《Two Times Perfect?》Chapter 20: Taking Charge
The next morning, things were thankfully back to normal. I awoke to Red in my arms and Jewel having breakfast, followed by Red taking her turn for breakfast while Jewel snuggled upon my chest. Kissing her several times passionately, Jewel finally greeted me with a, “Good morning,” which I promptly returned.
“Is there anything on today’s agenda?” Hoping that today wasn’t going to be anything like yesterday, I had to ask.
“We just need to go clothes shopping so you can pick out something nice for us to wear,” Jewel giggled. “And I guess we need to get one of the counselors to swap the role of “task leader” over to you, since you invited Victoria to join us.” She sounded almost a little pouty over the second part.
“Did you not want her to join?” Thinking I may have did something wrong, I squeezed her tightly in my arms.
“It’s not that,” Jewel shrugged softly. “It’s just that it’s always been just me and Red. And then there was just Me, Red, and you,” she muttered, kissing my chest gently. “But now you’ve added Flames and Victoria….” Trailing off, Jewel got silent for several long moments.
“Just how many more girls do you need?” She asked suddenly, leaning to stare her pale blue eyes directly into my soul.
“Uhhh… Maybe one more,” I answered, jokingly. “After all, isn’t six the limit for a full team?” Honestly, I was happy with just her and Red for my ‘women’. Flames was her father’s idea to help boost her public perception, and Victoria was nothing but a very weird friend. If it wasn’t for her strange philosophy of ‘A friend of a friend is a friend, until they aren’t.’, I wouldn’t even call her a friend. After all, I’d only actually known her for about two days now.
“Then it’s a promise,” Jewel nodded. “No more than one more to complete the team. Any beyond that, and I’ll disappear them,” she promised softly, blue eyes never flickering.
“Umm…” Somehow, I didn’t think now was the time to disagree with her, so I just nodded at Jewel and held her close. I really wasn’t wanting anyone else to join us, but the expression she was giving wasn’t one for saying I was just joking.
By breakfast, everything was back to normal. Jewel was laughing and joking with Red and Veronica as if she’d never exhibited the slightest hint of jealousy or insecurity in bed. Obviously, Red had witnessed the whole exchange, but she never mentioned a word about it, and breakfast passed without any issues.
After the rest of us ate, I remembered Flames and went to check on her in the library. Somehow sensing my presence the moment I entered, she stood up from the chair she’d been sitting in, and stepped to the side. Spreading her feet wide apart, she leaned half across the desk she’d been sitting at and present her bare ass to me.
Both shocked and curious, I strode over and sheathed my manly blade in her offered flesh. Stroking my hips back and forth several times, I was astounded to watch her flip the page and continue reading, completely unbothered by my passions. Her promises made certain she was always ready for me; but did nothing to make her actually desire or enjoy being with me. My manly ego was popped.
Sighing, I flopped back in the chair Flames had just vacated and tugged her down into my lap. I tried to tell her to put the book down, but the words wouldn’t even form in my mouth. No matter how I tried, I couldn’t utter even the first part of, “Put that down and listen to me for a bit.” It was my first time feeling the uncontrollable power of the bloodbond, and I can’t say I enjoyed it at all.
“Can you take time to talk with me?” Wording it as a voluntary question, and not an order seemed to be acceptable.
“One sec,” Flames muttered. “Let me get to the end of this chapter first.”
Nodding, I occupied myself by playing with her breasts, as I waited patiently for Flames to finish. After all, it didn’t seem like there was anything I could actually do to make her stop any sooner than she wanted.
Finally, after several long moments, Flame carefully marked her place using a feather quill as a bookmark. Reverently, she gently closed the book shut, and pushed it over to the side of the desk and out of the way. With the final act of taking off her glasses, Flames sat them on top of the book and finally leaned her back warmly against my chest. Crossing her arms to rest casually on her head, so I could enjoy her body freely, Flames tilted her head back to gaze at my face.
