《The Wolfram Chronicles》Chapter 28 - The War Meeting
The days were winding down, and the seasons were changing; fall and winter were right around the corner, and yet Askal was still determined to launch an invasion in what they viewed would take only a month to achieve their goals. Kendirewen was in dire straights as it was, with both the Dutchy of Lespa and the Republic of Radriusau encroaching upon Kendirewen's diminishing army. Were it not for the victory at the hills, they would've pushed onto the capital. Such weaknesses were seen by Askal, who harboured no secrets in wanting to claim a piece of the pie-- hoping to claim fertile farmlands for themselves so they might feed their population.
In the past, Kendirewen had managed to avoid outright confrontation with the Askal Emirates through trade, funnelling food and supplies down south, with the promise that the southern nation did not try to engage in any military conflicts with their army. The deal worked until now. Someone had been rousing up support for an invasion, pushing the Emirates into pressuring their Sultan to muster together an army to invade. The Sultan had initially refused, only approving after threats of revolt.
For the past six months, Askal had put together a large enough force to break the small defensive line that separated the two nations. The Kendirewen spy network within Askal had moved quickly and quietly to the border to alert Marshal Franz. He, in turn, began to put together a new army, though smaller in size compared to others due to the continued attacks by the Republic and Dutchy. Despite the odds, he made a calculated gamble, betting on a man known by no one, but had already done more than others had in winning what would've been a loss and even going so far as to promise new technologies and ride creatures once thought extinct into battle. Franz was putting everything on this man and his highly experimental unit-- the Dragon Marines...
"Vance! Vance! Wake up!" Richard shouted toward Vance to wake up. Slowly, Vance came to upon his steed, shaking his head, looking sleepily out into the vast empty skies high above the clouds. “What…?” He mumbled with a yawn, looking towards Richard, who shot him a scowl. “I'm up; I'm up...” he yelled back.
"Really? You're sleeping? At a time like this?" He pointed toward a prominent city of tents in the distance.
"Relax, Richard. The flight was five hours, and we're bound to be fighting longer than that if Askal intends to launch a full campaign." He noted back in reply, stretching out as he fully awoke.
Looking down, he noted the large barge that contained the other nine hundred Marines, carried high into the air via the hundred Wyverns and their riders, who looked more worried about a line breaking in the tether that was tied to each of the lesser dragons. Vance could understand their fear, as he had expressed much the same days earlier when Lara had come to show him the barge alongside Richard-- the latter of which didn't seem too sold on the idea either. She had expressed absolute confidence the form of transportation would work, but it was something that'd never been done before, much less tested.
Vance shuddered at the thought, not wanting to think about the damage to the regiment if even one line were to break. But, thankfully, the trip had proved uneventful, and as they flew towards the camp, he felt his breath grow more effortless, and his apprehension faded on the hulk of wood banded together via metal braces.
As the formation of Wyverns came ever closer to the camp, cheers and cries of surprise rang out from below as the soldiers and civilians part of the baggage train looked up in disbelief at the sight before their eyes. It was a great many of firsts for everyone down there, as they looked up in awe and shock at the picture of a hundred Wyverns flying in formation, mounted by soldiers who dressed more like heavy Cavalry than riders. Though that shock only grew into more questions as the hulk they carried and gently set down in the open field nearby, unloaded hundreds of similarly dressed individuals, brandishing strange rifles slung over each individual's shoulder.
Looking down, Vance couldn't help but chuckle as he then turned to Estrid, who rode opposite of him via the right-hand side --while Richard was on the left-- and gave her a nod.
Nodding in the affirmative, the helmeted raven-haired Major turned to the rest of the formation, "Company! Let the lines loose!" She called out, her order being repeated by a dozen NCO's and officers.
As the tethers came loose, the Wyverns shook with relief as the great weight was finally gone, setting them free to move and fly around if given the opportunity.
Yet, such a chance wouldn't come to fruition as the following order was bellowed, "Land and dismount!"
All one hundred Wyverns swooped down, carrying their riders safely to the earth below so they may rejoin with the rest of their Marines.
Undoing his harness, Vance was first to swing his leg up and over and jump down. He gave Magic a few affectionate pats on the neck before a purple coated officer bearing the rank of colour, displayed by the wreathed crossed spear and sword below the crowned lion. Vance turned and saluted the superior officer, who responded in kind.
"Damn me, that was quite the show, man! Quite the show indeed!" He started, rushing to shake Vance's hand. "Ah forgive my lack of manners, Colonel Jonathan Horne, Count of Garath, commander of his Royal Majesties thirteenth Infantry of Foot. At your service, Sir." He introduced himself, even going so far as to share his noble title.
Vance nodded, returning the gesture, "Lieutenant Colonel Vance Wolfram, commander of the Dragon Marines First Regiment." He responded.
"Ah, I see a lack of title in your name, Sir." Pulling back, the man began to examine Vance, looking him up and down, but shrugged, "Well, no matter! I'm not one to judge whether someone has a title or not!" He barked with a laugh, "Rather, I find myself more intrigued. It's not every day you see a commoner lead a Regiment, more so one as finely dressed and armed such as yourselves." The Colonel noted.
