《Shiv - The Child of Oberon - Reloaded》Chapter 10: Unforeseen Circumstances 1


Hey, guys! sorry for the late update! From here onwards the plot is gonna take a slight change! So it took me a time to write the chapter. Also, I was confused as to split this episode into two chapters or not. Anyway, have fun guys!

Oh, and I need an extra proofreader! Already have one, but I normally go with two proofreaders. So any volunteers?

Chapter 10: Unforeseen Circumstances 1

Ryu got out of his capsule, his eyebrows furrowed. ‘My first death, now I can’t login in for 48 hours. The 48-hour ban was applicable to any player below level 50 layers while players above level 50 only had to wait for 24 hours. He had also heard a rumour that the top 100 players could log in after 12 hours which was something he was deeply interested just like all the players. But the information could not be confirmed as the rumour also said that the effects will be only handed out to those who pass level 100.

The time was 10 in the night. Shiv was lying on his bed as he recalled everything that had happened a while ago, the naiads, the black rabbits and the ferocious Draklake that had insta-killed him. Shiv felt hungry, ‘Everybody will be sleeping’ thinking so Ryu walked towards the kitchen, opened the fridge, grabbed some snacks and some juice. He then returned to his room and sat in front of his computer.

‘Let us see, www.pheonixdlforum.com’ Ryu typed in the address. He browsed through the forum for any new information as he wanted to know whether somebody other than him had come against a Dralve. After a good search, he came to the conclusion that it was just him that knew the existence of the vile creature.

Letting out a deep sigh, Ryu then accessed the leader table. Adrian was still first, at level 74, double the level of Ryu before he was forced to log out. He did not know how much level he had gained and what all stats would be affected.

Once again sighing Ryu shrugged his shoulders. ‘For now let’s look for Draklake, there is something different about it’. Ryu tried to shift his focus and so he searched and searched but there was no info on the village anywhere at all.

‘There is really something strange about that village. And that huge tower. I got a bad vibe about that place’ thinking so he shut down the computer and got on his bed, then dozed off.


Next morning Ryu woke up with a sudden hit to his stomach. Even though the hit was weak, the sudden attack startled him. He sprang up to defend himself but as soon as he saw the attacker he let out a gentle smile. A cute pouting Mia in her school uniform was glaring at him. ‘I am in trouble. God have mercy on me’

“Good morning, my little sister”

Bang came to another hit to his stomach. ‘Damn! Who taught her to fight? Ah, it was me’

“Now, now, little sister, violence is bad.”

“I hate you, nii-san” Mia said once again pouting as she titled her head away from Ryu. “You did not talk to Mia for two days and so a punishment Mia is going to hit you till she is satisfied”, the girl said as she glared at Shiv with murderous eyes.

“Don’t be so angry! Nii-san will apologize so don’t hit me”, Ryu tried cajoling Mia with sweet talk and continued, “As apology this wonderful nii-san will take you out for a ride, just you and me.”


As soon as those words left Ryu’s lips, her face brightened up. A shopping with her nii-san was one of the most enjoyable things in her life. “Today!” She replied.


“I said, take me out today!” Mia shouted at top of her voice still glaring at Ryu.

“Ehh! Today! Fine, let’s go today so don’t glare at me like that” Ryu agreed to, having no other options

She smiled at her helpless brother and then ran out to her mother to tell her about the shopping. Ryu sighed again. He couldn’t help but notice that he had been sighing too much lately. Shrugging his shoulder and once again sighing, he then began his refreshment activities. He had a one-hour long exercise session which he had continued from the day he had begun to learn combat arts. Ryu then quickly took a bath and had his breakfast. Ryu then returned to his room to get dressed up for the outing with his sister.

Wearing a blue denim and a white shirt with a black overcoat, he got out of his room and walked towards his grandfather’s. The time was 30 minutes past 9 in the morning. Ryu knocked on the door a couple of times.

“Who is it?” came an indifferent voice.

