《Welcome to the Upward Bound System, V.2》Chp. 6, Distributing points, Second Breakfast, Tutorial continued
It was as soon as Dante dismissed Virgil that he realized he could not step outside just yet. "I need a way to attract less attention. Because a crown certainly draws attention." Dante pondered for a moment then stated, "Store, magic items." A large blue box appeared. Within the box were smaller button boxes with text upon them. The magic items were loosely grouped by what part of the body they would occupy. With things getting more specific with each layer down you progressed.
Dante tapped the box labeled, head. Several new options appeared, some of which being, hat, helm, and crown. Dante felt a great desire from the crown to obtain and absorb other lesser crowns but he stayed his course. He tapped on the, Hat, option. Here he was presented with a variety of hats. He was notified that any hat he purchased would either be sized for him as part of the payment or could magically resize to fit him if it required attunement. Dante was impressed and glad.
The closest hat that Dante could find himself wearing was a Stetson cowboy hat that seemed to be made from woven gold. It was like an item skin you would find from a loot box in one of those microtransaction riddled EA games. Though from the item's descriptions it was not made from actual gold but rather the hair of a rabbit that mimicked the properties of gold. Curious, he checked its weight, finding it weighed 5 pounds.
"That's a damn heavy hat!" Dante stated. "Could you assimilate and take the form of this hat?" Dante asked the crown.
"Certainly. I would even be able to move the gems to the inside for greater concealment if you so desired."
Dante simply replied, "Please do. Now which enchantment." Dante pondered as the hat could be purchased with any one or more of several dozen enchantments upon it. Obviously the more he had and the greater their quality would cost him more.
The enchantment that Dante eventually settled upon was actually three similar ones. In the end the hat gave him a bonus of +5 to his health, mana, and stamina regens. It was a little expensive though, setting him back 175 small gold. But Dante appreciated the moderate increases to his regens.
Dante thought about it for a moment, '175 small gold for the hat works out to about 10 small gold per point of regen, a little steep if you ask me. That leaves 25 small gold for the hat itself, man...I'm glad I have a bit of money to throw around. Speaking of money, I have to give dad, let's say, 2000 small gold just to make sure he can afford whatever mom wants.' Dante felt the comfortable robe against his skin and then remembered, "Right a shirt." Dante quickly took off the robe donning his shirt and then equipped his robe again.
Dante placed the golden stetson over his crown. When the two met it was not as he had expected. The crown left his head for a moment as it seemed to merge itself with the hat. Dante felt along the brim of the hat finding none of the gems on the outside of the crown's new hat form. He took off the hat for a moment and looked inside it. There he saw the six gems staring back at him, a moment later something changed. Dante watched as the inside of the hat became black as night. Carefully he reached his hand into the blackness only stopping once his arm was up to the elbow inside the only several inch tall hat. Dante pulled his arm from the darkness which promptly returned to normal. "Was that you opening the diamonds inventory?"
The crown simply responded, "Yes." Dante smiled as he once more donned his hat.
'Let's see if a golden cowboy hat is less conspicuous than a crown.' Dante thought as he made his way out of his room and down the large set of stairs to the lobby of the Crystal Foot Inn. There he saw there were not many individuals present. Several simply appeared to have fallen asleep while drinking.
Making his way over to the dining area after ringing the bell, he made his order and took a seat at one of the available tables near the window. He looked out upon the smooth stone streets and watched as even in the early morning hours when the sun was barely rising the streets were still busy. A strange thought crossed his mind. He promptly summoned Virgil, there in the seat directly across the table from him appeared Virgil. Dressed in
"Hey Virgil, I have a question. If this is a pocket plane, what's with the sun?" Dante spoke quickly to virgil.
Virgil simply smiled then noticed the hat. "I like the hat, a wise decision." Virgil said knowingly.
"As for the sun, it is an effect created by the system. For you and the people of the earth it's one sun and a 24 hour day. For others, it's never night and there are multiple sun's going across the artificial sky. These places are tuned to be more acceptable to those who choose to be here." Virgil stated in an upbeat voice.
