《Reincarnated, let's be a pirate.》Chapter 23
Currently, Triff is locked in my room courtesy of Aqua and Rou's quick actions. The two ships were drifting closer and Triff was stammering about Demons so it was our best course of action.
The two girls claimed they would try and talk to her but I'm not sure how much help that will accomplish.
And now the ships are flanking us on either side. I expected it to be a scenario very similar to our first visit to the Capital but I was surprised when I saw a familiar group on the starboard boat.
"Oh! So that commotion was you after all. I figured as much. Although it seems Calis was hoping it was a beast."
"I just thought it would be a great opportunity."
The King shouted towards my boat in surprise, emitting a big grin. The prince, on the other hand, looked strangely sheepish. Was he looking for a fight? Was he trying to get stronger?
"Oh, right Calis. Hurry up, now."
The prince looks at the king for a moment taken aback but then resolves himself and pulls a hand to his chest before bowing deeply towards me.
"I sincerely apologize." The prince says firmly while still bent. "My actions were… foolish, no my entire past was foolish. I hurt your crew member and said unforgivable things. When I was wrapped in that cast all I wanted was revenge. I even thought of what actions I could take to harm you. Poisons, hired armies, only then did I realize what it meant. I had never met someone stronger than myself. I've found something else I want instead of revenge. I want a real fight with you. To properly exchange swords. I want to become stronger in order to help fight the Demon King. It is my only dream."
"My son has reflected deeply on his past over these few weeks. But I know I share the blame for his actions, I haven't spent the time raising him that I should have. So I am sorry as well."
"What is even going on right now? Why are you two on a boat searching for monsters? I thought I was the pirate?"
"Calis had fond memories on the sea with my brother. I… I want to create memories with my son the same way." The king says with a rose tint covering his face.
Aw, that's cute. But why of all people did we have to run into these two?
The door on the king's ship suddenly blasts open. The king and prince quickly turn to the source.
"What is all the ruckus up here? Why aren't we moving?" Clove, the princess, asks looking around the deck. She spots me and her eyes widen. She takes two long steps and leaps from deck to deck. "COLE!"
She wraps me deeply in a hug. I pat her back a few times reassuringly before pulling her off.
"What are you doing here Cole? The Tournament isn't for another week, or are you here to see me? Either way, this is perfect. Dad, we have to throw a welcoming party!"
The tournaments in a week? Wow, I would have totally missed it. I need a calendar. Shouldn't that be in my menu somewhere?
"Yeah well something like that, I was actually testing a magic tool and found myself here. It's a long story." I look at the princess firmly indicated I need her help. "We have some stuff to deal with on the Excalibur but we can talk more once we arrive at the Capital."
The king nods to my words and makes a few commands to his crew. They begin work and the boat flanking us does the same. "I will leave my daughter's protection to you."
He waves his hand to me as the ships depart. I raise our sail myself and then lead the princess to where the captive Dwarf currently resides.
~ ~
"Demon king, and hero. A friend of the spirits. And likely second in position to be king." Triff says looking me over as if inspecting a gem.
"Well no, technically it's Clove who would become Queen."
"Are you saying we won't get married?! Ah, is it because I didn't visit the port of love with you? We must plan an excursion post haste."
"Calm down princess. First, we have to deal with the Triff situation." I say putting my hand on the princess' shoulder to calm her. I turn back to Triff. "I say that but, there really is nothing more. I am what's considered the 'Demon King' but I have no intention of doing anything evil. On the contrary, I would like to make this world a little better. If possible I would like your help but I won't force you. Again I am sorry for locking you in here earlier. I just couldn't have you freaking out about 'that' in front of the king."
"I…I understand your reason. It was shocking, and it explained much I had seen. In fact even despite what Rou and Aqua said to me I was still concerned about your intentions. But seeing the princess erases my reluctance."
"Oh?" The princess says with a smile. "So I was able to make you trust Cole?"
"No. Now that I know even the Royal family has been infiltrated, there is surely no hope for the world. The only logical choice would be to join the winning side. I don't distrust Cole Moedy, but words are just ideas."
"You don't trust that I really intend to make the world better?"
"I don't trust that you can. But I have already agreed to join you. There is no point trying to convince me with more words. Don't worry Dwarves are experts at keeping secrets, I will tell no one."
"O…Ok, welcome to the crew Triff." I turn to the girls and they seem as confused as I am. I am not a conceited person but this is the first crew member who hasn't had unusual confidence in me, it's strange.
And the way she described it, 'there is no hope for the world'. It's as if I've already won. Although I suppose becoming the hero candidate basically did put me into checkmate.
Well, there is no choice then, I will have to prove to her I can make the world better.
~ ~
"Oh, Cole and the girls." A familiar voice amongst the din of party conversation announces.
