《Re: Pessimist》Chapter 10: Stealing isn't very polite!


"Um... just a question, is that adventurer book from the guild?" Well, it's nice to see that this girl is aware of her surroundings, however that's not very good for me.

"Yes, yes it is." I honestly responded, it was going to be obvious if she just went in there and saw it missing. If she did see it missing, she would report me as the thief.

"You stole the book...?" Well, isn't she just a paranoid little git, ain't she?

Wow, Ewan, I'm genuinely surprised by your level of honesty in this conversation. Are you planning on marrying this woman or something?

Flare, you didn't let me finish at all.

"No, I didn't. Look inside, do they seem like they've just been robbed by a thief? How could I just walk in there and take the book out without anyone noticing? They gave it to me for confidential reasons." Aka, reasons I was quite clearly not bothered to make up.

"Another question..." this girl really likes her questions, doesn't she? "How old are you?"

"Four." I'm actually about three days old, but she doesn't need to know that. Besides, I want to say random ages and see people believe the absurdity of them.

"Then is there a reason a four year old just waltzed into the guild and picked up the book for confidential reasons and was easily let out?" Actually, I think I've just found an incredibly rational person, so screw that. "Tell me who you really are."

"I'm a 95 year old adventurer." Well, to the guild I am.

"Be honest, now." Wow, she really doesn't accept shit at all.

"I'm a reincarnated asshole who died in a forest fire by a midget goddess." And that's actually true.

"Are you just going to keep on getting more and more absurd with things?" I think this girl is a bit too realistic for this world.

"Fine, I'll tell you the truth." I scoffed, only using the situation to say something even more absurd. "I'm secretly a giant robotic dragon with a unicorn horn with fur instead of scales. It was my mission to retrieve this book."


"..." I think I left her speechless from how believable it is. "I frankly have no idea if you're lying at this point..."

Hey, I think you've met your match, Ewan! Someone who doesn't take your absurdity whatsoever.

Hmm... someone who is a match for me, huh?

"There's no meaning in the universe, your life is an insignificant piece of crap and will not and has not ever had any purpose in it whatsoever. Your attempt to moral is pointless since it helps no one, not even yourself since the entire concept of it is to be accepted by higher beings whom don't exist." She silently twitched as she listened to my words. "We're all going to die deaths believing that we'll head up into the sky or burn underground while instead we'll just shut off. Nothing, no despair, angst or even concept exists. Thanks for listening, bye."

Should I have dropped a mic?

Thanks for calling me non-existent.

Oh Flare, you don't have to thank me I do it for free every day.

"Are you alright?" She questioned me. Was she really not fazed whatsoever by that? Wow, Flare, a random woman I have never met is far more resilient than you. "You sound awfully depressed."

I'm sure that's just a trait which runs in royal elves. Since both of you are clearly related.

Oh, really? Okay then, Sophia, if it's possible, show me her status.

Name: Sylvia RathmoreSpecies: Royal ElfAge: 22Status: NormalH.P: 1500/1500M.P: 10,000/10,000Level: 30Titles: The Healing ScholarSTR: 46INT: 90WIS: 110END: 50DEX: 30LUK: 50

You. Fucking. Got. Lucky.

Oh, really? I'm pretty sure my guess was accurately deduced from that fact you both look the same!

Shut up, just because this girl happens to be my sister, doesn't change anything! It means I have to get further and further away from her.

"I assure you I'm not depressed, you're just delusional." I retorted back at her. Actually, why am I arguing with her? I can just use wildfire to escape.


If you do so, I'll forcefully use Embody Flaryvna, since you have to learn to talk to people nicely.

Wow, since when did you get into the lecturing mood? Actually, you've always been in the lecturing mood, you've just shut up long enough for me to forget.

"I can assure you that I'm not delusional. Now tell me who you are and return the book, it is not a polite thing." She was definitely a righteous person, I didn't expect that from when I bumped into her.

Hmm... I have two choices I can use.

1. I can open up to her that I'm her little brother and she'll most likely let me off... actually that might make things troublesome for me.

2. I can kill her and run off. Or just run off before Flare does anything.

Don't tempt me, Ewan.

Seesh, learn to lighten up, midget.

"I'm Alfred Rathmore." Well, I didn't want to give any specific details on myself since she'll most likely catch me out on them considering it.

"... Alfred? Rathmore? What species are you?" Oh, how clever of her, if I say anything other than royal elf she knows I'm not her brother.

"Royal elf." Sylvia blinked hardly, she crouched down to my size and stared at me with an intense focus. I think she knows my identity pretty well, so lying really won't save me here.

"How old are you again?" She questioned again.

"Physically, four. In total, three days." Okay, Flare, she knows now and is going to let me off, can I leave without your threat to be a voice in your head?

And miss out on you being nice? I don't think so, Ewan, this is a rare opportunity and I must make the most of it!

"..." Sylvia blankly stared at my face and rubbed her eyes to confirm my existence. "You seem to know who I am, so I take it that you're the Alfred that I was going to visit...?"

Oh, that's why she's over here, she was heading towards the military academy to visit me. Why? I'll be damned if I know.

To make sure you didn't grow up as an arsehole.

Too late!

"Maybe, so can I leave now, sister who can't seem to comprehend the idea that I'm standing in front of you? Or should I just call you a dumbass?" Well, if you're going to force me to talk, Flare, I'll do it on my own terms.

Well, I was expecting it to lead to this...

"Wow, you're not even a year old and you're already an insufferable prick." Wow, for a sister I've just met she seems to get my vibe really well.

I sense some inbree-

You know what? At this point, you really are latent paedophile tendencies, Flare. You're literally trying to say that you'd want a child and a woman on the street to fuck.

Ahahaha... oh god, you're right. This is your fault! It's because I keep hanging around you!

What, it's because I'm a child and that turns you on?

That's not what I mean!

It seems like that's the case. At this rate I'll turn myself into some law enforcement system just to keep you locked up.

I really should have just let you walk ahead...

Yes, yes you should have.


Ah, sorry for the single chapter and the weirdness of it... I am going to do the you know what from the last poll, however I'm pretty sure paedophilia isn't something I want to put in the book. So, it will be in a later chapter.

I have had some trouble concentrating while writing and even lose interest in it altogether and I frankly don't enjoy my own writing... since it's actually not that good. [th_115_.gif]

Ah, well, I'm sure my mood is just down because I haven't drunk enough water, anyways I'll post some more tomorrow. :P

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