《Reincarnated, let's be a pirate.》Chapter 18
"…And it's incredible, The captured elf, the kidnapped king's daughter, two slaves, and the faithful friends. Other than the order of acquisition it reminds me of the early days with Damien or the stories I heard of those days at least. Please let me know when you meet your Magical Engineer, I would love to meet my counterpart. When last I saw her she was climbing on a boat towards Marrow. I would love to meet her."
"Step back like ten minutes in the conversation, please. You misspoke or something right you didn't mean that…"
"That you are the Demon King? I thought for sure you knew? The confidence, and the quick willingness to kidnap the princess."
"I didn't kidnap the princess, either of them, I…" I look back at the Clove and her face is sheet white. And she's not alone, it's all of them. It's not surprising really. I probably look the same. If I were actually from this world it would probably be even more shocking. I turn back to Aquarou. I want to at least make this clear to the girls. "I didn't know I was the Demon King. I don't even know exactly what the means even, or how it's possible. I'm me, I'm not the Demon king. I'm not evil."
"No, the demon king is not always evil per-say. But there are a few very easy to spot signs that show without a doubt you are the Demon King."
"You appear fully grown from nowhere with a full understanding of the language, as well as the way the world works. You sway people into allies instantly and conquer girls hearts one after another. Your harem grows and they become abnormally strong. They train for weeks yet become more skilled than experts trained for years. I can go on there are a few more."
"No, I think I sort of understand the situation a bit better."
"So the hero, was not really a hero?" The princess says blankly, unable to accept what she's hearing.
"Your wrong. He was the greatest hero who ever lived. He introduced advanced farming, reformed the guild system, instructed engineers on how to build aqueducts. He created the world where you all can live in peace without fear of the beasts of the forest. He saved the world. He was a hero, there is no doubt."
"Ah, I'm sorry I meant no offense I…"
"So what will you do? I feel your heart fluttering, are you conflicted now with your feelings?"
"You have a sword, you can strike down the demon king right now. I hear rumors the princess used to dream of being 'the hero'. Your chance lay before you and in his current state, he likely wouldn't stop you. What will you do?"
"I… did indeed dream that. But now instead my mind swims with possibilities. As much as it sickens me, the power of a demon king is something enticing. To be able to force a change by acting as the demon king while enacting good as the hero. With this power changing the world isn't just an idea it's…" She looks at the roof of the cave seemingly overwhelmed by the thoughts.
"Probably a good choice. The others, who have completely made up their minds, probably wouldn't have let you leave if you drew your sword on him."
I look upon the crew and they are indeed returned to normal. Mirna, of course, was probably never sure what was happening but she is good at picking up the atmosphere so she often goes with the flow. Or maybe I'm wrong, I sometimes wonder if Mirna doesn't play up the childish act a bit. She was the youngest in her family so it would make sense. I've never asked but I'm curious how old she actually is.
"I will follow Captain, Hero, Or King anywhere," Rou says firmly, turning to Aqua to see if she had the same opinion.
"I would have anyway. I always knew Captain was strong so although surprising, this isn't that much of a change. I know he's not like the demon kings I've heard of in stories. Maybe if anything it makes me feel a little safer."
"I feel safer. The last demon king did terrible things in the Elven forest. I was internally frightened for the eventual battle, but now… I know the elven forest is safe if it's Captain. He is loved by the Great Tree Spirit after all."
"That hussy, blessing anyone who saves a princess. What's with that? Talk about projecting your fantasy onto others." Aquarou mumbles to herself chewing on her lip.
"Mirna love Captain, or King. Doesn't matter. Can't scare Mirna. Unless you leap from behind that dresser again, that was scary so don't do that again please."
See its stuff like that, is she really a child? Sure that's something a kid would say but she drops her shortened sentences at times and seems to be able to speak fairly well, perhaps the alternative is easier? Or is she playing the long con?
