《The Unknown Hero》Story Update and Poll


I have had several people point out errors and inconsistencies with my story (mostly system related). Although mostly small, they have steadily added up and taken away from the story's quality. This may be personal, but I feel this could have been a good, maybe even great story, and now its just... okay.

So after much thought I have decided to rewrite my story. What I would like to know is how I should go about posting it. I see two options: Keep and Change - or - Delete and Start Fresh.

Keep and Change: If we follow this option I would keep the original post dates, but edit the content. I could clarify at the beginning that it was edited so people would know it was changed. This option would allow for the original comments to remain. I know some people take pride in being first to post, so I wasn't sure how they would feel.

Delete and Start Fresh: This would be the cleanest method and I feel would also have the best chance of gaining new readers. (A little selfish, but as the author I would like more readers following my story.)

So if you would please pick an option to help me out. I hope to improve my abilities as an author and provide an entertaining story. Thanks for being patient with me.

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