《Welcome to the Upward Bound System, V.2》Chp. 15, A small collection of short-ish tales
In a Crimson place where two figures looked down upon the exploits of the many and the one.
A gruff looking human warrior stood proud and tall in his worn looking armor. His skin was pale and scarred. His armor dented and scratched. Upon his back he had a great sword that glowed with a faint crimson light, and emanated an aura of...hunger, or was it thirst? He was clearly a veteran of many battles.
Beside him stood a beautiful human woman in translucent attire. Many details of her seemed to shift from moment to moment. From the color of her hair and eyes, to even the color of her skin.
They looked down from on high to the man who had shown them this new world.
Though he had joined another they held no ill will.
"Veridian, shouldn't you be off giving your followers wet dreams somewhere?" The gruff man asked rather rudely, not seeming to enjoy the woman's company.
"Oh my dear Hemora, I am." She said as she gently grasped his arm and looked up to stare into his eyes with a smile that could make even his cold heart tremble.
Hemora looked upon her for a moment before returning his attention to the boy. No...to Dante.
"Besides...it appears we have guests." She said as two figures standing side by side began to slowly apparated as they walked into this place.
The two that had arrived were men, their appearances were so similar one might assume they were twins or at the very least related.
Each wore what appeared to be formal wear of a US general.
Each was a tan man of about equal height to one another.
The two looked over the figures for a moment, examining them carefully. Though their eyes lingered just a bit longer upon Veridian than they had intended.
"Hello, we have come to ascertain your intentions, Sir and Madam." the man on the left said as he took a step forward, pulled off his hat placing it to his chest and gave a small bow. As he did so he revealed his well kept, slicked back, black hair, before he stood once more and replaced his hat upon his head. His yellow eyes shifted constantly, taking in his surroundings at every moment.
The man on the right had no hat. His reddish brown hair was sleek with grease and tied back by a length of cord. His crimson eyes darting to and focusing on Hemora pointing toward him.
"Who the fuck are you and..." His voice suddenly calmed for a moment as his hand gently drifted over, almost reaching out to the beautiful woman with his palm to the crimson sky.
"And may I know you name my lovely lady?" He asked his voice, shifting from one of aggression to one of charm and etiquette.
Hemora smiled as Versona spoke, "I am Veridian and this is Hemora. May we have your names?"
"I'm Mars." Spoke the man on the left.
"I am Ares." Spoke the man on the right.
Hemora spoke up, "I see that neither of you are truly here."
Ares' eyes shifted in and out of focus for a few seconds as he seemed to grow angry. His form becoming more definitive for a moment before once more it grew translucent, his posture relaxing somewhat into his previous arms crossed idle positioning.
"We're a bit busy at the moment, but we had to make time for you guys. It does feel good to be believed in again, though." Ares said as he tossed his arms in the air for a moment before returning to his previous position.
"Yes it does...brother. Our attentions have been divided trying to acquire new followers and among other tasks. We sensed your arrival and collected what little we could, we have come to meet you." Mars spoke, his speech refined and straight to the point.
Hemora smiled at his words, "Honesty I appreciate that, Sir. To put you at ease you have nothing to fear from me right now. I wouldn't fight you guys even if you stood before me in all your glories. You are not strong enough. Neither of you are strong enough. There's no honor in fighting someone far weaker than myself. I will give you time to grow, and amass power. Then we will fight and it shall be glorious!" Hemora spoke with a crazed smile and a wild gleam in his eyes.
The two god's distant eyes focused for a second, "I will look forward to it." they said as one.
Ares and Mars yelled for the soldiers to keep running around the track even as their eyes shifted out of focus and back into it in rapid succession.
"Keep it up you maggots, how are you supposed to fight monsters if you can't even make it around this track a couple hundred times." Mars spoke in a strong tone.
"Keep running you fuck or I'll shove my spear up your ass till the system sends you back to earth! MOVE DAMMIT, MOVE!" Ares yelled as he drew his spear to intimidate the soldiers.
Several began using their sprint skills despite their considerable stamina reserves already beginning to run low.
"Now then. Why are you encroaching upon our world?" Mars asked, his voice calm and even.