After thanking Virgil for the information he dismissed him with a nod as his breakfast arrived. Dante finished his large breakfast and went back for seconds as he was still hungry. Dante picked up his disguised crown off the table as he went to get more food. There was something different this time, when he ordered his food he was asked for 2 gold. Dante had not been charged for the food he ordered the previous two times so what had changed.
"Can you please tell me why you're charging me this time?" Dante asked, honestly curious. The woman at the counter was a tall, you might say lanky, blonde elf, with long pointed ears. Her complexion was tanned, as if she had spent many long days in the sun. Her bust left much to be desired, but as she turned to answer a question from the chef Dante got a nice view of her ass. She was, in a word, beautiful. 'Now that's a great view.' Dante thought as he smiled. The elf once more turned to answer his question. Her voice reminded him of Galadriel from Lord of the rings. "You are being charged as you are only given 3 meals a day for the duration of your free stay. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If you want more than that you have to purchase it yourself." The elven woman told him in a voice of boredom mixed with annoyance. Dante noticed that she was either a short elf or it was just his height, as he seemed to stand at equal height with her.
Dante thought she might be grumpy because she doesn't like humans. 'Let's try to change that.' Dante thought. He held out his hand and clutched his hand into a fist. When it opened 5 gold dropped to the counter. "You can keep the change." The elven woman first looked at the coins and then at him in shock before closing her mouth and dawning a face of indifference as she took the gold. "Thank you for our generosity." She simply stated as Dante returned back to his window seated table. He set his hat on the table and waited for his food.
It didn't take long for his food to arrive and it seemed the same elven woman was now his waitress. She refilled his soda, and walked away. Five minutes later she returned without her apron, with a plate of bacon in one hand and a bowl of salad in the other. "Is this seat taken?" Dante did not speak as his mouth was full instead he simply motioned she was free to sit, hoping she would understand. She did.
Dante finished his mouthful of food and washed it down with some sprite. As she was busy eating he thought he would take a small break from his second breakfast and distribute his Rp and Stat points.
Dante A. Stone
Race: Human
Class: N/A
Lvl. 23
EXP: 2,170/4,700
Gold: 9890
Strength 24
Constitution/Vitality 35
Endurance 27
Dexterity 20
Road Points
Willpower 26
Stat Points
Intellect 28 Luck 18 Wisdom 23 Perception 17 Charisma 17 Spirit 29
Dante inspected his status smiling, 'So many points and so many roads let's try completing a few of the shortest ones. But first...' Dante thought for a moment. Then he pulled up his road menu.
Road of Blood
Road of Dust
Road of the Burning Heart
Road of Family
Road of the Unyielding Will
Road to Everlasting Life
Road of the Downtrodden
Road of New Beginnings
Road of Leadership I
Road of Courage II
Road of Fear I
Dante frowned as he saw the Road of the Wizard II hadn't become unlocked. 'Maybe I'll get it when my mana passes 1000? That probably won't take long.' Dante thought for a moment before he refocused to the more immediate matter at hand. 'With 90 Rp I could complete at most...' Dante scanned over the Roads a few times until he found the cheapest series of roads available to him. Dante looked at the one road he actually hesitated to tread down even though it was cheap. The Road of Fear.
'Let's leave that one out for now. Let's start with the Road of the Downtrodden.' Dante put his 10 Rp into the path getting a notice every 2 Rp.
The hand dealt to you in your early life was most unfortunate, but the winds of chance have changed direction! +2 luck...
No lesson you ever learned was a painless one! +3 End...
Through the long years of your torment you have prevailed! +3 Will, +2 End...
All you knew was force, so you sought out greater strength! +2 Str...
Long ago you closed that chapter of your life, and now you look to the future! +3 Wis...
Congratulations! You have completed the road of the Downtrodden! +1 to all stats!...
Your stamina has surpassed 1000! The Road of the Tireless I has opened to you!...
Dante smiled even as the road he had just tread brought back memories he wished he could erase.
He was a child again as he walked that road, and it frightened him. He had always hated the man who had sired him. That bastard did not deserve to be called a father!
He closed his eyes and calmed himself for a moment before continuing. 'The completion bonus was rather nice though. Onto the next road.' Dante thought.
