《Reincarnated, let's be a pirate.》Chapter 22
"Don't just say 'Here, I got an Abyssal's core,' like it's nothing! Why are you so weird? What is going on?"
"Is it so strange? You wanted the ultimate material. I got you the ultimate, ultimate material. Though admittedly it's a little larger than I expected."
The stone was around the size of a human. Not surprising since I tore it from what appeared the be a human body. Tearing flesh off a beautiful naked woman is not something for the faint of heart though. I don't recommend it.
"Captain, don't you think you should tell her?"
"Why do you say that?" As it stands I don't know that I can fully trust her. Though she does seem skilled, she would be a good addition to the crew, especially if she can get this thing moving the way she claims.
"Why not say half and then if she takes it ok, then the rest later. As you said earlier trust is needed on both sides."
"Oh, that's true, well that's not a bad idea. Alright. But first things first we need to get the ship back in the water before sunset. Are you ready on your front Triff?"
"Nearly so, although this core is larger than my container so I will need some more time than I expected."
"Alright, anything we can do to help?"
"No, it should be ok. Thank you."
"No problem, just let me know when you need to move it. it's pretty heavy and I'd hate for you to drop it."
~ ~
"Hey El,"
"Yeeeees?" She asks extending the middle while holding a purple shell in her hand.
"What was that about?"
"Ah, nothing just trying something new, What's up, Cap?"
"Well, a few things actually. I was going to let you know the plan to go to the Elven forest on our next voyage but I'm sort of distracted by that shell."
"Oh, this?" She holds it up triumphantly. "It took ages but I was able to do it. And go to the elven forest so soon? What about the capital tournament?"
"Oh, the tournament. I totally forget about that, well forget that. What is that shell?"
"It's just like with the wood. Except I've never heard of anyone doing it with something other than wood. It was Triff's idea, kind of useless really. And it's super hard to do without damaging the object but, it's pretty."
"It is. Hey, do you just use mana for that?"
"Uhm I think so, I know for sure it's not life force."
"I would hope not. But I'm curious, do you think I could do it?"
"Elf-ify something?"
"Triff's name for it."
"Not super original. But yeah that's what I mean."
"Oh Captain, El. What are you two doing?"
"Rou. Captain was asking me if he can turn wood purple like me. But unfortunately Captain I don't think it is possible." El says turning back to me and shaking her head sadly.
"Why not?"
"Well… I don't know, it's an elf thing I'm sure the mana flow or something is wonky."
"Truly a magic expert."
"Well, that's how Triff explained it!"
I laugh at her uncommon outburst and pat her head. "Sorry, sorry I was just messing with you. But in any case, can you show me how?"
"Muh… I suppose. Though I don't know what good it'll do. Do you even know how to move mana?"
"Move mana? I don't even really know what mana is other than its magic."
"Mana is like blood," Aqua says joining in on the group and beginning to explain without prompt. "You can use it and your body will make more. Although if you lose too much blood you die but if you use too much mana you just pass out."
"So blood is more like life force!" El says triumphantly stealing Aqua's glory.
"No, because you can't make more life force right?"
"Oh yeah…"
"Anyways, it's something like energy. It's stored in an organ near the base of the spine and can be accessed pretty easily. The only issue is learning to control it."
"What do you mean it's easy to access?"
"Well, it's like you can't not access it I guess. When people get really hungry they apparently start to use up mana after all the food in their body is gone. They also say some scholars can use mana to push their brains to higher limits than normal people, all without even realizing it. Mana is powerful."
"So if I could use mana."
"Captain would be unstoppable."
"Are you worried about what Aquarou said when we were leaving?" Rou asks, curious why I wish to be stronger.
"Hmm what'd she say again?"
"Ah, well I guess not then."
"But anyway, El, can you teach me how to do it? I'm curious, I know you say it's impossible, but that word doesn't sit well with me."
"I'll try."
"I can teach Captain to move mana the way mom taught Rou and me."
"It's actually pretty easy."
"Well hold on I asked El, it's rude to…"
"No, it's okay," El says nodding to the two suddenly downtrodden girls. "Actually this would be a good start. For elves the control of mana is easier to learn, it was so long ago I barely remember how I was taught."