"We are here because one of the children of Earth drew us here. We're gods of blood. We felt him, felt his anguish, and so we came..." Hermora was suddenly interrupted by Veridian.
"But he chose another of our kin...Look you can see Rosana down there now!" She said as she pointed down through the seemingly transparent floor of the plane.
Down on Earth standing besides Dante was Rosana. She stood by him as he laid unconscious on the ground.
All the while as the moments ticked by she built a church around him.
The only one aware of her presence having run away.
Rosana looked back up at the four gods who we're watching her in turn. With a wave of her hand, the pool once more became crimson blood.
"I want to make the people of your world strong so that I may enjoy the battles to come." Hemora stated plainly, eliciting a smile from Ares.
"You may yet get your wish. Several humans are rising rapidly in level and rank. It won't be more than a few years before some of them step across that boundary and ascend." Mars spoke, his voice tinged with concern.
"Show us please." Veridian asked before throwing a wink at the twin gods eliciting a smile from even Mars this time.
"We will show you two of the stronger ones." Ares said as he waved his hand and the scene beneath them shifted.
"First we shall show you a human man by the name of Chuck Norris." Mars spoke.
"Why is he so impressive? What's his rank and level currently?" Hemora asked.
"He is Level 75, and Rank 5. He also has the Divine rank skill, Belief empowerment." Said Ares with a smile.
Hemora's eyes widened.
An older man stood covered in crimson blood. His fists lashed out again and again as he attempted to slay the beast that was attacking him and the teenage boy behind him.
The boy wept and cried fearing for his life should the man fall.
He was crippled not only by his own fear but by his broken leg.
Again and again the man's fists lashed out trying to keep the four armed giant from advancing, from reaching out to grab the boy.
Growing tired of the games the giant reached forth with two of its arms and grappled Chuck against his chest. As it did that it reached out and grasped the boy with both its other hands, crushing the boy in its grasp.
Even as the boy felt his bones bend and break, blood filling his lungs, he still believed the man could win. Still held out hope his own life could be saved.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Chuck yelled as his eyes blazed gold. He screamed into the face of the giant as his beard parted for but an instant.
In that instant, a third fist leapt forth and brutalized the giant's face before vanishing as if it had never been there.
You have acquired the Unique skill, Third fist, Lvl. 1...
The blow struck with such force that it shoved back the giant causing it to release both him and the boy.
Chuck in one swift and powerful motion roundhouse kicked the giant's head into a cloud of red mist.
You have obtained the Uncommon active skill, Roundhouse kick Lvl. 1...
Skill, Roundhouse kick has been set to level 57...
You have leveled up! Lvl. 76...
The ground shook slightly as the giant's body hit the ground, the golden light faded from his eyes.
"Oh no, no, no!" Chuck said as he turned back and raced the short distance to the boy who now laid upon the ground.
The boy had been crushed by the giant's grasp.
Chuck watched the boy's chest rise and fall, taking one shaky breath, before the boy stilled and moved no more.
He wept for the boy, who surely must have had so much time ahead of him.
"What the fuck is going on? Why isn't the boy respawning?" Hemora asked, only gaining a shrug from Mars while Ares smiled before stating.
"Keep watching." Spoke Ares with an expectant and yet cautious tone.
"If only...If only..."Chuck whispered as he slowly hit the ground with his fists.
A new sound came up. The sound of beating wings.
Chuck looked up to find a figure clade all in white standing before him. Upon his back sprouted a pair of magnificent white angel wings.
"His time is done...Let him go Chuck...He is beyond your reach..."Death spoke in a voice that sounded as old as time, and held the weight of many deaths.
"Just...Just..." Chuck had not the words as he began weeping boy taken too soon.
Then the words of the system rang in his mind once more.
What people believe you can do, you can...
You walk a Divine road, envied by the masses but you will know the hardships only known to those in your position...
What will you do?...
Chuck felt the tears running down his face triggering something in his memory.
He watched as death reached out for the boy's body.
So it was that he wiped his tears from his eyes mixing with the blood upon his hands and placed his palm upon the boy's chest.
Looking up to Death, he had no fear, only fierce and fiery determination.
For but a moment in the crimson eyes of the angel of death, he saw fear.
