《Two Times Perfect?》Chapter 19: The Hero
“So where to now?” I asked, rubbing my overly stuffed stomach. Normally, I didn’t eat lunch, but the food here at the school was so good, I couldn’t resist. I’d engorged myself on various steaks and meats, different styles of potatoes, and an assortment of various breads and deserts. I was stuffed.
“I’m going back to finish my book,” Flames stated. Sitting cross-legged on the picnic table, directly in front of me, Flames stretched greatly and started getting up; luscious long hair trailing off the edge of the table and almost touching the ground.
“Wait and stay with us,” Jewel told her. “We’ve got some things to do in the city this afternoon, and you need to be there.”
“I need to be there?” Looking a little puzzled, Flames pushed her glasses back up on her nose.
“Should we go back to the room and get her something to wear first?” Flames was still completely naked, and I wasn’t certain it’d be okay for her to roam around the city undressed like that. Slaves ran around everywhere naked, but they were required to wear at least a neck collar to identify them as such. Who knew what the fine or repercussions would be for a non-slave to do so.
“I’m fine,” Flames assured me, completely unconcerned about her modesty.
“Just take your tunic off and wrap it around her waist,” Red suggested. “As long as she covers her bottom, there won’t be any issues with the guards.”
“That sounds good,” Jewel agreed, then giggled. “Any excuse to get Tomas out of his shirt is fine with me.”
“You’re one to talk,” I laughed, tugging my shirt off over my head. “Get over here,” I told Flames. Shrugging unconcernedly, she stepped forward and held her hair back, out of the way. Reaching around her back, I tied the sleeves together, letting the rest of the tunic conceal her front.
“I guess your hair’s long enough to hide the back,” I laughed. “So where are we going?”
“You’ll just have to wait and see.” Jewel giggled, skipping over to grip my arm tightly in hers.
“Mind if I tag along?” Victoria asked. “I don’t have anything pressing to do this evening,” she added, smiling infectiously.
“Sure,” I shrugged. “The more the merrier for this outing to wherever it is we’re going.”
Wandering through the city was an adventure all in itself. Four sexy girls bouncing and laughing down the street drew a lot of attention. Strip off half the clothes from two of them, and everybody stares and ogles with every step the group makes. And then put one pitiful guy in the middle of them — the girls tugging and pulling him in different directions — and he’s going to get death gazes from everyone on the street.
We skipped into candy shops, I got glared at by the little fat lady behind the counter. We stopped by a general store, the guy running the place stared daggers into my back. At a jewelry store, the old man tried to sell me jewelry for all the girls. When I told him I didn’t have any coin, we all got chased out into the street, as the girls giggled uncontrollably.
By the time we waltzed into the courtyard of the Knight’s Chapterhouse, I’d given up on having any idea on what to expect next. As far as I could tell, the girls were simply dragging me along for a good time, as they enjoyed themselves doing anything they wanted.
“Hear ye! Hear ye!” Skipping over in front of the fence in front of the knight’s pasture, Jewel yanked off her shawl and waved it frantically back and forth in the air.
“Hear ye! Hear ye,” Red screamed, doing several cartwheels festively over to Jewel.
Shrugging, Victoria cupped her hands up to her mouth. “HEAR YE! HEAR YE!” Caught up by the momentum, she was yelling louder than anybody else.
Completely disinterested, Flames sat down on a nearby bench and simply watched the show. Laughing, I figured she had the right idea, so I sat down beside to join her. I had no clue what the girls were doing, but they were certainly putting on a show.
“Come one! Come all!” Jewel shook her shawl several more times, then climbed to balance atop the top rail on the fence. “Come hear a tale of the greatest bravery. Supreme heroism! Darkest evils!” Amazingly, Jewel danced along the top rail, flagging her shawl wildly in all directions. I couldn’t believe anyone could move and prance like she was in high heels!
“Hurry! Hurry!” Red flipped and cartwheeled in all directions, trying to gain as much attention as possible.
“Getcha asses on over here! I wanna hear this story!” Victoria bellowed at the top of her lungs.
Seeing she’d gathered a large group of knights, squires, and curious onlookers, Jewel hopped down from the railing. Laughing cheerfully, she motioned for Red and Victoria to gather close. Sliding her shawl back over her head, Jewel shushed the noisy crowd and then started her story.
“Once, my friends,” she began, waving her arms wildly to set the scene, “there were two sweet, pure and innocent, young maidens. Traveling the kings highway, and protected by a dozen of the most loyal and brave knights in the land, these maidens feared nothing, confident they were safe in the arms of righteousness!”