"Well if El says so I guess go ahead you two." I reluctantly say.
"What's the problem Captain, are we not good enough teachers for you?"
"No, no it's nothing like that, sorry please go ahead."
I was only trying to be nice. Why did I get yelled at?
Rou and Aqua suddenly get up after glancing at each other for a moment.
"Ahem, well we shall now begin the lesson."
"Wha…whats going on?" When did they become older than me? And I swear for a second it seemed like Rou pushed an invisible pair of glasses up to her eyes.
"Oh, fine. Well, this is what mom told me. Squeeze a fist."
I squeeze my fist.
"Good," Aqua says putting her hand on my fist. "Now squeeze it tighter."
I follow her instructions straining my muscles to their limit. It hurts a bit due to my strength stat.
"That what you are feeling right now is your muscles," Rou says holding onto my whitened fist. "Now, squeeze tighter."
"Impos… Oh?"
My fist tightens further. I can feel a bone crack on my index finger. This was the feeling I got when I used herculean strength to lift the boat earlier. I see so I can already use magic.
"Wha… Stop, stop was that your bone? Are you insane?" Aqua shouts slapping my hand repeatedly.
"Sorry, sorry. You told me to."
"Well, the moral of the story is that's mana. It's a simple way of showing it but the feeling you felt, if you can find a way to reproduce it then you will be able to learn magic. But it's not easy." Rou says from the side. Her smile flips and her voice lowers. "It's ok though if you can't figure out how to control the mana. Not everyone can do it."
"Yeah, yeah. Forget that, I need to heal your hand. Here, gimme."
Aqua lays her palm back on my hand. It hurt for a moment as her soft skin touches the joint on my finger but within moments a soft sensation spreads throughout the flesh. This is a break though, can she really heal that?
Seemingly yes. A bone rearranging and healing itself is an odd sensation. They never tell you that in the stories.
"Is that better?" Aqua asks with concern in her eyes.
"Much better. Thank you. But I did feel it. I don't know about reproducing the feeling without breaking my hand but…"
"No, you don't have to squeeze your fist each time. In fact, please don't." Aqua says with a scowl. "El, how were you taught? I'm scared I'm going to break the Captian."
"I've been trying to remember. I think it was this." El steps over to me pressing her face towards mine. Right as I think maybe I'm going to kiss this cute girl she leans her forehead against mine.
The rest of the audience gasp at what they assume El is planning and then they collectively sigh.
I feel a tickle where her head touches mine. What is this? Is it her hair? No, it's covered by the bandana. Then what is this feeling?
"That's mana," El says in a whisper inches from my face. I can smell her warm breath under my nose. It's pleasant, nutty.
No, I must concentrate.
~ ~
"Oh! Like this then?" I say triumphantly forcing mana into a stick for the eighth time after a delicious hamburger lunch courtesy of demon chef Mirna.
"Captain is kinda scary when he's concentrating, huh?" Aqua says in a whisper to the two girls who still stood in shock beside her.
One simply couldn't learn magic despite her efforts and the other claimed my efforts would be for naught. But I'm really getting close I can feel it.
There is something strange though, the failures are always red.
I asked El if that meant I was doing it wrong but she, after shaking her head a few times to regain her sense, told me she had never seen it turn like that before.
Then there can be only one other reason.
Its because I'm a demon. If El's people elf-ify a boat I suppose my power would naturally be to demonize a boat.
I'll take it. Though I have no intention to do it to my precious Excalibur. No, I will think of something better.
But why can't I get a successful stick? They shatter right near ninety percent coverage. Had I known this could have been the result with my boat I would have never agreed to let El apply her mana.
I need to calm down. I'm just cranky because I haven't mastered this in an hour.
At this point, I'm running on spite and sea dragon burgers.
"It's done!" A forgotten member of the group says triumphantly.
Right, I had forgotten we were doing something here. I'm not here just to train with magic.
"Really? Let's take a look." I say lifting myself up and turning towards the sea.