“You wanted to talk, my lord?” Smiling, she seemed peacefully content to let me rub and maul across her naked flesh. Honestly, my hands were probably a little rougher than with Jewel or Red, but I was slightly annoyed. I really didn’t like the feeling of the absolute restriction of my oath.
“I did,” I told her, taking a deep breath and trying to calm my emotions. I’m old enough to realize that not everything in life will always go my way. After all, like Julie used to like to say, “Life is 10% what you make it, 90% how you take it.” It’s all about learning to accept all the things you can’t change. And, like cancer or old age, our bloodoaths seemed to be one of those unchangeable things now.
“I really just came in here to originally make certain you got something to eat this morning,” I told her, honestly. “It’s a little sad we never see you at meal times, so I just wanted to make certain you knew you’re welcome to join us.”
“Well that’s sweet,” Flames smiled, softly. “But I don’t really need to eat now. Now, that is, unless you just want me too,” she added, clarifying.
“So you don’t get hungry, unless I tell you to?” Her promises were much more complex than mine, and I was distracted as she made them. Honestly, I wasn’t certain how mine worked exactly, so I sure as hell wouldn’t claim to know about hers!
“Exactly,” Flames confirmed. “I also don’t get tired, need to sleep, or feel pleasure and pain like others anymore. My body belongs to you, fully. If you want me to enjoy you cutting off my fingers, I’ll find it utterly refreshing and erotically stimulating. If you want me to feel burning agony and torment from a gentle kiss, I’d suffer the pain of eternal hellfire anytime someone’s lips touched my skin.”
“To gain the full advantages of my oath, my lord,” Flames smirked, “I had to surrender my spirit fully to yours. Your soul fully dominates mine now. I won’t age. I won’t bleed. I won’t hurt, go hungry, or ever get sick. At least,” Flames corrected, “not unless you want me too.”
It was a lot to try and take in still. Sure, I’d experimented a little the other day by telling her to orgasm on command, but what she was speaking about went far beyond that. Thinking about it though, why didn’t she respond to my touch while bent across the desk? Was it just because she was reading, and I would’ve been distracting her?
Testing my hypothesis, I thought about her enjoying my touch and getting strongly aroused. Almost instantly, she moaned lightly and started to gently rock her ass up and down gently in my lap. Penetrating her buttocks was completely natural, with no resistance at all, and her muscles tightened down around my eternally bulging member with the perfect amount of resistance and lubrication.
“Okay. Okay. Enough,” I ordered, tugging her hips firmly back down in my lap, without even bothering to pull myself out of her. “I can see, we’ve got to set some ground rules for things between us,” I told Flames as she composed herself.
I might not understand everything perfectly, but I could easily tell I had a lot more control over Flames than I even had over Jewel. Jewel’s honor made her follow my commands to the best of her ability, but Flame’s very soul seemed to change her body at a fundamental level to obey. Truly, I was scared to have such dominion over another person. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. I didn’t want to become one of those people.
“First,” I told Flames, “I don’t want an unfeeling robot…”
“Robot?” Flames interrupted, not knowing the word. Eyes twinkling, it seems I’d aroused her interest by mentioning something she didn’t know.
“An unfeeling, unthinking automation,” I tried to elaborate. “Like a zombie just following orders, or a golem.”
“I see,” Flames said, biting her lip gently in thought.
“I don’t want you to be unfeeling,” I started over, trying to be more careful with my words. “Life is all about learning from our experiences, and not just from studying what somebody else wrote in a book ages ago. If you really want to learn,” I told Flames, “you have to experience life yourself. You can’t just exist vicariously by reading about somebody else who experienced life.”
“I see.” From the sound of her voice, it was obvious that she really didn’t.
Sighing, I really didn’t know how to bring her out of her shell. Learning is good and all, but not to the point that it interferes with living. I guess all I can do is try and set her a reasonable list of orders to follow, and hope she learns what I’m trying to say over time.