“It’s Ryu, Ojii-sama. I wish to speak to you for a while. I hope you are busy with something.” Ryu spoke slowly with respect.

“Ryu! Sigh”, Ryu was surprised at the sigh but kept quiet, “you are my grandson, not the grandson of my driver. Is this how you talk to your family? Drop the formality son, this is not the Edo period” opening the door replied Isamu.

“Yes, Ojii-sama” though Ryu replied affirmatively, his formal way of speaking did not disappear at all. Isamu shrugged his shoulders helplessly and then welcomed the boy in.

“So tell me, son. What is it you have to speak? Now that I think about it, I have not seen you for two days. Busy with that game I got you? Since it is, you won’t neglect your duties, so its fine, I guess” Isamu spoke with a smile that was coated with all his love for the boy in front of him.

Ryu smiled back at his grandfather and spoke,“I have promised to take Mia out today, I came to have your permission.”

“She is your sister. Why do you need my permission?” Isamu mused.

“I need Kiro to drive us around as I am not old enough to drive.”

“Ah! Is that so? That won’t be a problem at all, son”

Of all the people the Yasahiro family had employed, Kiro was the most trusted and loved. Kiro was an orphan who had lost his parents during an accident. Isamu, who was acquainted with the orphan boy’s parents, took him in under the Yasahiro family. Kiro was treated like family and had all the privileges just like the other members of the family. He had a room in the mansion for himself. He was sent to school and college under the Yasahiro family’s name. He was even trained well in all forms of martial arts. Not only was he loyal, he was strong too and every time Ryu went out, he took Kiro with him. Ryu trusted Kiro and loved him like his own brother.

“Thank you, Ojii-sama” Ryu bowed and was about to leave when his grandfather stopped him.

“Take this” saying so Isamu stuffed one of Ryu’s pockets with money.

Ryu smiled and bowed once again. He walked towards the main door where Mia and Kiro was already waiting. ‘Mia, you already called for him?’ he had a smile on his face. His sister understood his thoughts very well.



Ryu, Mia and Kiro exited from a restaurant after filling their tummy. Mia was patting her tummy, she liked the food and stuffed in everything she could. Ryu and Kiro laughed at the cute Mia walking in front of them but then Ryu’s expression changed.

“Kiro, did you notice?” Ryu asked making sure Mia who was in the front wouldn’t hear him.

“Yes, waka. Seven of them I presume” Kiro spoke softly understanding Ryu’s concern.

“Their target must be Mia. Ransom? Political benefit? What do you think?”

“I think it must be the later. Ransom is too small a motive to abduct Lady Mia”

“You think so too huh. Summon Takeshi. Notify him. Tell him to move out with the necessary things. And do not tell Ojii-sama. We will deal with this swiftly”

“As you wish waka”

Ryu nodded at Kiro and started walking faster, he then caught hold of her left hand and asked.

“What next my cute little sister?”, Ryu’s face showed no signs of fear or anger, only a smile remained on that face.

“Etto! Etto! Mia ne, Mia wants a capsule too. Mia is lonely when nii-san isn’t around” the little girl spoke, even though she had a smile on her face, Ryu could tell from the girl’s eyes that she was lonely. Being the daughter of the Yasahiro family, Mia was often under the pressure of her fake friends that tried to take advantage of her. The girl was sharp and at the same time polite. She would find wonderful excuses to those friends who saw her as a means to profit. In front of the world, she carried herself with dignity and pride as the daughter of the Yasahiro family. But when it came to those of her family she behaved like a normal girl who craved for familial love.

‘Capsule eh. Well, after today’s events things will get hectic’

“Sure. I will talk to Ojii-sama about it. And Mia, after we reach home, you and mom will be having a trip somewhere far”

“Trip? Where to? Just Mia and mom? Nii-san won’t come?” she questioned titling her head.