Dante put a little more thought into his next road choice, while he did not really wish to be a leader he recognized that there was a certain appeal to that kind of thing. So it was with some reluctance he placed his Rp into the road of leadership, completing it all in one go.
Other's readily accept the role of leader, fate seems to have thrust it upon you! +2 luck...
Though you are reluctant you show great promise as a leader. +2 Cha...
You fear your past and fear your future, uncertainty clouds your judgement!...
However, as you pick up the pace, your decisions are becoming clearer. +2 Int...
You are a natural born leader. You just needed to be given the chance to see! +3 Cha...
Congratulations! You have completed the road of Leadership I! +5 Cha, +6 Will, +4 Int...
You have obtained the skill, "Leadership (Unc) Lvl. 1!...
You have not earned leadership, but been granted the corresponding skill, for the system recognizes the leadership you have already shown in life...
Skill, Leadership, has been set to level 5...
As Dante walked this path he felt his feet moving even as he was sitting. His mind grew clouded as he remembered his bitter past and what he could become if he chose wrong. He resolved himself to be true to himself and banished those thoughts. He would be who he said he would be and no other! Dante accepted the skill, for it would aid him in the times to come. He was also interested in how the system recognized the more esoteric and metaphysical aspects of life. Be that as it may he decided to investigate the matter at a later time. 'What to pick next?' Dante pondered.
Dante struck upon a line of reasoning that he hoped was correct. 'The system recognizes me. It recognizes when I change and what I desire. So, does that mean the Road of fear for me would be different from if another person walked it?' Dante was curious and so he hardened his heart. 'I will not be afraid. If I am to be a leader, I shall die before I become a tyrant!' Dante set his mind not to inflicting fear, but rather, to conquering it. He placed the 10 points into the road of fear.
The road you tread is fraught with danger but you are determined to see it through! +3 Will...
Even as the day turns to night and creatures come out to fight, you carry on! +2 Will...
Faster and faster your feet carry you as you hear the howling of wolves! +1 Dex...
You tread forth away from danger not because you cower from it, but because you are wise to avoid it when you can. +3 Wis...
The foolish shall call you a coward, but it is you who has the last laugh! +2 Cha...
Congratulations! You have completed the road of fear!...
You have obtained the skill, Error!...
You have already obtained that skill!...
Skill is recorded as having fused to create a higher skill...
Congratulations! Your skill, Burning Heart, has leveled up! Lvl. 2!...
Dante felt his feet traveling and as the seconds dragged on even through his warming socks, he felt the biting cold. He heard in the distance the howling of wolves and his pulse increased for a moment. He felt that it might be a good idea to leave, but he shook that thought from his mind, 'This is in your head. You are safe here. Keep moving forward!' Dante thought as he felt his feet continue their seemingly unceasing march. He felt the abrupt halting of his feet for a moment as he came to the error. Then he felt the light treading of his feet accompanied by the faint feeling of his chest growing warm. Then all settled.
Dante took a deep breath taking in his increased stats. Another notice appeared.
Congratulations! Your Health has surpassed 1,000! You shall be awarded a health related skill that fits you...
"This is interesting..." Dante spoke softly.
You have obtained the Uncommon, passive skill, "Over Heal"
Over Heal- Sometimes your health pool just isn't sufficient. Small increase to max health, per level of the skill.
Congratulations! Your mana has surpassed 1,000! The Wizard's Road II has opened to you...
His stomach growled and he smiled, closing his screens for later.
'Interesting, the system changed up the wording of the name. But at least It opened...' Dante thought as he dug into what remained of his second breakfast.
Several minutes later Dante was finishing his second breakfast while the elven woman was finishing her last piece of bacon. He used a napkin to get much of the grease off of his hands. The grease upon his fingers reminded him of a moment of the grease spell from D&D. 'Oh those were some good times.' He thought that sparked his interest, he wondered...
"Excuse me sir?" Dante's train of thought derailed as the elven woman before him spoke.
"I'm sorry, yes is there something you need?" He asked, concerned he had missed a question while lost in his thoughts.
The elf extended her hand, "I'm Califa..." Her hand began to drop as too did her head.
