《Reincarnated, let's be a pirate.》Chapter 17
"So the dungeon is a lie?"
"It would be better to say it's true purpose is hidden. To complete it would defeat the point."
"Because everyone would come back?"
"Mm. It used to be common knowledge that once a dungeon was destroyed those lost would return. There was a time it was seen as common sense. But that was back when the largest dungeon was a dozen floors. At that time, there was a king. He wasn't a bad king but he loved a woman far too much. He refused to accept her death in a dungeon. He conscribed troops, thousands of farmers and peasants, promised food and glory, they would flood and conquer it. But they all died. And for years since, hundreds die there each year. The purpose of conquering it was forgotten but it remains our families darkest hour."
"So it currently acts as a resource sink? Giving purpose to adventurers as well as controlling the overflowing population. Then why continue to attack it? As you said yourself, it would be a massive problem if tens of thousands suddenly came back to life. The impact that would have on the country would be cataclysmic."
"It would likely be around hundreds of thousands. And well, the materials we receive from it are our most significant export. Not to mention the economy basically revolves around the constant war with the dungeon. To stop would be as bad as conquering it."
"I see, you all have really gotten yourself into a tough situation."
"And that is why we have no intention of asking for your help on the dungeon. In fact, we were more worried you would just conquer it yourself without first talking to us."
"I had thought of it…"
"Captain! The creature is slowing. I think it's likely because we are nearing the Sea Gate. Can you come up to the deck to deal with any issues."
"Yes, no problem. Princess would you mind staying down here. It will be a hassle to explain your presence to the guards."
"Of course. Well if they asked I would just say you are kidnapping me."
"Are you trying to get me in trouble?"
The princess laughs at my quip as I walk to the deck to deal with the gate guards.
~ ~
"And you're sure you didn't steal this."
"Yes, I'm very sure. This ship is mine and the Royal Emblem was given to me because I am a B rank adventurer and friends with the princess." I show the man the other form of identification I have.
"I see." He says investigating the card for any mistakes. He seems to find none and after confirming the emblem once more he returns the items to me and nods. "Alright then, looks good. Be careful, once you are a mile outside the gate, you won't have the protection of the royal navy anymore. A monster could show up at any time."
Like the one that's hiding under my boat currently? But I guess I shouldn't say that.
"I will, but I am a pirate so I will be ok, thanks for the concern."
"Right." The man says with a snort, likely assuming I just got the ranking for being some Noble's son.
I'll have you know I earned it honestly by lying about my feats like everyone else does.
The guard ship began drifting away and we were once again in the clear. After a few moments, the creature returns to beside the boat and points a tentacle again. We adjust course and begin to follow it once more.
"It looks like she's taking us into black seas," Rou says looking at a map and compass.
"I trust her," Aqua says looking down at the creature swimming leisurely beside us. "She seems nice."
Aqua waves at the creature and it, in turn, raises a tentacle in reply. It really was intelligent. I am glad we didn't just senselessly attack it.
"Yeah, I guess we have to," Rou says reluctantly. Folding the map and returning her attention to the wheel.
"What's the problem? Don't you want to meet the Ocean Spirit too? This is a great honor after all!"
"Well, sure I do Aqua. If anything I wonder if I am worthy? Captain sure, but what did we do to earn this invitation? Traveled with the captain? I don't know… I guess I feel useless maybe."
"I couldn't have sailed without you two. You should know that. I still don't quite know the names or purposes of anything up here" I say pointing around the deck at the various pulleys and ropes. "Think about it this way, without you and Aqua I wouldn't have even known who this Ocean Spirit was. I think that alone is reason enough for you to meet her."
Rou tilts her head back and forth thinking about my comment but a princess interrupts.
"Just how long were you going to leave me down there?" Clove asks with a scowl. "If I hadn't heard moving water I would have been there all night."
"Ah, I am sorry. I totally forgot."
"No! You are supposed to say 'I wanted you to wait for me.' or something romantic."
"That's romantic?" I ask with a glance at the crew. Rou, Aqua, and El shrug while Alice is beet red with her eyes shut.
So abandonment play is her thing?
