《Welcome to the Upward Bound System, V.2》Chp. 16, Will to rehabilitate
Day 4
Dante groggily awoke to the sound of notices only to fall asleep once more, a moment later.
You have entered the church of Rosana!...
All regenerations are doubled for friendly creatures for the duration of their stay...
By Divine Mandate your rank has increased to 3...
Recalculating status...
Recalculation Successful...
Class levels have been maintained...
Your total level has been reduced...
You're experiencing level down sickness...
Again he woke up. Feeling weak and tired.
'Greater Restoration 'would be great right about now, but I only have first level spells...oh, it would seem I can use turn undead now, cool. What other new things can I do?' Dante thought, trying to search his mind for anything new.
'Huh, once every 12 hours I can remove a level of exhaustion from myself or a creature I'm touching. Though I suspect I have many levels of exhaustion on my stats. This is going to take a while.'
He paused as he invoked the new ability, reveling in the feeling of energy washing over him, he did feel a bit less tired now.
-1 level of Stamina exhaustion...
2 levels of Stamina exhaustion remain...
3 Levels of Mana exhaustion remain...
3 Levels of Health exhaustion remain...
'Well, this is going to take even longer than I initially suspected.... If I'm going to be stuck here for a while let's see what skills we can grind.' The thought as he activated some skills.
Meditation, Iron Skin...
'Using Iron Skin right now might not be a great idea but I'm going to do it anyway. No pain no gain as they say. even with my regens being reduced by the exhastion I'm still going to grind out some skill levels while I'm stuck here.' He thought with gritted teeth.
"Now what else can I do? Skills." he said. Pulling up his skill list.
Skills (C) Mana Manipulation Lvl. 9 (R) Virgil, Rank 3 (Unc) Mana Sense Lvl. 23 (R) Burning Heart Lvl. 8 (R) Time Sense Lvl. 3 (R) Student of Magic Lvl. 7 (C) Cartography Lvl. 15 (R) Blood Absorption Lvl. 1 (C) Farming Lvl. 12 (Unc) Horticulture Lvl. 5 (Unc) Seed Creation Lvl. 3 (Unc) Leardership Lvl. 6 (Unc) Mundane Damage Resist. Lvl. 2 (Unc) Resist. to Mundane Exhaustion Lvl. 16 (Unc) Possession Resist. Lvl. 1 (Unc) Mental Attack Resist. Lvl. 1 (C) Observation Analysis Lvl. 28 (R) Vines of the Blood Rose Lvl. 1 (Unc) Meditation Lvl. 8 (L) Fate's Clockwork Lvl. 2 (C) Drawing Lvl. 15 (C) Cold Resist. Lvl. 1 (C) Heat Resist. Lvl. 1 (Unc) Iron Skin Lvl. 5 (R) Crystal of Health Lvl. 1 (R) Crystal of Mana Lvl. 1 (R) Crystal of Stamina Lvl. 1 (VR) Pool of Sacrifice Lvl. 7 (R) Dagger of Sacrifice Lvl. 1 (C) Power Strike Lvl. 1 (R) Speak with Animals Lvl. 1 (R) Resist. to Magical Exhaustion Lvl. 8 (C) Singing Lvl. 5
'What to do, what to do? I could use something to eat...wait a minute...' His train of thought jumped the tracks.
"Seed Creation." He said with a weary voice thinking of sunflower seeds.
50 mana and 10 stamina later, he had 10 sunflower seeds in his palm.
Dante eyed the seeds for a moment before realizing it wasn't a good idea to eat them.
'Damn it, they need to be cooked. Note to self, learn how to prepare sunflower seeds.' He thought as the seeds vanished into his inventory.
"Virgil?" He questioned, invoking his guide.
He felt a familiar stirring in his chest and mana flowing from him.
A few seconds later the familiar black cloaked form of Virgil stood next to his bed side.
Virgil looked worried for a moment before a smile crossed his face and he placed his arms across his chest.
"Looks like you pushed yourself a little too hard this time Dante." Said Virgil.
"Yeah, I should have suspected this was going to be the result when Rosana said I would have to give everything. Anyway Virgil what's this rank stuff the system's talking about?" Dante asked with a look of annoyance and mild amusement on his face.