“Regardless if you understand or not,” I shrugged, “I still want to make certain you experience. I want you to get hungry. Get tired. You need to take time to sleep. To rest. To spend time getting to know your new family — and that’s what we all are,” I stressed, “a family.”
“But eating and sleeping and interacting with people all consume so much valuable time,” Flames pouted. It was the first order I’d tried to give where I’d actually heard her truly complain over. Telling her to orgasm on command was ‘interesting’, but being told to live like a person was a ‘waste of time’. It was sad, but it was amusing too.
“Tough,” I shrugged. “I swore not to interfere with your research, and I’m not. In fact, I can’t,” I admitted honestly, then shrugged again. “Doesn’t matter though, since you can’t refuse my pleasure — I remember that oath specifically — and I’m not going to be pleased with you holed up in some dusty corner of an old library and forgotten all the time.”
“I understand,” Flames pouted. “So just how much do I have to ‘live’ to make you happy?”
“At the least,” and I was convinced she’d do the least interacting with others that she possibly could, “I’d want you to join us for meals and times when everybody’s together. I’ll compromise and not expect you to sleep, which should make up for it. After all, you used to spend nights sleeping before our promises, right?”
“I did.” Flames frowned petulantly, and then smiled slightly. “I guess a couple hours a day bonding with everyone is better than wasting hundreds of hours a month just sleeping. I’ll do my best to spend time with everyone,” she promised.
“Well, good.” I was happy that was kind of settled. I still had my doubts that Flames actually understood or cared about my point, but at least she was going to try and be more sociable. Tilting her neck back a little, I gently kissed her on the lips and told her, “Let’s get on up then. The others are all still relaxing and waiting in the other room.”
“Sure.” Rising fluidly up off my lap, Flames swayed her hips lightly from side to side as she heading into the living room.
I followed just a few short steps behind.
Seeing us coming, Jewel hopped up from the chair she was sitting in and motioned for me to take her spot with a deep wave of her hands and a giggling, “For my lord. I hope it’s been warmed properly for your satisfaction.” Red and Victoria giggled conspiratorially, making me eyeball the chair just to see if anything was wrong with it. Since it seemed clear, I sat down, and Jewel immediately snuggled back in my lap. Apparently, she was just wanting to be snuggled.
Wrapping my arms around Jewel, I asked Flames, “Could you run and grab the pouch I had yesterday, Flames, before you sit down?”
“Certainly.” Turning on her heels, she swayed herself off towards the bedrooms.
“Does she walk like that all the time,” I asked everyone, “or is it just when I’m watching her? I swear, for a girl who doesn’t want to be bothered, she certainly tries her hardest to catch my attention, and entice me, so I’ll want to molest her.”
None of the three girls answered. They just giggled secretly between themselves. I had a sneaking suspicion I was missing something. Just what exactly were they talking about while I was in the library with Flames?
Coming back, Flames handed me the pouch, and then sat down in the floor at my feet, even though there was plenty of room left on the couches and chairs. Turning her body, she snuggled her breasts up to the outside of my leg, and laid her head over against me. Somehow, I couldn’t help but wonder if she was acting of her own violation, or if the bloodoath was influencing her behavior. Really, I suppose it doesn’t truly matter. It is what it is, and it’s too late to change it now.
In a way, I felt as if my poor leg was being a sandwich. Jewel sitting in my lap, her legs nestled between mine, and Flames pressed up against the outside. Hearing the girls still giggling, I decided to have a little fun myself, before getting down to business. “Red. Victoria.” I called out to the two girls, smirking at them both. “My left leg still has room for a set of boobs to snuggle it. Which of you want that privilege?”
“Mine! Wah ha ha!” With a scream and a sinisterly possessive laugh, Victoria left green glowing after images as she instantly planted herself at my feet. Wrapping her arms around my lower left, she squeezed herself so tight against me, I thought she was going to break my whole leg!
Sticking her tongue out at Red, Victoria laughed freely in victory, while Red flopped back down in her seat. Blinking repeatedly, she looked dumbfounded. Laughing myself, I reached down and rubbed Victoria’s head gently, enjoying playing with her long hair.