The tide had rolled in some but the boat was still high above the lapping water. Her work was impressive. A long embedded steel tube extended down half the length of the ship. On the bow, a thick plate was attached to counteract the weight. If more was needed she claimed it could be done by finding a new center for the hold.
"But I have a problem that I think only you can solve," Triff says after we had sufficiently appreciated her work.
"That is?" I ask, fairly sure I know what she's talking about.
"Well, we need to get it back into the water without damaging the external stuff."
"Understood. Is everyone off the ship?"
The group peer around and do a quick headcount. Jun is asleep near the grill while Alice and Mirna are cooking small skewers to fill themselves. Rou, Aqua, El and I are of course here and Triff is waiting patiently in front of me so that's everyone.
"Ok, now for my next magic trick I shall make this boat disappear," I say mock holding a sheet in front of the boat. "Menu."
I drop the act and find the [Store Excalibur] button under the [Possessions] tab on the Menu. The ship vanishes causing the two supporting logs to topple with a loud crash.
I shift my body a bit further into the water and uncheck the box. The ship enters with a small splash and I turn back to the girls and Jun.
"As expected of Captain."
"Wah! Amazing!" Mirna shouts running over from the grill. "Big splash!"
"Just who is he?" Triff again asks with a perplexed look.
"We can talk about that later, don't you wanna try your tool?"
~ ~
"Ready?" Triff asks holding a small piece of metal with intricate emblems drawn across it.
"Whenever you are. But don't we need to be in the hold to activate it?"
"No, I have put the utmost thought into this tool. Come with me."
She leads me to the wheel of the ship. Installed beside it was a small metal box with a similarly sized slot. Woah, she worked a ton. This girl is incredible. She really thought this thing through. Had she really never designed one of these before?
"This tool used the utmost of my skills, and even some interesting things that I learned from the letter you gave me, for that, I have to thank you." The small dwarf bows to me deeply. "This is for you. Please do the honors. and, perhaps hold on tight. Although I am not sure to what extent."
"Oh, well alright," I say gripping the key from Triff's extended palm. "Hear that everyone? Hold on tight. We are going to start."
This won't explode right Triff?
Should I ask that? Probably not.
The key slid into the slot easily. I feel a jolt the moment it hits the back of the casing.
"There is a lot of substrate, so give the mana a moment to…"
"""WOAH!""" The crew on deck shouts as we suddenly surge with speed. If I weren't gripping the wheel I would have surely toppled off the back. Even Triff at the last moment gripped to my arm.
I check the contents of the ship and everyone is still onboard. But we are going abnormally fast.
You know those boats that send up a jet of water behind them. Yeah, the ones that go like seventy miles an hour. It was like that. Except the steering was terrible. Well, it would be more apt to say there was no steering.
~ ~
"It indeed works," I say wiping the sweat off my brow once we eventually halted the beast.
But really, Triff could have mentioned that taking out the key alone wouldn't stop it. It was a few hours before it finally began slowing.
Mirna begins giggling and pointing at me. "Captain's hair is wild."
"Oh, is it?" I say feeling around my head. Indeed it was similar to a birds nest. Not that much had really changed.
Oh? Where'd my hat go?
"You do indeed look silly and all Captain," El says from the mast. "But we have other things to deal with at the moment."
"Yes, we appear to have arrived at the Capital's sea gate."
"""What?""" The whole crew asks looking at Triff in astonishment.
But I'm not so sure. Even with the point added to ship speed, this is impossible.
"You must have helped, huh?" I ask towards the sea.
{Ah and I thought I was being so sly, was it really so unbelievable a speed?}
"Yeah, I know the max speed of a displacement ship like this. It's physically impossible. Come on fess up."
"Who… What…" Triff asks looking around as if she were going crazy.
"Oh, and you let her hear you too, that's mean. I know you wanted to meet her but now you are scaring her."
{My apologize Triff, My name is Aquarou. I have been excited to meet with you for some time.}
"Captain, Aquarou, I think that might need to wait. We have Royal Navy boats approaching."
"Oh, jeez not this again. Sorry Aquarou, probably going to have to take a rain check for now. Thanks for the ride though."
{What! That's not fair! You know 'Demon' really isn't too far off Mr. Demon King!}
Oh shit.