"One's rank is a rough measure of their power. In order to go up in rank one must possess a class and skill that are at or above that rank. In your case your highest ranking classes, High Priest and Artificer, are rank 3. As you have many skills at or above that rank you met the conditions to rank up. Hmmm...." Virgil paused as his eyes darted back and forth as if reading unseen text.
"...Ah, it would appear that once you met the conditions to rank up either the system or your lady Rosana forced a rank up on you. You must feel like shit. Several level ups followed near immediately by ranking up and level down sickness. Not to mention soul strain..." Virgil paused as he clicked his tongue, wagged his finger at Dante, and shook his head from side to side.
"They must really need you to get strong fast. God help us for what is to come." He finished as he pressed his face into his palm.
"...Uh Virgil, you ok there?" Dante asked with a raised eyebrow and a small smile.
"Apologies. It would seem I got side tracked. Back to ranks. There are 5 ranks that are normally accessible to mortals 1-5. With each rank increase the exp required doubles from the previous rank. Let me clarify that. Say you are level 1 rank 1, and your friend is level one rank 2. For you to level you need 100 experience, said friend however will require 200. If they are rank 3 it's 400, rank 4 is 800, and rank 5 is 1,600. That's just level 1. This will take too much time to explain, let me show you." Vigil said as a blue box appeared before Dante.
Leveling exp requirements by rank Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4 Rank 5 Exp Total To next level Exp Total To next level Exp Total To next level Exp Total To next level Exp Total To next level Lvl. 1 100 100 200 200 400 400 800 800 1600 1600 Lvl. 2 400 300 800 600 1,600 1,200 3,200 2,400 6,400 4,800 Lvl. 3 900 500 1,800 1,000 3,600 2,000 7,200 4,000 14,400 8,000 Lvl. 4 1,600 700 3,200 1,400 6,400 2,800 12,800 5,600 25,600 11,200 Lvl. 5 2,500 900 5,000 1,800 10,000 3,600 20,000 7,200 40,000 14,400 Lvl. 6 3,600 1,100 7,200 2,200 14,400 4,400 28,800 8,800 57,600 17,600 Default: +1 to all stats on level up +5 to all stats on level ups +10 to all stats on level ups +20 to all stats on level ups +40 to all stats on level ups
"...Holy shit..." Dante mumbled to himself as he examined the blue box.
"As you can see with each rank the experience requirements increase but the rewards for leveling also go up substantially. If you wish to see something interesting, take a look at your class tower." Virgil said with a knowing smile.
Meditation has leveled up! Lvl. 9...
Dante eyed the notice for a moment before taking a deep breath, closing his eyes, and turning inward.
Dante opened his eyes as the sounds of hustle and bustle from the hospital around him vanished.
He arrived standing in the shade of a...familiar tree. As he looked up he found that the tree that had barely been 20 feet, 6 m, tall previously now stood at closer to 60 feet, 18.28 m. It's branches spread wide and shaded a large part of the grassy hill upon which it stood. In the distance he could see what seemed to be a sun making its way slowly across the domed sky of this place. The sun casting long shadows in the morning light.
"Well this is new...But it's not bad. I guess that message was more than just words. The long night is over and the morning light has come. Guess it made a literal day night cycle in this place." he said smiling as he looked down upon the rest of his soul space.
Before him was the familiar sight of rolling hills of green grass. Tree's in the distance though they too seemed larger than previously. Looking at his tower it seemed to be about the same height as it had been previously, but something had definitely changed.
With a small exertion of will he moved to the base of the tower to get a better look and now could clearly see what had changed.
The tower, while it had maintained more or less the same height, the number of levels to it was smaller now. Each one was about 30 feet, 9.14 m, tall as opposed to the roughly 10 feet, 3 m, tall they had been previously. He looked to the ground floor and the difference was immediately apparent.
The mechanism that was his Fate's Clockwork skill was much further in than it had been previously.
He moved to the mechanism that now only reached about halfway to the ceiling, making it about 15 feet, 4.57 m, tall.
Looking in all directions while walking around the cylinder gave him the impression it was still in the center. Only the tower had grown around it. The base had to be at least 3 times wider now.