Vance nodded, smiling lightly as he pulled his gloves off, "Yes, I suppose. Most of my officers are commoners as well, save the handful sent by the Marshal some months ago." Vance replied.
Estrid walked up shortly after Vance had finished making his reply, prompting Vance to introduce his XO, "Major quickly, I'd like you to meet Lord Colonel Horne of the Thirteenth Regiment."
Estrid snapped at attention, the heels of her boots snapping together as she gave a stiff salute to the superior officer before she was waved at ease by the Horne.
"I say, you have quite the command under you," Horne noted as he checked out Estrid.
Vance quickly coughed into his hands, changing the subject, "Yes, well, the matter of my officers in their appearance shouldn't be up for debate, but rather our skill and equipment."
"Quite right! I apologize, my Lady; I meant no offence."
"None taken, my Lord," Estrid replied, quickly putting her training as a receptionist at work as she put on a mask of civility despite her disgust.
Vance knew better, though, as he glanced over at her, seeing a small wrinkle near her right eye, telling him she was upset. In the past six months, he'd worked with her-- he'd come to learn more about his XO and had even discovered a few of her subtle quirks.
"Well, I must say, I am quite looking forward to seeing what this new Regiment has in store for us! Hardly every day you get to witness literal myths come before you after all, haha!" Horne exaggeratingly laughed.
"Don't worry; there'll be plenty to see and witness once the fighting starts. But, in the meantime, I suppose I should report to the General in command." Vance said, trying to move past the subject.
Nodding, the Colonel pursed his lips and cast his gaze down for a second as he sidestepped, quickly recalling where the General's tent was, "Ah! Yes, you'll find the General at her tent near the centre of camp. It's hard to miss, given its size-- honestly, if there's no better way to silhouette yourself, am I right?" Laughing
Vance smiled, nodding in agreement, "Too true. But, thankfully, I doubt the Askal have the artillery powerful enough to fire a ball this far inland." He noted.
"Let's hope that's true. I'm sure you recall those delightful little inventions the Dutchy made, hmm? We thought they'd never amount to much or create some edge over us, the largest of the Five Successor Kingdoms, and yet there they are." Horne replied, sighing lightly, "Even that damnable Republic to the East are crafting more than us. Ha~ I tell you Wolfram --if you don't mind me addressing you as such,"
Smiling, he continued, "I don't see us winning very many battles here. Especially if those rumours coming out of Radriusau are true. You know, about those floating ships. Pure fantasy if you ask me," He noted, pausing as he looked over at Magic, "Although..."
"Heh, well, it's probably best not to dwell too much on that for now." Vance quickly interrupted, "Colonel, I shouldn't make the General wait any longer than they already have."
Giving a few more customary excuses to end the conversation and maintain a relationship with the Infantry, Vance and Estrid made their way to the centre of camp. Just as Horne said, the tent was by far the easiest to make out, as it had been set up on a small hill overlooking the rest of the camp. Taking a moment to look around, Vance was quick to spot an array of uniforms, each an assortment of officers from the various regiments that made up the Kendirewen Royal Army. One unit, in particular, shared the iconic purple and white of the Kendirewen Infantry, while the one talking to the man wearing that uniform donned the same uniform, with the added addition of gold epaulettes of the shoulders-- a Grenadier. Glancing around at the assembled men and women, he could make out the Hussars and Curaisser officers who stood chatting around a shared pot of coffee. Then, he spotted him, a man that made his blood run cold, the portly Lancer. The Colonel of Lancers chatted with a few Grenadier, Infantry, and Cavalry officers while smoking a Tavarian Cigar -- the only commodity shared between all successor Kingdoms.
If not for Estrid, who reached out to grab the sleeve of his coat, he'd likely storm over. Thankfully, no such rash action was made; instead, Vance adjusted his cuirass before making his way up the stairway leading to the open tent above. Its entrance was flanked by two Grenadiers, each brandishing muskets with bayonets fixed. As both Dragon Marines walked up the carved out log stairway, they were halted at the entrance, the Sergeant peering down at the two to check for their rank. Not sure where to look initially, given how the uniform was new, just like the regiment itself, he could eventually spot the icons on each of their single epaulettes. Finally, with a curt nod to the other man and a salute to Vance and Estrid, the two pulled their weapons back, allowing the two inside.
Ducking through the tent flap, Vance and Estrid came to see the commanding general pouring over several scout reports that were spread across her desk. Flanking either side of her were four other Generals, each a Brigadier General, with a couple of Majors and Captains behind them. In contrast, the woman in command held the rank of Major General. Vance took a moment to listen in, hoping to catch some of the whispered conversations as he undid the scaled chinstrap of his helmet.
No luck, the sound of a military camp was too loud for him to use his High Human sense to get a clear read on what was being said.
Stuffing their helmets under their arms, the two stood at attention near the entrance, their polished knee-high cavalry boots clicking together at the heel to alert the commander of their presence.