It had become like this not long after we arrived at the capital's port. We were a little distance behind the king but when we docked we were told he was already preparing for the impromptu Gala.
Can you really do something like that on such short notice?
Apparently yes, the building was packed with guests when we arrived. I hadn't expected them to say each of our names so our entrance took longer than I expected.
"I was wondering why he called for a party all the sudden. Although I am a tad insulted he doesn't treat his own cousin the same way." Franz says stepping closer through the crowd that had assembled around us after our entrance. "But it sounds like Clove has taken to you so it's no surprise. Is it true you will be fighting in the tournament too?"
"Ah, Franz. What are you doing out of Marrow? But yes I plan to enter the tournament. It seems my crew will be joining as well. it will be a good opportunity for them."
"Oh really? Well as for me, I come to the capital every year to vacation with the kids. Ellie likes the shopping and Evan enjoys watching the tournament. I just like the chance to see civilization once in awhile." Franz sighs and turns to glance around the Gala for his kids.
"Oh! Then it was you who told the king about me?!"
"Ah," He rubs his cheek and laughs as if he's just been caught. "Well yeah, but I figured my cousin wouldn't inconvenience you too much. Sorry about that."
"No, it's no worries. It worked out for the best I suppose. But I really had no idea you were related to the king."
"Captain!" Evan says appearing from the crowd dragging his sister's arm. Ellie wore a frown and a cute cocktail dress. They were opposing but she still appeared very refined.
"Oh, Evan, Ellie. You two look Dashing. Evan looks like a knight in training. And Ellie could be mistaken for a princess."
Ellie blushes and forces a smile away from her face. "Thank you. Although I think the princess looks much finer than me."
The frown returns as she points in the distance to a crowd even larger than the one formed around me. The King, Queen, Prince, and Princess were politely chatting with guests. It was a very different version of the Princess than I normally saw.
She was indeed beautiful. She wore a low-cut but moderate red dress. Its hem was angled so her left knee was visible while it draped past her right foot. A shining silver Tiara sat atop her head. She was definitely the princess type now. She laughs politely at something said and then glances in my direction matching my line of sight.
She smiles and before politely nodding to the people around her. She turns to the king who says something to which she smiles and rushes as fast as her dress allows her towards our group.
Again the crowd around me separates allowing an aisle to form for the Princess.
"Cole, I had no idea you knew my cousins. Evan, Ellie, thank you for being friends with Cole."
"Princess," Evan says placing a hand on his heart.
"Oh stop that Evan, you are like a younger brother to me I hate seeing you be so formal. Ellie, your dress looks lovely by the way."
"Th…thank you Princ… Clove." Ellie says grabbing at her hem and kicking the ground nervously.
"And Cole, you look the same as normal? Do you have no other outfits?" Clove asks me looking over my lightly stained button up shirt and leather pants.
"That is indeed the case. I always seem to buy clothes for everyone but myself." I am admittedly a bit embarrassed by my attire but the Gala had started so quickly after I arrived I had no choice.
I need to find a nice five piece tuxedo. Do they make those in this world? I suppose something like what Evan was wearing would work too.
"Clove? Are you going to marry Cole?" Evan asks as we all chat with the Princess.
""Wha…"" Rou and Ellie both say simultaneously.
Why Rou? Or better yet why Ellie?
"Hmm, well I don't know. He hasn't asked me for 'my' hand yet." She says looking at me with a scowl. I don't get it, why was she mad at me? I hadn't asked any of the others to marry me. I suppose she was the only member of the crew who didn't have unrestricted access to me though, perhaps that made her grumpy.
"Well, I don't have any plans to get married just yet. Aren't I still a bit young for that?"
"What are you saying?" Ellie asks with cocked eyebrows. "Even I have received a dozen marriage proposals and I'm only twelve."
"It's true my father married my mother at fifteen I heard. And that was considered late amongst nobles."
"Well, I am seventeen, but I'm not a noble."
"You might as well be, you're the A rank after all." Clove says only catching her own words a moment later.
"""""""WHAT??""""""" The entire crowd surrounding me ask in unison. Even a few other nearby groups who seem to be eavesdropping look directly towards me in shock.
I catch sight of the king resting his head in his palm and the queen lightly shaking her head.
"Oops." Clove says with a masked grin.
"Is that true?"
"It must be if the princess says so,"
"When will it be announced? Are you going to attend the Hero's summit?"
"Will you marry my daughter?"
"Perhaps my son? He is ladylike."
"Do you plan to attack the demons base immediately, do you have any leads to a location?"
"Then the rumor about the sea dragon wasn't a lie?"
"Can you take a look at this rash?"