"For fucks sake how big would a rank fives tower be? Virgil?" He asked aloud and denied the reflex to jump as he felt a hand upon his shoulder. Turning he saw Virgil.
Taking a few breaths to help himself calm down he looked at Virgil.
"The upgrades to the tower, that's what you wanted me to see?" Asked Dante.
"Yes. As you likely have already guessed, ranking up also increases the size of one's..." Virgil paused as notices appeared.
Iron Skin has leveled up! Lvl. 6...
You have leveled up!...
What surprised them more was that the tower abruptly jumped upwards, pressing them against the floor for a moment before launching them towards the ceiling. Thankfully neither of them hit the ceiling, but they did come within a few inches of it. While Virgil slowly floated down Dante flailed wildly in the air before smacking into the ground.
"Ouch...I forgot I had that on...I'll just turn that off." He said getting up from the ground and brushing himself off, as Virgil looked at him with a disapproving glare as he came to rest once more upon the floor.
Dante opened his eyes once more in the hospital sitting in his rather comfortable hospital bed. Virgil was still standing at his side, glaring at him.
"I'm sorry ok! I didn't expect that to happen!" He said, raising his voice only for Virgil's poker face to break as he began to burst out laughing.
"...I was honestly scared there for a few seconds until I started floating down. I expected you to try and move back to the floor but no you lost your composure and went splat." Virgil said as he mimed with his hands for added effect.
Dante wore a look of, I'm done with this, on his face as he asked.
"I'm pretty hungry but before I go get some food, can I see my status right before the change and my status now?" he asked as he slowly began to swing his legs over the side of the bed.
"Sure, but you need to stay in bed for now. I will go fetch a doctor." Virgil said with a wave of his hand before he walked away looking for a doctor.
Dante A. Stone
Race: Human
Class: Cleric (B,L)
LVl. 35
EXP: 3,002/7,100
Gold: 962.2 Large gold
Strength 129
x2 (829.2/min)
Constitution/Vitality 192
x2 (552.2/min)
Endurance 147
x2 (804.4/min)
Dexterity 91
Road Points
Willpower 149
Stat Points
Intellect 130 Luck 112 Wisdom 205 Perception 94 Charisma 127 Spirit 204
Dante A. Stone
Race: Human
Class: Cleric (B,L)
[Rank 3] Lvl. 18
EXP: 53/14,800
Gold: 962.2 Large gold
Strength 95
(220.8 x 2=441.6/min)
x2 (883.2/min)
Constitution/Vitality 163
x2 (605.8/min)
Endurance 114
(215.65x 2=431.3/min)
x2 (862.6/min)
Dexterity 81
Road Points
Willpower 124
Stat Points
Intellect 109 Luck 99 Wisdom 191 Perception 84 Charisma 102 Spirit 184
(A/N: Dante's new status is in the spoiler. It might be lower than expected, as an error was made towards the beginning and wasn't discovered until recently. Only now could it be corrected without derailing the story. I've also added the bonuses to some skills that were missing them.)
(Also note, his regenerations have been divided to an 8th of their shown value due to his regen exhaustion. It's just too much notation to put up there right now, but keep that in mind.)
'Probably not the best idea to distribute stat points or road points right now.' He thought before he came to a realization.
"Wait a minute, I have nigh unlimited food! Good Berry." He said casting the spell of the same name.
+1 Wis...
Good Berry Lvl. 1
Up to ten berries appear in your hand and are infused with magic for the duration. Eating a berry restores 100 hit points, and the berry provides enough nourishment to sustain a creature for a (variable) amount of time. The berries lose their potency if they have not been consumed within 24 hours of the casting of this spell.
Range: Touch, Duration: Instant, Cast time: At will, Mana cost: 10 mana for every berry made
He smiled as in his hand appeared 10 large berries. Each about the size of a jumbo marble.
Quickly he popped one into his mouth and swallowed it down. Waiting a minute he certainly felt his hunger lessen, but he was still hungry.
So, he popped another in his mouth and swallowed it down after a little bit of chewing. The berry was delicious and juicy as he chewed it, giving him a pleasant feeling on its way down.
Still he was hungry.
So it was that he ate 3 more berries before he was satisfied.
