《Clockwork powers? Sure! Wait, why am i on a fantasy world?》Chapter 15 right?


The man walked me through the store showing and praising every item he sold as “incredible goods”, he did have some interesting things but most of them didn't catch my fancy. I did want to buy some items but i was trying not to show interest in them now that i knew this was a place where they liked to bargain quite a bit. I probably should have done that as well in the forge but now is not the time to be captain foresight.

- Walter was it?

- Yes?

- How much for these bracelets?

The bracelets in question were a pair, made of three braided metal wires without ends, made to be worn around the ankles. The purpose of these was to silence the user as he walked or ran by, absorbing vibrations in a radius around them.

Pence was the first to answer me, revealing yet another thing i didn't know.

- Those will cost a lot! why not make ones with an enchanted soulstone, they end up being much cheaper.

-What's the difference? Besides the price.

- Those are artifacts and the ones im talking about are only enchanted, those may be smaller and have less weight since they don't need a relatively big soulstone on them. But soulstones have aa variety of uses and can be kept without being noticed, like these.

Pence took of his armor revealing a small divided pocket/satchel strapped across his chest. There were several tiny pockets barely large enough to stick a finger inside, stitched onto it with over half of them filled by a single oval figure, each a slightly different tone from green to purple.

-- Bu if they break you lose their effect, and they aren't that tough.

Was the response Walter gave to my comment.

-I'll go with the soulstones instead of these then. How about that one?

- Which one mitch?

the one i pointed out was a rounded bone band with a smaller metal band embedded on its outside. This was made to be used upon the wrist, and its effect consisted of absorbing changes in momentum slowly accumulating the force, later releasing it to the arm in a “rocket” punch. Although the effects sounded fictional they were very much real, as in if i hit a shield or a wall with a fully charged shot it would break them,... along with my hand, forearm and possibly others.

And what if i missed! I would be either sent flying forward or in the worst case scenario in which i didn't have a lot of endurance, rip my arm out.

- That one is a little too dangerous for ya, don't ye think?

Was the immediate response by pence to the white and silver ornament locked up in the back wall.

- I also think that one might be a little too much for you.

- Don't you people worry about that, i'll find a way, more importantly is this one also possible to get in soulstone?


- That one you can't get in soulstone, no one has been able to make an enchantment that works the same way as that.

Walter soon turned back to open the glass “cage” in which it was held, quickly turning to

- So you are taking this bracelet and a soulstone with a silencing effect. Anything else?

-I think that will be all for now.

- Hurry up b...mitch, it's time to go, we are late for magic training, and we both know how much we wanna learn that.

Walter pulled out a piece of charcoal and scribbled down some numbers as he calculated how much this would all cost.

- That will beeeeee… 23000 but since you are a friend and disciple of pence here i wanna make sure you don't die,i'll make it 21300, call it an investment so you show up later on. And remember if you have any artifacts or enchanted material i'll buy it from you.

- Cool, thanks.

I handed him the money and quickly ran out the store with the bracelet on my left hand and the soulstone in the same pocket i kept my quickly diminishing money. Whittled down to just 7000 ( i swear i didn't try to make this a round number, it just happened).

- So, where are ye going now?

Pence had quickly ran after me the moment i left the store.

- Back to the castle its time to get magic training.

- But magic training is only at two?

*Ting* *tong*

How the fu… you've gotta show me how-ta do that boy. It's magic! i don't have to explain.

I decided not to tell him it wasn't magic and that to get it he would need a living armor piece and a lot of luck for it to be at the exact moment. Just so i dont crush his dreams of course.

The trip back was quick, and just as soon as i crossed the gate, pence left to do other tasks.

- Take care, i gotta go lad!

I just kept moving forward paying almost no attention to the quick goodbye pence had given me. Not that i didn't care, i was merely too focused on the prospect of having actual magic lessons. Move aside biology and physics i have a new favorite subject.

The class was going to be given in the same room where we had previously been appraisal by Carol the *Witch* . I wasn't the first to arrive as both Daniel and Ana were already seat across from the *teacher*.