“But then!” Red suddenly jumped forward interrupted her, as Jewel crouched down to become as inconspicuous as possible. “Then the forces of darkness saw the light and goodness of the innocent maidens, and they grew hungry and lustful! Gathering together an army of a thousand dark murderers, the Master of Darkness rode out to meet the unsuspecting travelers on the road…”
“And the battle that unfolded lasted a hundred days and ninety-nine nights,” Victoria suddenly interrupted, getting hyped up by the others. Both Jewel and Red stared at her bewildered; completely caught off guard. Whatever skit they had planned, Victoria apparently wasn’t scheduled to be part of it.
“Knights fought valiantly, chopping down enemies by the dozens,” Victoria continued, making chopping and slashing motions with her arms. “They kicked, and they bit, and they spit upon the evil bastards, but it was no good! The enemy kept relentlessly charging forward, driven by their Dark Master’s evil magic, crashing wave after wave upon the poor knights like the ocean upon the beach.”
“In the end, it was all to no avail,” Jewel interrupted, trying to steal the story back. “All the nights were slain, overran by the agents of calamity! And our poor little maidens…”
Jewel paused for dramatic effect, and I quickly dashed over and wrapped my arms around Victoria. Placing one hand over her mouth, I dragged her back to the bench where Flames was sitting. Plopping down beside her, I forced Victoria to sit in my lap, and I held her there by wrapping my arms tight around her waist. Nodding slightly in my direction to show her appreciation, Jewel resumed her story.
“Our poor maidens were captured by the horde of dastardly bastards,” Jewel softly whispered, hanging her head in sadness. “Stripped and toyed with, the poor things were nothing more than playthings for the vile bastards that had them.”
“Facing horrors that no one should ever have to endure,” Red took over the story again at this point, “the maidens hearts faltered and their spirits cracked. Eyes growing dim as their happiness and sense of worth was ripped forcefully away, their tears fell heavy and relentless for days as they struggled to endure the endless torment.”
“Even the heavens themselves grew heavy,” Jewel took over the story again, slowly pointing upwards towards the sky, “and soon the clouds began to cry uncontrollably over the sight.”
“For days and nights,” Red shouted!
“For days and nights,” Jewel confirmed, quietly and sadly. “Indeed, it was for days and nights, that the rains poured down and the winds howled uncontrollably. Rivers flooded. Forests were blown down. Destruction rampaged unchecked, as the innocent maidens fell deeper into despair!”
“BUT!!” Red yelled at the top of her lungs, destroying the hushed quiet as the crowd struggled to hear Jewel’s sad whispering.
“But,” Jewel continued, starting to speak in a normal tone now, “a lone and valiant hero stepped forward to fight back against the forces of darkness.”
“Outnumbered a hundred to one,” Red took over, “the hero used the cover of rain and darkness to brave the villains’ lair. Past their guards. Around their traps. Ignoring all feelings of fear and trepidation, the hero braved forged ever onward, into the heart of the camp of darkness.”
“Ever onward,” Jewel whispered, “until his unwavering courage led him to the poor tormented maidens…”
“FEAR NOT!!” Victoria screamed, as I had moved my hand thinking she wouldn’t interfere anymore. I was wrong, as she unabashedly continued. “I AM HERE TO SAVE YOU, FOR I FEAR NO EVIL, THE HERO CRIED!!” Seeing her take a deep breath to yell more, I quickly wrapped my hands back around her mouth.
“And save them, he did,” Red took over the story, as Jewel was obviously too flustered to do so currently. “Releasing the maidens, the hero gently tended their wounds, allowing them time to rest before daring to return back through the camp of darkness.”
“And as the young girls rested,” Jewel continued, “the mighty hero searched the lair of evil, seeking for a way to weaken it as much as possible. Upon finding the treasury, the mighty hero collected all the foul loot that he could carry, knowing evil loves and thrives on nothing more strongly than wealth. Then, returning to the two girls, the hero led them to safety…”
“Led them to stand here, before you all today,” Red shouted, dumping my old backpack upside down. “Here to turn over the foul loot of the evil bastards, so it can be returned to its proper owners!” As jewelry of all sorts clanked and jingled from my pack to form a massive pile on the ground, Jewel and Red both pointed to me.
“Behold our hero,” they both shouted, in unison.
Everyone’s gaze turned heavily upon me..