Crystal of Health has leveled up! Lvl. 2...
"I guess I found a way to grind that skill a bit." He said as he chuckled a little.
Looking at his remaining berries he didn't want them to go to waste but who to give them too?
Suddenly the curtain was pulled back and he saw an elven woman standing there with Virgil.
Feeling the skill coming to an end he pumped a bit more mana into it.
"How are you feeling today Mr. Stone?" Asked the female doctor.
"Not great. Everything hurts and I am tired." Dante replied, stressing that last bit.
"Well that's to be expected when you get 4 levels of exhaustion in all your regenerations. Not something I see every day, especially not from someone still in the first tutorial zone." She said smiling with a small gleam in her eye.
"Yeah I pushed far beyond what I probably should have but I think it was worth it in the end." He replied as he snapped his fingers.
There a cat appeared from thin air only to drop a few inches to Dante's lap.
The doctor looked confused for a moment not only at the sudden appearance of this small creature, but that it was now climbing the man's chest before it wrapped itself around his neck.
"Don't worry about Tom here. He's my familiar. He is also the reason this place exists now I suppose." He said as he looked around absent mindedly.
The doctor gave the small creature a discerning glance before determining that it was safe to allow it free roam.
"Very well then. Are you hungry? You must be from what I'm told has happened." She asked.
"No, I had something to eat. Do you want one?" He spoke before presenting the 5 large berries he still had.
"Um...First of all sir, where did you get those and how many did you eat?" She asked, her eyes growing wide with mild concern.
"Oh these are Good Berries. They are the product of a spell. I had 5 of them, here's the blue box." Dante said as he copied the blue box and tossed it over to her.
After a moment of reading she spoke. "May I have one?"
To which he replied, "Take them all I'm full."
The doctor accepted the berries before popping one in her mouth.
A moment later.
"Wow, this is actually pretty good. I expected it to be bland and flavorless." She said as she popped the rest in her mouth.
Sweet juices spilled from her mouth only to be erased by a swipe from her suddenly glowing palm.
"Cleaning skill of some kind?" He asked.
"Yes, it's standard for all system doctors." She said as the glowing of her palm stopped.
"Now let us get back on track. Shall we?" asked Virgil as both Dante and the doctor nodded.
"Good. Now Dante you have lost all of the bonuses from your boons and the standard level up bonuses. However, you will be able to rebuild fairly quickly." Said Virgil before he paused awaiting questions.
"It doesn't look like I lost any skills. Even the ones I got when my stats passed 100. What happens when they pass 100 again?" Asked Dante.
"Simple, you won't get any new bonuses from it." Replied Virgil.
"Ok, What about my quest for level ups? How does this ranking up affect that?" He asked, continuing his questions.
"While acquiring more levels for that quest will be more difficult now, those levels will also be weighted more heavily in the quest. You haven't lost any progress, but future progress will be slower." said Virgil before the Doctor reasserted her presence by clearing her throat.
"Now then Mr. Stone can you please list your physical skills for me. I need to know what you have and what you don't so we can better help you to heal and level, safely of course." She said with a smile.
A minute later she was looking at him with a mixture of surprise and mild confusion.
"I will assume that you haven't done much of certain physical activities since the systems arrived, like running, sprinting, throwing, aiming and such?" She asked.
Realization donned on Dante and he face palmed.
"Nope. I think I tossed one thing once since I got here and that's it. I've been walking everywhere since I didn't see the need to rush... Now that I think about it though, I need to be getting things done faster." He said, his expression growing darker, haunted even, as he remembered he had people hunting him. Not only that, he had only so much time until they showed up.
"Well by the system's estimate you'll be up and walking again by day's end, but we would advise you not to try running till tomorrow at the soonest." She said as she snapped her fingers and a blue box appeared before Dante.
A quest has been issued! Will to Rehabilitate!
You have recently undergone great physical, magical, and spiritual strain. This quest is meant to aid in your recovery, and to track your progress. This message will update daily, until its completion.
Upon quest completion rewards will be granted. Rewards will vary based upon your performance.
Day 1
Light training of current skills.
"Vague, but I can work with it." said Dante.
"Your parents were here last night after this place got set up. They wanted to stay by your side but it seems they left for a bit probably to go get breakfast." said the Doctor.
