《Shiv - The Child of Oberon - Reloaded》Chapter 11: Unforeseen Circumstances 2


Chapter 11

Unforeseen Circumstances 2

Ivan parked his car and walked out of it towards the hanger. He the approached the private jet which was already ready on the runway. But the jet wasn’t alone. Ten or so men in black suit surrounded the jet. All of them had handguns in their hand. Ivan paused, but he knew that they had already noticed him and so continued walking.

“Put your hands in the air!” came the voice of one of the men. Eight guns pointed at him at the same time. The last two guys were busy pointing their guns at the pilot and co-pilot. With his hands raised to the ground, Ivan walked slowly towards the group.

“Where is the other two?” Asked the same man as before.

“What other two?” Ivan feigned ignorance knowing very well who they were referring to.

“Don’t fuck with me dude! I will ask you again and you better answer me or I’m gonna blow your head away. Where are the woman and the girl?”

“You are very well informed. I wonder who told you about that.” Ivan stopped a little away from the group. He then stared at the ten with cold eyes. The ten were startled for a second. They saw no fear r desperation in those eyes that making them confused for a split second.

Ivan suddenly lowered his hands as he smiled calmly. The ten assaulters instantly reacted with the sudden action.

“The fuck do you think you are doing? Hands in the air”, another guy shouted out.

Ivan smiled again and looked at the guy who shouted and spoke, “Gentlemen, let’s not be impulsive and talk this over calmly!”

“Talk? That’s right! Talk about the woman and the girl and we will let you walk away alive” a third guy sneered.

“Is there no other way?” Ivan sighed as shrugged his shoulder.

“Stop stalling and start talking already! Don’t try to pull anything fun or we will bury you in bullets”.

“I see! I wanted to give you a chance, but you guys leave no choice”, Ivan had a look of pity in his eyes. He took a pause then spoke again, “Take them out”.

As soon as those words were spoken, the two who were pointing their guns to the pilots fell to the ground lifeless. The eight panicked, their eyes scanned the entire place as they started pointing their guns in all direction. Then the third fell, fourth, fifth and then the ninth too. The one that was left had sweat all over his face. His legs trembled violently, it was as if they would give off any second.

“What the fuck did you do?”, he roared in anger at Ivan.

“You know, by now you should have realized that there are snipers out aiming at you. Is it really that hard to figure out, even after nine of your comrades fell? That aside, let’s have a chat shall we? I have many questions to ask”

“Fuck you!” was the man’s reply.

Ivan laughed, causing the man to flinch, “I was hoping you would say that. Hands”

The gun fell from the guy’s hands, blood covered the gun and the ground. The deep and painful groan of a man echoed throughout the hanger.

“I think you are ready to answer my questions. Or is it still ‘fuck you’? You know, I am kinda expecting it, so please don’t hold back and curse me to your heart’s extent”

“Fuc…” but before the words could be said, Ivan interrupted with, “Left leg”


The man lost his balance and fell to the ground, blood covered his body as it oozed out from his hands and left leg. Tears rolled out of his eyes and with a runny nose he began to groan and cry.

“You still got your right leg, so shall we repeat the conversation or do you have a name for me?”

“Yanagi industry! That’s all I know, so please, I beg you to let me go”, the man’s tone had reversed in a matter of seconds. The rude guy from before who was cursing Ivan was now crying as he begged for his life.

“Oh I do plan on letting you go, but to the afterlife.”, Ivan then began walking away from the guy as the guy fell to the ground dead.


Sayaka rushed out of her fake home in a hurry, with her luggage she ran to her car. She was sweating profusely, yet had a smile on her face. She had all the money she needed, now she could get everything she ever wanted. Finally, she could settle down in some far away country, get married and live a normal life. The girl in her late twenties was excited at how her life was going to change.

She got into the car and started her engine and stepped onto the peddle.

“Leaving me alone, Hitomi?”, a man’s voice sounded from the back seat startling Sayaka. Her smile froze and face cramped when she heard that voice. She recognised that deep male voice instantly.

“I….Ivan? I thought you were going somewhere?”, she stuttered for a moment but somehow completed the question with a smile.

“You know that I know everything so enough with the act.”, Ivan spoke, as he pulled out a gun from the inside of his suit.

“Ivan, you don’t have to do this. You know, we could run away from this place together. I have all the money we need.”, Sayaka tried to act her way out of the ordeal, she knew that was the only way out.

“A life with the woman I love? Doesn’t seem a bad idea.”