“Anywhere you want to Mia, just say the word. But nii-san can’t come, Ojii-sama will be lonely, right so nii-san will stay back with Ojii-sama. Don’t make that face. Since you will be getting a capsule, we can meet in the game.”

Mia nodded reluctantly, slightly depressed.

“So where do you want to go?” Ryu asked trying to improve her mood. He bent down and gestured her to whisper it to his ears.

“Germany” the answer was instant.

“Why there?” Ryu was amused. He did not expect her to reply with Germany. He expected her sister to say India but never Germany.

“My friend from school goes there with her family. So I want to see it too”

“A friend? Great, then its decided” saying so Ryu took out his mobile and dialled a number.

“Ivanovich, where are you?” asked Ryu spoke in fluent English.

“Tokyo, with your grandfather”

“We need to get to England as soon as possible”

“As you say, waka. I presume it is for you, Lady Mia and Lady Miyuki”

“No, not for me. You will be going with them. Mia is EXCITED” stressing the excited part, Ryu replied.

The word EXCITED was a code something that meant there was danger to the family.

“I understand. I will arrange one immediately. A private jet will be leaving to England tonight”

The Yasahiro family rarely used the private jets. They kept the fact that they had private jets hidden after all, to the world the Yasahiros were just another company. Not many knew about their extent of power.

“Be discrete, don’t BETRAY my hopes”, Ryu spoke calmly.

Ivan paused once, another key word, “As you wish, waka” and the call got disconnected

Mia was looking at her Nii-san with glittering eyes. ‘Today is a lucky day’ the girl thought as she danced in excitement. The two then returned to their vehicle and waited for Kiro. And then Ryu’s mobile rang.

“Waka, it’s Takeshi here. I have arrived”, a deep and serious voice of a man sounded from the other side of the call

Ryu got out of the car, gesturing Mia to stay inside, he spoke “Apprehend them. Take them to the run-down building near the factory. I will come there” he whispered, not wanting Mia to hear.

“Yes, waka. It shall be done”

“Send Kiro back as soon as possible or this little devil might become suspicious” Ryu gave out his instructions and then got back in the car.


Takeshi disconnected the call and got out of his van, a van was sound proof, so no noise would travel out. Takeshi had parked the van in the same underground parking lot where Ryu’s Bentley was. Along with him two other guys got out of the van. All three of them were in the security force the Yasahiro family owned, a private army sort of thing and the three were also trained martial artist. The three had also been trained in handling guns and modern weapons, special task force one could say. The three carried a Beretta 92FS with sound suppressor, a dagger and throwing knives. Like some random people, they were dressed in casual outfits and spoke like drunkards

Meanwhile Kiro was outside the parking lot and was equipped with the same weapons except for the throwing knives. He was told that Ryu had already made the necessary phone calls to avoid people entering the parking lot. All he needed now was to cut off the power supply when the signal was given. Takeshi had already explained to him the plan through secure channels. And so, Kiro was on wait, his blood boiling. Such anger had never filled his heart ever before, ‘Whoever you are, where ever you are, I will find you’ he swore as he clenched his fists tight.

Takeshi and his friends were still in the parking lot. Their conversation attracted the 7 who were following Ryu. One of them who seemed agitated at the appearance of drunkards walked towards the trio fast. The guy wore a black suite which made him look some kind of salary man who had just got out of his shift.

“Sir, this is a public area. You are not in a state to wander around. So kindly leave”, the guy was unexpectedly polite causing Takeshi to smirk, he had expected a violent threat from the guy.

“Who the hell are you to call me drunk?” and Takeshi and the other two began thrashing the black suited man. Seeing their comrade being beaten the remaining six ran towards them. They surrounded the three drunk men, with their fists raised to fight.

“Heh”, Takeshi smirked and then he shouted “Kiro”. The secure channel was still on and when Kiro heard Takeshi’s signal he switched the power off.