But that's beside the point. "Well, in any case, I am sorry. But now that you're here there is something I want to talk to you about."
"Regarding our destination?"
"Yes, so you know what I'm going to say?"
"Yes, don't worry, I have no intention of telling anyone that you were personally invited to meet a God."
"I thank you for that. I have enough attention as it is. I'm simply glad nobody knows what I look like, but still hearing stories about myself isn't fun. If they heard about this…"
"Have no fear. Just as I am the master of spreading and collecting information, I am also an expert at keeping information secret."
"That is good to hear. I figure it is assumed, but that goes for you all as well. This is not something to brag about to port guards El; Mrs. 'Does your's shoot explosive spears too?'."
"I thought it was a valid question. I have only ever seen a spear gun with explosive spears."
"Well sure but demonstrating wasn't necessary. And wait, what about your training spears?"
"I… Understood."
"Are you going to warn Mirna?" Alice asks, finally out of her delusion. Thinking of Mirna who was working up a storm in the kitchen
"I think if asked, Mirna would just say she 'met a nice water lady' and everyone would brush it off as childishness."
"That is probably about right," El says thinking about it for a moment.
I have noticed the two of them have gotten fairly close. Same with Mirna and Alice. I thought Rou and Aqua would be the big sisters but it seems it's El and Alice who have adopted that role. I see her chatting with them often in her free time. And her and El even share clothes from time to time. The benefit of being an Elf I suppose.
~ ~
"What does she want us to do?" Rou asks looking at the old woman who again stood on our deck. She appeared again from beneath the monster a few moments after the creature stopped. We were going to drift past it but it lightly gripped our boat to slow us.
"I'm not sure," I say also staring at the woman who just stood on the deck silently staring at nothing.
{Ah, it's you. At last, you're within range.} A voice says silently as if whispering. I turn around but see nothing I turn back to the woman but she hasn't moved a step.
"You all didn't hear that then?" I ask looking at the girls' unchanged expressions.
"Hear what?" The princess asks tilting her head cutely.
"Maybe I'm going craz…"
{You aren't, don't worry. I just haven't found them yet. It will be easier with just you for now. Would you assist me in preparing for your visit?} The voice again whispers to me.
"O…ok. What do I need to do?"
"What are you saying, Captain? That's what we are asking you."
"Ah, sorry hold on Aqua, I think I'm telepathically talking to the Spirit of the Ocean right now. Is that correct?"
{Yes, I am the one often called the Ocean Spirit. As for what you need to do. Well, I can feel the presence of something that may work perfectly. Can you collect enough Sea dragons scales for each of the crew members attending.}
"I understand. I have them here." I take enough from my storage but then think better of it. "I am sorry Jun but do you mind staying here. I don't mean to let you down but leaving the ship unmanned makes me uncomfortable. Can I trust it to you?"
"Y…yes absolutely Captain. I won't let you down!"
"Thank you, Jun. Now for each of you." I say to the girls, handing them each a Sea Dragon scale.
"Captain are you sure you aren't going sea-crazy? Not that I don't appreciate the gift but what exactly are these for?"
"No clue."
"Definitely sea-craziness" Rou follows up squinting at me to diagnose me better.
The Scales in the girls' hands then begin to glow a bright blue. In the center, a small golden light carves a complex pattern of shapes. It looks like a laser engraver, except with magic. So there was something like this, huh?
I'm not sure I will ever tire of this world.
"Incredible," Aqua says staring at the scale with a slack jaw.
"It's like one of the old artifact magic tools. I have only seen one but the pattern looks similar. It's surely the Spirit's work." The princess starts listing, holding the scale close to her face. "But where did the magical power come from. To make a magic tool from a Magic core is one thing but from a scale? It's impossible."
{Would you mind telling her that I simply made it into something like a magic core first.}
"'She turned it into a core first' she says."
"She says it's possible. I'm inclined to believe her."
"Y… yes, the proof is in front of me I suppose."
"But what does it do?" El asks.
"It's a mirror," Mirna says gazing at her reflection in the scale and smiling brightly.
"She said it should be prepared for our visit. Though I am not sure its purpose."