“Better luck next time, Red,” I teased her. “You’ll just have to be a little quicker in the future.” Moving my left hand off Victoria, I wrapped it gently around Jewel’s waist and pulled her back tighter against my chest. “Snuggle tight, dear,” I told her. “I need to see over your shoulder so I can see what I’m doing.”
Giggling madly, Jewel wiggled up several inches and positioned her hips center mine. When she slid back down this time, she made certain to push myself as deeply inside her backside as she could. Eyes twinkling, she innocently asked, “Like this?”
“Sure,” I told her casually. Honestly, I suppose I’m getting used to such things. It’s not like it’s the first time I’ve ever been balls deep inside her before. I wasn’t really looking for passion at the moment, but I can’t say I dislike being wrapped in her warmth either. Besides…. I really don’t think Jewel’s looking for such lustful action at the moment either. I honestly think she’s just “sheathing my blade”, to keep it away from the others.
Heaven help me. I don’t know if I can handle being the center of such much attention!
Sighing deeply, I gently kissed Jewel on the ear, then opened up my bag from yesterday. Reaching inside, I pulled out a small red medal with an engraving of the naked Goddess of Fire on it. Flipping it over in my hands, I held it out towards my right. “Here Flames,” I told her, “this one is for you.”
“What is it?” Taking it, she turned it over and examined it.
“It’s a badge granting you a waver from actually needing to wear clothes now. Your bloodbond says I can dress you, and undress you however I want. The kingdom recognizes the sanctity of such bonds, and they won’t interfere. As long as you have the badge with you, the guards and such can’t ticket you or try and make you cover yourself.”
“You won’t need to wear a slave shackle,” I assured her, “and you won’t have to wear anything else either. You can streak freely now.”
“Great!” Laughing lightly, Flames clipped the badge on the side of her hair, testing to make certain it was secure several times before fully releasing it. “I’ve always felt the girls here spend too much time primping and getting ready. I much prefer just being able to ignore all that and just go in with other stuff which interests me.”
I used to think Red was odd with her indifference towards clothing, but Flames is much stranger — she actually seems to have a burning dislike for them! Never, in either of my lives, would I have imagined I’d meet a woman who dislikes clothes. Sure, some women dislike some clothes — Julie couldn’t stand anything skin tight, and seldom even wore a bra for that reason — but Flames just doesn’t seem to like any clothes. She’s definitely one of a kind.
Digging back into the bag, I tried to stay focused on the task at hand. Looking at the next badge, it was engraved with an image of two lovers entwined intimately in each other’s embrace. Seeing the name on the back of it, I tossed it over to red. “An Emblem of Passion,” I told her. “The Goddess of Fire won’t allow you to be ticketed and fined while you have that, even if you make wild whoopee in the middle of the street.”
“Well,” Jewel giggled, while clarifying, “you might get ticketed for obstructing the flow of traffic in that case, but you won’t get fined for any acts of passion or lewdness.”
“What she said,” I agreed, reaching back into the bag. The next badge was Red’s clothing waver, and then Jewel’s waver for indecent behavior. The name on the badge after that made me blink several times, before I passed it to my left.
“Here Victoria. Apparently you now have the right to streak just as much as the others.” Shrugging my shoulders, I guess it really isn’t that big a deal. I just don’t understand why she got one. There’s no bloodbond or oathbond which would limit, or exempt, her being dressed.
Taking it in both her hands, Victoria stared at the badge like it was a priceless treasure. “Wah haha haha! Muhahahaha! Wee heehee heehee! Ha ha ha ha!” Sudden uncontrollable laughter erupted from her, and she lost herself completely in total amusement. Flames might be one of a kind, but Victoria is just as uniquely enigmatic in her own way. I have no idea why the hell she’d laugh herself into a crying fit over a clothing waver.