Reaching out his hand he grasped her hand in his, "Califa is fine. My name is Dante." He said as he leaned slightly forward still holding her hand. Her face was one of surprise. She looked at him unmoving for a second before it seemed to click in her mind. She grasped his hand back and they shook hands before releasing.
Dante once more sat back in the seat of the window side booth and looked upon the tall stunningly beautiful elven woman. She gave the strong impression of being nervous. She held her hands between her legs, while trying to avoid eye contact with Dante. Finally she spoke, "So what is your world like as a human?" she asked, trying to feign ignorance but failing miserably.
Dante smiled as he leaned forward, "My world is one where many have turned their backs upon nature and are basically slaves to technology. Not actual slaves but it's close. Our world is beautiful, still in places but where my kind goes, well..." He paused for a moment, Califa leaning forward absorbing every word he spoke.
"Individual people in my world are rather smart, but where we often fail is when we group up. Often we fall into what is called mob mentality. A terrible thing. We have raised buildings that reach to the sky and ships to carry us from our home world. But for all our accomplishments there are those who would destroy what’s taken forever to build for a moment of personal gain. Then there are people who just want to light a match and burn everything down. I wonder how those people are doing under the system?" Dante finished his small speech as he looked upon Califa waiting for her response.
"Humans in my world are much like your own then." She simply stated as once more her head began to drop.
"Humans are shaped by our environment. We had to build everything on our own, and with such short lives we often failed to think of the larger picture. I can't tell you how many humans are good and how many are evil. All I can say is, each group is legion, which is to say, many." Dante said. Dante thought for a moment then asked "How old are you if you don't mind my asking?" Dante was honestly curious how the long lived elves of fantasy weighed up against the genuine article.
Califa's face grew brighter as she blushed, "I am 186 years old by the standard of your years." Dante nodded with an expression of, well damn.
"On Earth, my world, we had stories of elves, long lived tall people with pointy ears. They were well trained in various forms of combat, and loved nature such that they made their cities from living forests."
She looked upon him with shock, "Stories? There were no elves where you came from? No other races?" Dante simply shook his head.
"We had only ourselves for the most part. There was no one else. We taught ourselves everything, and we did so without any real or abundant magic. Until now I suppose." He said.
Califa's reaction was swift, "I cannot imagine a world without magic."
Dante chuckled, "That's funny many humans have spent their entire lives dreaming of nothing but worlds of magic. I'm not entirely certain but I think a lot of ideas from earth were integrated into the system when it arrived. We have enriched the system but it has yet to be seen what the system shall do for us." Dante finished speaking.
Congratulations! The Philosopher’s Road I has opened to you!...
One thought does not make a Philosopher. But to you who have pondered again and again, who has reached for something more, the World takes notice. +2 Wisdom...
'Well that's interesting...' Dante thought as he refocused on Califa.
"You arrived not too long ago, correct? Have you already gone through the tutorial?" She said, while he caught notice of that word, tutorial's. "Yes, those of my world only arrived yesterday. As for the tutorials, partially. My parents and I are going to explore the town some more today." Dante said. Califa crossed her arms upon the table and then rested her head upon them.
"I have stayed in the Normal tutorial zones for almost 20 years of real time. When the system arrived in my world I was away from my family in a large elven city. I entered here without my parents. It was a few months before I found out what happened to my parents. Turns out they were fine. Still living on the same little farm they had been for the last 300 years." She said with a small smile before shaking her head.
Then she sighed.
"No one would allow me to join their group. I had to fight alone and after one too many brushes with death. I gave up and took a job here. When most of the people who had come in with me had moved on there came a notice stating time would be set to normal." She raised her head only to shrug her shoulder's in the apparently universal sign of, I don't know. She then rested her head and arms once more upon the table as she continued.
"That was a long time ago though. And yesterday I was notified that the Inn was moving again to a new tutorial zone for some frontier world. I didn't want to lose my place to stay, and to keep my job. So, I came with the Inn here as I have done a dozen times before." She finished her little story.
Dante weighed her story, finding several things of note, but then smiled as he spoke. "What was your life like before the system?"
"I never received a proper education growing up. I lived my first 100 years within 20 miles of the farm upon which I was born. When I turned 100, I was declared an adult. I went out to see the world and didn't get very far." Califa stated in a sad voice.
