, a few minor burns but the healers were able to patch everybody up. A lot of damage was done to buildings, the magistrate is holing that alchemist responsible, so he has to pay for all of the damages caused. He was spouting some nonsense about sabotage, but nobody is buying it.” Godrick replies with a sigh. “Well, that’s good then, I’m glad nobody was hurt.” Says Liam, and then quickly changing the subject. “About my accommodation, the entrance exam for Ezalor is in twelve days, so I’ll pay for another two weeks if that’s alright. You mentioned something about a discount?” The teenager asks with a smile.

After paying for the next two weeks stay, Liam heads out in search for food. Not feeling particularly interested in the porridge and also trying to avoid any further conversation about the previous nights’ events.

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