《Overlord Spirit Martial Emperor》Welcome to the Death Singer Mercenaries


Wooh! It''s fricking Sunday. I hate Sundays. It means you have to go to school the next day and the sheer reality of that sucks. Well, I'll be updating a chapter before hell begins. Enjoy!


Feng Yun watched as Cao Tou got ready to attack. The man had been thoroughly been enraged and was licking his lips in anticipation. Evidently, the man wanted to beat him down to the ground. After all, Feng Yun had caused him to lose too much face. He couldn't just let the boy go as easy as that, could he? The mercenary groups looked at Feng Yun with interest. This boy had dared to provoke a master at the Xiantian Realm Third Layer so easily and without regret. How much confidence did he have in being able to defeat Cao Tou? Feng Yun made a mocking gesture at Cao Tou. Cao Tou didn't respond and instead charged up a great amount of Yuan Energy in his palms. Feng Yun slightly raised his eyebrows. It seems that this man had transfused some amount of his qi into Yuan Energy. Not bad, you're not like the other weaklings, but you're still too weak, Feng Yun thought.

Cao Tou sneered at Feng Yun looking for a terrified reaction but all he got was a cold stare and an indifferent smile. Cao Tou's expression turned slightly solemn and then charged up more Yuan Energy into his fists. Heavens, the surrounding people thought. How much Yuan Energy did this person have? They all looked at Feng Yun with a pitiful glance. It seemed to them as if Feng Yun was sure to lose this time. Not many people in the plaza could stand up to someone at Cao Tou's level so how could Feng Yun? Their views about that were about to change in that moment however.

Cao Tou leaped off the ground with a startling agility that defied his massive physique. Someone that massive and muscular could travel at such a fast speed? How formidable! Cao Tou appeared right in front of Feng Yun and launched a flurry of his concentrated Yuan Energy fists at Feng Yun. Feng Yun glanced at the undulations caused by the fists and snorted. This kind of attack was too primitive and weak. It was the same as throwing your fists at someone lazily. Feng Yun responded to the attack by appearing right in front of the fists. The surrounding crowd was surprised. Did he want to throw himself in front of that terrifying attack?

"Hmph, you think you can take my attack head on? You'll regret it!" Cao Tou snorted and proceeded with his attack. Feng Yun lifted up his right hand slowly as the approaching Yuan Energy covered fists neared him. A sudden burst of pure Yuan Energy gushed out of his palm and made a protective barrier around his body. The raining fists that Cao Tou had launched at him met the barrier. Upon meeting the barrier, the Yuan Energy in the fists began to dim and made no sign of breaking through. Instead, the energy began to be sucked into Feng Yun's body and Cao Tou could feel some of his strength leaving him. Feng Yun ate through the energy like it was butter. Cao Tou realized what was happening and violently resisted the pull that the barrier exerted. He then jumped backwards and landed at the back of the arena a few meters away from Feng Yun. What was that barrier, he thought. He seemed to be eating away at my strength like nothing.

Evidently, he was quite shaken by the move that Feng Yun had used in that last exchange. He tried to figure out how was it that he was able to suck the energy up but could figure out anything. He coldly stared at Feng Yun, who looked as relaxed as he did before. This kid is not simple. I will have to use my full strength in order to beat him, Cao Tou thought.


Feng Yun let out a breath and said,

"Many thanks for the free energy." Cao Tou narrowed his eyes at this. It seems his suspicions were correct. Feng Yun did indeed have a method of devouring the energy of his opponents but he couldn't always use it. It would only work if the opponents were weaker than himself.

"Brat, I don't know how you were able to suck up my energy like this but it won't work again. Prepare yourself!" Cao Tou released a strong wave of Yuan Energy out of his dantian and soon enough, a vigorous layer of Yuan Energy surrounded his entire body. The energy raged about as if threatening to devour everything in its path. Cao Tou roared very loudly and the sound of it shattered the ears of the audience. Feng Yun narrowed his eyes and looked very bored.

"Hmph, you're too loud old man. If you want to go yell at someone, go do it somewhere else. I came here to fight, not trade nonsensical noises with you." Feng Yun relentlessly said and prepared Yuan Energy of his own. Cao Tou saw this and grinned evilly. He would not let Feng Yun get away from his next attack unscathed. Feng Yun had already thoroughly pissed Cao Tou off and caused him to lose a great deal of face so how could he not take revenge. I'm going to make you cry to your mommy you little brat, Cao Tou thought.

He then moved to charge at Feng Yun with a speed much faster than what he had before. He had a much greater control over his body than he had before and a lot of his moves were quite formidable. He appeared right in front of Feng Yun only a mere few inches away and executed a martial skill.