The moment the light went out the three moved, it was like they were lightning itself. Their feet and hands were fast. Their orders were clear, apprehend them not kill them. The three reached for the ones near them, their knees connected to the enemy’s stomach then stepping to the side, a chop to the enemy’s neck thus sending them unconscious. The rest of them could not understand what was happening. They took out their guns and was waiting for any sound but nothing could be heard. Takeshi and the others did not waste any time; they had already calculated their next move. The position of the enemy was clear to them for they had contact lenses which had night vision embedded in them, this was one of the top secret state-of-the art weaponry which was developed by the Yasahiro Industries.

In the next second, the 3 were near their next target. Without the slightest sound, they then executed their next move. They were all in sync like they were dancing. A high kick to the chin at the same time, even the point of contact for the time taken to the angle, everything was identical. The sudden kick and the force sent the receivers flying backwards. The kick made their brains rock the inside their skulls, causing them to lose consciousness. Now only one remained.

“Don’t come near me. I will shoot you” the last assailant began to panic. He then began shooting in a random direction. When the first magazine was emptied he tried to reload it with another but his trembling hands could not do it with enough speed. The man was pinned down to the ground from behind by powerful arms and with a blow to the behind, he too fell unconscious.

“Kiro, it is done.” Takeshi disconnected the call and the power was restored. He looked at the 7 unconscious men then lifted his hand slightly above his head and made circles in the air. Seeing the signal his friends began to move.


“Waka, we have arrived”

Ryu nodded at Kiro. They were in front of a run-down building. After dropping Mia at home, Ryu had asked Kiro to take him here. Getting out of the car he then whispered something to Kiro. At first, Kiro was shocked, regaining his senses he nodded. With a gentle bow, Kiro got into the car and left.

Ryu slowly walked in, he was now in a black suit, his face emotionless. One would say the boy in front was faceless. Takeshi was waiting for Ryu near the entrance.

“Have they spoken anything?”

“No waka. We have not begun yet.”

“Take me to them”

Takeshi nodded and lead the way. The building looked worn down, time taking its toll on it. The wall dark and dirty, the ground filled with debris. The duo walked for a while down a long corridor and then took the steps to the next floor. Like that they kept walking until they reached the fifth floor. On the fifth floor Takeshi guided Ryu to a room which was rather clean and well lit compared to the other rooms. It was a much bigger room and with a table and chair to the right. The seven assailants were sitting in the middle, their mouths stuffed with clothes, hands tied to the back and eyes blindfolded. All of them were terrorized. Losing vision is a truly fearful thing after all.

Ryu’s eyes showed no trace of sympathy, taking the chair that was in the room, he sat on it and then looked at Takeshi. With a nod, Takeshi removed the blindfold and clothes in their mouth.

The sudden exposure to light made them flinch, they shut their eyes tight. When their eyes began to adjust to the light, all 7 of them opened their eyes to look at a child sitting in front of them. When their eyes met with the child’s their entire body shook. For those eyes didn’t have any childishness to them, in fact, it looked like a monster was staring at them, there was only hatred in those golden brown eyes.

“My name is Ryu Yasahiro and I am going to ask you some questions. The first one is who was your target? Me or my sister?”

The group remained silent. They did not want to talk.

“Takeshi do you have their names?”

“Yes, waka we have found out all such trivial information”

“Do they have a family?” Ryu asked calmly, a strange calmness.

“They do. All of them are married and have children too”

“Find out how many, who they are, where they live and what they do. Send someone to their home and start with the youngest,” this was what came from Ryu’s mouth.

Everybody including Takeshi froze, after all, these were the words that came from a mere 17-year-old child. The 7 assailants were shocked to the core, anger and fear filled their mind as they tried to break free of their restraint.

“Either you talk or your family disappears. Choose?”

“You monster” one of them shouted.

“Monster? Me? Then what are you guys? Were you not trying to rob my family of a life too? So you can do what you wish with my family while I cannot do the same to you. What kinda logic is that? If you are ready to steal, then you must have the resolve to lose too” Ryu spoke indifferently.