"Thank you. That's good to know." He replied, taking comfort in the fact that they knew he was here. Even if they were worried about his recovery, it was better than them not knowing what had happened. Since he hadn't come back to the in...was that last night? How long had he been here?
He raised his hand to ask a question only to reconsider.
"System store. uh...System Clock?" He said.
The store pulled up and to his relief it showed him what he wanted.
System Clock
A clock tied directly to the system. With this you will "always" know the time. *In most circumstances the system clock will work perfectly.*
Upon purchase adds a customizable system clock to your Hud. Provides access to the Stopwatch and timer functions.
As you possess the Rare passive skill, Time Sense, the experience generated by upkeep would be directed to that skill.
Maintance cost: 15mp/m, Purchase Price: 1 small gold
It's recommended that you also purchase the System calender...
"System Calender?" He requested.
System Calender
A calender that ties directly to the system. With this you will *always* know the date, month, and year. *In most circumstances the system calender will work perfectly.*
Upon purchase adds a customizable system calender to you Hud. Provides access to the reminders fuction.
As you possess the Rare passive skill, Time Sense, the experience generated by upkeep would be directed to that skill.
Upkeep cost: 30mp/m, Purchase Price: 1 small gold
"Hey Virgil, stupid question. Why do these have upkeep costs?" Dante asked Virgil.
"Ah, I've been waiting for this one. The reason for this is simple. The system despite it's grand power cannot support everything within it so it has to outsource some of the power required to run itself. In this instance its players paying a maintenance cost of mana to the system in addition to the monetary cost of purchase. Such is common with many non basic functions of the system." said Virgil.
"What about the Roads system?" He questioned.
"Gods are the ones who are charged with maintaining the Roads system. As they are the most capable to pay the price. Also if the cost were imposed on mortal players it would considerably hinder their progress." finished Virgil.
Dante nodded interested in this new information, but not with the idea of losing 45 mp/m to them.
"Excuse me Doctor. Do you think it will be safe for me to buy these?" He asked as he handed the blue boxes to the Doctor.
After a moment of inspection and another of contemplation she replied.
"It should be fine since you can't use them to try and power level. It will just make it take a little longer for your mana exhastion to run out." She said before handing the blue boxes back to him.
"I'll buy them both..." He paused as the notice came.
Thank you for your purchase!...
Dante felt as that door in the back of his mind opened once more allowing light to pour forth into his mind.
As the light poured in he saw golden light beginning to gather in the upper right of his hud below the mini map.
"...It's not the money I'm worried about. It's a hit to my mana regen, but I will deal with it...I wonder if..." He paused as the golden light resolved.
Then he got a little confused.
"Why are there two of each of them Virgil?" He asked.
What he saw in his Hud was that the clock and calendar had been duplicated.
One calendar said it was Jan. 21. 2021.
The first clock showed it was only 9:07 in the morning.
The other text said simply that it was Day 4.
While the second clock said it was 12:34 p.m.
"That's because you're here in the tutorial zone. They're keeping track of time here and back on Earth. The seasons change by the week here so you know. I can mention that now." Said Virgil.
"Good to know. System store, Ring of Mana Regeneration." He said as he rubbed his face, then cast cleanse on himself.
Suddenly a large blue box appeared before him. On it was what appeared to be a selection board for rings. Many with different designs, others seemed mass produced. Each entry had an image to show you what you were buying. Under each he saw they showed how much they would add to his mana regen. The more pricey ones added to either two or all three regens.
"Virgil, what's the price per point of regen?" He asked, wondering how it all worked out.
"About 12 small gold per point of regen...10 If you have your friend Oscar make it." Virgil replied, being sure to remind Dante he could get a lower price.
"To Oscar's we shall...I still need to pick up that staff from him. Virgil, how far can you move away from me?" Dante asked as Virgil smiled wide.
"I thought you would never ask." Virgil replied.
It was then that Virgil told him he had a range of several miles. More if one of his parents were within his range.
"So if one of us sends you out, you can use the other's as relays if they're close enough."
Virgil was about to head out before they heard familiar voices.
"Hey Virgil, is Dante awake yet?" Asked Frank.