“I guess the Truthsayer made a mistake and worked up a badge for her, when he was going through filing the paperwork for all the rest of us,” Jewel giggled, guessing at what happened.
“Damned if I know,” I shrugged. Honestly, it didn’t really matter to me. I just wanted to pass out the rest of the badges in the bag.
In the end, everyone got a nice collection of badges and waivers — including Victoria for some unfathomable reason. We had exemptions for clothing laws, exemptions for “lewd conduct in public”, and exemptions for public curfews, military draft citations, and even certain taxes and public fees. Apparently, registering a certified bloodbond or a certified oathbond was a huge deal, and the kingdom’s laws were set up so as to not trample upon those bonds in any way.
While everyone was laughing and giggling with each badged given, the girls also tried to address some serious points with the bonds as well. They explained that while no public curfew or duty could ever be sufficient reason to separate two bloodbonded, at the same token, neither would two bloodbonded be separated for incarceration by the kingdom.
If there was an outbreak of the plague, and I was in quarantine in town, sick, the kingdom wouldn’t stop Flames from coming to my side and taking care of me. If the quarantine was to keep the sick from entering town, and she was outside, I could end up forcibly tossed out to join her. They wouldn’t keep us apart, but the kingdom would maintain the quarantine by tossing the healthy individual to the sick.
Another incident I was warned to be very careful about, was public incarceration. If Jewel murdered someone and got sent to the dungeon for thirty years, the kingdom still wouldn’t separate us. Instead, I’d end up tossed into the dungeon with her and would serve half her sentence right alongside her!
I was too nervous to ask what would happen if one of us were sentenced for execution. Even without knowing that answer, it became glaringly obvious to me that my fate was tied irreversibly with Red’s, Jewel’s, and Flame’s forevermore — though I was left puzzling over Victoria’s connection with our group. She’s just a friend and and taskmate — she’s not actually bonded by either blood or oath to any of us — and yet, she has the same set of badges and waivers as everyone else.
And the funniest thing? None of the girls — not even Victoria herself — are certain what that means, which means I’m not alone in my confusion for a change. Growing up in Hone, I was never educated much in this world, and all the girls have had tutors and teachers from the moment they were born. Often, I feel like a complete idiot next to them, so it was refreshingly nice to see them just as clueless as me for a change.
After passing out all the badges, everyone got dressed and went their own way for the day. Red and Victoria headed towards the administration building so Victoria could join our team and move into the room permanently with us. Flames went towards the crazy mad scientist building (also know as the Alchemy Lab), to speak to somebody about converting one of the empty storage rooms in our room into a small study lab for her own experiments.
As for me, I was dragged off by Jewel, to go shopping to buy appropriate clothes for her and Red. Even though she probably had a hundred outfits in the closets of “her room”, only one was picked out by me personally, and she wanted me to choose her a whole new wardrobe! Luckily, Jewel said we could just bill her father for the cost, so at least I wasn’t going to end up broke, as I’d first feared and imagined.
At first, shopping was a complete pain in the ass. She dragged me around, asked my opinion over a thousand trivial matters of length, material, shades of colors, stitching, and who knows what else — all without buying a single damn thing! All morning long, from one shop to another, I was dragged through the Seventh Level of Man Hell — the “eternal shopping with a woman” hell. It was horrible!
Finally, my mind snapped sometime during the afternoon, and I simply couldn’t take it anymore. “ENOUGH!” I shouted loud enough to cut Jewel off mid-sentence, and drew every eye in the fancy ass shop to glare disapprovingly at me.
“You, shut up,” I pointed to Jewel. She blinked several times, dumbfounded.
“You,” I pointed over to a young woman helping another customer, “get your ass over here right now. I’m goddamn shopping, and I don’t give I shit if I spend the Lord Moonweaver into bankruptcy.”
The young shopworker’s eyes blinked several times as she looked helplessly around for the owner, wondering what to do. Jewel giggled like a madwoman, tossing herself to cling tightly around my arm; eyes sparkling. At least she wasn’t talking anymore.
