《The Unknown Hero》Chapter 18: Life and Death
“Watch ou…” I’m too late.
A sickening snap resounds as the warrior collapses onto the ground clutching his jagged arm. With savage glee the minotaur rears back to strike again. Luckily though, the man’s teammates are able to jump in before the fatal blow. Slash, stab, slam… the group’s flurry of attacks work in tandem to divert the attention away.
Rushing forward I grab the injured man and pull him away from the battle. A quick look and I find that he has only suffered broken bones. “This is going to hurt a lot.” With a strong grip I forcefully straighten his arm.
“ARRRRRGH! You BASTARD!” Between the flashes of pain the man cusses furiously at me as I work to mend his arm.
“Don’t blame me, no one told you to take the attack head on like an idiot!” Before the man can argue any further I pop a health potion into his mouth forcing him to shut up. Glancing at his condition I carefully observe as his arm heals. The last thing we want is for the bone to heal improper… that was a nightmare to have to reset and I doubt the guy will ever let me touch him again.
Hearing a heavy thud I look up to see the minotaur is dead. Despite a harsh learning curve it seems everyone is slowly getting used to combat.
After leaving the cafeteria we have slowly been hunting down the minotauri in search of their herd. Although the beasts are strong, way stronger than the first time I met one, they are also very simple. Rarely do they travel in groups and their preferred fighting style is to just charge at their enemy. These two qualities are ideal for training our teamwork.
Matt and I have been forcing everyone to fight in groups of four to start learning teamwork. Besides this, we have also come up with our first formation – Diamond. In this set up we have each group positioned to make the points of a diamond. Typically the front group is the ones to scout and initiate any fights while the two sides are able to flank for needed backup. And lastly the back point stands guard alert for danger. After each battle the groups switch positions allowing time for recovery and equal opportunities for experience.
“Damn it… nothing was dropped.” Matt curses loudly after checking the Minotaur’s corpse.
“What did you expect? No one on that team had 20 Luck.” I reply matter of fact.
“I know… but I still don’t like this stupid system. Why can’t every monster drop loot… And why the hell have there been no magic weapons!”
Smiling at Matt’s frustration, I somewhat agree with him. However, what should have been a mere annoyance became a deep grudge after our annihilation of the rodents. In what were most likely hundreds of corpses only a pathetic forty two bronze tokens were attained. No silver, no gold, no potions… nada. In fact, the only rodents that dropped any loot at all seemed to have been killed by myself. It’s not guaranteed, but all the tokens were found in the area where I had thrown the flares and nowhere else.
“Come on Matt, it’s not like we don’t have plenty of tokens already.” With a sharp glare Matt grudgingly lets the issue slide as he sets to rotating the groups.
Three skirmishes later we find ourselves scoping out a large building that appears to be the minotauri’s lair.
“Give me a minute. I’ll go check it out.” Activating my stealth I cautiously move towards the building. Sure enough I soon confirm that we have found the herd… and their leader.
Race Minotaurus Sex Male Level 28 Class N/A
Status Affects
Herd Leader (+100% Charisma amongst Minotauri)
Description – The Minotauri are a unique race composed entirely of males, thus they compensate by kidnapping women. Due to these actions, in the past the Minotauri were enslaved into mines which resulted in the deterioration of their eyesight. This trait has been passed on and is now just as common as their incredible strength and low intellect.
Seeing all I need I carefully escape and rejoin the others.
“There seems to be around twenty minotaurs at average level… however in the back is the leader at twenty eight.”
“Anything special about it?”
I shrug my shoulders at Matt’s question. “It’s slightly bigger than the others and has a boost to its Charisma oddly enough. But nothing else I can tell.”
“Hmm… You think we can take them all on now? Or should we try to dwindle the numbers some more?”
“Well, the second option would be safer… but it would also take a lot longer and I would like to finish this as soon as possible.”
“So finish them all now. Gotcha.” Pausing Matt turns to watch my response before coyly speaking. “You know this would be a good time to practice our marksmanship.”
I smirk at Matt’s subtle suggestion but considering the circumstances he is absolutely right. With their intellect the minotauri would be easy to lead into an ambush. “Okay, let’s use the guns.”
Smiling triumphantly Matt passes on the news which garners several excited responses. Rolling my eyes I slightly chuckle at their childish glee. I had been hesitant to allow the use of firearms considering the limited supply of ammo. But the minotauri, with their large bodies, make excellent targets for even the worst of shots.
Twenty minutes later with everyone ready I sneak off to make my way towards the herd’s building once more. Cautiously I enter the building and find the boss lounging around in the same spot. I patiently wait while observing the brute, which oddly stands and disappears further into the building.
