《Clockwork powers? Sure! Wait, why am i on a fantasy world?》Chapter 14 - Strolling about.


The armor over Pence’s shoulders shrieked, being pulled and twisted as he yawned.

Pence - what d’ ya even want from a blacksmith?

Mitch - i just wanna check a few things out, see if i can find any interesting things.

Pence - then why don't ya go to a weaponsmith?

Morpho/Mitch - i wanna check for some materials.

Pence’s kept looking back with intrigue and confusion as he walked in front of him through the street.

Pence - for what? What are ye even looking for?

Mitch - i have no idea!

Pence - I like the fact that ye don't discriminate, but man are ya sounding weird right now.

Pence dug paths through the crowded street as people stepped to the side instinctively, to the giant gray figure.

The street were wide enough for two carriages to go past each other without disrupting traffic flow.

Speaking of carriages, mitch had been so distracted by the city and the castle itself that when he first rode it to visit a shop, he had completely ignored the fact that what pulled it around were not horses but huge curve horned rams. Their size wasn't abysmal but compared to regular rams or this worlds general populace they were pretty big, reaching just below mitch's chest height.

Mitch - is the blacksmith you're taking me close to here?

Pence - uhum, its just by the corner.

This was the commercial part of town, where nothing besides stores were found here. It spanned through it all, from a measly bakery, to pubs, brothels,clothing stores, glassworking shops and everything in between.

The store they had reached was far from the center of the district, having been built just a few blocks away from the entrance to the “rich district”.

The building was short and was open to the side exposing the man forging and two other workers that either stayed by his side or quickly ran to go get tools and materials.

Pence - hey, can one of ya come greet us!

The man at the forge didn't look away as he pulled the hot metal bar out and slammed his hammer onto it forcing it to flatten a bit with each stroke. The two workers by his side gave each other a quick glance to each other quickly defining who would take care of the customers.


The older looking one took it upon himself after a second glance at the younger one.

Worker - what do you want?

Pence who was being stared up and down by the worker, slowly looked back focusing on the hero.

Mitch - i want to know what materials you have available at this moment, and how much they cost.

Worker- You want ingots or raw materials?

Morpho/Mitch - ingots, i need processed metal.

Worker - very well, we have copper, iron, aluminum, and few niquel ones at the moment, but we can get more if you ask.

Morpho quickly answered Mitch which ones to buy and how much of then.

Mitch - i need, hmmm, forty kilos of iron.

Worker - very well that should*

Mitch quickly told the worker to stop.

Mitch - im not done yet. I need an additional 23 kilos of aluminum, and give me one of those niquel bars.

The worker turned around to look at the one forging. He took a quick look back and quenched the hoe blade he had been working on, handing it over to the younger worker.

Boss- So, you want 40 kilos of iron, 23 of aluminum and a bar of niquel. That's quite a hefty request for someone your age.

Mitch - can you get it or not?

Boss- i have the niquel ready and the iron, but that much aluminum will take a while to treat and process. I can sell you the other ones right now however.

Mitch - how much for them?

Boss - Taking into account the aluminum it would be left at around 24 thousand and a few royals, but without it, it would be around 17 thousand. I can give you the niquel and almost all the iron right now.

Mitch took a long and deep breath as he considered whether it was worth it to spend all that money on something he didn't even know what would be used for.

(Inside his mind)

Mitch - Why do you even want this?!

Morpho - it's a surprise.

Mitch - You either tell me what you plan to make with all this metal or i won't buy it!


Morpho -i was gonna make you a bike.

Mitch - Why would i want that!

Morpho - b-but its always been something you wanted to have.

Mitch - Yeah, but so what! I don't know how to drive one, nor are there any streets here where i can drive on.

Morph silenced himself as he contemplated his ignorance. He had not considered the situation he was in, even if they hadn't felt it, they would soon be fighting for their own survival. They had more important things at the moment than completing a small wish for their own satisfaction. There were lives at stake here.

Morpho - you are right, i guess we have more important things to do, sorry.

Mitch - don't beat yourself over, it was a pretty big wish of mine. It's just not the right time.

Morpho - Ok. Wait i have a plan, buy it anyways!

Mitch - why?

Morpho -just do it!

Mitch took his hand of his chin and said to the blacksmith.

Mitch - ill take it!

Pence - oy, calm down, for that price he is robbing you, don't accept it!

Mitch - then how much do you suggest i offer?

Pence - 14 thousand at max

Boss - you what! For that price im offering it away. At the very least 16 thousand and 600.

The discussion of price went on for 7 more minutes with a back and forth from both sides.

Finally deciding on the value of 15thousand 500 and the promise of coming to buy any new metals the blacksmith could get his hands on.

By that point he understood why morpho wanted to buy that metal again. The moment the waves were announced to the public the price of armor and weapons would skyrocket and with those two so would metal, as blacksmiths would be working non stop, quickly running out of metal. And once no one had metal to work with mitch would swoop in and sell it for double or triple what he had bought it for.

Pence - so where are ya going to put all this metal?

Mitch - i was thinking of just sending it to the castle, they wouldn't mind it right?

Pence - (chuckle), crazy bastard! What da ya think of looking for sum artifacts next?

Mitch - aaaaah, sure i guess we have time.

Pence - i actually knoo a great place around here, that's where i got these gloves with death-grip.

Mitch - the hell is death- grip?

Pence -i guess ya dont knoo, death grip is when ya have both lockjaw and higher traction on them.

Mitch - how does that work.

Pence -when ya add sum mana to them they lock up in place and get really rough, nothing can escape once i put my hands on em.

They had walked back towards the castle, suddenly turning once they walked past the gate of the rich district, although this district was used for housing it wasn't impossible to open a shop here, but one would have to pay a much higher tax here, it did however come with added security as each side of gates between districts had a pair of trained guards at all times.

The door hit the bell hanging from the ceiling, warning to the entry of a new customers into the store.

The owner wa strutting around the inside, cleaning the counter and arranging the varied objects in their respective boxes, while a man by the corner polished the objects from a box and put it on another, this second one was a guard to this shop, checking every move mitch and pence made.

Pence - hey walter.

Walter - hey. What brings you here?

Pence - i brought me student to check yar shop.

Walter - damn, he’s a tall fucker! You sure he’s not your son?!

Pence - hey, don't ya fucking start it!

Walter - Alright, alright. Anyway you have anything in mind boy?

Mitch - Not really but i've got money to spend, so show me what you've got!

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