Takeshi smiled inwardly. When his waka spoke those words he clearly understood what Ryu was aiming for and so he decided to play along. Taking out his phone, he dialled a non-existing number.

“It’s Takeshi, have you found out about what I asked you to? Then send three people to each of the places. Wait outside till I give you further orders” he said, a perfect act.

“No, No, anything but our family. I will tell you so stop”, one of them succumbed while they rest didn’t even try to stop the traitor. Their family was much important to them than some information.

“Answer my questions and they will walk away unharmed. Why and Who? That’s all I need to know”

“We were asked by the Yanagi family. We do not know why. They offered us 10 million yen each” the men began crying now.

“Takeshi, find out about this Yanagi family. Use everything and anything you want. I want to know the reason and the person who ordered this attack by tomorrow morning.”

“Yes, waka. What about these people?” Takeshi had already taken out his Beretta.

“Give them 5million yen each, a good job in Korea, tickets and passports for their family, a cheap house, and all other facilities like school or what so ever. I want their Japanese citizenship revoked and their rights to enter the country cancelled”

“Are you sure, waka?” asked a surprised Takeshi.

“What are you saying Takeshi! I am an innocent and pure 17-year old boy!” Ryu spoke with a mischievous smile causing Takeshi to burst into laughter.

“Waka, you sure no innocent 17-year old boy” Takeshi spoke still laughing out loud. The seven who were on their knees looked at the duo dumbfounded.

Ryu then looked at the 7, “I will forgive you this time, but that doesn’t mean you won’t be punished. You will be kicked out of the country, never able to return. Instead, you will live as Korean citizen with your family. Takeshi take me back to my car”

Takeshi nodded and then asked his two friends to take care of the assailants and left with Ryu.


“Ojii-sama” Ryu called out to his grandfather. Isamu was now in his study going through some documents.

“Come my boy. I am told that Mia and Miyuki are to go to England tonight along with Ivan”

“Ivan will not be going Ojii-sama, he will not be allowed to exist”

“What are you saying boy? Are you not the one who asked Ivan to take them to England”

“Yes, Ojii-sama. I had no other alternative. Ivan will be dealt with soon”

“Dealt with? What do you mean boy?”

“I believe Kiro have told you about today’s events” Ryu then looked at his grandfather who was nodding his head to indicate that he was well informed about it.

“Then why didn't Ivan tell you about such a big thing, even if I asked him not to? You are the head, not me. The situation called for your interference yet he did not tell you anything”

“Do you mean to say that Ivan has some other motive?”

“Yes. He is a traitor”

“And you came to such a conclusion just because he did not inform me?”

“Not at all. The Yasahiro mansion is always under tight security, even the outside roads are well guarded. The vehicles from the mansion are well guarded too. This discourages any vehicle from stalking us. Do you not agree? Also I looked into Ivan's activities, his bank account, places of visit and all. I found a huge amount deposited to his account from an unknown source, This itself acts as proof”

Isamu nodded again.

“Every time we go out, it is Ivan who appoints the driver, escort, and vehicle. Is it not?”

Isamu nodded once again, he now understood the trail of thoughts yet let Ryu continue, but something told him that Ryu's was hiding something big.

“Only 6 people knew about today’s shopping trip. You, Mia, mom, Kiro, Ivan and me. So that leaves just two as suspects. It cannot be Kiro he never leaves the mansion unless it is to accompany us. Also, Mia had personally told him about the trip and had been with him all the time. That leaves only Ivan.”

“If you had this much proof then why is he still alive? And why have you planned to send Mia and Miyuki with him?”

“Ivan will die on the plane. The plane will be reported as it had crashed during its journey killing the pilot and all three of its passenger. Mom and Mia will be sent to Germany by another flight.”

“So you have planned everything huh.”

“Yes, Ojii-sama. I apologize for not asking for your permission and also wasting 35 million yen”

“Not at all. That was splendid. Giving life to them thus making them indebted to you and creating no excuse for violence.