Suddenly her tone turned more positive. "But after I kind of got stuck here working for the Inn I managed to get myself a decent education from the Innkeeper and all the people I've met."
Dante weighed that for a moment and then smiled, "I would like you to meet someone special to me. His name is Virgil."
Dante spent 50 mana into the skill as it activated. Appearing from the mana, Virgil appeared in the seat of the booth to Dante's left.
His skin was pale and yet pristine skin giving off a faint silvery light. He wore a black robe with intricate gold embroidery. His raven black hair flowing
"Hello Dante. Please state the nature of your inquiry." Virgil spoke with a smile as he turned to face Dante.
"*^$#*& %$*# %*^&!" Califa exclaimed in words that didn't translate, though he highly suspected she was swearing. After a moment and everyone of the dozen other people in the dining area looking at her she began to calm down.
"Hello...Virgil?" She asked carefully, extending out her hand as a courtesy without really thinking about it.
Much to the surprise of her and Dante Virgil gently took her hand before leaning forward and kissing it. "How do you do, my lady?" He asked with a smile, eliciting a blush from Califa.
Several onlookers laughed, most returning to their meals.
She turned to Dante once again trying not to show her face, "How?"
"Virgil was once simply my system guide. As for how we came to this point." Dante said pausing, he had reminded himself of what Oscar had said earlier, "that people did not often name their guides".
Dante turned to Virgil and waited to see if he would object. Instead Virgil simply smiled. Dante taking the cue told Califa, "Call out your guide."
She did and so a familiar golden figure manifested from her mana, appearing in the seat of the booth to her right. Califa looked at Dante and smiled, "What's next?" Dante took a deep breath, smelling the fresh air as he looked out the window out onto the street for a moment. Then he returned his focus to the topic at hand. He centered his gaze upon Califa as he continued.
"You must name them now. I don't know how it is in your world, but on earth we don't generally call our friends simply, friend or person, they have names. To make your guide like Virgil you must give them a name. Grant them a name that they may be more than they are now. So that they can better help you. Imagine a friend you have with you for every day of your life." Dante said before he leaned back and watched as she weighed his words in her mind. She slowly turned and began speaking to her guide.
Yet he couldn't understand her words. If they were even words.
To him it sounded as if she spoke several alien languages. The sound of burning fire, the rushing of water, a gentle breeze, and the grinding of stones.
'Sounds like the dialects of primordial from D&D' Dante thought as he watched on.
She spoke something different, he couldn't quite define why it was different, all he could understand was, it was a name. The golden figure began to shine as its form began to change. It took the shape of an elven man. He now wore a fine sky blue silk robe with golden embroidery, very similar to the embroidery upon Virgil's black clothes.
He now had long vibrant orange hair that went to his back, his eyes were of a similar color. His ears like hers were pointed, he flashed her a smile revealing perfect white teeth. His skin was light, but not nearly so as Virgil's.
Dante and Califa watched on in awe. As the golden figure spoke, he spoke in that same odd collection of languages that Califa had earlier.
Virgil watched the new arrival with curious eyes before he seemed to see something that he liked in the new and improved guide. So he smiled too.
Dante turned his head to ask Virgil a question while keeping his eye upon Califa and the golden figure. "Why can't I understand them?" Virgil simply replied, "Private conversation between her and her guide. The System won't translate." That raised several questions in Dante's mind none of which he thought would be of much use now so he let the issue lie. Califa smiled and waved as the golden figure smiled and waved back. Califa turned to Dante asking another question with a smile, "Anything else?" Dante smiled in return as he patted Virgil upon the shoulder. "Let him use your mana, talk to him, and give it time." Dante stated simply.
"What's his name anyway?" Dante asked only for the guide to answer.
"My name sir..." He spoke pausing as he turned from Califa towards Dante, "...is Gandrel." Gandrel's eyes turned to Virgil for a moment as his began to glow gold. A second later Virgil did the same.
It lasted but a second but in that time a moment of understanding seemed to have passed between them.
It was at this time that Dante heard a bell ringing at the counter. When Dante looked up he saw his parents looking back at him and smiling. His mother waved with a large smile plastered on her face.
