《Epic Tales Variation: Aegis Kan》Chapter 10: Bosses’ Battle
Chapter 10 Bosses’ Battle
In the face of overwhelming odds and danger, I smiled.
The boss, I think I would call it Scythe as its 2 mandibles were so iconic, was screeching in rage as I approach and reared up ready to strike. It was at this moment that the Spidoth horde manage to round the bend screeching in rage before proceeding in an even bigger frenzy. I don’t know what I did that managed to make them angry to such a degree, but I was sure as hell going to use this to my advantage. The horde was around 20ft behind me, and I slowed my running so that when I finally met with Scythe, they would be right behind me. My body began growing hot with anticipation for the upcoming battle but tiredness as well. I ran at a full-on sprint for the most part in escaping and this had been going on for 10 minutes already.
I’m almost certain this has to do with my aspect and its effect to enhance all my physical stats. As a tier 1 I would be able to enhance my body to a certain degree as that is the first thing, you’re taught. If I could originally run at a full sprint for a minute being a tier 1 would allow me to run another 1 to 2 minutes more and I mean full out running for my life type sprint. With my aspect I had gone for 10 minutes and was only now getting tired. What would happen if my family had this? What would happen if humanity had this?
The Spidoths were less than a few feet behind me and Scythe let out another piercing screech which was answered not by the Spidoth horde but by the surrounding tunnels that led into the cavity before entering Spidoths territory.
“Oh shit.”
Coming up to the rearing boss centipede I increased speed and it dove towards me and the horde. Ax out I slid using that momentum to run the ax blade against its softer underbelly. Expecting to do a bit of damage I was surprised when the ax cut into the insect but nothing deep. I don’t even think I broke through the carapace and now I was stuck underneath hundreds of sharp legs. Not being deterred I grabbed the bowie and stabbed for a segment between the armor plates.
Scythe screeched and I figured that did damage. Then the Spidoth horde arrived, and the centipede buckled as the creatures rammed into each other. Using that moment of stillness, I swiped through a few of the centipedes’ legs and threw myself out barely avoiding getting pierced. The Spidoths were fiercely spitting webbing and biting as Scythe ran its head back and forth splitting bodies and creating a mess.
I was going to use this opportunity to escape. Scythe was much tougher than I had anticipated, and I had no plans on dying, again. As I moved towards one of the tunnels, I heard a numerous amount of clicks against stone. Turning to another it was the same. Of the 5 entrances into the cavity each one had clicks coming from them.
Do not forget the power of your bloodline.
The System which had remained quiet unless spoken to came out in my time of need. No this was the second time it came to help this first was with the power of my bloodline activations.
‘Bloodlines?’ I said in a frantic tone.
‘How can I use my bloodlines when I can’t even use my mana?’
System has thoroughly analyzed the runes and their effects on your body. These runes only stop the external expelling of mana. Nothing internally.
For a few seconds I just stood their dumbfounded my mouth hanging open. The clicking of the creatures grew closer, but my mind was no longer present on them. I remember everything I had been told how this was a trial not only to prove my worth as the Kan family successor but as a way for me to temper myself and bloodlines. The clicking grew ever closer and I could now make out more Red Claws pouring in my direction.
I thought back on the feeling of my body burning and when I jumped into the river only to be swept up by the currents into the vortex and end up with the Gatekeeper.
The fire that roared when I awake. I thought of that feeling and what it did to me.
I did not know how it happened or came about, even now I didn’t know how I would activate this bloodline.
A fire entered my heart, my magi core and I thought back on what I’ve been taught by my teacher Rue on how magi cores work.
“Magi Cores are humanities greatest achievement. Even the other races thirst for the knowledge on how to implement cores into their own people. None have succeeded. See the biggest benefit of your core-”
She placed her hand on my shoulder at this point to make sure I was paying attention and would retain what she was teaching me.
“The biggest benefit of your magi core is its ability to respond to you in need, whether it helps you with your mana, your strength, or even your bloodline. You will adapt. You will overcome.”
As the insects drew upon me their mandibles clacking my body called out and exploded. Flames quickly surrounded me. Flames hot enough to quickly turn the rock into magma the creatures that were almost upon me burst into flames and I even heard screeches coming from behind me.
Vasu turned his head from Amaya and looked down eyes widening.
Amaya clutched her chest, and her golden eyes widen as she gasped in pain.
“What is that.”
Vasu had been instructing her in siege tactics and how you would quickly disable an enemy force. When both of their cores rang out. Not physically but spiritually.