“I’ll take all those damn hose from that rack, that rack, and that rack.” I pointed a finger at the displays showing knee-high, thigh-high, and mid-leg hose and stockings. “None of those with a damn crotch to them,” I ordered, as the young woman I’d pointed to quickly came running over after a nod from the manager.
“Yes.. yes sir!” Still bewildered, she rushed to start pulling what I pointed to off the displays.
Snorting, and without even caring anymore about what the all the other ladies might be thinking as they watched me, I strode deliberately to the most embarrassing section of any woman’s store — the underwear section. Grabbing the first lacy pair that I saw and liked, I tugged it from the rack it was on and tossed it vaguely over my shoulder towards the woman. “I’ll take this one,” I told her, not even caring if the size was right. It looked close enough, and between all four of the girls, one of them should surely be able to squeeze their ass into it. If not….
Screw it! It’s not my coin I’m spending!
“That one, that one, and that one.” Pointing with one hand, I slapped Jewel on the ass with my other. Jumping, she skipped forward with a wild giggle and quickly gathered and tossed them over her shoulder, imitating my previous action.
“Screw those damn ‘Granny panties’,” I told Jewel, and everyone else who was listening to my not-so-quiet ranting; pointing to a whole stack of the plain cotton underwear. “If you have any of those in your room when we get back, toss them out the damn window,” I commanded.
By the time I’d finished, half the panties on the shelves had been tossed behind us, where several girls rushed wildly about to collect them. There were several gasps of “Oh my” and “Why I never” from the other customers, but I didn’t give a crap about what those old biddies might think of me. It’s not as if I had a clue as to who the hell they might be.
After finishing in the underwear aisle, I strutted over to the hanging display of bras and repeated the process a second time. Small, lacy, and showy bras all ended up tossed to be kept, whereas the plain, simple, and functional ones were banned outright.
Next was the lingerie and nightgowns, which received the same sexist treatment. Pointing to a sheer rose-patterned lace nightgown that was almost completely transparent, I taunted Jewel with, “That’ll make a nice new dress for you to run around town in.” She just nodded vigorously and giggled freely as she tossed it, and several others like it, towards the center of the shop.
The shorter the nightgowns and lingerie, the more likely they were to be chosen. The lower the cleavage, the better. Those with more lacework that cloth were accepted, and the thinner the material, the more likely things were to be chosen. Plain, conservative, functional clothing was completely off the table, as far as I was concerned with the mood I was in.
“Trash. Trash. Shitty trash,” was my opinion of the frilly dresses hanging up, which drew the attention of all the ladies of high fashion. Same with the shirts and tops. It wasn’t until I got around to the bondservant’s and slave’s aisles that my interest was peaked again.
Skin tight mini-skirts? Check.
Tiny little loose skirts? Check.
Slave skirts with a wide reverse “V” cut out to complete bare the hips? Check. The idea of turning those with the “V” in front, instead of the side? Double check!
Crotchless pants? Check. Women never wore pants in this world, but with the whole center out of them, these were more like chaps anyway. Besides, we have waivers on clothing restrictions, so I didn’t give a crap. Check, regardless.
Tops I chose were sheer, lacy, and very loose, with lots of cleavage. Halter tops which resembled the sports bras of my other life’s memories, where the elastic held both above and below the breasts, were out. Tops with elastic above the breasts with loose flowing cloth below, were fine. I wanted to be able to reach in and get the goodies anytime I felt like it, so anything tight or restrictive was immediately out.
Colors didn’t matter to me. Neither did materials used, with the exception of thickness. Lots of thin satins and velvets were chosen — not that I knew that was what they were — while thicker cotton and wool clothes were ignored completely. Jewel might think I have a preference for material, but I don’t. Sheer thin cotton would be just as fine in my opinion!