- Am i late?

- No, i had just arrived too.

- Same!

- Alright, only one left.

- Can't we just start without Inês? I'm really interested in learning this and i can't wait!

Carol had this question running through her mind for a second as she looked down and sighed.

- Alright, i guess we can. But before we start i want to remind you that this is a serious topic and that there are risks of accidents when trying magics you haven't experimented with before or don't fully understand, so for that purpose you will all use full body robes, they have been made to protect a student from any rebound, but do not offer a lot of physical protection so dont think yourselves indestructible in those.


The robes we were given had little copper medals hanging all across it covering us completely, with the edges of the robe dragging along the floorboards as we moved.

- Let's start by teaching you how to move your mana around. Mitch here as already done so, but i assume by the use of a skill so you aren't quite aware of the process you went through to do it. Focus on the flow of power.slowly circling around your chest, then like waves try to push it and pull it from your chest to the tip of your fingers.

I felt a simultaneous warmth and chill as something crept up my arm from within Morpho. This must be my mana being sloshed around by him into my body. I focused on it and try to go along with his impulses pushing it all the way from my left hand to my right one and back. This went on for a while until i felt i had moderately grasped the concept behind it.

- What now?

- Now comes the fun and dangerous part, it's time to try on some spells. First of all comes the image projection! After you have thought what you are gonna attempt you must focus on an example of it and try to remember the principle behind it. As an example if you were trying to make bread out it, you would think up of the flour, the water and the salt bringing those images into your head so that you could call out a piece of bread. That is the process through which one uses magic. So kids let's line up outside and try a few things you think of.

- Can i be the first to try?

Both Daniel and Ana to a glance at me, immediately deciding that i was a fucking weirdo just because i had understood all the gibberish spoken by Carol.

- I don't see why not. You can go ahead.

I ran past both of them as i made my way to the training field. I had just understood magic and i could barely contain my anxiety to try it out, and to think it would be this easy to conquer such a dream.

- Hold your horses, you aren't trying anything until i get there!

She soon took her place behind me along with the other two, they been told to stand there as not to be hit by any of my attempts in the case they flew out of their target.

- You can start now! Just tell me what you are gonna do first.

- Im gonna try to set fire to that log with a stream of flames.

This log was almost 7 meters away making it quite a difficult target for someone with no experience like myself.

I started by focusing on what a fire was and what i should attempt, a fire is nothing more than fuel, fuel as it reacts with another element, and so i focused. I thought what kind of fuel to use but the only one i properly understood was coal, coal is nothing more than carbon, carbon is… i guess that is all i know of carbon, but its not like these people know a lot more either, so i went on to the other ingredient, oxygen, pretty easy as well.

I focused on my palm slowly making the image of little pieces of carbon and oxygen forming upon my hand… but the only thing i ended up with was an extremely small brease and a hand covered in a small amount of dust.

In my hurry i had forgotten the other essential thing! Heat! Without heat to start the reaction of it would just end up like this.

I tried again this time extending my arm towards the target and putting a lot more work into it, i imagined the heat bursting out of my hand and setting the dust aflame as it flew across the field, completely torching the log in my path.

I took a quick breath and pulled as much mana as i could through my arm, turning it into heat, air and fuel as it crept up the same, until a pure blue flame shot through the air along with a scream of surprise, slamming onto the log with immense pressure and heat.

As the yell stopped, so did the flames but even with the measly two seconds it lasted it was enough to set it burning out for itself.

Carol was shocked the moment she had seen such a colored flame appear, however she hadn't been the one who screamed, it had been me!

I clutched my arm and fell to the dirt as the pain stopped me from making any movement, Carol and the others had quickly run up to me who was lying down.

-What the fuck did you do! let me see your arm!

It looked quite bruised with its underside looking like it had been pummeled from the elbow to the end of my wrist.

-You fucking moron you started the magic inside your arm, with such powerful flames it's a miracle you didn't blow your hand off! Come on let's get you treated. Bloody kid!

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