《The Wolfram Chronicles》Chapter 27 - The Gamble
Coming out from the Jewel donning his new uniform, Vance took a moment to appreciate all Lara had done for him and the regiment. It had only been a month since she had taken over as the leading engineer of the Dragon Marines, and already she had done more than he had ever envisioned. Having gone so far as to design a whole uniform on top of developing the weapon he had suggested to her, it was all impressive to see, and what made it more impressive was how she was still going. Even after their conversation had stopped, she had told him how she was going to look into other means of transport for the rest of the regiment not able to ride Wyverns. He wasn't sure how she was going to do it, but she was apparently going to get it done.
For now, though, Vance pushed the thought aside as he adjusted his new gloves. "She really went crazy with this stuff," Vance commented, noting the comfort he was getting from just a simple pair of cavalry gloves.
It was impressive work, he wondered how she even did some of the projects, let alone when she did it all. Hell, she made a factor of sorts using the magical energy conducted by the Palace itself as a means to produce more items the regiment would come to need. Impressive was a word that didn't seem entirely right to use, based on how astounded Vance was.
Still, with a slight shake of his head, both mentally and physically, he moved onto Luna to complete the next wave of training. The first company was still waiting at their barracks at the old garrison and had been for about a day, so to keep them active, Vance had them do some maintenance on the old building, which he hoped would breathe some new life into the run-down construction. Of course, there wasn't a lot one could do in a day, but it would still be nice to see some fixes here and there, even if it was just a patch job. So, mounting Magic, who waited outside the gate nearest to Jewel's entrance, Vance quickly took off to Luna.
Coming down, he was quick to spot Estrid already drilling the second company, putting them through their paces as they ran around the training field in fours.
"I see you're already putting the second through the first obstacle," Vance observed as the mighty Wyvern came to land near the raven-haired officer.
Estrid flashed a smile in Vance's way before snapping back to call out to the unit to do another lap. "Afternoon, Wolfram." She greeting, giving a quick salute.
Vance returned it with a tap to the brim of his new helmet. "Afternoon."
"I see you got a new uniform?" She noted, motioning to his new attire.
Looking down, then back to Estid, he nodded in the affirmative, "I did, as will the entire regiment." He replied with a smile. "Lara completed the first prototypes and will have them ready in a day or so, but shortly after she finished that, she decided to spend some time working on the design and outfit of the unit. It turns out she's craftier than I had given her credit for." Vance continued while climbing down.
Estrid took in the sight of Vance dressed head to toe in the newly minted uniform of their regiment, her gaze staying fixed a while longer than it should've, prompting him to cough into his hand. "Erhm!"
"Ah! Sorry, I-- I was just admiring the new uniform. It looks good!" Estrid stammered, putting on a quick warm smile. "When do I get mine?" She quickly followed up.
"Soon, hopefully. She has a few uniforms there at the Mountain Jewel, but nothing that'll fit you. They were fitted for men. It seems she'd been using Richard as her model if I were to wager a guess." Vance replied, pulling off his gloves.
"Oh? Given his temperament, I would've assumed he'd snap at her." She said.
Vance shook his head, "No. Despite his appearance, he's really quite the friendly guy once you get to know him." Vance pointed out, "Anyway, how goes the company? They giving you any trouble?" He asked, nodding towards the group running laps.
Looking over at the recruits, she shrugged, "No more than the last group. I'm still trying to get a hand on all you have in mind for teaching them, but I'm confident I can have them ready for phase two by the end of the month." She suggested.
"That's good. In the meantime, I have to get ready to take the first to their weapons drill tomorrow. Firing practice and weapons maintenance will be filling up the first week before we teach how to patrol and guard an area." Vance told the Major.
She pursed her lips, nodding, "Right. Will I get to do that too soon?"
"Mhm, if you want, when you're free, you can come take a few classes. We'll make it seem like you're there to observe and help, just to get it into the minds of everyone that you know what you're doing as well as we give off." Vance replied, quickly adding, "When in truth, you and I are still learning on the fly. We may have the basis for doing all this, but... we're still very much learning ourselves." He chuckled.
"I'd say~" She whistled, "It still amazes me how you even came up with this whole training plan. No one I know back at Kendirewen would've even thought of educating the common folk or give them a chance to really lead. Most are simply content to let them wallow around in bars like gutter rats between battles." She commented.