“That is your cousin doing something that should not be possible. Not yet.”
Vasu got up from his seat. They were in the castle’s library as Vasu was showing her various siege tactics that had been done throughout the Empires history. Whether from internal skirmishes or external ones.
“Well, why do I feel it and is he ok?”
“Yes, he’s ok…” Amaya looked up at her uncle who was still staring downwards. Then she looked at her hand which was slowly lighting up with flames.
“Uncle, my bloodline. We must get out of the library quick!”
Vasu finally ripped his gaze away from the floor and looked at his niece before they both disappeared and reappeared in the training fields. Several figures materialized around them.
“My Lord…?”
“Dragons Call.”
The various figures took a step back. Shock apparent on the ones that showed their faces and even on the ones that remained hooded. Then Keala appeared with an excited expression upon her face.
I laughed as this feeling of powered overwhelmed me. It all seemed so easy. I walked forward in one tunnel and the smell of burnt carapace entered my nose before disappearing as the creatures turned into ashes as I grew close. It was beautiful. Like fireflies in the night but I could not last. The mana that had been stagnate in my body was quickly decreasing and I turned back to the cavity to put an end to the fight.
Scythe was still easily dispatching the Spidoths horde. As I watched the creature it seemed to be pushing into the horde.
“Bastard, trying to run away?”
I picked up pace but couldn’t run as I created magma every step I advanced. It seemed to have a concentrated affect around me upwards of 20ft, yet I couldn’t run as the ground turned into liquid impeding my movement. In all honesty, I was surprised none of my clothes or equipment burned up.
Locking my eyes on my target I grinned in anticipation until I heard a piercing scream. I clutched my head in agony as the scream went on. It was challenged by a screech which came from my target the boss of the Red Claws. The Spidoth horde which was made up of mostly tier 1s with a few tiers 2 mixed in halted before receding. I watched as a massive insect scuttled its way forward before it screamed again. This time in a much softer tone as it arrived in front of Scythe. A screech came out in response, and I watched in amazement as the creatures seemed to be having a conversation with one another.
Scraa, Scraa.
At once both Scythe and what I could only assume to be the hive queen turned towards me.
“Oh, ohhhhhhh, OH HELL NO.”
Another one of those piercing screams came out. And I dropped to my knees doing my best to try and reinforce my ears against it. This time the scream was strong enough for the ground to shake. The two scythe like mandibles on the Red Claw boss began to glow an ominous red.
As the scream stopped Spidoths began to swarm around the creatures and race towards me. Another long screech was let out by Scythe and the clicking sounds of the centipedes returned. They were planning on teaming up to deal with the greater threat. The overwhelming feeling of power and superiority I had was quickly coming underneath control.
I knew that the creatures would burn before they could get to me but with the endless numbers of both creatures it would only be a matter of time before they would tire me out enough to strike a finishing blow.
How could I get out of this situation? I was effectively surrounded. All 5 entrances into the cavity had Red Claws’ coming from them and the single entrance into the home of the Spidoths were guarded by both boss creatures.
I need to control the situation. I called out to my bloodline and advance forward. I would burn both creatures to hell before they could get me, and I would make it out of here safely. The ground tremored again, and I watched in morbid fascination as the Spidoths threw themselves into my area burning before they could reach within the 15-foot mark. Screams of pain appeared behind me and I glanced back only to see the same thing occurring for the Red Claws. At least 5 minutes had passed since I first activated my bloodline and I only had about half of my mana pool left. I hurried forward but it felt like I was moving through a pool, nothing but my feet were covered by the magma, but I felt as if I was neck deep. The bosses were no more that 10ft away but as more and more creatures poured into my area of effect my mana drained even faster.
9ft I would not give up at this point an idea entered my head and a savage grin overtook my features. A dreadlock swung in front of my face completely red without an ounce of black.
7ft I could clearly see the fear in their eyes, and they started to retreat towards the entrance. I couldn’t have that. Think, I need to control the situation.
5ft I dropped taking a knee as the hive queen screamed again and the ground shook. Chance!
This seemed to spur the bosses on, and the range of my bloodline effect started to decrease. When they saw this, they both stopped retreating and instead turned and rushed towards me. I swore I could see the lust and greed in their eyes and then it hit me as to why.