"Get up kid, you're not done yet!" Chuck exclaimed with a kind but stern voice as his eyes burned gold.
Golden light emanated from his palm.
The boy's body creaked and cracked as his injuries healed and after a moment, he once more drew breath.
You have gained 3 levels in the Divine Initiate Class!...
You have unlocked the Non leveling, Legendary Active System Skill, Resurrection...
Resurrection- Revive a deceased creature you are touching for x times 100 mana, where X= the target creature’s level. You may revive a target creature that died for any other reason than old age, so long as you have a piece of them that was a part of them at or before the moment of their deaths. Soul of the target creature must be free and willing in order to return. Costs increase by an order of magnitude if attempted upon undead...
Chuck no longer saw fear in death's eyes. But neither did he see the anger he had expected.
Instead he saw joy as death smiled, before vanishing with the sound of beating wings.
"Come on, let's get you somewhere safe, kid." Chuck said as he slowly picked up the unconscious boy and began walking him back to town.
"&^*(^(*%(^&%(&%%^&" Hemora exclaimed curses in his native tongue.
"Now the second." Ares spoke with a bit of joy as the scene shifted once more.
Matthew stood with his back to a wall being hounded by a man a head taller than him and probably more than twice his weight in mostly muscle.
Mathew stood wearing a green t-shirt and reddish brown pants.
"Look man, I gave you the autograph. What more do you want?" He said as he watched something walking behind the man.
A large brown hound with black spots.
The obsessed fan raised up a fist clearly not happy with the response.
"Get him Scoob!" Mathew shouted as the large hound leapt up upon the man's back before wrapping his mouth around the man's neck.
Growling the man simply reached back and pulled the hound from off his back, its teeth having not even pierced his skin.
In one swift motion he swung the hound down upon the street.
However, where he had expected a splatter of blood and gore, the sound of shattering bones, all that happened was the dog turning into a puff of mist and smoke.
"AAAAAHHHHHH" Mathew screamed as he threw a punch at the man in desperation.
The man simply smiled and laughed not believing he could be hurt by the scrawny man before him.
He was wrong.
The instant Mathew's fist connected with the man's shoulder he flew backwards.
The man crashed through the building they had been standing in front of and emerged out on the street on the other side.
This left a large area of the building wrecked.
Thankfully no one else seemed to have been hurt by the man as he flew by.
However, a tall man with four arms and of ebony skin, stepped out of the building the man had crashed into.
Mathew looked up to see the name of the building was the...Walking Corpse.
"Eww.." said Mathew.
The man he suspected to be the shopkeeper looked to him and then to the man sprawled out in the street on the other side of his building.
Sighing, Oscar motioned for him to come over.
Your connection with Familiar, the artificial spirit, Scooby, has deepened...
46% power and falling...
'I wanted to be a wizard and of course when I tried to summon a familiar I got a dog that I just had to name Scooby Doo.' Mathew thought as he heard the familiar laughter of the dog.
Many had seen.
Many knew his name.
Many more simply knew him as Shaggy.
As he began walking forward he was crowded by many people checking to see if he was alright.
They didn't know it then, but this was the beginning of the church of Shaggy...
Matthew Lillard, Rank 5, Level 64…
Hermora was stunned into silence before a wide smile grew upon his face, "There will be most glorious battles to come in this world."
Hemora looked to the twin gods, his smile wide upon his face.
"They will be new, but you. You're not among these new gods." Hemora said, crossing his arms, still smiling.
"We are not." Ares and Mars said in sync looking at each other for a moment before looking back to those in front of them.
"So, please show me your strength so that I may revel in your accomplishment when the time comes." Hemora asked.
The twins smiled before there was a flash of light from both of the gods.
In an instant, and for but an instant they stood in all their glory. Their eyes focused and filled with life.
The soldiers began to slow as they saw the two men who had been barking orders suddenly disappear. Even though they slowed, they still kept going, wary it was a trick.
Ares stood wearing very old looking but well maintained Greek armor.
Mars stood wearing similarly very old but well maintained roman armor.
Each with a spear upon their backs, a sword upon their hips, and a shield upon their left arms.
"Oh boys..." Two voices spoke from the darkness.