{If you are ready to depart I can explain the function.}
"Are you all ready to meet her?" I ask the crew.
"No way I need to put on my good clothes!"
{Something that can get wet, but I suppose that's obvious.}
Well, I wouldn't put it past them. "Nothing white please."
"""""Yes Captain."""""
Oy, someone's voice wasn't present, who was it?
~ ~
"Yes, seems like it. Right?"
"Yes, captain. Ready."
"Princess, why did you change into a white blouse?"
"I wanted to see what would happen if I didn't do as you command. Is there a punishment game?" She asks turning to the girls with bright eyes.
I think I'm going to be the one getting the punishment, unfortunately. Though of course, it will be a pleasure until that time, knowing Rou though, she will definitely catch my line of sight.
"Well, then I suppose we are ready, What now Mrs. Ocean Spirit."
{Uuuuu… I hate being called that. But no helping it. Please enter the water now. But be prepared you will sink quickly. It is a part of the magic tool's properties. But rest easy, you will be able to breathe.}
"We will now be entering the water everyone but be careful you will si…"
I suppose Aqua is always waiting for an excuse. I hope she doesn't hit her head.
"And now what?" A voice says from the surface of the water. Did she really lose her magic tool that quickly? I spot it on a nearby barrel and drop it over the edge to her. The rest of the crew watching the exchange see Aqua catch the object and then instantly sink like a stone. Obviously, they all gasp and begin shouting for me to help but I explain the situation properly to them and they breathe a collective sigh of relief.
"Well, we don't want to get left in the dust lets go join her on the bottom of the sea."
"""Yes!""" The group shouts before splashing into the water after her. Each sink like a stone and I leap down to join them.
When my feet hit the ground I notice my body feels lighter due to the resistance of the water. I glance around and spot the crew running around investigating the area. I wonder can I speak under water?
"Hey don't run too far!" I shout in an attempt.
They turn their heads and spot me, quickly running over.
"Captain this is amazing! I can breathe, and talk! And look at all the junk. And fish!" Mirna says holding the scale in her hand and spinning in glee.
"Mirna you have to be careful. If you drop that you will get separated from us, or worse." Aqua says chiding her from beside.
Mirna quickly grips the scale with both hands and steadies her still spinning body.
"That's bad," Mirna says after thinking about it for a moment.
"Mm, so hold onto it tight."
As I chat with the crew and gaze at the fish swimming nearby a familiar creature appears, scaring the school of fish away inadvertently.
{If you wouldn't mind following Coleen, there, she will lead you to my home.}
"Her name is apparently Coleen, girls. Sorry, you can't name her it seems."
{Oh, my. Did they become fond of my baby Abyssal?}
"Oh, so it was an Abyssal."
"What? Really? Ah, this is no fair I want to talk to her too!" Aqua says with a pout.
{My apologies we will be able to talk better in person though so please be patient.}
"Ah, Aqua she…" But Aqua has wide eyes and a gaping jaw.
"So pretty." Aqua lightly says as if in love.
"Oh, so you were able to hear that one?"
"Y…yeah. I will be patient."
"Muu, no fair Aqua too?"
{My I am popular it seems.}
"Lucky you."
{Oh, is that jealousy I detect?}
"N…nothing of the sort."
{Of course. Well, it's just up ahead. You see the cave there?}
At her words, the Abyssal, Coleen, points a tentacle towards a small gap in two rocks in the distance under a spectacular bed of coral. It seems she is too large to escort us any further into the reef. I thank her with a nod and walk towards the cave of the Ocean Spirit.
A place many would likely call 'the most sacred place on the planet'.
If they knew it existed of course.
~ ~
"Welcome. It's a pleasure to meet all of you, though I feel like I've known you for awhile already."
We stood in a small air pocket a few hundred feet up the cave. It's quite large and it's outfitted nicely as a bedroom and kitchen. Do Gods need to eat? And how did it all get here?
"The pleasure is all ours Mrs. Ocean Spirit Goddess."
"Oh, Aqua she apparently doesn't like that name, I got yelled at."
"Ah, my apologies I didn't… I heard Cole say it earlier and…"
"Ah, my, my. It's perfectly fine. It just makes me feel so old when I hear it." She says with a whimper while pouting.