After a minute of being smothered by his parents' love Dante was finally released.
His mother quickly grew attached to Tom, his cat familiar. She rocked him like a baby as he purred away, smiling all the way.
They told him that they had seen the beam of light and were concerned and then the guards came to get them.
Califa stepped into view and said she was glad he was feeling better.
She gave him a handful of coins. Upon asking what it was for? She replied.
"I overcharged you because when we first met. You were supposed to pay 3 large silver, not 3 small gold. Then I felt bad because you gave me even more than that." Said Califa.
"Keep it, you need it to pay rent on your room." He said handing the money back to her.
After he had told him about the rehabilitation quest his dad told him that when he had run outside to see what was going on he had gotten the running skill, which immediately jumped to level 36.
Dante told them about ranking up even going so far as to show the blue box Virgil had shown him.
To which after his parents looked at each other, Dante felt something change within them.
Then his father asked, "Hey Virgil what does it mean by this choice? Recalculate or Continue?" Asked Frank
"Ah that is an option that Dante was deprived of." Said Virgil.
This garnered a look of confusion from Dante.
"Recalculate is the option that was forced onto Dante. To put it simply, that option will cause your level and status to recalculate under your new rank. This can and will lead to level loss and the loss of level up bonus' from those levels. Continuing on the other hand will simply force you to make up the difference in the experience between the two ranks. It gets worse the higher your level is. Since both of you have only leveled up 3 times since you arrived here I would suggest you do the recalculate. You don't have much to lose, and so much to gain." Virgil said with a smile.
His parents stepped away for a moment to discuss. Then they nodded and clicked the options on their respective blue boxes.
The mana in the air began to move rapidly towards his parents, moving like a strong wind.
As if their bodies were breathing in all that mana.
Mana sense has leveled up! Lvl. 22->26...
By the time it was over the weight of their presences had increased substantially.
His dad seemed a bit thinner than he had been a moment ago, while his mom sat down suddenly tired.
A quick check up by the doctor told them that they were fine but should take it easy for the rest of the day.
Dante laughed and he asked his dad to go pick up his staff from Oscar's instead of having Virgil go get it.
To which his dad smiled, and Virgil frowned. Noticing this Frank asked if he wished to accompany him, and Virgil's smile returned.
In the end he decided to talk to Oscar about the commissioning of that ring later in person.
After his parent's, Virgil, and Califa had left he started checking out some of his newer skills.
He gave Tom some scritches as he walked up to him before he plopped down on his side at the side of the bed.
He knew roughly what Pool of Sacrifice did, and after a moment of contemplation he held out his hands.
'Remember how it felt at that moment, when the bowl first got summoned.' He closed his eyes and thought, then he felt energy rush over his hands and a sudden weight upon them.
When he opened his eyes again he saw the same bowl he had seen then. A large bowl that seemed to be made from stained glass filled with a colorful liquid.
Tom began smelling the air before he stood up and walked over to the bowl and sniffed the liquid.
He considered stopping him, but allowed it since the cat couldn't really die.
The cat began drinking from the bowl.
"Delicious." Said the cat as it stopped for a moment.
Your familiar has leveled up! Lvl. 7...
Dante looked at that notice before he scanned Tom with Observation analysis...
Tom (Familiar) Lvl. 7
(Cat's status page not ready at this time. Should I include a status page for the cat?)
"Interesting. Let's see if it happens again." He said as he put the bowl down by the end of the bed. The cat as he thought he would, followed the bowl not wanting to stop drinking yet.
'Probably for the best that he isn't looking this way. With what I'm going to be testing next.' He thought.
Then there was the Dagger of Sacrifice. From the skills description it didn't require any mana to maintain itself but when he activated it he felt it begin to drain from his resources.
After it had drained about 100 of each of his resources a fine dagger had formed in his hand.
"There is an initial cost to the skill...It appears I can't dismiss it but...Yep I can place it in my inventory." He said appreciating his inventory all the more now.
Student of Magic has leveled up! Lvl. 8...
He smiled at the notice.
The dagger in his hand appeared like a basic medieval dagger. A simple dagger with a point.
Though instead of metal it appeared to be made something similar to colorful glass.