In a flash Ares and Mars were back in their formal uniforms, they looked at each other and smiled.
Mars turned back only for Ares to hold a hand out towards Versona, "Care to join us for a good bit of fun?" Ares asked with a charming smile.
A light blush visible upon Versona's face as she took a few steps forward and took Ares' hand.
"It has been quite some time since I've had an opportunity like this. How could I refuse." She said gleefully.
Mars and Ares made haste back into the shadows from which they had emerged with Versona in tow.
Suddenly the two men reappeared, one with a large spear in his hand screaming, "I TOLD YOU TO KEEP FUCKING RUNNING!" Ares exclaimed as he began chasing them with the spear.
Hemora stood alone for a moment before he waved his hand and once more the scene shifted back to Dante.
"Grow strong Dante, for the battles ahead of you, they shall require all of your might and then some..."
Darkness took Dante as he held Tom the cat in his arms.
Before he knew it he had opened his eyes and found himself among rolling hills of knee high grass.
As he looked around he smiled.
"This one is new..." He mused before he heard someone clear their throat behind him.
As he turned around he saw a man standing there. He seemed to be a knight.
For he wore heavy armor and wielded a sword. What was more interesting about him was his red skin and inch long horns protruding from his head.
"Hello Dante. It's nice to meet you." Spoke the knight in a joyous tone.
"Who are you?" Dante asked as he backed away, almost dropping tom.
"I am an old friend of Rosana. We go far back. Me, her and our buddies have our own little pantheon going on. My name is Oxabob. Oh here she is now." Said the knight as he looked behind Dante.
Dante carefully turned to see indeed that his lady had arrived in this place.
She stepped from the air and down upon the grass.
Slowly Rosana felled the hood of her robe, revealing prismatic colored hair and eyes.
"It's been a while Oxabob, has it been 10 years already? What interests you in Dante?" Rosana asked Oxabob, her voice sounding more human.
"It has. I got a notice that your boy here got a level in warrior....But we both know that's not the real reason why I came. I want to see him." Oxabob spoke calmly at first but his anger rose as he spoke.
With a wave of her hand Rosana a large box with transparent walls rose from the ground. Within the large box, more a very small cell was the crimson king, who immediately stood in his small cell and began screaming, though Dante couldn't hear him.
Rosana looked to her friend and then to Dante.
"You should rest Dante. You've done enough for now." She said as she placed her hand upon his shoulder and he felt the gentle embrace of sleep take him.
Susan was a struggling musician before the system came.
Now she was a struggling bard playing in inns for a little bit of money.
Tonight her performance had been interrupted when light had started pouring in the windows.
Like everyone else she had rushed outside to see what was going out.
She looked upon the multicolored beam of light that was erupting skyward in the distance.
It was then that she first heard her voice.
"I see you and your struggles child...I can see great things for you and your music. I can make you a legendary musician, a legendary singer. You need only have faith in me, and I shall teach you a song like no other." Said the mysterious woman's voice.
"...Are you the one making that light?" She asked cautiously, looking around to see if anyone else seemed to be hearing that voice.
"Yes and no. That would be one of my high priests doing, he has made a miracle. So, will you place your faith in me Susan?" Asked the voice.
Susan was silent for a moment weighing her options.
But all she could think of fell away as she watched that prismatic light erupting upward.
What did she really have to lose?
"I will believe in you," Susan replied.
"I am glad to hear that. My name is Rosana, I am a goddess of Life and Blood. You will be seeing me very soon. But for now, enjoy the display. Maybe come by the church when it's done." said Rosana.
Susan watched for another moment till the light ceased and the darkness of night engulfed the town.
Susan decided that no one was really going to listen to her music after that display and so she went to bed.
As sleep took her, her eyes opened to a new place.
She stood in a beautiful place. The sky seemed so large, or was it normal and her perception had been skewed by the fake sky of the tutorial zone?
+1 Wis and Int...
'Sweet' she thought as she continued to look around. The grass was short and cool beneath her bare feet. Everywhere as far as she could see were small rolling hills of the same green grass.
"Hello Susan." spoke a voice from behind her.
Spinning around she found a taller woman in a colorful robe looking back at her. She had to be at least 7 feet tall.