- In Serial28 Chapters
Triquetra: A Multi-Class Isekai or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Accept the End of the Multiverse
Triquetra: An Multi-Class Isekei Adventure I know, I know, you have heard it all before. Yes I was hit by a truck. Yes I ended up in a Fantastical World suspiciously similar to one of my favorite RPG’s. Yes I had access to cheats no one else possessed. Yes it was a world of classes and levels and magic powers. Finally, yes I was an overweight middle-aged loser failing to live up to my potential. Given my eclectic reading habits I should have been better prepared. Unfortunately I was not. Sure I could multi-class with reduced penalties, but my starting class was Scholar! No combat abilities and very limited spellcasting. My HUD interface costs mana to use, and my universal translation seemed to be outsourced to Giggle Translate. I’m supposed to be an OP MC! Not a slice-o- life struggling to survive in the wilderness. Not to mention the Arch-Magus who summoned me, mistimed everything, I arrived 300 years too late, after the fall of the Empire I was supposed to save. The surviving remnants have devolved into Murder Hobos. What’s worse is that the Great Devourer, Ancient Calamity, and Spawn from the Void Beyond Time, Space, and Sanity is now aware of a new world to plunder, a world called Dirt! (Told you this translator sucks) Warning Extra Crunchy Authorial Vebosity! Lots of infodump in the early chapters, but I learn my lesson and it does get better, eventually. I do not own the Cover image, found it on a free image site.
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Chosen Chaos
30 years have passed since first contact. Earth has now been accepted into the galactic community, is expanding its territory to other planets, and has begun to adopt the myriad advanced technologies found throughout the Milky Way Galaxy. But as the least advanced race in the galaxy, the Earthians are struggling to carve a niche for themselves, made all the more difficult by the fact that they are the only race in the entire galaxy incapable of developing supernatural powers. Until recently. Few know how or why, but small groups of Earthians have begun to display superhuman abilities — and the militaries of the galaxy have begun to display interest in them. Combined with the rise of an evil thought to have been vanquished two decades ago, these superpowered Earthians are forced to choose between the value of their own lives… and the value of the entire galaxy. Part 1: Chosen Few — A mundane visit to the local science museum starts off a series of worrying events for Austin Travis and his friends. They would like nothing more than to continue living their lives as they have, but the universe seems to have other plans… Part 2: Chosen Elite — CSF-1 and the Eximius Vir return to normal military operation and discover a clue to finding powerful ancient technology. However, they aren’t the only ones to discover this clue, and soon find themselves in a race against time to prevent the technology from falling into the wrong hands… Part 3: Chosen Hidden — As the summer comes to an end, Pierce Bradley and his friend prepare for their last few days studying abroad on an alien planet. Pierce would like nothing more than to return home and flaunt his new experiences in front of his friends and classmates, but the universe seems to have other plans… Chosen and its three parts begin the Key Saga, a new novel series that takes place 20 years after Rise — which tells the tale of the aforementioned evil. Reading Rise is not a prerequisite for reading Chosen, but it will help to understand the setting and the various conflicts within. Character art on cover by @quassihollic on twitter.
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Rise of the Fallen
Once, they were at the top of the world strong enough to take the heaven. Then calamity struck and they fell, cursed by the heaven. Today they're unknown to the world, their grace forgotten by everyone but themselves, their clan n ruins. All they have now is hope, a hope that they can rise to greatness once again and regain their former glory.Thus, began the story of our hero Nik, a genius who was never meant to break through the shackles of the curse of the heaven. What happens when one cursed by the heaven finds the treasure bestowed by the heaven? Will he fall like his ancestors or will he rise to bring his clan to its former glory and create a new era?
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The Earth after the Reset.
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Naamkaran ✔️
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Reborn as The Riser Phoenix
WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DIE AND REBORN AS A STEPPING STONE OF THE PROTAGONIST AND HOW WILL YOU CHANGE YOUR DESTINY1st dxd 1 st devil1 st rias1 st hsdxd1 Phoenix (7 April 2022) 1 riser1 Ravel 1 GremoryAll the rights and photos belongs to there original owner I only own the story
8 167