"Then it should hardly be a surprise to see why we've been losing so often," Vance said, his eyes watching the unit run.
"Yeah..." Estrid cast her gaze aside, looking to the ground now in thought.
It was true; Kendirewen had barely been holding onto its own territory, often being pushed back by nations once thought smaller and less adequate in training and equipment. Lately, though, that seemed to be changing with how rapidly the other countries had been developing their own unique technologies and magic-based devices. Hell, Estrid had seen first hand the power of the Lesban recording orbs and how they made keeping intel more secure when compared to paper letter couriers down the line. Then there was talk of how the Republic of Radriusau was even going so far as to design a fleet of floating airships, that much she thought was fantasy, but given what she'd seen from Vance and all he'd brought up so far, she was starting to think otherwise.
"Well, for now, let's focus on completing the training, then we'll worry about the war," Vance said.
Estrid turned to speak, about to reply before suddenly one of the first company recruits came rushing up, "Sir! Sir! T-trouble in town... hah-- came straight here, William needs help, Sir!"
Vance quickly snapped to the direction the man was pointing in, his eyes going wide for a second in shock. Had another attack come? So soon? He could scarcely believe it; no way the enemy would be able to move so quickly, not when they had the entire Kendirewen Royal Army patrolling the borders still.
Not wanting to take a chance, Vance shot the man a nod, looking to Estrid, "Take over Major Demoulin! I'll check this out, as I'm still the only one equipped to deal with any threats!" He barked as he rushed past, followed closely by the recruit.
Estrid simply gave him a wave, "Yes, Sir," was all she managed to follow up with before he was gone.
Vance used all the speed he could muster as he rushed down the winding streets, rushing towards the area, the recruit barely able to keep up, his breath growing ragged as they sprinted down the streets.
"Which way?!"
"Left, then right!"
Following the direction, he turned left, running a bit before turning right; he could hear the commotion from there. Shouts echoed out down the street, telling the cuirassed High Human where to go next. Peeling around the corner, his boots skidding across the cobbled street as he stopped, his eyes spotting the altercation. William crouched defenseless as a larger burly man beat him with a willow branch.
"Remember. Your. Place!" His words echoing, pausing in between words as he brought the stick down across William's flesh.
Vance had a flare of anger as he saw his dark-skinned friend being whipped like a dog. Rushing up and reaching out, he stopped the whip from coming down again.
"I think you'd best stop striking my Officer... Sir." Vance growled.
Turning toward the new face, the towering man grumbled, trying to wrench his hand away, visibly sweating as he started to exert himself, before finally crying out, "Let go!"
Letting him go, Vance stepped in front of William, shielding his wounded friend and officer from another potential attack.
"Who the hell are you?!" The man demanded, rubbing his sore wrist.
Vance didn't answer, merely standing still, glaring daggers into the man until finally, a smaller skinner man dressed in the latest fashion came waltzing up.
"Dear me~ why've you stopped my dear fellow? I don't believe I gave the order to halt, now did I?" The man said, his words and tone showing he was clearly some man from the nobility.
"I- I'm sorry, my Lord, this- soldier, stopped me." He explained, pointing to Vance, who remained silent as he helped William to his feet.
"You okay?" He asked as William took his aid.
"Am now. The bastard came out of nowhere, demanding I tell him what happened to his house." William started, holding the worst of fresh wounds, "When I couldn't tell him, he just started beating me at the direction of that skinny fuck there." Nodding to the ornately dressed noble.
Vance glanced over his shoulder towards the figure in question, who was still getting excuses from his goon, before finally, he stepped up, looking him in the eye.
"And who, might you be, Sire?~" He voice carrying like a buffoon, prompting Vance's eye to twitch.
"Lieutenant Colonel Vance Wolfram, of his Royal Majesty's Dragon Marines." He answered before adding, "And who might you be?" He hissed.
"Who am I? Who am I? Why my dear Colonel, I'm this town's rightful lord and master~" He cooed, "And as such, I have every right to beat my will into those who refuse to pay respect to me, or pay me my due." As he explained, he took out a small container and tapped out a white substance, snorting it into each nostril.