"Thank you for all you have taught me! I have to go." She got up in a hurry carrying her plate and bowl in a single hand, then she turned back to Dante to ask another question. "Can we...adventure together? I want to get stronger so I can give those city elves what's coming to them."
Dante smiled, "Sure thing. I will let you know when we are going out." No sooner had he finished his statement did a screen appear before both of them.
You have formed a party!
Your Leadership skill has leveled up!
What would you like to name your party?
Dante's eyes widened for a moment, then his smile returned. "Let's adventure."
You have created the party, "Let's adventure"
Califa, Lvl. 48, has joined the party!
Dante watched as she smiled and waved as she turned and rushed back to continue her work. Dante couldn't help but enjoy the view as she hurried off to continue her work. He watched and waited as his parents made their orders and then walked over to join him. As they sat down they seemed like they were ready to lay into him with questions that would likely make him blush.
So, he did something to distract them. Dante pointed a finger at each of his parents and stated, "Invite to party." A blue box appeared before each of them. They looked at him for a moment before they accepted.
Frank Stone, Lvl. 43, has joined the party.
Laura Stone, Lvl. 29, has joined the party.
Dante saw a green cursor appear above his parents heads, as they too seemed to notice the cursor. Dante and his family talked for several minutes with his parents about their new D&D sounding spells and skills, before their food came, delivered by Califa. She looked upon Dante's parents. Dante smiled and she smiled back. She returned to the counter to serve another of the humans who had arrived at this Inn.
Dante learned that his father had become a paladin and his mother a cleric. They asked him about the hat, and why their skills failed to identify it. Dante once more summoned Virgil and had him make a zone of sound isolation as he had done before. He watched as 300 mana flowed away from him and through Virgil to create the magical anti sound barrier. 'Well I don't feel nearly as bad as last time that happened.' He mused with a smile.
Then he began to explain his dream of the Crimson King and what he had learned in the intervening time. His parents were flabbergasted when he showed them the stats for his new items.
His father asked if they could get another robe like his, but he doubted another robe like this existed. "Then again, this is a very magical world. There are probably other items that do the same thing. But I suspect this item is one of a kind." Dante said, feeling just a little more proud of the items he had.
When they weren't talking to each other they were asking Virgil about this or that. He had asked about the party system.
As It turned out it was rather simple actually, not much more to it than he had already learned.
He learned there was a friends list and wondered why Oscar hadn't added him checked the list. Upon inspection he saw two pending friend requests, one was Oscar and the other was Califa. 'Opps.' Dante thought as he accepted them. He was surprised to find his parents already added to his friends list.
Exp was distributed amongst the party based on contribution. He as the party leader could set it to be equal if he desired though. He couldn't currently due to the disparity in the levels of everyone in the party.
He was told loot distribution was up to the party and that he, and anyone else in the party, could see the basic status information for anyone else in the party.
Dante gave his father 2000 gold to help with expenses. His father gave him a smile as a small tear welled up in one of his eyes.
Dante and his parents finished their meal after about an hour of intermittent talking. When they stood up to leave Dante used the chat function to inform her they were ready to leave. He saw Califa walk out from the kitchen with a smile on her face, she called back to the kitchen, "I quit! I'll leave rent for the next week with my replacement. I expect one of the nice rooms!" Dante heard a cheer come from the kitchen and a few hearty laughs. Califa left a sack of coins with the person he assumed was her replacement and she met them at the entrance of the Inn.
They stepped out of the Inn, stepped outside into the crisp morning air. Califa began to lead them towards some of the places she had been around the town. She had been here quite some time and knew generally where a lot of stuff was.
Laura and Frank told them that they would meet up with him later. They had Califa give them directions to the nearest church so they might be able to understand the experience they had the night before.
So it was that they decided to split the party for a little while.
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Mana Artists rule the world, and the path to power is a well-kept secret, restricted to state-approved programs and universities. Akari Zeller will never be a Mana Artist. Not if society has its way. She's a Bronze with no money, no family, and no connections. But technology is advancing too. And to a skilled hacker like Akari, no secret is safe forever. The dark web holds the keys to true power, advancement, and her only chance of survival. Web of Secrets on davidmusk.com
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