A couple minutes later I finally hear the fire of guns signaling the start of the battle. Awoken from their idleness the nearby minotauri angrily charge towards the noise. Watching the last of the monsters leave I turn to stare where the boss went. Anxiously I wait for the beast to exit. Thankfully with the growing ruckus the boss soon comes lumbering out to investigate.
Crouching into a sprint position I carefully wait for my opportunity. Soon enough the beast passes by and I immediately lunge to strike its’ back. Living up to his position as herd leader the minotaur is able to sense my movement and twist its body while swinging a powerful arm in retaliation.
I dodge nimbly with small stutter steps to avoid the attack. Not wasting the opportunity I lash out with my mana blade to easily slice off the outstretched hand.
A roar of pain and anger issues out from the minotaur as blood gushes from its severed arm. However, I give it no time for rest as I switch to a dagger and dash in to continue the fight. The large and strong body that was once the leader’s pride is now nothing but a meat shield as it tries to ward of my attacks. Several cuts later the beast roars violently before its body starts quivering and it lunges in a last ditch attack.
I stare shockingly as with each second the minotaur seems to be getting faster. Struck by an epiphany I re-analyze and confirm my assumption. Yet, now is not the time to be proud as this fight must be finished immediately. Re-materializing my blade I pour as much mana as possible as I jump between attacks aiming for the beasts taught neck.
Landing softly two thuds soon follow.
Kneeling to the ground I quickly drink a mana potion to relieve my splitting head. Even after a reduction in mana consumption from my higher efficiency, mana blade is still a high cost skill. At full mana capacity I can usually activate my mana blade about four times with short usages. But if I forcefully extend the blade or have it formed for too long that number may only be once.
While letting my mind rest I pull up my status and smile gleefully before adding the points.
Status Name Jack Race Human Level 17 (87%) Class Rogue Titles Autodidact, Hominum Novum Party Quests Inventory Map System Index - Health (260/260) Stamina (168/260) Mana (84/260) - Strength 20 Endurance 20 Perception 30 Agility 30 Intelligence 50 Wisdom 50 Charisma 20 Luck 25 Unallocated Points 0 - Resistances
Analyze (Active) – Intermediate Level 5 (66%)
Lock Picking (Passive) – Beginner Level 4 (12%)
Mana Blade (Active) – Intermediate Level 2 (41%)
Mana Sense (Passive) – Beginner Level 4 (92%)
Meditation (Active) – Intermediate Level 3 (31%)
Night Vision (Passive) – Max
Scavenging (Passive) – Beginner Level 3 (88%)
Shortblade Weapons (Passive) – Beginner Level 4 (11%)
Sneak (Active) – Intermediate Level 2 (74%)
Spearmanship (Passive) – Beginner 6 (9%)
Throwing Weapons (Passive) – Beginner 3 (76%)
A total of three levels in one day is really awesome. Not to mention my acquisition of skills. Three weapon proficiencies, mana blade, sneak… I am really starting to branch my skills out. Feeling proud of myself I close the screen and greedily turn to pick up my loot.
There are a few tokens scattered which I quickly pocket. But what is truly satisfying is an almost forgotten yet familiar sight. Reaching out I carefully pick up a small grey orb and analyze to see what my prize is.
Miscellaneous Skill Orb (Battle Frenzy) Durability 100% Rank Uncommon Classification Physical Enhancement Type Description: Skill orbs are a crystallization of mana containing the essence of a skill.
Not really my style… but having seen its’ capabilities I know it can become a powerful asset. I carefully store it in my Inventory planning to give it to Matt. Looking over the room once more I sadly can find no other items. However my mind soon recalls the brute’s earlier disappearance and I turn to stare towards the back room. Curious I move deeper into the building to find what was back there.
Moving down the hallway an odd feeling of trepidation slowly sets in. Nevertheless I push along determined to find what I may. Passing several barren rooms I reach the final doorway. Stepping in the sight I find sends my stomach lurching as I try not to choke. Along the back wall are a few women slumped in a pile. Dried filth coats their naked bodies. Yet despite the thick layer of grime it does nothing to hide the battered and bruised flesh underneath.
Rushing forward I sorrowfully try to help the nearest woman. I cradle her head as I try to speak soothingly to tell her everything will be okay. For a moment her face is completely void of emotion making me wonder if I were too late. However soon a small twinkle flashes in her eyes as she finally recognizes what I am.
“Get it… please.” With hoarse whispers the woman starts uncontrollably crying as she starts tearing at her flesh. Confused I try to stop her hands until I finally start to realize. Staring at her navel I analyze and finally understand the horrifying truth.