Dealing with the aftermath of the girl’s performance was an utter and terrible headache. For starters, we were all “detained” for several hours for a million and one invasive questions. ‘Where’d we get the jewels? How many bandits were there? How’d I find them? How’d we avoid them to escape? Why didn’t we report it earlier? Did we sell any of the jewelry? Keep any of it?’
And, as if the questioning wasn’t enough to deal with, Victoria keep staring at me with sparkling eyes, filled with hero worship. Apparently, seeing the jewelry was real, was enough for Victoria to believe the rest of the story was real as well. I’d suddenly became a fearless hero who was reborn from the greatest legends of the past, in her besmitten gaze. The unwanted intensity of the attention was completely disconcerting on many levels, and certainly didn’t help with the overall situation any.
Jewel and Red seemed to think being arrested — errr... being held in detention for questioning — was immensely funny somehow. They laughed. They giggled. They exaggerated terribly to the knights, gathering harsh glares which only made them giggle harder. They were both completely and utterly enjoying themselves, much to everybody else’s frustration.
Things started to get sorted out in the end, after a Truthsayer was brought in to question us. Able to inherently detect lies, he confirmed we weren’t part of the bandits, and that we hadn’t kept or sold any of the jewelry, except what was turned over in evidence. Both the girls were confirmed as innocent prisoners and I was exonerated as being their rescuer — much to Victoria’s loud squeals of delight.
There were lingering doubts about why we’d waited so long before reporting the incident and turning over the jewelry, but somehow they were settled when Jewel mentioned we’d reported the incident to Granny and left the jewelry with her.
At first, no one seemed to have a single clue who Granny was, but after sending a messenger to the temple, everything was settled in an instant and our names were completely cleared. At long last, it seemed as if our headache was ending…
But, I was wrong thinking that.
Jewel and Red refused to leave with just our names being exonerated; they demanded I receive recognition for my achievement, and a reward for returning the stolen loot. They didn’t stop until the knights promised to ‘check into it, and get back in touch with us.’
Thinking we were finished at that point, I was wrong yet again. Jewel had what seemed like an endless stack of paperwork for the knights to fill out and certify. She registered herself as being ‘oathbound’ to me. Flames was registered as a certified ‘bloodbound’. Papers passed back and forth between her and the knights, and several badges were given to me to distribute later.
By the time we’d finally left, I was drained. The girls’ endless excitement didn’t leave until we were all back in our room, and clothes were flying off in every direction. Honestly, I’ve never been so happy to just flop back and relax as I was that evening, in my entire life!
Sprawling out naked on the couch like Victoria had the night before, I tried to let my mind just drift, as Red, Jewel, and Victoria disappeared into the kitchen. Sounds of pots and pans clanging told me they were cooking supper, and the endless giggling made me think they were trying to cook supper. I was almost dreading to find out what they might actually produce. Too many cooks spoil the broth, after all.
Flames was honestly the only reasonable one of them all. Going to her room, she fetched a thick leatherbound book to read, and then snuggled her naked body down so I could use her lap for a pillow. Gently stroking her legs helped me relax, and she reflexively stretched one leg across the armrest of the couch so I could easily access her most private parts, if I wanted. Not really in the mood for that type of action at the moment, I only stroked her womanly lips a few times to show that I recognized and appreciated her offer, and then I contented myself to just resting my head in her lap and stroking her legs.
Drifting asleep, I was awakened about an hour later by a soft, warm body stretching itself on top of mine. Confusedly blinking the sleep away, I was shocked to find Jewel snuggled down atop me. “Supper’s ready,” she giggled, kissing me lightly a dozen times. “I thought I’d come see about getting you up to join us.”
“I’m always up for you,” I promised, using my knees to wedge hers apart wide enough to push her hips down around my member. Moaning slightly, Jewel sat up astride my lap, and stared rocking up and down slowly.
“Get a room you two,” Victoria laughed, plopping down to sprawl back in the chair opposite us
“Don’t you have a room of your own?” I asked, mindlessly losing myself in the warm bliss that was Jewel. “Or are you just going to move in here and live?”
“Can I?” Victoria laughed gleefully, and she half bounced in the chair she was sitting in. “I’ll fill out the paperwork and join the Moonblazers tomorrow, and then I’ll get all my stuff moved in afterwards!”
That wasn’t exactly what I’d intended when I’d reminded her of her own room, but from the sparkle in her eyes, it was too late to back out now. I just hope every day doesn’t end up as crazy as today, with all the girls living together.
- End917 Chapters
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