"Is Alice a slave?" Alice asks tilting her head and looking deeply into my eyes. She must be talking about what Aquarou said earlier 'two slaves'. I prepare to counter her but she quickly speaks up again. "Then naturally I should get my Collar back… Well… Hurry up."
She lifts her head impatiently. I extend my hand towards her and then chop her head lightly. "I don't intend to make you a slave, I don't want people operating without free will it's just… something I'm morally against but, if a collar would make you happy I can get you one. But not one that will elicit pain…"
"Uuu… but that the whole point." She says stamping her feet childishly. "But if you say you will get me a collar I will accept. Thank you, Master."
"Y…yes. As long as you don't mind, I will call you Master. I…is that, not ok?" Her eyes upturn at the final words and the nails are in the coffin. I suppose I can't say no. It doesn't exactly bother me. And it's wrong to kink shame.
"Very well. But I will work you hard." I say attempting to rouse a fun response.
"I… I patiently await it, Master."
Oh, she's quickly becoming a handful it seems. Maybe I should have left her with Karlie. I'm worried what the childhood friend will think once she sees this new masochistic behavior.
"Oh, I have witnessed something very fun. I knew I made the right choice in supporting you. You really are a mirror image of Damien. The other demon kings have been either sex, or blood addicted maniacs. Causing pain for joy and pleasure. It's really grating, but you are like an innocent lamb. Scared and clinging for warmth."
"That sounds like an insult."
"It's not, you just remind me of him. But you should be careful. There are many of his mistakes you might repeat. And seeing 'this' become what we are now would be painful for me. So please pay close attention."
"I don't understand what you mean exactly?"
"You all are friends, yes?" Aquarou asks the crew, Princess included.
"Yes, of course, Rou is my sister but I think of Alice, El, and Mirna as my sister's now too. The princess is kind so I think we could be friends but I haven't spoken with her much. I think we are all friends."
Aquarou nods to the statements. "Mm, that's good. We were too once. But let me ask another question. You all love Cole, yes?"
"I…uh. Kinda."
"Love Captain! Lots!"
"It's only natural to love the one who rescued you from a shipwreck."
"Only if master allows it."
"I also, have discovered recent feelings for Cole."
They each answer, in a familiar order.
"But the place Cole is from doesn't have a concept like multiple spouses does it?"
She turns to me this time. Had she read my thoughts maybe? She's clearly leading me towards the issue I have seen from the start.
"Mhm, that's correct. In fact, I find it hard to imagine a successful relationship with multiple people. Where I am from, it's normal to love only one person, anything else will lead to disaster. It's impossible to love each equally, someone will always feel left out. It causes strife within the once cohesive group and anger forms on all sides."
"That's what I thought, so it is the same world as Damien's. I will tell you their feelings since it's pointless for them to tell me." She points to the girls who are holding their chests as if in deep pain from my words. I imagined the reaction would be like this. "They don't care about equal love. They just want you. To choose one and pity the rest? Or none? Is that better? I will add this part myself. Don't make the choice Damien made don't hold back for their sakes and run away once you can't face it any longer. Don't force them to think 'they' are the reason you ran. Don't leave them with the regret Damien left us with. Please, change your line of thought for their sakes. Don't push aside their love in an attempt to shelter them. Trust them with everything, I don't think they will disappoint you."
~ ~
That was heavy. This whole meeting was heavy. I had expected a nice talk with a Goddess instead I met one of the Demon King's Harem members. And she revealed all my secrets. Even ones I didn't know. She revealed or rather forced me to reveal my issue with our current relationship. She brought a lot to light. She forced me to rethink what I want.
Do I want to continue as I have? Ignoring their feelings as it suits me. Lazing around with no intentions. I suppose I don't, but to do anything else seems impossible for me.