“Right? Then let’s run away together”, Sayaka urged Ivan happily. She had a smile on her face when she heard Ivan say those words, it gave her hope.

“Before that, say Hiromi, have I ever told you my full name?”

“Ivanovich Torshin”, answered a confused Sayaka. The question was unexpected and so she was not sure the importance of it.

“No, it’s Ivanovich Yasahiro, son of Isamu Yasahiro”. With those few words, Ivan pulled the trigger of his gun without hesitation as he silently spoke, ‘Goodbye, love of my life’.


Ryu woke up from his sleep. It had been two days since Ryu had come to Incheon, South Korea. He was shocked when he heard that Ivan was hospitalized but was relieved to hear that the guy only had a few scratches. His mother and sister were sent to Germany while he was sent to Korea.

His grandfather had bought a posh house on the outskirts of the city. The house, at first sight, did not seem so luxurious, a two storey building with a beautiful garden. The interior was what made the house exquisite. It gave off a ‘the richest house in the world’ kind of feeling with beautiful furniture and other decorations from sofas to use less expensive decorations. In such a big and exquisite house, Ryu had to live alone. It kind of made him glad and sad at the same time. He could now play without any reserve but he missed his family a little.


To meet his family, he had asked Isamu to buy two capsules for his mother and Mia. Isamu had agreed but refused to buy a capsule for himself saying he was too busy and too old to play around. Ryu then went to have a bath, finishing his morning exercise he proceeded to have his breakfast. He made a vegetable sandwich and orange juice. Once the breakfast was over he then climbed onto the capsule which was installed yesterday.

“Dive in”


Shiv recognised the place he was standing, behind him was a fountain that he knew very well. With a smile, he took a sip of the water and felt a strange power course through his entire body. After that, he walked towards the gate to inform Barin about the quest completion, but not before checking his level. He was no level 40. He had gained 5 level which included one extra level from the sword. He checked his skills and stats and found that some of his stats had disappeared. ‘10 stats points have decreased, so I lost 2 levels. Must get those levels back’. He had by then reached the gate.

“Hello Barin” Shiv politely called out.

“Why if it isn’t the traveller. I heard you successfully defended the pond”, unlike the first time, Barin smiled as he spoke to Shiv.

“By Oberon’s grace, I was able to. But!”, Shiv stopped and looked at Barin silently.

Sensing the tension, Barin raised his eyes and asked, “But?”

“The rabbits, they were led by a Dralve, it attacked me”, Shiv answered the question.

Barin stared at Shiv in disbelief, for minutes the two silently gazed at each other, “What in Oberon’s name? A Dralve? Are you sure Shiv?”

Shiv could feel various emotions in Barin’s voice; fear, concern and doubt, “Yes I am, a black creature with 3 pairs of red eyes and same number of legs”

Barin’s face lost all its colour. “By the gods! We must notify the elders at once.”

QUEST: : THE DRAKLAKE HERO 3The gatekeeper, Barin has entrusted you to notify the appearance of the dralve. Barin fears that this is due to some big evil lurking around

Difficulty : F

Requirements: Kill the Dralve



“I will but where can I find the elders?”

“They will be near the black tower”

“Very well. I shall leave immediately my friend”

“May the True God’s light shine upon you”

Shiv parted from the Gatekeeper and ran towards the black tower. Shiv ran at his maximum speed but stopped when he reached the fountain. Near to the fountain were 3 familiar figures.

“Masters” Shiv called out.

Hearing the familiar voice, the three of them turned to look at Shiv. Amber ran towards Shiv and hugged him tight, pressing his face towards her well-endowed chest startling the boy. Altair then separated from Shiv and looked him into the eyes. She had tears rolling down from her eyes.

“Are you alright? Did the Dralve hurt you? I am sorry I could not come to rescue you.”

“Master, how did you know that there was a dralve?”

“We were watching you.” Stryn was the one to reply. “We are sorry Shiv, for letting you face such a danger. Originally, the dralve was something that should have been taken care by us but the ceremony had made us busy. Because of us you had to go through that”, Stryn said with a pained face but then suddenly smiled. “But you proved yourself worthy”

“Worthy of what?”, Shiv asked as he furrowed his eyebrows.

“Oberon’s mark. You have proved yourself worthy. To be honest, you have exceeded our expectations and now it is time”, Vivian answered as she peeled Amber of from Shiv.

“Time? Are you planning something again?”