Walking quietly my mind is lost in deep thought as I exit the building. Looking up I see Matt approaching.
“Ah Jack! I was getting worried you might have been injured.” Matt’s face calms as he finds me okay and he begins prattling about their results. “… so we were able to get another six to level ten, but poor Carl really screwed up his points and only…” after talking for a bit Matt grows quiet as he stares confused by my lack of interest. “Jack… is everything okay?”
Raising my head I open my mouth to try and somehow explain, but uncertainty grips at my throat. Shaking my head I am scared of how to respond… what will he think of me?
“Jack?” Worried Matt steps closer.
“It’s nothing. I’m just a bit tired…” pulling out the skill orb I offer it to Matt. “This will make you happy. The boss dropped a skill orb. If you absorb it you’ll get a ‘Battle Frenzy’ skill. It’s basically a combat buff skill.” Smiling proudly I watch as Matt happily takes the orb from my hand, yet beneath my façade a storm of fear and doubt is brewing.
“Okay Bobby, show us the skill.” Martha calmly prompts the young magician to show his new ‘mana bolt’ skill.
Eyes focused, Bobby excitedly raises his arms to aim towards the nearby target. A small surge of mana quickly flows out of his palms before shooting off in a condensed blob. Immediately upon contact a loud explosion occurs sending debris flying into the air. Once everything settles there are only splintered remains of the wooden furniture.
“Wow… that is some serious damage.” Looking at the results Matt and I are both highly impressed. Even the consumption of 100 mana does not hamper our impression of the skill.
“And Martha… what about your skill?” Dazed from the amazing display I finally snap to focus and inquire about the Tradesman skill.
“It’s called ‘mana crafting’. Basically anything that is crafted with my hands has mana imbued into it allowing for special properties to be attached. The only problem is that I must have the associated crafting skill before it takes effect.”
“What craft were you thinking about working towards?” Matt curiously asks.
“Well, I was thinking…” Martha prattles on about possible crafting skills with the others adding suggestions. But honestly my mind is not able to focus.
“Hey I’m not feeling too well… I’m gonna go take a nap.” Weakly I tell the others before heading towards my room.
Closing the door I crawl into the bed not even bothering to remove my filthy clothes. I just lie there staring at the ceiling. Seconds pass away and the calm silence does nothing for my troubled mind. Frustrated I sit up and lean against the wall. Resting my head between my knees I struggle for balance and after several tries I finally settle into meditation.
The comfort I sought is not found. Entering mediation only worsens my fears as the faces of the women flashes quicker through my mind. “Arrrgh!” Screaming in frustration I snap out of meditation and strike against the wall. Immediately the plaster splinters.
Pulling my fist away the cracked wall shows a deep impression from my strike.
“Jack are you okay?” I hear Brent’s voice as my door slowly creeps open. Looking over I am surprised to see him and Matt coming inside.
“If you don’t mind I’d like to be alone for a bit.” Lowering my head back down I silently wish for them to just leave.
“I don’t think so. Something is really bothering you.” The soft scraping of the floor is heard as Brent slides a chair near the bed. “Matt says you’ve been acting odd ever since you fought with the boss minotaur.”
“Yeah… you weren’t excited about hearing any system details… and you didn’t even scoff after hearing about Carl being classless.” With a heavy plop Matt sits on the edge of the bed.
“Did you get seriously injured by the Minotaur?”
“Did you meet another monster?”
“No. It’s not that it’s… look I don’t want to talk okay.”
“Jack listen, whatever happened to you we wil….”
“NO! YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT I DID!!!” Snapping at Brent the mental walls I was struggling to keep together immediately collapse. “After the battle I found four women who had been raped by those beasts! Their bodies were ravaged and defiled for who knows how many times…. Two had already died from the abuse. But the other two….” Pausing I raise my arm to wipe my face as the tears flood my eyes.
“The other two… they were pregnant.” Even with my bleary eyes I still am able to see Brent and Matt flinch at this news. “My analyze showed they were both pregnant, but one was too old and the creature was killing her. So I…
I putt her out of pain…. But the other girl… she begged. Begged me to do the same. I tried not to… but she… was clawing. Ripping and pulling at her flesh. Trying to kill herself. So I….”
Sobbing uncontrollably I struggle to speak. Startled I flinch as a hand rests on my shoulder. Looking up I see Brent has scooted closer to me. No words are exchanged, but his face gives me a sense of relief. I was scared of what I had done. Scared of what I was becoming. And scared of what others would see in me.
Looking at my friends’ faces I see no trace of disgust nor hatred… only sorrow.
Sorrow and sympathy.
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