The woman was, in a word, Beautiful. Long flowing hair colored like a rainbow, kinda reminded her of that crazy mom from Kill la Kill.
Next to her was a large man with red skin and horns upon his head.
'OH MY GOD! He's a tiefling!' She exclaimed in her mind as she smiled joyously.
Seconds passed and her smile began to wane before it dropped entirely. She looked down, feeling unworthy of being here, of this opportunity.
She felt a hand upon her chin. Looking up she saw Rosana looking down upon her with a smile.
"What's wrong Susan?" Rosana asked with a warm and motherly voice.
"I don't think I'll ever be a great musician or singer..."said Susan.
"You can never know what could have been if you don't give everything you have." Said Rosana as she released Susan's chin.
Spreading her arms out wide the sound of many wings could be heard.
One by one men and women with large white wings upon their backs touched down gently upon the rolling hills all around them.
"You have called us our lady?" Spoke the largest among them, a giant of a man standing 12 feet tall looking very much like an adonis.
"Yes, there is a very special song I want to teach this young woman and I cannot do it alone. To all who can hear my voice will you lend me your voices?" Spoke the goddess as her eyes began to glow, and much to Susan's surprise the angels began to sing. But it wasn't only them, in the distance she could hear many more voices. Singing, dancing, instruments of every kind.
It was a beautiful chorus of chaos that somehow blended together perfectly to create a song that was greater than the sum of its parts.
"Sing with us." Rosana said simply as she began to sing.
The song was beautiful in ways she couldn't describe.
It filled her with a familiar joy. Her passion for music rekindled with every passing moment.
As Dante lay on a newly made hospital bed in the newly made church of Rosana, he heard his lady speaking.
Sing with us...
Though he was only at the edge of waking, he still heeded her words.
He began to sing softly what seemed to be a beautiful song.
Congratulations you have gained the Common active skill, Singing Lvl. 1...
Many sick and wounded had been brought from system hospitals to the newly constructed church of Rosana.
Here one's regenerations was doubled.
As he sang the sick and the wounded felt their health returning to them.
They breathed easier, moved easier, they felt that fire of life burning just a little brighter within them.
They joined their voices with his, singing the song as their bodies began to heal at an even faster rate.
But like all good things it came to an end after only 2 minutes and a half minutes. Yet, the effects remained long after the singing had ended.
And by the songs end he and those that had joined him in the song had earned a few levels in singing.
Singing has leveled up! Lvl. 5...
She found herself too singing with them. Even the large armored Tiefling man was singing at this point.
Singing has leveled up! Lvl. 14...
As the song carried on she felt something change in the air as the song began to build.
About four minutes after its beginning Rosana paused in her song and raised her hand, the whole world going quiet with her.
Susan knew in her heart and very soul the song was much longer than what she had heard. She had to know this song.
"Will you let me help you to love life once more? To sing the songs that give life to the world?" Asked Rosana simply as she held out her hands for Susan to take.
"I will!...But can we keep singing?" She asked with barely contained excitement as she took Rosana's hands.
Rosana laughed and so the song continued, dancing arm in arm all the while.
They sang on until the world was consumed by beautiful prismatic light.
Singing has leveled up! Lvl. 18->57...
You have leveled up! Lvl. 35->42...
You have been granted the Rare passive skill, Perfect Recall Lvl. 1...
You have come into possession of knowledge with a high probability to cause harm.
A divine patron trusted by the system has granted you this knowledge.
Improper use of this knowledge will be dealt with harshly!...
Susan woke up still humming the song she had learned but try as she might her voice alone wasn't enough to sing that glorious song. Then a blue box appeared.
Divine Quest!
Getting the band together!
1/12 Collected
Your lady has tasked you with collecting others so that you may sing the songs of life as they were meant to be heard.
Together you must sing the song for a purpose that will be disclosed at a later time.
Quest rewards: EXP, (Unknown), Increased favor with your patron
You have been issued the first of several divine quests in a series...
For this feat you're granted 5000 exp...
She wept in joy for this opportunity, and at the beauty of the song.
It's name she would never forget.
Its name was, the Song of Genesis.
- End806 Chapters
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