This Damien, he felt the same then? Was he like me? Someone not used to the attention. Just happy to have people close, but keeping them at arm's length for safety. It seems it has hurt his friends. Can I imagine a Rou and Aqua who hate each other for my sake? An El who ignores Mirna's request to play hide and seek? It hurts to try. I want to continue living happily as a family. Does that mean I have to come to terms?
I refuse to force myself. It wouldn't be fair. I want to love them the way they love me. It doesn't seem fair to do anything less. I will take Aquarou's advice. But I have to stay within my pace. Anything more and as Aquarou said, I would likely run away from them. Sparing them the pain by separating. But she is right, that's not better. It's just selfish.
"I have been, wrong. For some time, for that, I am sorry girls. I am grateful you accept me so easily when I still have trouble accepting myself. And I don't just mean this Demon king business, I mean in general. You asked about my confidence. 'They' are my confidence. They trust me so I have no choice but to trust myself too. I love you, Rou, Aqua, El, Alice, and you too Mirna. You are the closest things I have to family in this world. I would do anything to avoid losing you. And if that means disregarding my world's logic, I will. If you trust that I can love all of you enough, then I have no choice but to trust you."
"What about me!?"
"You are a kidnapped princess, don't I just get to ravish her?" I ask jokingly to Aquarou who was watching the talk with envious eyes.
"Yes, I believe that's the proper etiquette."
"Well. I… I am not… entirely opposed but…"
"I am joking Clove, We don't know each other well enough for me to say that I love you but you are certainly beautiful and you are fun to be around. I will gladly welcome you to our crew if you wish. If not we can continue the kidnapped role play. It's up to you."
"We can pick it back up sometime later. I want to join your crew!"
"It's good to have you."
I turn to the crew, realizing I haven't confirmed it with them yet, but they look at me with raised thumbs. I guess they like Clove? Did she get a thumbs up to join? Is there a formal decision-making committee for this now?
~ ~
"Say, Cole, it was through the wood of the ship so I couldn't hear great but did you say something about Prequels?"
"Oh, did Damien tell you the story too?"
"Yes! My favorite was chewy. Damien used to make a ridiculous sound whenever he came into a scene." She says giggling and thinking back fondly.
"Captain does too. Do it Captain do it!"
"Ah, no that's wrong it's like this."
"Oh that's actually pretty good, Damien must have been good at impressions."
"Oh yeah, he did voices for everyone. But not that, Prequels?"
"Ah, well it's quite dense. I think if I began to tell it Mirna would be asleep before the first scene ended. It's very… Its not bad its… How about we go with number 7 instead."
"Yeah the ones you heard used to be 1,2,&3 but… Ah, it's a whole big thing don't worry about it."
~ ~
"You ok, Alice?"
"Ah, yes master. I am sorry I was distracted by something."
"Yes, she said two slaves but… Did she mean Jun?"
"Ah, no if I had to guess…" I lightly step towards Alice so the rest of the crew don't hear. I assume the rest of the crew likely know but it's still not something to say out loud. "She probably means Mirna, it's a long story but I technically bought her from her mother. Though it was more of just a charitable donation along side a kidnapping."
"I see," She says thinking about this for a moment. "So she was first… Will she get a collar too?"
"Ah, no. I… No."
"Poor Mirna."
"No, well… I don't think Mirna shares your persuasion."
"Nothing. Don't worry about it."
~ ~
"C…Cole there is something I want to talk to you about."
"Oh, princess? What can I do for you?"
"It's about what I said earlier."
"About wanting to strike me down and take credit for killing the demon king?"
"I'm kidding, so what about?"
"It's joining you crew I know I said I would and I will but…"
"I will join you but, I won't be coming with you."
"Oh, it's that? I wondered as much, you want to stay in the capital?"
"It is not as though I am terrified to leave or something childish it's… If someone is not there to counter my brother's stupidity, I wonder what might become of the capital. And there is still much I can do there."
"Understandable. Well then you will be my crew mate, but you will also operate undercover in the capital as an informant for the demon king, do you agree to this?"
