《Re: Pessimist》A Q&A!


So I'd thought it would be interesting to do a Q&A. Why? No idea, I just thought of this.

FAQITAFABIDK(Frequently asked questions I think are frequently asked but I don't know)

Q:Will there be a Harem?

A: Probably not. For a harem to work the protagonist would have to be surrounded by a certain amount of women who have a liking to the man for whatever reason; take Rokudou no Onna-tachi for example where the main character has a spell... am I really explaining what a Harem is? Nevermind, anyways currently there's just Sylvia who could possibly be considered Harem material, seeing as how she seeks to bring out the best from Ewan and has a certain level of affection for him. Flare and Sophia aren't considered Harem material simply because Flare's character development is in the works and Sophia doesn't have a physical body... and isn't even a girl.

Tl;dr: Read the first sentence.

Q:Will the giant robotic dragon who has a unicorn and possesses fur instead of scales return?

A: Yup.

Q: When?

A: Dunno.


A: ...Have you seen my upload schedule? Do you really expect me to be consistent with when things appears?

Q: So... Incest? What's with that? When's it coming?

A: Everyone has their fetishes. This isn't mine. Yes that's an isn't. When I posted that poll the thing that worried me the most wasn't the incest part but the fact that I had no experience writing sexual scenes... to the point where I scoured for fictions or stories which had them. Aside from the loss of dignity I have overall learned that sex scenes are really hard to do. Yes, that joke was intentional. I do think I'll eventually post one to comply with the poll of Incest, but first I have to write a sex scene. I haven't written one yet, I become embarrassed just thinking about it.


Q: Are you British?

A: I'm not Scottish, Welsh or Scouse... so yeah! This probably isn't going to be a frequently asked question is it?

Q: Brexit?

A: Politics for you.

Q: Will you continue? A month has passed.

A: Well yeah, I will. The main thing I'm trying to do now is world-build. The entirety of Arc One is without any world-building and is just me jamming whatever shit I could think of. With the ideas I'm thinking of for Arc Two I would need a functional world to carry them out. I'll probably end up destroying the world itself and therefore making all my efforts meaningless but that's the entire basis of this fiction.

I've only began world-building recently, so yeah... it might take a bit.

If You're Curious:

Basically this is like a little corner where I will just state random information about everything I've done till this point for the hell of it. If you're curious you can read it. It might be nice to know or if you don't wanna then it won't really change anything when you continue reading.

He's not technically a pessimist:

A pessimist technically is just a person who sees the absolute worst, it's not like Nihilism or Absurdism where it talks about meaninglessness. If Ewan were a pessimist then his reincarnation would go more like this:

(Flare's perspective)

"Reincarnation? Are you punishing me for everything I've done in my life? I know I didn't save that cat but I might have died from climbing up that tree!" I was rather dazed from his sudden assumptions; I thought humans tend to see reincarnation as a good thing. Oh lord this guy might tell on me if I just leave him and run, he'd totally cave under that sort of pressure. I could try linking our souls...


(I'll just end it)

Instead Ewan just does a lot of things with apathy, like killing the entirety of the dragons. He's somewhere between a Nihilist and an Absurdist. I just broadly used Pessimist for the hell of it.

Why Switch exists:

Let's say you have a protagonist who is literal god has the power to cause the extinction of a race more powerful than Gods. You decide that for a story to be complete you need a villain, an antagonist who opposes your character... but to do that you would need someone who is stronger or as strong as your protagonist.

All the weirdness aside I created Switch because logically no-one will be as strong as Ewan at this point aside from himself. So Switch was created so he could be his own worst enemy... literally.

The point of Sylvia is to make points:

No, seriously.

A commentor once gave the idea of using an Elven healer, I thought why not at the time and went ahead and made her his sister as well. At that point I had really just discovered how useless she was when I had written about her. Just a healer and his sister, of course with the Incest thing I had decided to add that to her character but that was it; nothing else.

I didn't really write after that because I had just added a character whose only function at this point was to have sex with her brother, she's not a God or anything so she can't do much to stop him. In fact when I did continue writing I was still stuck there as she had zero use and just made do with her until someone just pointed out in the comments that she's been sidelined far too much. So I had to make a use out of her... aside from the obvious betrayal she'd done.

So when I tried to make her use more prevalent I realized how I'm sidelining everything that Ewan is against; morals and stuff like that. Sylvia is therefore intended to be moralistic and compassionate to make points against Ewan. Boy is he hard on her when she does. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

She then replaced Flare in that category... and I had to do a bunch of other shit and change Flare. This was done in the last chapter... after it was released. ^.^

So yeah expect to see that shit in Arc 2.

Although Ewan won't change much, he'll just grow a bit taller.

So hats off to those two commentors who basically gave me the ideas for Sylvia.

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