Peering up from the reports, the Major General, a brunette haired human woman with striking green eyes who looked to be no more than forty, focused in on the two new arrivals. Then, raising a brow as she studied their uniform, she quietly excused herself from the rest of her staff, walking around to greet the two officers as she pulled free a pipe from her own ornate Cavalry uniform-- a Hussar.
"Well, either Franz raised a new Regiment of Cuirassiers, or you're from that new experimental unit he was talking about." She commented, walking up to face the two while lighting her pipe.
She took a moment longer to get a closer look, tilting her head in thought before shrugging in approval, "I like your taste in uniform at least." She smiled, "Well, welcome to the party, Colonel, Major." She said, offering both a curt nod, letting them go at ease. "Go on then, introduce yourselves-- I haven't got all day."
"Lieutenant Colonel Vance Wolfram, commander of the Dragon Marines First Regiment."
"Major Estrid Demoulin, Executive Officer of the Dragon Marines First Regiment."
Both saluted, and both were waved down, "Pleasure. Lady Major General Alexis Anderson, Duchess of Santri." She replied, a cloud of smoke escaping past her dried lips, "Now, the real question is, what do I do with you?" She mused.
"Sir?" Vance asked, tilting his head.
"Well, I don't know you or your Regiment, Colonel. Meaning I don't know how to use you or how best to make use of your talents." She noted, another puff of smoke trailing out from between her lips as she leaned back against her desk. "So tell me-- What can I use you for?" She asked, looking towards Vance for the answer.
Vance smiled, his gaze wandering to the rug below his feet, "Permission to speak freely?" Vance asked, eyes own pair of blue eyes looking into her green.
The General motioned in the affirmative.
"Shock and awe."
"Go on"
"The best way to use my Regiment is through shock and awe tactics. I've armed my unit with the best and most advanced weapons that have yet to see the battlefield and flying creatures that easily tower above three averaged sized men if standing upright. We can swoop in, wreaking havoc upon the enemy line, and break it up. Once a hole is made, it should allow for the main body of infantry to take up the centre and fire a volley into the enemy sending them into a minor route, giving precious seconds to sweep the flanks with Cavalry." Vance explained.
The General continued to puff away with her pipe, not showing any signs of interest or disinterest in his suggestion. "Mmm... I can see why Franz liked you. But no, I fear I can't just send a newly minted regiment like yours out there. No matter what you ride into battle, I doubt it'd stand a fully concentrated volley from a prepared foe." She commented, pushing herself away from her desk. "But-- I like your thinking. It's bold, and I like that. Bold officers are what I look for in my command, but I also look for the smart ones." She said, walking to the map table, motioning for the two to follow. "Now, you say your regiment is well suited for shock and awe, correct?"
"Yes, I--"
"-That's enough; just a yes will do." She interrupted before pointing to the map. "If your unit is as well-armed as you claim they are, they'll take the far left flank of the line... here." She tapped near the end of the line, where a thicket of trees was located. "Now, I know you came swooping in with those dragons of yours, but I want to save those. Playing our trump card this soon into a battle will only open the doors for reprisal, so we'll keep them back until the time is right." She continued while pulling up two extra icons which were going to be used to symbolize the Wyvern Riders and Marines, "But the rest of your Regiment-- those not mounted, will take to the woods and offer a volley to the enemy from range. If those new weapons you speak of are as powerful as you seem to allude to, then you'll no doubt inflict more damage than the rest of the army." She stated, leaning against the table while focusing on Vance.
Vance quickly studied the map, taking into account the complex nature of the table before him. It was like one of those miniature tabletop game landscapes, minus the detailed unit icons. Instead, it showed the hills, the forests, the rivers, all of it-- or at least the parts that would make up the battlefield. After memorizing the layout, Vance turned to look at his commanding officer, giving her a nod.
"We'll get it done. But, if we do more damage, permission to push the enemy flank?" Vance asked.
Raising a brow, the General blew the sweet-smelling tobacco into the Colonel's face, a hunters grin soon spreading across her face, "Fine. If by some miracle you manage to inflict as much damage as you think you can, you can push the enemy flank. Hell, I'll do you one better. If you do manage to break their flank --which will no doubt force them into a route-- I'll recommend you a promotion to full Colonel." She offered, despite the protests from her staff, who were listening in.
"Deal." Vance returned the smirk with his own as he waved away the cloud of smoke.
"Good. Then you're dismissed. Keep your ears open for the sound of the muster horn. The army will be moving to the field in a few hours, so care for your mounts, and prepare your regiment for battle." She ordered, grabbing a piece of paper to write all she had promised, including his orders, giving it a quick stamp with a wax candle and her signet ring before handing Vance his orders. "Good luck, Colonel. Major." She regarded both officers, giving them a salute before waving them off.
Coming out, Estrid let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in as they made their way back to their Regiment. "Damn me..." She cursed softly, "She's intense," prompting Vance to nod in agreement.
"That she is."
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