《Epic Tales Variation: Aegis Kan》Chapter 11: Bloodline Initiator
Chapter 11: Bloodline Initiator
“Give me 5 more minutes Mr. Floofles.”
I pushed at my cat when my hand came into something soft and slimy. Then I remembered I don’t have a cat, at least not in this life. So, then what was licking my face. Slowly I opened my eyes prepared for the worse. The last thing I remember was falling with a bunch of Red Claws and Spidoths before I exploded my bloodline ability around me in an attempt to kill everything. Everything around me was an enemy so I might as well have gone out with a bang. So why am I still alive?
My eyes opened to a worm? Some sort of worm like creature was licking my face. It gave out a happy little spin as I opened my eyes fully. I was confused, hungry, body aching, but I was alive and that’s all that matters right now.
…how was I alive?
Although I didn’t see much with the light I produced before exploding my ability to its full range of the 20ft lava producing temperature I saw enough to know the ground was nowhere near me during the drop. Before I fell unconscious, I felt a slimly sensation.
I sat up and studied the worm that fell into my lap. It was a weird little thing. All black with a length of around 3 maybe 4 inches while being half an inch in width. As I studied it, I was certain it was studying me with the way it tilted its head and moved it up and down. I now took the time to study my surroundings.
Giant crystals glowed in a soft blue light all around me. It was a testimony to how tired I was that I didn’t notice them sooner. The ground was covered in a thick layer of webbing. Silk if it had anything to do with the little guy that was making his way up to my shoulder. I helped the creature up before I stood up myself. The reason I didn’t attack the creature was simple. I had been laying here for gods know how long and kept my life and equipment. I had everything including my ax. It was a miracle I didn’t hit any of the crystals when I landed.
I pressed down on the silk underneath me, and my foot was forced back just as quickly. I jumped next to test the hypothesis that was building. I found myself bouncing back up high with the worm sticking to my shoulder. I was certain now that I was in a nest of some kind and the worm on my shoulder was probably some kind of baby.
I used more force this time and jumped even higher. High enough to see over the surrounding crystals. The field went on as far as my eyes could see. Silk or webbing included. Whatever these creatures were going to be they weren’t listed in the catacombs for dummies book. What level of the catacombs had I fallen too?
These were raw mana crystals. Giant ones that could power the golems of the Wall or any magical equipment. I was standing in the middle of a fortune even for me as the son of a duke I who was allowed and given precious resources.
Before I explore, I took a few rations out. I could no longer ignore the hunger. My body felt like I just finished an intense full body workout and my stomach had been protesting since I awoke. I picked up the slimy worm and put it in my hand to take another close look at it but also to see if it would eat any of the dried jerky meat I prepared. Once again, I studied the black worm as I broke off a small piece of jerky to feed the thing. The jerky disappeared, no biting or eating of any form that I could see. One second it was there the other it was gone. Just gone.
I broke off more small pieces and placed it near the worm and each time the same result happened. One moment the piece of jerky is there the next its gone. With no movement from the worm.
‘She’ll never become full like that.’
My guard was up and my weapons in hand instantly. Something someone was here. The worm went back on my shoulder, and I quickly surveyed my surroundings. Only to see nothing.
Every so slowly I raised my head and looked up. What I saw left me speechless. A massive maw with shark like teeth looked down upon me.
“So, this is how I die.”
The head tilted at me in confusion.
“You’re telling me out of all the scary creatures I’ve fought since my descent into the catacombs that the giant blender like maw is not here to kill me?”
‘Is this not how you humans smile?’
‘Forgive me I didn’t not mean to scare you!’
I hadn’t heard or even seen such a massive creature sneaking up upon me. It was like it came materialized right there.
The maw still seemed to be waiting on my reply and the worm in my hand did what I could only call a happy dance.
“Ms. Floofles, I guess.”
Which only made the worm move with more excitement
“Humans generally show less teeth when they smile. Also, unless we have hostile intentions, we usually announce our presence first. Lastly, humans generally introduce themselves before any meeting with a stranger. My name is Aegis Kan and you, my lady?”
At least I thought she was a lady. Her voice was very feminine. I had chosen to speak out loud even if she was speaking directly into my mind.
‘Ahhh interesting! My name is Karlix. I am what you humans would call a queen of this region.’
The voice in my head was pleasant and youthful sounding. Like a young teenage girl.
My eyes raised in surprise at the queen, and I tried to inspect her full body but could not make out much as she was also pitch black and rose high past what the light showed.
‘Well Queen Karlix, I assume you’d want me to return your sister perhaps? If you could kindly direct me to the entrance of the second level of the catacombs, I’ll be out your territory and on my way.
‘Hey, I’m young but not that young! That’s my daughter. I’ll have you know this year I’ll be 1156 years old!’
My mouth dried up at the words spoken. This creature was almost as old as the Empire.
Creatures this old and with this type of intelligence could only mean one thing.
“Bloodline Initiator.”
‘Oh! My mother was one, but I haven’t done the process myself.’