"Yes, your highness. Uw, that's weird to say to someone. It feels like I just betrayed my families name."
"Don't let it bother you," Aquarou says from behind. "Gale thought the same thing."
"The Noble Spirit too?"
"Well, the situation was a tad different. Gale's father was a handful and wouldn't allow her to go with Damien. So Damien, acting as the demon king kidnapped her, while Damien the Hero ventured off promising to rescue her. In the end, the king accepted Damien once he returned, but it was still her technically deceiving her family."
"I have never heard that story."
"Well things get lost to the ages, and you all aren't actually the same royal family as back then either so it's not that big…"
"You didn't know? Well, I guess it was a very long time ago now. It's not such a big deal, royal families switch around all the time."
"I…I had no idea. I was told that…"
"Aquarou, you really ought to be careful just dropping nukes wherever you go."
"I have heard of these nukes from Damien but I don't understand."
"I just mean, you too often drop little bits of information in your sentences that probably seem meaningless to you, but can basically change the world of someone."
"Ah, you mean the whole demon king business. But it's really not such a big deal."
"Well, you say that but to the people involved it's a big deal. Maybe you met Damien at a time when he was more comfortable with the topic, but I am sure he had a time when he was uncertain about it, just as I am now."
"Hmm I do remember such a story, of when he first learned the truth, he was apparently like a startled child. Perhaps, maybe I just wanted to see the scene for myself, you all were so similar I just didn't allow the chance to escape me. But I am sorry. I will reflect on it."
"So it was intentional after all."
"Mm, once I heard that elf and Gale were interested in you, as well as the others. I had to snap you up first. I mean you choose my domain after all. You surely must prefer me over all them."
"So all of them are still…?"
"Yes they are alive, call it a curse Damien left us. I suppose now that I have had my fun it can't hurt for you to meet them. You should find them, it may just help them resolve themselves. I know I feel better now after telling you the feelings I was never able to tell Damien."
"Hmm, I have no problem with it. It will be good to get other people's inputs on how best to handle this relationship."
"But, telling you where they are wouldn't really be…"
"I figured as much. Well, I think I can figure something out."
"Really once you get close enough they will probably contact you the same way I did. Another gift from Damien. They will likely be eager to meet you just as I was. Well other than 'fire spirit' I guess, or rather she will pretend to hate it."
"Damien did use that term once or twice."
"I will probably see the elf first, I have plans to return to the Elven forest with El and I assume she is there."
"That is true."
"So Captain and I are getting married!" El says dripping onto my back as if she were hanging from a stalactite. Although that likely was the case.
"Well, if I make it clear that I intend to marry El, then I figure that will be enough to not cause trouble for your father. And if worse comes to worse I will deal with the benefactor myself."
"Ah, of course, Captain will protect me." She gently rubs her face against mine smiling. Was she excited to return? Or perhaps to meet the World Tree Spirit?
"Well, it won't be immediate though so please be patient a bit."
"Of course."
"Oh, Cole is already acting like a demon it seems."
"Whats that supposed to mean?"
~ ~
"Must you really?"
"Yeah, I can't keep the princess much longer, and I have the trading company to look after too so I want to head back as soon as possible."
"Umu, I understand. I regret it but you are free to make your own choices. But please, visit anytime. I will send Coleen to collect you whenever you call."
"You say that but…"
"I am serious. Simply say my name to the ocean and Coleen will come. I would personally if I could but,"
"Oh, I was curious about that actually, you seem very intent on staying in this cave. I thought for sure you would ask to come with me but that was never the case."
"I have already had my hero thank you very much, not that it ended happily. But that's not the only reason, this reef was near dead when I first entered the cave however many years ago. I imparted it with magic and it was able to survive, but it's still not self-sufficient. Talk to me in a hundred years maybe?" Aquarou says winking to me.
That wasn't what I was implying. I swear, stop glaring at me Rou. And Aqua don't give a thumbs up, I don't think the committee has come to a decision yet.