Vance could tell it was snuff, cocaine. It appeared that tradition found its way in this world as well, something he hadn't known existed in Tavaria. But, that wasn't the problem; it was the man's attitude and the fact the traitor himself had returned only to beat William because he refused to acknowledge him.
"No." Vance started, "You're not the liege lord of this town-- at least, not anymore." He continued, turning now to face William. "Head back with the recruit, gather up two squads from the first company, and have them rush here prepared for a fight." He whispered over to his friend.
"Sir," William replied before turning to shoot a glare at the traitor as he left to get the teams.
Turning once more to the former lord who stood aghast at the statement, Vance could see the man's anger start to boil over as his face reddened.
"How dare you! Peasant filth like you shouldn't dare speak to their superiors like that!" He hissed, his foppish tone seemingly fading away as his anger grew. "I should-"
"Should what? Assault the one put in charge of this town at the express orders of his Majesty the King-- your liege lord." Vance retorted with a lie.
It was a gamble to state such a thing, but if he were to have some chance at making the traitor back down, it'd be utilizing the highest authority in the Kingdom. Clearly, it worked as the noble was taken by surprise, only for his anger to return.
The noble began to grind his teeth, "You-- You insult me, Sir!" He shouted.
"And I'd do it again, damn you I will!" Vance shouted back.
The two men glared at each other, each visibly ready to strike the other. Vance was just waiting for an excuse, knowing what this pig had done to the town of Luna and those he was sworn to protect. The noble slowly raised his hand, but before it could come down one of his aides rushed up to his side and whispered something in his ear. An immediate shift in mood came over the noble, who simply smirked.
"So be it~ seems I'll have my revenge another way." He stated, his tone returning to the foppish fool once again.
"Is that a threat?" Vance hissed.
Shrugging, "A simple matter of fact, my dear Colonel~" He cooed, pulling a looking glass from his vest pocket.
"And what, pray tell would that be?" Vance asked, his left-hand thumb pressing against his sabre's guard.
"Why, the invasion of Kendirewen, of course. Surely you didn't expect my benefactor to turn me with just a few simple gold coins, did you?" He hummed, bringing the edge of the glass to his lips, "No point hiding my dirty little secrets if you clearly know about them~" He mocked.
Vance shot him a glare, his eyes staring daggers into the fool. "Invasion? By who? Askal?"
"Well done, my dear~" He hummed, turning to face the gathered crowd of onlookers, "Give the good Colonel here a medal--" Turning to face, with a look that bordered on glee, he continued with, "-as he's clearly not as stupid as he looks."
"Funny, coming from a fop." Vance retorted; he was never really good at comebacks, even in his past life.
The noble just chuckled in response, "Well, clearly your ability lies elsewhere than comedy, my dear~" Turning to walk away, "I've outstayed my welcome-- for now."
Calming down with a relaxing breath, Vance stepped forward drawing free his blade.
"You're correct, you have overstayed your welcome. I hereby arrest you on the charges of treason and sedition by my right as a citizen of Kendirewen and the rank of lieutenant colonel granted to me by His Lordship, the Marshal Phillip Franz!"
Freezing midstep, only to come to a stop, the former lord of Luna turned round, his anger once again flaring,"excuse me, sir? Did you just dain to arrest me? Me?! Your better! You have no right! You're nothing but a commoner!" bellowing, pointing an accusative finger at Vance like it was the finger of the gods. "Guards! Kill Him, quickly!"
The guards to the noble advanced, weapons drawn, with not a word of complaint, only viscious grins across their rugged faces.
"Resisting arrest! The punishment of which-- is death". Vance hissed as he took a defensive stance, blade raised up into a neutral strance.
Slowly drawing closer, the guards stopped for a moment, noticing how confidently their opponent stood, his posture held in confidence afforded to one who was a master. Their grins melted away at the sight, with none willing to brooch the distance. His face twitched, eyes flicking towards the first of his foes, before suddenly lunging forward, blade poised up into a lightening quick thrust to the man's chest.