Is she not? Although she appears as a motherly figure as a goddess wouldn't she be eons old?
"You are thinking something rude aren't you?"
"How did you guess?"
"I can feel when people are negative about the sea. I am sure I heard Aqua mention something about that to you, perhaps were you not listening?"
"I was, I was. I am more surprised you were."
"I can hear and see everything on the sea. Like when you appeared on the Marrow Beach. You know you still haven't thanked me properly."
"So it was really you? Well thank you, I have the strength I do currently because of you."
The group looks at me curiously but seem to leave us to talk. I was the one invited after all. They probably feel somewhat out of place, only Aqua has been willing to talk so far. Even Mirna is hiding behind Alice's leg.
"Well, I figured it was my duty to assist the new generation once in awhile. Though I am glad you grew into a fine young man since then."
"Captain hasn't grown at all," Mirna says. Jealously, she grabs my arm and sets it on top of her head. "See, same height as when he first met Mirna."
"Ah, you are right. He indeed hasn't grown much since he acquired you. I wonder, have you hit a wall, Cole?"
Just what isn't she going to reveal to the crew? Mirna seems confused by the word 'acquired' though so it seems ok for now. But that 'appeared on Marrow Beach' line was dangerous.
It's not that I expect to keep everything a secret forever and I do trust my crew. If anything I don't trust the princess. Though, she does seem kind hearted. Ah, mustn't look, her powers are too great.
"I can also detect erotic thoughts though I don't know who they are towards. I used to use it to send mermaids to lead ship astray."
"That's an odd power, But that's interesting, so you don't only control the positive aspects of the sea?"
"The sea must have balance," Aqua answers as if it were fact.
"It is something like that, but it is also a form of fun for me." The goddess says giggling.
"Do you have something better for me to call you than Goddess, you seem to hate the Mrs. part."
"The goddess's name is…" Aqua starts but pauses with blushing cheeks. Is there something embarrassing.
"My name is Aquarou. It is nice to meet you, Cole."
"Ah, I see. What a lazy old man your father was."
"Ah, don't be rude I think it's rather cute. He wanted them to be protected by me. It was particularly charming the way he prayed to me. He even does it now."
"Father still prays?"
"He stopped when you were older but when you left he began again. I found it romantic so I sheltered him from a storm he was drifting towards."
"So he is still without a sail?"
"He is something of a fool your father."
"You… you aren't wrong. Goddess."
"Ah, embarrassed to call my real name?"
"Sorry, then Mrs. Aquarou."
"Ah, that will have to work I suppose."
The princess, who was fidgetting in order to allure me suddenly steps forward. I realize my stupidity quickly. She was nervously pulling up the courage to say what ever she is about to. I will open the floor to her.
"Princess, did you want to ask her something?"
"Go ahead," Aquarou says nodding with a polite smile to the princess. "Even if you follow that self-righteous Noble, Gale…"
"So it's really true? You knew the spirits and together you…"
"Yes, all of us were somewhat friends at one point."
"You were in the hero's party, right?"
"What was he like? I heard he was handsome!"
"He was, Cole reminds me of him, they share so much in common."
"Really?" The princess says with glimmering eyes.
"Mm, incredibly strong, but gentle and kind. Able to destroy a fleet with one hand while placing a flower into a girl's hair with the other."
"But, he sacrificed himself killing the demon king?"
"Heh, the old bastard ate himself to death. You should have seen him in his final years. Massive."
"What? But then who killed…"
"You seem to misunderstand. Or perhaps it's just the story changing over time. You see that's another wonderful thing 'the hero' and Cole have in common." Aquarou turns to me with a smile as if reminiscing on memories long lost. "You see 'the hero' wasn't actually just a hero. Well, he inadvertently became 'the hero' but in reality, he was the very same Demon King he was sent to kill, just like Cole."