'Like a stained glass window made into a dagger.' He mused before he remembered another detail of the dagger.
"Mutable qualities? Does that mean I can...Oh wow!" Dante said as he willed the dagger to change shape into a short sword.
Once more it began draining his resources, not nearly enough for him to be worried about 150 of each when all was done.
"Ok, no notices that say I've created a new skill so this thing should still have the ability of the original." Dante said as a single line of the daggers description came back to him. Users may choose what to sacrifice to the dagger.
'So let's test what happens if I select stamina and mana but not health.' He thought.
Dagger of Sacrifice has leveled up! Lvl. 2...
As he drew the blade across his forearm he watched as the dagger passed through his skin with no resistance. What surprised him less was that there was no pain. Small multicolor veins raced up the blade until they met his hand that held the blade. Dante pulled back the short sword and found there was no wound. He rubbed the area just to make sure, but found no damage.
Student of Magic has leveled up! Lvl. 9...
'Damn...Maybe I should play with these magic skills more?' He thought as he stared at the bottom left of his vision, but no notices appeared.
He frowned, a little disappointed.
As he looked back up to the top left he saw his health was slowly regenerating.
Seeing how low his health regen was he cast Good Berry again making 3 of them, then popped them into his mouth, chewed and swallowed.
Again he waited for a notice, but none came.
"Dang it...Now that I think of it, can I make more than one of these?" he questioned as he held the short sword and willed the skill to activate again.
To his surprise and mild joy, he found he could make more than one "dagger", though they always started in their default form.
"I wonder what happens if I have someone else use this? Will it feed me or them? What was the name of that op sword skill from that anime? Open the gates of Babylon? I'm going to need more dagger's."
Your familiar has leveled up! Lvl. 8...
"Ok, he seems to get experience when he drinks from the bowl. Why, though? I'll have to ask Virgil when he gets back. But till then, no more Tom." He said as he dismissed the bowl. But before the cat could turn around, while he was still looking adorably confused he stored the weapons in his inventory.
You have leveled up!...
You have gained a level in the Ranger Class...
The loss to his mana regen had been made up for by the now constant exp flowing in. Ranger sounded like an interesting class. Then the notices started coming in.
Congratulations! Your Perception has surpassed 100!...
Analysing statistics...
Calculating outcome...
You are awarded the Uncommon Semi-Passive skill, Eagle's Sight Lvl. 1!...
Dante fell to his knees as he clutched his face and grit his teeth holding back from screaming in pain. His eyes felt like they were on fire and his head felt ready to crack open. After a moment the pain passed and as he opened his eyes he saw something spectacular. Only to immediately close his eyes once more. He read the glowing notice off his closed eyelids.
Eagle's sight- You blink and see the world in a whole new light. Grants the user the sight of an eagle. While active you can perceive the world in a greater array of colors, including the ultraviolet light spectrum. Increased sharpness of focus per level of the skill. The effective range of your sight increases slightly per level of this skill...
He was sure to turn off the skill before he opened his eyes again. The world returned to what it had been before though he still could notice his sight was a bit sharper. Colors were more vivid.
Congratulations! Your Dexterity has reached 100!...
You have been granted the Uncommon Passive skill, Blessing of Zephyr Lvl. 1...
Blessing of Zephyr- Your body feels lightened as your speed increases. Movement speed and fine motor control increases with skill level. Slight control over nearby air currents. Wind control increases slightly per level of the skill...
Be the wind...
You have obtained the affinity, Air!...
Congratulations! You have acquired the four basic elemental affinities!...
The Road of Elements I have opened to you!...
You are awarded the title, "Elementalist I"...
Elementalist I- A title granted to those who passed the first hurdle and obtained the four basic elemental affinities. +5% power to effects involving the four basic elements, caused by you.
'The stuff is nice, but the pain is less so. I wonder if I still get rewards from the quest for levels that aren't cleric or wizard?' He mused to himself not seeing a reason to complain even if the answer was no.
He took a breath as the world just seemed a little more vivid to him now. He could feel the movement of the air, and sense its purity.
'These will merit testing tomorrow. That pain didn't leave a good impression.' he thought.