“Shiv we have something for you, follow us” and the three started walking, with Shiv following. The walk continued till the four reached the base of the black tower,

“This here is Oberon’s Tower, an ancient structure believed to be built by the dragon god himself. And here, we will tell you things that you alone are worthy to know”, saying so the three entered the tower.

Shiv was ecstatic, he had wanted to get in the tower since the first time he saw it. He stepped into the tower right behind the three.

To Shiv’s surprise, the interior of the tower was nothing like its exterior. Painted in a bright cream like colour, the inside was clean, with paintings covering where ever you looked. Dragons, humans, elves, dwarves, beast men, monsters; there were paintings of different races. Shiv stared at them in awe though he could not understand what those paintings actually meant.

The three then ascended a spiral staircase which continued all the way above. Shiv followed silently as he examined the paintings and one such painting appeared familiar to him. A painting of a human male covered in armour and holding a sword in his hands.

The spiral staircase ended in front of a semi-circular room. The elders then inserted a key each and unlocked the door. The door opened and the four entered. What lay inside the room was a throne, a throne which had dragons carved onto it, the armrest had a dragon head on each of them. There were black wings on either side of the throne, the throne legs were shaped as that of a dragon’s leg. In total, the throne was like a twin headed black dragon.

“Orrinshire’s Throne, ” Shiv said unintentionally and moved towards it, it was like something was pulling him towards it. Mesmerized he walked towards it. For some reason he felt he was inside a very big decorated court filled with people, it felt like it was his coronation. Shiv was now near the throne, his glowing right hand caressing the armrest,” Beautiful!” he exclaimed and then prepared to sit down. Once he sat on the throne Shiv felt himself being warped in space, he felt all the light disappearing. Looking around he saw nothing but darkness. But for some strange reaso, he felt oddly calm.

“So you have come, mortal”

Shiv kneeled without hesitation, ”Yes Great Oberon”. He knew that the voice belonged to the dragon god.

“What do you desire mortal? Is it Power? Wealth? Kingdom?”, asked the voice which has him the feeling of talking to a man who was wisest in the universe. A voice that had power, but was kind and polite as well as filled with love.

“I desire happiness oh Great God”. Shiv spoke out his true desire.

“I see the pain in your eyes but no greed. I see loneliness but no evil. I see love and care. I see a desire to help others, I see a dark past, I see a pure heart. Very well mortal, you shall receive what you wish for”


Hidden ClassYou have been offered a hidden class by the True God, Oberon. Would you like to acceptYES[td]NO[/td2]

“Yes, it is an honor”


You have accepted the hidden class Grand Commoner, a unique class which is given only to a very few. Due to the special characteristics of the class and the class being given by the True God, Oberon, your race will be now be changed to a demi-human. You will be human with dragon blood flowing through you.

You being a common man is now able to study skills without class restrictions except for skills related to other gods or their faction.

All skills that you learn will have a penalty except for skills that are unique to your class or common to all classes.

The number of skills you can learn has been doubled. You can now learn 60 skills

Being a commoner, you will gain fame much slower.

‘This is wonderful. I can learn any skills I want except for holy magic. Cool. There are tons of skills I want to learn. And instead of 30, I can learn 60 skills. This is epic’


Your race has been set to Draconian, half human, half man. Even though you look like a normal human, you have dragon blood coursing through your body. Your senses are sharpened, strength increased, you get tired much slower and your mana increases

+200 to mana and HP

+5 to all stats

New skill unlocked: Identification (Passive) Beginner Level 1(0%) The dragon blood in you has heightened your senses. You are now able to identify low-quality items. As your skill proficiency increases, you can identify higher quality items

New skill unlocked: Presence Detection (Passive) Beginner Level 1(0%) The dragon blood in you has heightened your senses. You are now able to detect the presence of others around you.

Range: 2 meters

Mana consumption: 10 mana/sec

‘Wow! I already got two great skills’

“Mortal! I have given you what you desire and now you must listen to me”

‘Shit! This is bad! This is seriously bad, I should have known!’, Shiv felt the impending doom.

“Of course Great one”, nevertheless he replied in affirmative. Even though the god was a system program, it was something with artificial intelligence. He didn’t want to be on its bad side at all.

“I believe you know Orrinshire.”