- In Serial32 Chapters
The Ancient Tree's Journey
On a planet far away from Earth, an ancient tree lives inside a beautiful forest. When the tree realises that its life is coming to an end, it creates a seed without a soul. The seed begins a long journey, being passed from person to person, until it finally collides with the soul of a girl from Earth and sprouts. With her human knowledge, the girl tries to survive in this world... as a tree. Note: This is my first time writing a novel, so my writing style might be a little rough around the edges sometimes, especially the first twelve are still amateur style. I'll probably rewrite them at some point... later perhaps. Also, the MC will be introduced in chapter 13. The first twelve chapters are more of an introduction to the world, so they bear little significance to the main story. Still, I recommend reading it if you want to get a better view of the world. Chapter releases once every four days.
8 321 - In Serial8 Chapters
Primordial Evolutions
The High Heaven Realm, a realm that has experts as numerous as trees in a forest. At this place, there lives an 8-year-old boy. This boy is called Jing Guanyu, a physically crippled boy who cannot has a crippled body and no energy system, preventing him from embarking on the paths of Essence and Energy Cultivation. The only path left to him is the path of Divine Cultivation, a mystical cultivation path that focuses on the soul and forming contracts with the Spirits of powerful Spirit Beasts that have taken human form. However, when he spends over 4 years trying to sense the spirit force of his first Spirit Beasts Spirit Realm, the rest of the clan deem him as a complete waste. One day, when the young man was 13, he met his first spirit contract, and his Legend begun there. The Legend of the creator of the ultimate cultivation Scripture in history. The creator of the Primordial Evolution Scripture, Jing Guanyu! The Primordial Emperor! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The inspiration for Book (brackets say roughly what I got inspiration from) Do note: I do completely copy anything from any books. All of this book is original and all the books mentioned below are simply inspiration that gave me the ideas in regards to whats in the brackets. It may seem similar (like with MW I also use the E-E-D cultivation but my definitions and cultivation realms are different from the inspirations) > Martial World (Cultivation Paths) > Lord Xue Ying (Non-Generic Plot) > Stellar Transformations (Unique Cultivation Technique) > Consuming Earth, Devouring Skies (Character Development) > Ancient Godly Monarch + Invincible (Martial Spirits + Own touch to this idea) > The Storm King + Lament of the Fallen (The Soul Realm/Soul Domain) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Final words: Ok, I will just say that there are several reasons why the MC's cultivation speed is so mediocre despite how "talented" he is. There are logical reasons and they will be explained when necessary. Just remember that cultivation speed isn't everything. Hope you enjoy. I will take constructive feedback and logical criticism. However, I will not even reply to illogical criticism, rants or salty people who got pissed off because the main character didn't get "that divine medicine" or "this divine sword" or whatever. Note: I have marked all 4 of the content warning boxes due to a uncertainty in how dark, gory, descriptive or traumatizing my story will get. Btw, the cover isn't my property but was gotten from a website on mythology (greek I think). IF they ask me to take it down, then I shall. IF NOT, then IDGAF. LOL
8 152 - In Serial78 Chapters
The Hunter That Returned From Hell
18 years old Yi Kang-Ho's life was perfect until he was sucked into a portal which transported to a Hell like world. In this world he had fight creatures, monsters, demons. He risked his life for 400 years and one faithful day he managed to somehow escape the Hell and came back to earth but even after spending 400 years there only 2 years had gone by on Earth. Earth was totally different from before dungeons appeared everywhere, Hunters became the new government of the new world and the world became dog eat dog world. Follow the journey of Kang-Ho in this new world filled with adventures. .............................................................................................................................................................................................. The cover does not belong to me the credit goes to creator if creator wants me to remove it please contact me.
8 155 - In Serial15 Chapters
Shadow is set in two separate time periods: the year 2027, mere days before the end of the world, and the year 2030. At the core of every action/adventure story is a silly plot twist that only works if the characters it centers around are compelling and well-developed, and there are no shortage of interesting characters to be found during the earth's final days. Only a fool chases his own Shadow. [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
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Irondad and Spiderson One Shots
*REQUESTS CLOSED*All one shots, can be a few parts though This is the life of Peter Parker -sometimes he is a Stark- about his normal life to his alter-ego Spiderman, with his family the avengers. {played by Tom Holland} {im British so there might be different spellings sorry}
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Fluttercord: Forging A New Life (Fluttercord Fanfic)
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