My palms grew sweaty, and my knees weak. The arms that held my weapons grew heavy before dropping. I don’t think I’m making it out of here alive.
Rue’s lesson on Bloodline Initiators came back to me instantly. Most of the important history facts were special moments to me and I recalled all the details from the day I learned about Bloodline Initiators.
“Before the magi core was created humanity turned to the beast of the continent taking their blood and using it to gain strength and similar powers of the creature in an attempt to copy the goblins bloodline ability. Most people who tried this process died and the ones that did live were never quite the same.”
“Teacher Rue why would so many people try a process that had little hope of working?”
“Eradication.” The answer was short and simple but precise.
“As Eradication was on going humanity turned to all directions to find a way to survive. Necromancy, rituals, sacrifices to the gods, which is how some bloodlines like your mothers were achieved. Humanity tried any and all paths to find a way to survive. That’s when we turned to some of the most powerful creatures. Some of these creatures held sentience and gave out their bloodlines for a price. These creatures where less harsh and helpful with grafting the bloodline to its new host. We called these creatures Bloodline Initiators.”
‘You do not have to be afraid of me!’
The sweet voice returned this time in a much gentler tone. It must have been obvious at how terrified I was. I took a few deep breaths before I regained my composure.
“If you’re not going to kill me then is there something you need of me?”
‘Hmm, not really I was looking for my daughter in fact, but it seems like she can look after herself just fine.’
The worm which pulled itself up to my shoulder gave out a happy dance once again and I couldn’t help but smile at the sight.
‘Well, if you like him so much why don’t you just go with him!’
At first, I was confused wondering who Kalix was speaking to until I remembered her daughter was still on my shoulder. It was clear that the worms had been communicating and the mother Kalix chose to let me into their conversation.
‘Yes, yes, it’s about time you left the nest any way. By 150 I was already exploring. You’re close to 200!’
The worm on his shoulder squiggled a bit more this time in what looked like embarrassment and I heard Kalix giggle.
‘I think so too and stop being shy I’ve taught you how to project yourself long ago! Now say hi to the young man that fed you!’
I was still slightly confused but think I understood for the most part. The daughter of Queen Kalix wanted to travel with me and could talk this entire time but was just being shy. I gently picked the worm off my shoulder and placed it in my hand slightly excited. This journey had made me lonely if I was being honest. The System was not a conversationalist and the creatures I came across all wanted to kill and eat me. It would be nice for some companionship and to have someone celebrate my birthday with me. If I hadn’t been knocked out for more than a day or so my third growth phase would start in a day or two
A young teenage voice not unlike her mother’s entered my head.
“Hello, little one. My name is Aegis Kan and you?”
The worm did a happy dance before replying.
‘I’m Malix! I’m 189 years old and I’ll be 190 in a few days. My favorite things to do is eating, sleeping, and drawing. I also like to-’
Before she could continue her mother interjected.
‘Malix what did I tell you about introducing yourself.’
The young worm wiggled in embarrassment.
“If I may ask, what species are you?”
Several bloodline initiator species were listed in the history books, and I wanted to see if Malix and Kalix were in that list. Although I hadn’t heard of a worm species in the list.
Kalix spoke up but I could have sworn her daughter was trying to say something before being cut off in my mind.
‘Betwixt Worms. We are a rare species and I know my mother only ever did 1 bloodline initiator trial and no more.
“No, I don’t think I’ve heard of you guys previously. Sorry.”
‘No need to be sorry but now if I may ask. What is a young boy such as you doing out here? Did you perhaps lose your way from your party?’
“No, I am traveling alone to visit the city of Redcoomshi on a pilgrimage.”
I didn’t tell them the entire truth as my mother had instructed me to not reveal my identity no matter what but the reason, I said my true name to them is because beast were much more sensitive than humans and I wouldn’t want to be spotted in a lie with a Bloodline Initiator.
Kalix seem to rear back in surprise and even Malix stopped doing her little jig.
‘Traveling? On foot?’
‘You must be very brave for a human. Traveling by foot through the catacombs to get to the bottom would take you years. How about I give you a ride? I know a few shortcuts.’
“I’m sorry but I’d have to decline.”
I needed to reach the bottom myself to take my bloodline to the next level. Also, I was kind of having a fun journey so far. Even including the boss monster’s fight. The way my blood boiled, and my body responded was better than any drug I could take from earth.
‘Well then I shall take you to the second level of the catacombs.’
Kalix seem to study me intently after I declined before speaking and lowering herself.
The only word I could use to truly describe Kalix was massive. Two maybe three stories tall and at least one in width. I gripped the folds in her skin and with a bit of effort pulled myself on top of her.
‘Hold on tight.’
Was the only warning I got before the glowing crystals appeared as a blur.
As we traveled in a blur I truly wondered at the size of the Catacombs and its complexity. That did not stop my thoughts from wondering how I was still alive. With all the logic I have as an earth human I should be dead. I dropped from an unknown height, and I didn’t have so much as a broken bone just tiredness and fatigue. I wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth but… I wasn’t stupid.