“I do great one”

“Hundreds of years ago, in the continent of Aslain there was a kingdom named Lithinia. Ruled by the human king Orrinshire, the kingdom prospered. But a single attack from the neighbouring country caused great pain to the kingdom. Though the kingdom survived the loss it suffered broke the king’s heart. It was then that he sought my blessings. Pleased by his desire to bring peace to the whole world I gave him the power he needed. Time flew by and soon the entire world came under his feet. He was a generous emperor, loved and cared for by his people. But some wicked and greedy mortals did not like the way the world was. Their greed led to the assassination of their Great Emperor and once again war broke out throughout the continent of Aslain. When I heard of Orrinshire’s death, I in my fury had almost destroyed the world. But I was stopped by the people of Lithinia. They prayed to me to not destroy the world their Emperor had loved and cherished. Accepting their prayers, I created the new world and named it Orrinshire in his memory. The people of Lithinia were taken under my protection and became the Draken race which lived in my garden, Draklake. They had wished upon me to grant them life till they could find themselves a new king and from then till now they have been waiting for you to arrive mortal. Do not forget their love for you, do not forget their loyalty for those are hard to find in these times of chaos”

“I will not great one for I very well know how important those are”

“Very well. It is time for you to return, I have kept you away from them for too long” and with that, the world around Shiv returned to what it was before.


QUEST: : THE DRAKLAKE HERO - CompletedYou have saved the naiads and slayed the evil Dralve. The Great Dragon God has bestowed his blessing to you and has accepted you as his hero. `1



Title: The Hero King

Oberon’s blessing

Dragon’s Roar

You have leveled up

You have leveled up

You have leveled up

You have leveled up

You have leveled up

You have leveled up

‘Wow, 6 levels from completing a chain quest. Must spend the points wisely’ Shiv closed the notification only to find three people kneeling before him.

“What are you three doing? Get up. Aren’t you too old for that?” Shiv spoke irritated at the gesture.

“One is never too old to serve one’s king, ” said Stryn still kneeling. The man chuckled at the words he thought his king would say.

“Get up you three. That is enough”, annoyed, Shiv spoke.

After a while, the three got up slowly. They stood straight and stared at Shiv with eyes moist with tears.

“We have waited hundreds of years for yo, Sire. We have waited for you to return”, Amber burst out when she spoke. She fell to her knees, covering her face with her hands as she cried like a child.

“Now that I am here why are you crying. We can be together from now on” Shiv ran to her and hugged her tight. “Don’t cry”, he consoled the woman gently.

“Sire, let us go out. Your people await you”, Stryn said not minding the crying Amber and he pulled Shiv up while Vivian pulled Amber up who by then had wiped her tears.

With a nod, Shiv began descending the stairs, for some reason he felt happy and fulfilled. The three followed Shiv silently and when they reached the outside, Shiv was stunned. The entire village had assembled in front of him, all of them kneeling. Shiv could make out that they were all crying.

It was then he noticed that there were no children anywhere. ‘They must be at their home’ he assured himself. Shiv once again looked at the villagers, his people. Not even one of them were smiling even though their King was before them, ‘Why is my heart aching?’

“Sire, this way please”, the three walked in front guiding their king. Shiv silently followed, troubled by the pain in his heart and the tears in his people’s eyes.

“Sire, for hundreds of years we have waited for you. Our entire village was for the sake of greeting you, welcome you, train you, and to make you a king once again. We worked hard to build this village so that you could feel like you were at your home so that you could be at ease. Sire, did you find the place warm?” asked Stryn as tears made its way down his cheeks and yet having a warm smile om his face.

Shiv nodded. Tears were now rolling down his cheeks. ‘Why am I crying?’ his heart was in turmoil.

“Sire our life was for you. And when we lost you, we prayed to the god to let us live till you came back once again. We traded our humanity, our organs, our souls so that we could see you once again.” They walked past the fountain of elixir which appeared lifeless to they boy.

“Sire, we are happy to have met you once again, we are happy to have become your masters and we are happy to have you with us after all this time.” They were now at the village gate which unlike before had no gatekeepers guarding it.

The three then opened the gate and motioned Shiv to walk in front. Shiv nodded even though he did not want to but his body still moved as if it was being pulled by some invisible strings. The entire village was following them silently.

Shiv existed the gate and walked forward. He stopped when he heard “We have always loved you Sire and we still love you”.

“I love you too” and Shiv turned back, crying his lungs out. He froze, his body trembled, his legs became numb.

And there was nothing there, no gate, no black tower and no traces of the villagers and no traces of the three. The boy lost all his strength. His weak body dropped to his knees, his hands trying to grab what was once the three people he loved but only the ever flowing air greeted his desperate hands.

Nothing remained!

The village of Draklake disappeared!


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