- In Serial35 Chapters
Kill the Harem
I was never a person who struggled with anything. Whatever I wanted to achieve, I achieved, except for finding a good reason for living. That was until I died. Perhaps it was karma, or perhaps it was some particularly sick god. I woke up in a world full of magic and encountered all these women who became romantically obsessed with me. It bears an uncanny resemblance to those garbage isekai series that I had the misfortune of reading in high school. The problem is, I loathe isekai. It got to the point where ever time I read about a busty elf-girl wanting to follow the protagonist, I wanted to throw something. It's illogical and it ruins the flow of the story. But now, I'm the one getting harassed by such illogical people? What complete and utter drivel. If any obsessive crazy person tries to make me theirs without even caring about my opinion, I'll f*cking kill them! I'll kill them all! I'm getting back home no matter what. My favorite manga hasn't finished yet and I want to read it to the end. Q&A Section Q: Is the protagonist mentally healthy? A: No, not even close. Q: Are all the female characters stupid? A: Barring extenuating circumstances, nobody rational would fall for a guy like the protagonist, so there's a bit of selection bias going on here. Q: Is this about a Gary Stu killing a bunch of irrational harem characters in a cliche isekai world? A: Go reread the title and the synopsis. Q: Do the women die because they won't sleep with the protagonist? A: No. I'm not sure where anyone got that from since it's entirely the opposite of what happens.
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What is it like, to live as a mortal without memories in a land of demons, horrific beasts, and ancient powers? Is there any hope for a man without cultivation, when the secrets he carries are worth more than his life? What kind of world do immortal kings build? Qi and Other Diseases can also be found on the main blog. Updates Sundays, near Midnight PST
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Sgt. Chris Wandell, a US Marine Sniper, passed away in a war somewhere in Afghanistan. Now he reborn in a new life with no fragment of any memories of his past life, but soon he later discover a persona within him as the one who was famed "VAMPIRE". "What comes in your mind if I ask what Vampire is, you'll that it meant about those ancient evils that feed on blood of the mortals, had fangs and Lord of the Night. Well you are right, but it also another meaning rather than a Mythical Creature. It also meant as Hunters of the Shadows, Reaper of Dark, and Silent Killer." Condition: DROPPED Link: http://wp.me/P6wr8i-2P Note:• Updates are more likely posted in random. • Story may be either whole or partially revised. • This Title and Names is just either Permanent or Temporary. • ENGLISH is not my main language, so don't expect a good grammar. Hello readers, This is me, cjayr369, telling you that this webnovel had long been dropped. I'm sorry that some of you had been expecting me to continue the story but because I lost my material that I used as inpiration to continue the story. That is why I decided to rewrite the whole story from the start. Some changes would be make and it would still follow the plot I design to move towards. I can't say when I would upload the story, but I would happened in the near future.
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Space Side Echoes
The First Galactic War came and went. The Beryons were defeated but dozens of species died out and now the surviving races are rapidly expanding across the galaxy trying to find fortune and empire. Aden and his mentor Julian are veterans looking to cash in on this new era but crippled and without any money they’re left with only one choice - carrying out jobs for the seedy underworld. Their first job was to steal and transport an experimental prosthetic arm and deliver it to Echo Station to a mysterious benefactor. Unfortunately powerful factions are pitting their agents against each other and Aden, along with anyone who has the misfortune to meet him, are about to get swept up into a race that takes him across the galaxy and maybe try and prevent yet another Galactic War.
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Guys this is my first fiction. It may suck or it may be good, but it depends on the readers. It contains mature content.This story is filled with Comedy , action, romance . The MC is a guy who wants to be a hero on the modern magical world. but it is not easy to do so. He trusts and gets betrayed and in return getsthe gift of the night.I hope you read this fiction and judge it to improve my plot and style so a shoutout to all those senpais.Enjoy the Fiction
8 206