It wasn’t until I’d stripped the store of anything sexy, sheer, or slutty, that was even close to any of the girl’s sizes, before I finished. “Bill all that to Moonweaver,” I told nobody in particular. I didn’t need to single one person out; every eye on the store was glued on us. “Deliver it to the school, room 9F. And be quick about it!”
Stomping my way out of the store, Jewel clung leech-like to my side. “It’s room F9,” she corrected, giggling as if she was having the time of her life. “And you didn’t sign for any of that,” she added, as an afterthought.
“Screw it.” Shrugging my shoulders to show I didn’t care, I slapped the flat of my hand hard across Jewel’s rump, making her skip and yelp. “I didn’t tell you you could talk yet,” I reminded Jewel, a little more harshly than I intended. Instead of seeming upset however, she instead nodded and half skipped along while laughing and clinging tightly beside me.
“I’m certain they can contact your father somehow for verification of payment,” I told Jewel, a little more gently. “For now,” I sighed, actually hating the idea, “we have those other four shops we visited earlier to visit. We’re not finished until we buy up everything I like off this whole damn street!”
If I’ve got to fight a damn War on Shopping, I’m going to make certain I don’t lose a single shitty battle with it. I just want to get this done and over with, and do it to such an extent, I won’t have to repeat the process again this semester.
It was late evening — almost supper time — when Jewel and I returned to the room. Arriving, the door was wide open and laughter was echoing out of the room and down the hallway to the entrance. Wearily trudging inside, Jewel and I were greeted by the sight of a mountain of clothes piled up in the center of the sitting room, covering every surface. Red and Victoria were both sitting cross legged in the floor, happily digging through the pile and laughing over things they found.
Shouting to make certain she could hear me, I yelled, “Flames! Get your ass in here right now!” I couldn’t be certain she was studying in the library, so the promise didn’t prevent me from interrupting her.
“Yes, my lord?” Hurrying from one of the empty storage rooms, Flames pushed her glasses high upon her nose as she rushed in.
“Over there,” I pointed, indicating a space near the entrance. “And the rest of you go join her — and that includes you Victoria,” I added for good measure.
Looking a little puzzled, all the girls gathered loosely together where I pointed.
“Line up in a straight line,” I ordered them firmly, “and strip.” Nonchalantly shoving a pile of scattered clothes out of the nearest chair, I flopped down in it exhausted. Kicking off my boots, I sprawled back and scooted the chair left and right until I could directly face the four girls.
“You guys have made me the leader of The Moonblazers,” I reminded them, as Victoria was still struggling out of her girdle and underclothes. “While out today, I was thinking about what duties that title imposed upon me,” I lied shamelessly. I’d been annoyingly shopping all day and hadn’t thought at all about the team, until I came in here and saw the mountain of clothing already delivered and Red and Victoria sitting in front of it, but they didn’t need to know that.
“As leader,” I continued, “I decided one of the first things we needed is a set of uniforms to highlight we’re all members of the same team — and this applies to you too, Flames.”
“But I can’t wear any clothes, unless you dress me in them,” she reminded me, half pouting. She really doesn’t like to waste time getting dressed, does she?
“I realize that,” I assured her. “And that’s the reason why everyone else is stripping naked too. Everyone here has a waiver for the clothing laws, so that makes our team unique. I want to stress that wearing absolutely nothing, is part of our team’s acceptable dress code.”
“Yes!” Flames half pumped her fist in the air, as Victoria finally stepped out of her panties and kicked them to the side, to stand firmly at attention. Even completely naked, she still reminded me of a soldier standing proud, awaiting orders.
“I decided not to go with any single uniform in particular for us,” I bullshitted, “but instead decided to choose an unique style for our team. Everyone grab an arrangement of clothes that might fit you, and I’ll give examples to illustrate what would be acceptable.
Grinning, all the girls dashed forward as if they were in a competition of some sort — even Flames. Tossing clothes left and right, they dug through the mountain looking for treasures that would suit them. While they were searching, I took the time to strip out of my own clothes and relax fully. Finally, once they’d lined back up in a row, I turned my attention back to them, from left to right.