The blade tore through flesh and bone, tearing through to the otherside as Vance came to a halt. The others stood in stunned silence at how quickly their comrade had been slain. Pulling the heavy tipped blade free, the smell of blood and iron radiated out, causing many of the onlookers to grimace and turn away, with others running for help. The blond though wasted no time, as his blade danced around in a cleaving motion, its heavy tip meeting the thin iron of a guard's sword. Throwing into the swing his weight, Vance, toppled the man, breaking his guard, as he fell to a knee. Pulling back, he thrust forward again, the edge clutting through the soft flesh of the man's neck, killing him instantly before suddenly the other attacker came lunging to his exposed back. Vance stood there, letting the man draw in closer, until he sidestepped away at the last moment, letting the blade dig into it's ally. Blade stuck, the Dragon Marine wasted no movements in utilizing his god given strength to rip free his blade in a wide swing, cutting the man in two as the razors edge of the sabre came swinging free the other side. The men slumped into pools of their own blood.
The traitor saw no victory here, only death. Pushing forward the last of his guards, he made for his carriage, running as fast as his legs would take him. Vance peered over via the corner of his eyes, the darkness hidden within seemingly crying out for his head, but no such luck as the man began to make his exit. With relative ease, Vance stood calmly, bringing back his left foot as he brought down his blade in a single downward motion, bisecting the incoming guard in two. Sadly, the time needed was just enough for the noble to get to the safety of his transport, it already starting to make its out of the square.
William and the two squads came rushing up behind Vance, skirting around the blood and bodies to stand alongside Vance.
"What happened? Is he dead?" William asked, his wounds covered with simple wraps.
Shaking his head, Vance replied, "No. But he will be. That I promise. When we march to war, I'm sure he will be there"
William watched the fleeing carriage, "Not a lot of time to make mistakes then..." William sighed.
"No. No, it is not."
Shortly after the meeting, the two returned to Estrid, reporting the run-in with the former lord, all the lord had to say and the battle or massacre as william put it, much to Vance's embarrassment. Estrid wasn't happy to hear he had returned and left free but was pleased to hear that Vance didn't let him off. With that out of the way, the training would continue, and time would pass, and the Marines would continue to drill, train, and practice all for the coming battles ahead. With news of the impending invasion by Askal, there was more motivation to stay, more motivation to complete all that was being taught to them by Vance, Estrid, William, and Richard. Their homes, families, and livelihoods were once again at risk.
As the days passed into weeks and weeks into months, the regiment came together, forming what Vance and Estrid could safely claim to be the best unit in the entire Kendirewen army. Dressed in their new uniforms, all one thousand Marines stood at attention before their regimental commanders who stood on a stage just outside of town.
"You came to us wanting adventure, glory, and wanting to experience something new! Despite all the hardship you've endured, you persevered. You were pushing yourselves to be better, stronger versions of yourselves! And why?" Vance paused, letting his words carry out across the assembled mass of soldiers, "Because you knew your home was in danger. You knew what was at stake, and you-- no, we all knew what would happen to our families if we didn't stand up. And here you all are." Another pause for effect, "Soldiers. The world's first-ever professional fighting force! No other unit, no other individual, has ever undergone to the degree of training you all have. Each of you can consider yourselves elite. Each of you can look upon each other and know you have a family here! Each man, woman, and person here is your sibling, your friend, your family on the battlefield! And you can look at yourself in the mirror and call yourselves-- What?!" He asked.
"Marines! Marines! Dragon Marines!" They bellowed back, pumping their fists into the air.
"Damn straight! In two weeks, Askal will invade, and in that time, the Royal Army will look to us to win the coming battle. And I have no doubts will shall do so!" Vance said, turning to face Estrid. "Major Demoulin, if you'd please."
Estrid marched forward, dressed in the same uniform as Vance, and saluted, "Sir!" She replied, turning to face the assembled regiment as she drew her blade, "Regiment!" She called out, "Dismissed!" The sound of boots marching in unison rang out after red-faced sergeants repeated the orders, prompting the force of Marines to disperse.
Watching his soldiers file out in lines, he couldn't help but feel that all too human pang of nervousness rears its ugly head in the pit of his stomach. A thousand individuals looked to him for guidance and leadership, and it was the first time in his life, or any life, that he'd been put in such a predicament. He didn't know what the future held, but for now, he looked to the present, looking to Estrid, Richard, William, Lara and his new cadre of officers and NCO's who'd help him in the battles to come. So much hinged on the Dragon Marines, and so much relied on him succeeding. But for now, they could celebrate their graduation, for tomorrow, war called.
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