That was great indeed. But there is a problem?”


“You, my boy. You are still here and that is a problem. You will be flying out to South Korea tonight boy.”

“But Ojii-sama you will be….”

“No my boy, I am still the head and you will listen to me. Kiro and Takeshi will be living with me. For the time being you will live there until I deem it fit for you to return.”

Ryu could not say anything more. He sighed. “As you wish Ojii-sama”. Isamu then hugged him. ‘Thank you for saving them’ he said in his mind. But before he walked out he passed out a small piece of paper to Isamu on which were the words.


Isamu furrowed his eyes. If what Ryu said was true, then Ivan was still on their side. But that was not a good news, it was a really bad one. That meant that they did not know who was the one who betrayed them. It also meant that somebody who was able to tap Ivan would have all sorts of information. Isamu had a bad feeling about things that were going on, he then took out a phone and typed in a message, ‘Protect Ivan, Search Traitor’ to an unknown number.


Ryu walked out his grandfather’s room with a serious expression. He had no idea who was behind all these actions. To tap into Ivan needs too much effort as well as can only be done by someone close to Ivan. But that was the main problem, being his grandfather’s right hand, Ivan met with many people instead of grandfather.

At first glance, one would doubt Ivan who was an outsider. But none knew that Ivan was adopted to the Yasahiro family, as Isamu’s son.


Ivanovich drove his car to the Yasahiro private hanger, alone. The night was dark with the moon being covered by the clouds.

‘BETRAY’, Ivan thought. The words that came out of Ryu’s mouth had caused him a shock. ‘Sigh! For me to be spied on so easily, pathetic’ he cursed himself with a wry smile as he stepped on the accelerator. He then dialled a number and spoke, “Hiromi, it’s me! I know, but listen. I can’t come see you for a short while. I am going to England with the Madam and her daughter. Yeah, know. I will miss you too. Love you two”, Ivan then disconnected the phone, his eyes moist for some reason.

Ivan came to the Yasahiro house hold when he was thirteen. Picked up like a stray dog when he was abandoned by his parents, Ivan had then been with Isamu as a shadow. The boy hardly talked to anyone but Isamu, not even to Miyuki. Isamu on other hand took a liking to the boy and decided to keep him close, giving him proper education in all the necessary fields. Slowly Ivan had shed his previous cold and unsocial self as he grew up together with Miyuki.

Miyuki was two-years old when Ivan first came to the Yasahiro household. Ivan initially avoided the child as he was at a loss at how to deal with a child so small. But as years passed, he became attached to her and so did she. When Ivan became 33years old, he who had remained unmarried had fully supported his step-sister’s marriage even though Isamu was against it. In fact, it was Ivan who had convinced Isamu to approve the marriage.

Ivan had a separate home a little away from the mansion, he had moved out of the mansion when he was old enough to live on his own. Isamu had to reluctantly send off his adopted son as that was the only thing Ivan had ever asked for to Isamu. Thus to the world, Ivan was just Isamu’s subordinate.

Ivan recalled his past as he drove his car to the private hanger. A smile broke out on his face when he recalled those fun memories that he kept hidden deep inside.


Hiromi disconnected the call and smiled. Today was the day she would finally be free of her duty. Immediately dialling a number from her mind, she conveyed the information she had just got. The other side too seemed happy.

“You did well Hitomi, no, Sayaka. To have that Ivan guy in the palm of your hand, you sure are skilled”, the other side chuckled as he spoke in a merry voice.

“Oh please stop with the flattery, Mr. Yanagi. I would rather talk about my payment”, Sayaka replied in a rush, she wanted to get out of the country as soon as she could.

“Everything has been prepared. A fake passport, a ticket to Australia, and double the amount you asked for. Consider the addition as a present for a job well done. Everything has been deposited in the locker you mentioned”, the man replied not minding the rude female voice.

“Thank you”, she then disconnected and prepared to get ready. Today she was finally free from the role she had been faking for more than two years.


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