"Have you met the Karashi 'Silver Hero' yet? Was she your mentor?"
A crowd of voices suddenly begin asking me questions. Where once most of the attention had laid on the girls and the princess now I have entered the center of attention.
Ah, I hate this kind of pressure. I just know I will make a mistake.
~ ~
"Sorry about that." Clove says dropping her head once the king had dispersed the party.
"No, it's ok. It seems like the King's stern talk was punishment enough. As long as the other thing didn't come out I don't mind." I reply patting her head and eliciting a smile from her. "But, now you must be honest. You said that on purpose didn't you."
"Wha… I… How'd you guess? I thought I handled it fairly well." She stammers at first before reluctantly giving up and smiling at me slyly.
"No you did, your acting was sublime." It really was. Her look of shock at what she said practically sold the whole performance. "This is something like grooming isn't it?"
"Grooming? Though I'll admit you do need it." She says licking her palm and patting my wild hair down. "But I don't assume you mean that."
"No, I mean persona grooming. This was just the first step I suppose unless you started more rumors. But in any case the nobles will leave here telling stories about the A rank Candidate, the commoners will mostly ignore it as political movements but then the tournament will happen…"
"And even the commoners will see your strength. The rumors will spread like wildfire."
"But why?" I ask honestly curious why she had concocted such a strange plan. She knew I didn't want my name spread, so why? Sure it would be inevitable after the tournament I suppose but… Ah, maybe I am trying to avoid the limelight too much.
"Why? So you can get the treatment you deserve where ever you go. Those were nobles from all around the country who came for the tournament. Now they know your face and name. You surely will spend time in other cities maybe even open other branches of your trade company."
"But wouldn't the result be the same by the end of the tournament?"
"Those people don't really understand battles. They would only realize your power after you defeated either me or my brother. And by then the tournament would be over and you would leave immediately I assume."
"Well, you're not wrong." I reluctantly say after thinking about her words for a moment. "Ok, you are forgiven. You thought it out more than I did. Your plan is better than mine."
"Good good, but it's not finished. Once you win the king will ask what you desire. He will say 'Anything you desire shall be yours' it's super corny, but when he says that, you have to ask for my hand."
Oh is that line corny? I think I've used it three times at least. Wait a minute… "What?"
"You have to become my fiance, it will solidify my claim to the throne. The nobles currently prefer Calis despite his previous disposition. And now that he's reborn his claim grows stronger."
"What benefit will this provide me."
"None that you want. This is solely a selfish request. Even more so since I know your desire to stay out of politics. However, it will strengthen my ability to change this country into something better."
"A selfish request you say."
"Yes, please."
"Ok, I will think about it. You have never asked me for anything before so I would be remiss to say 'no' now."
"Really? Thank you!"
"I haven't said I would yet, I have to, of course, consult with the crew. This is more a group decision than a personal one. Despite its personal nature."
"That's fine, I understand their stake in the matter."
~ ~
"So, that's how it is," I say to the darkness of the bedroom. It's silent but I know they heard me.
Rou speaks first. She is second from the right between Aqua and Alice. "I am saddened that the last member will be the first to marry Captain, but so long as we are not forgotten I see no problem with it."
"I agree with sister," Aqua says beside me with a firm tone.
"What Master does is his decision."
"Although it should be me who marries Captain first, I will reluctantly accept. But really you said we would go to the Elven forest next. I thought for sure I would be first to kiss Cole."
"Nu Uh! Mirna already kissed Captain. Long time ago. In galaxy far away."
"No, Mirna it was definitely in this galaxy."
"WHAT?" Rou shouts leaping up in the bed. "When? How? Why?"
"And where?" I offer.
"Where doesn't matter!"
"Rou is right. Why didn't we know about this?"
"It wasn't that big a deal she just…"
"Captain, where is your face?" Rou asks with a confident tone.
Oh, am I about to get hit?
I sense a hand feeling around near my pillow before it lands on my nose firmly.
"Uhm… Can I help you with…" I begin but my mouth is halted by a heavy weight.
I feel soft lips against my own as Rou triumphantly steals my first kiss. It likely lasted a moment but it felt like ages. Time is tricky like that sometimes.
"Pahh…" Rou gasps as she finally separates from my face. I can't see her face but I am sure its red. But really, for Rou to be the one who made the first move. Astonishing.
"Mi… Mirna only kissed the cheek." Mirna says from beside me with likely a look of shock on her face.
"Yo…you should have said that earlier." Rou's muffled voice says through layers of blankets.
"Good job sister. But I also feel insanely jealous. This is troubling." Aqua says lifting her hand from beside me. I feel another tap on my pillow. "Incoming Captain. Look alive."
Oh, she's using tongue?
How lewd.
I'll never get to sleep at this rate.
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