My suspicions gravitated towards this mother/daughter pair. There were plenty of sentient animals on Nia and several regions inside the dukedom and Nia itself were off limits to humanoids as those monsters made it so. I could see this region of the catacombs being another as those crystals were obviously packed with some serious mana and the dangerous regions were usually closed off by mages. The towns that were here in the catacombs were all mining towns underneath my dukedom. One of the many ways my family generated wealth. I was taught that if not for the upkeep of the Wall my family would be the richest in the Empire. If it’s not the worms who saved me then a treasure from my family? I did not know but I would find out.
I peeked at the worm on my shoulder that wanted to travel with me for some reason. Something was up with this mother daughter pair. I didn’t sense any hostility but these two weren’t Betwixt Worms like they claimed. Not for a species as long lived as them with the mother almost being as old as the Empire itself. Humanity used every avenue during Eradication to gain an increase in strength until magi cores. Bloodlines were amongst our original and first answer and extensive research had been done on more beast that would enhance our powers. Especially on the willing creatures. Although this information wasn’t available to the commoners as the next ruler my family made sure I was knowledgeable in all subjects.
Even more so after my injury with Ken Shouryu. From economics, to history, ruling, military affairs, and much more. This didn’t even include my cultivation. Although my education was halted because of this journey I was certain upon my return that it would pick up with the same intensity as before.
Speaking of cultivation, it had been a while since I sat down to digest my experiences of the journey so far. So, I sat down and brought myself to a meditative state. Physical cultivation required actual battle experience to effectively raise it among other things such as enhancing an organ for each tier. Although just by living most people could get to the 3rd tier in the 10 required for a rank.
From what has been taught to me the path of cultivation went something like 10 tiers for a rank or new realm depending on who you talked to. It was all the same. The thing is you couldn’t have 4 physical tiers completed and 6 magical tiers completed to enter a new rank you needed to have all 10 tiers in either physical or magical to be completed. The problem was that if you focused so much on one your body or mind wouldn’t be able to keep up. The rule of thumb my family discovered and for each house it’s a bit different, but for my family its move up to the 3rd rank in the opposite field you wanted to pursue first. That way your body could have some resistance to your mind being able to cast out spells like a machine gun. Or your mind being able to keep up with your body as a walking fortress.
This made sense to me although I couldn’t imagine a buff old wizard from an earth fantasy. In Nia with the amount of natural mana in the air it was all possible. Another reason the other races of the continent were so dangerous. This strength allowed the sentient races to conquer half of the continent. The rest was still under the territory of monsters and beast.
My episode of physical cultivation had me thinking back on all my experiences since I entered the catacombs. Surviving hadn’t been hard until I got trapped between the 2 forces of the bosses. I had become cocky even if I had the right too as if I had my full strength, I would have easily dispatched both beasts. You don’t just become a 4th tier mage by having the mana pool necessary. The spells I could sling at the 4th tier could reshape the terrain on a small scale not to mention I hadn’t had to focus on a specialization, yet I was not here to focus on my magic. I believe I didn’t fully analyze Scythe in our first meeting. I was frightened at the site of such a large creature that my flight response kicked in immediately. If I had observed the creature, I would have seen how much weaker the carapace covering its legs were. I could have fought a defensive battle targeting those legs until the insect was incapacitated. From there it’d be only a matter of time before I could slay it.
I could say the same for when I entered the Spidoth layer. Now that I think back on it, I had run over several squishy areas in my haste to escape. I was not in control. If I was, I would have remembered that Spidoths laid their young near the entrance of their nest as a form of protection. The smell of the squashed young was all over my boots. The deeper you go into the Catacombs the more dangerous it becomes but those dangers increased cultivation.
This was the essence of physical cultivation. At least this was the path the Empire had discovered. By drawing in natural mana and using our magi cores as a processor/converter we cultivated and would enhance an organ at each stage. It was much different for regular humans, but the process was somewhat the same only regular humans would have to absorb the ambient mana in the air and do the process manually.
I solidified these gains and drew in the natural mana in the air, a popping sound was heard, and a shackle was broken on my body. I had advance in rank.
Name: Aegis Kan
Age: 8
Race: Magi Human
Racial Abilities: Minor Adaptation
Physical Cultivation: 2(4)
Magic Cultivation: 0(4)
Aspects: Starlit Harbinger
Titles: Resolved
The first thing I noticed was my age. I may have been incapacitated for longer than I originally assumed. My 3rd growth phase had started. I would go from looking 13 to 17 within the next 3 years. Then I focused on my physical cultivation not only had I met some requirement to increase my strength I had also broke into a new tier. The comfortable feeling of power when entering a new tier settled over me and I smiled in happiness. Although the mother daughter duo did communicate by telekinesis, I wasn’t worried about them hearing me when I talked to the System. Any competent mage could tell when a mind bridge that would intrude on their thoughts had been established and I was a competent mage.
I guess even the mother daughter duo noticed my advance and I opened my eyes to a new area. We had arrived.
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