“Let’s see what you have, Flames.” I started with her.
“These.” She held up a loose yellow skirt and half-top in one hand, with a pair of lacy white panties and bra in the other.
“Good job,” I praised her. “You picked out two perfectly acceptable outfits. As a team, we’re not going to ‘layer’ clothing. It’s a hassle, and it’s not something we have to concern ourselves with. The skirt and top are fine. The skirt and bra is fine. So is the panties and top, or the panties and bra, but layering the skirt and panties or bra with top isn’t.”
“One single layer at a time,” I stressed, making the rule up on the spot. Waiting a moment for all the girls to nod, I turned my attention towards Victoria. “Next,” I ordered.
“Sir, yes sir!” Victoria saluted and then held up several articles of clothing one at a time. “I present these for inspection and instruction, sir!” Watching her, I couldn’t help smiling at her overly serious reaction, while dressed in nothing but her own skin. Wasn’t she the least bit embarrassed?
“The crotchless pants are fine with or without panties,” I pointed to the first item she’d shown. “No hose, no stockings,” I stressed, “but a narrow loin cloth would be fine. A wide loin cloth, or a skirt would be a no-no though, as it’d overlap the side of the pants.”
“The only possible clothes that I’ll allow to overlap for now,” I added, as a problem suddenly dinged inside my head, “is the hose and shoes. You girls are used to wearing hose over your legs here at the school, and I didn’t want to prevent you from doing that, so I bought what you have before you as a temporary measure,” I lied, again.
“In the future, however,” I stressed, “I expect each of you to have custom hose and stockings made. Everyone, with the possible exception of Flames, can afford having them customized — and we’ll all pool our coin as a team to provide them for her.” I waited a moment to see if anyone would complain — I half expected Victoria to, since she had no obligation to help provide for anyone else — but no one did.
“Hose for angle boots can start at the ankle,” I clarified, smiling at the group’s solidarity. “For knee boots, hose can be made from the knee up. Thigh high boots don’t really need hose with them,” I laughed, imagining a small three inch segment of hose covering that minute gap from the boots to the hips.
“One important point to stress,” I empathized, as a sudden thought passed my mind. “Don’t have any hose or stockings made which go above the leg. There’s just no point, as they wouldn’t ‘stack well’ with anything else. Thigh-high hose are all our team will wear.”
“What about garters, or straps required to hold them up, sir?” Victoria suddenly brought up a very good point. As a man, I don’t wear hose, so I didn’t think of those at all.
“They’re exempt from the ‘single layer rule’,” I told her. “They’re not really clothing for decoration or covering,” I reasoned. “They’re tools with a purpose, and exempt from our uniform rules. So is a belt for a scabbard or a pouch, or a pocketbook, a backpack, or a strap for a quiver or such.”
“A pocketbook?” Flames eyes sparkled at the mention of ‘book’. Once again, a term from the world of my dreams was tripping me up.
“I’ll explain ‘pocketbook’ later,” I assured her, causing Flames to frown slightly in disappointment at not having her question answered instantly.
“But for now,” I told the others, “I think you guys can sort out what’s acceptable and what’s not. There’s still several days before school actually starts, so double check with me before leaving the room and going out in public, and I’ll clear up any misconceptions anybody has.”
“And with that,” I laughed, holding open my arms, “Flames, you can get over here and snuggle your ass with me, while everyone else grabs whatever clothes they like and can wear from this mess. Since you don’t really like any of them, we’ll sort out what you can wear from the leftovers, and the rest can then be gotten rid of somehow.”
Swaying over as the other girls laughed and dived for the clothes, Flames straddled my lap and wiggled down upon my waiting member. Leaning forward, she pressed her breasts tightly against my bare chest. Rocking up and down slowly, she nibbled gently on my ear and whispered, “So what’s a pocketbook?”
Wrapping my arms tightly around her, I struggled to explain the name for something that was neither a pocket, nor a book, and which really wasn’t related to either.
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