Over several hours he had leveled and his dad had brought him his staff. They talked for a bit about their respective growths before his dad departed towards dusk. He put the staff in his inventory and he would examine and test it out tomorrow.
Time Sense has leveled up! Lvl. 3->6...
Meditation has leveled up! Lvl. 10->16...
Dagger of Sacrifice has leveled up! Lvl. 3->9...
Pool of Sacrifice has leveled up! Lvl. 8...
Crystal of Health has leveled up! Lvl. 3->8...
Student of Magic has leveled up! Lvl. 10...
12 hours and a dozen skill levels later he used his channel divinity he removed a level of exhaustion from his mana regen this time.
-1 Mana exhaustion...
1 level of Stamina exhaustion remains...
1 Level of Mana exhaustion remains...
2 Levels of Health exhaustion remain...
"Sweet! Turns out using meditation and resting helps clear exhaustion quite a bit faster." Said Dante as he took notice of the time.
12:45 A.M.
Checking the quest he saw that it still seemed to consider it the first day.
'Must work on how long it's been rather than the actual time of day.' He thought as he drifted off to sleep. Noticies continuing on into his sleep.
Meditation has leveled up! Lvl. 17->20…
Time Sense has leveled up! Lvl. 7->8…
Congratulations! You have passed 250 total skill levels! The Trainee's Road has opened to you!...
Congratulations! All of your regenerations have passed 500 per minute. The Road of Regeneration has opened to you!...
You have leveled up!...
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I'm Overpowered but I'll Let the Hero Do His Thing While I Save the Last Boss
Reborn to Rescue a Video Game World! After dying during a worldwide pandemic, ordinary college student Asteria was given a fresh start in the world of a popular video game. Her mission: to protect mankind from a forgotten danger. However, shouldn’t the original main character of “Tales of Vesterland” be given his chance to shine? Now, armed with ALL the cheats, she’s decided to let the hero do his thing while she saves the last boss and gets rid of the real villain who’s been hiding behind the scenes. Join this OP adventurer in her hilarious candy-fueled quest to befriend the hero, save the villains, and kick ass! Also starring: Sariel. He thinks he's hot stuff because has it all - looks, superhuman abilities, and a great fashion sense. Too bad that the process that gave him superpowers has a secret side effect... Note: Multiple POV characters (male and female) Cover: Sukmayukimura (commissioned custom art) Volume One is now available on Amazon as "I Will Save the Villain." Volume Two is now available for pre-orders on Amazon as "Villain Rescue Scheme." ©Lin Meili 2021. All Rights Reserved. For business inquiries contact me at [email protected]
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Thanks to the greed of someone he trusted, Mark was killed. It wasn't permanent thanks to a deal he made with his patron, Traitor. Now, revived into the world of monsters, secrets, and dark motivations he had left behind, his patience and loyalty will be tested as he navigates a once familiar role with a rookie at his side. Volume 1 first draft finished Cover by Asviloka
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Isekai kami desu ka? -- (God of another world is it?)
Twenty-three year old workaholic Kuroki Kinzo, finds himself on a strange adventure after death. Tasked to run his own universe, he eagerly jumped at the offer. Little did he know, that "playing god", is far more work than entertainment. Through a series of misunderstood events, he finds that his subconscious gave birth to a new world; and a violent history leaving most of his creations, ignorant to his existence. How will he become a great creator... If no one knows who he is?
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Chosen Sun
Our main character is born on the Summer Isles, and over the next few years has increasingly detailed dreams about far off places. He sees a leathery creature spew flames from its mouth; egotistical aristocrats plot unceasingly against each other and worst of all a shadowy force approaching from the north. His research leads him to believe his dreams are more than just fantasy and instead a cry for help, but from who and what is still unclear. Rating & Comment Please. A Game Of Thrones (GOT) fanfiction
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" Nii-san...you're shoving the food in your mouth again... "(M/N) is Iruma's younger twin brother. All (M/N) wants is one day where there's no trouble around his brother. Now that the twins have been sold off to a demon, what will happen now?...*Disclaimer: Harem will be available for both genders (or others)*Note: Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun does NOT belong to me, but it belongs to Osamu Nishi. There also might be some spoilers from the manga.ANOTHER NOTE: *VERY* SLOW UPDATES
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