Both beasts have a magic core and if they ate my magi core and reinforced body they would increase in strength. From 20ft the range went to 13ft and as more and more of their followers came into the range and turned to ashes it went from 13ft to 5ft. I concentrated in keeping the power active and at its max in that 5-foot radius and the ground underneath me started to boil. Turning from magma into lava and that change even made me feel the heat. I could feel my body changing, adapting, yet my strength was wanning.
I dropped onto my face my mana was nearly out. The lava felt like I was in a scolding shower. A screech was heard, and I turned my head only to see Scythes mandibles closing around the hive queen’s head. Not part of my plan but-
A loud scream was heard this time almost causing me to pass out, but I wouldn’t get another opportunity like this. Scythe had carved half of the hive queens face off. I wasn’t sure how the insect was still alive, but I wasn’t going to miss this chance. I sprang forth this time using my body and whatever grip I could managed to slither forward quickly. While the two creatures face off against one another. All hell broke loose, and the allies turned into enemies as the Spidoths attacked the Red Claws trying to surround their queen in the process. Scythe dived forward mandibles stabbing into the hive queen and I mustered everything I had and more and jumped ax in hand and bloodline burning. Only to watch in horror and fascination as the Spidoth Queen let out one last scream and I watched as the ground broke.
I watched, ax in hand and bloodline burning as the ground broke opening to a dark abyss.
I watched, ax in hand with dread as I was still midair headed toward the insects as the ground collapsed and I dove into that dark abyss.
Keala watched as her son ax in hand dove at the two tier 3 creatures. She was scared but proud of her son as he utilized all his available resources. Even pretending to lose strength which made the insects turn against one another. She opened her mouth about to praise him when the ground broke underneath them all and they fell into the abyss. Falling quickly and soon they were out of her sight. Which meant they had fallen to level 2 and out of the range of her powers.
It was already incredible that Keala could see her son through tons of dirt and materials.
Vasu turned to his wife who opened her mouth about to praise their son. Aegis was just at the edge of the range for his vision, and he had just descended out of range after the ground underneath him broke. Did his wife not mention how thin the walls of the catacombs were?
He watched as his wife’s expression went from one of praise to confusion. Vasu was already moving as the rage came. Quickly grabbing onto Amaya before teleporting outside of the castle and into the city. Several of his smarter and faster retainers following suit.
A scream rang out and every window in the city broke. Vasu doing his best to shield the city and his people.
Vasu knew he shouldn’t have allowed his wife to track their son. Her protective tendencies had shown since the day of his birth and seeing him about to triumph only to fail had pushed her over the edge. Now he hoped to contain the damage and save as many people as he could. A peak rank 2 being can easily slaughter thousands if not hundreds of thousands and Keala did not value the common life the way the Kans did.
“Keala please, calm down the boy is ok.” Vasu rose into the air leaving a dazed Amaya behind as his voice rang across the city.
Several figures followed his rise. Some of them his retainers and others that he did not recognize wore a black cloak covered in what could only be stars.
Vasu sighed of course the Hukku family would have guards stationed here. They would never leave their little princess without them. He did a quick scan 7 to his 5 amazing that they would have so many powerhouses stationed here. Vasu just hoped his wife would calm down and see reason.
“Boy? Calm down? That is our SON!” A voice whispered across the city but shouted the last word. Every inhabitant heard it and a shiver went down their spines.
Vasu grew fearful he was still at the first rank tier 17 in the Empire standards in fact and his wife was and had completed both ranks of physical and magical cultivation. Making her a tier 20. Just taking that step into a new rank however would forever change you into something more and doing it twice would take you far beyond human.
“Please.” Vasu’s voice came out in a strain almost a whisper itself while still having enough power for the million strong city to hear.
Vasu felt the effects before he saw what his wife did. The castle was gone. Not burned to the ground or exploded just gone and Vasu almost fell into despair until he saw the inhabitants right outside the massive hole his castle used to be located out.
“I want my son found.”
Vasu sighed in resignation.
“You know he is still alive Keala, or much more than my castle would be gone. No matter it was time to upgrade it anyway.”
Amaya stared in fascination at the destruction surrounding her. Cracks ran through the paved streets and not a single piece of glass was left unbroken. In the past few days, she had been exploring Ashburn as the city rebuilt itself. Several houses and even districts had collapsed but miraculously no one died. She stared at the cross-legged figure hovering in the air. That was her aunt who did this destruction. With little more than her voice!
Keala opened her eyes and stared back before giving Amaya a wink and returning to her meditation. Leaving Amaya wondering when she too would have power like that. Her heart grew hot in anticipation.
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