"Take this, dumb brat. Thousand Bull Horde Charge!" The power exerted in this skill was indeed not small and scared the crap out of everyone present in the audience. This was clearly a Sage Class initial phase skill. Who among the audience would dare to slight a martial skill like this? Cao Tou's fighting stance resembled that of a bull and his fists and feet held an astonishing amount of Yuan Energy. Feng Yun raised his eyebrows for a moment but then went back to his original cold and indifferent gaze. Cao Tou rushed at him and launched a heavy blow from his palms. He concentrated most of his Yuan Energy into that blow of his in an attempt to break through the barrier that Feng Yun had surrounding his body. The blow could be described as terrifying to anyone else at Feng Yun's level of cultivation. To Feng Yun however, it wasn't worth even a tenth of his strength.

"A trash skill like this...isn't worthy of my time!" Feng Yun lifted his Yuan Energy filled right hand and the fingertips glowed with hazy, yellow aura. Cao Tou's expression turned to that of a sneer and mocked Feng Yun in his mind. How could a brat like him possibly be able to disperse my strongest martial skill, Cao Tou thought. What happened next baffled him however. Feng Yun brought the hand to his left shoulder and then slashed it down on the incoming Cao Tou. The audience didn't even see the hand hit Cao Tou but the effects of the attack immediately showed. Cao Tou's charge began to slow down and the Yuan Energy in his attack gradually dimmed. The aura around Cao Tou disappeared and with it, only his figure remained. He staggered forward past Feng Yun, and with hesitation, his knees fell to the ground. The audience could now see Cao Tou's expression. His eyeballs had disappeared into their sockets and cuts and bruises that went deep appeared on his body. His mouth was wide open and a mouthful of blood flew out of it. He slightly moved his mouth letting out the words,


"Im...possible. You shouldn't...be this strong. Who...the fuck...are you?" Cao Tou then fell face down onto the floor and lay there, unmoving. The audience was blank for a moment, and then roar began to sound throughout the plaza. They could not believe their eyes. A boy who looked very young, had defeated a full grown man with the cultivation of the third layer of the Xiantian Realm so easily. He had only used one strike in the whole battle. This was simply monstrous. After this, many mercenary groups would love for him to join. Feng Yun gave a glance to Cao Tou's body and then walked off the stage. Cao Tou was merely unconscious. People were forbidden from killing in Sky Wind City. Outside however, was a different story. Upon touching his feet outside of the stage, the crowd immediately swarmed around him. Many groups started spilling invitations and touching him, which frankly made Feng Yun uncomfortable. His eyes chilled and he was prepared to fight his way out of the awkward situation. Suddenly a loud and booming voice came.

"None of you shall touch him. He shall belong to my group of mercenaries. He is a member of our Dark Fang Mercenaries." An arrogant middle aged man stood up. He seemed to command a very large group of people and his group was particularly plenty. There were many strong experts among the group and they seemed very imposing. Many of the smaller groups that wanted Feng Yun on their group let out a sigh and moved backwards. Evidently, they didn't want to mess with this group. Feng Yun was surprised. It seems that this group held a lot of authority. He heard whispers coming from the back of him.

"Oh my god, he got the attention of the Dark Fang Mercenaries. I heard they are one of the top three mercenary groups in Sky Wind City."

"Well, it is well deserved. After all, that boy's performance was very exceptional. It's no wonder that they would want him on their team."

"However, I heard that the Dark Fang Mercenaries have a reputation of being very cruel people. They will not spare even innocents in their quest for dominance and most of their fame has come from their ruthlessness."

The more Feng Yun heard, the more cautious he got. He could tell that the Dark Fang Mercenaries were very strong, but their methods were too cruel. he found himself not liking this group too much. The arrogant middle aged man walked up to Feng Yun and cupped his hands. He then said,

"Young man, would you be interested in joining our esteemed and powerful Dark Fang Mercenaries? We will offer you great compensation for taking part in our activities." The man was very arrogant but smiled at Feng Yun and tried to rope him in. He outstretched his hands to Feng Yun waiting for him to accept it. Feng Yun had complicated feelings in his heart. He was preparing to reject the invitation, but he wasn't stupid. If he rejected the invitation, he would be causing them to lose a good deal of face and they might make Feng Yun an enemy. If that happened, Feng Yun may not be able to resist. He wasn't strong enough to take on a large group of Xiantian Realm cultivators. He didn't know what to do.

"Hmm, what need is there to ponder? Isn't the choice obvious? Join us..." The man frowned at Feng Yun before continuing. "Or else you would be causing us to lose a great deal of face and that is not very good for you..now is it?"

Feng Yun's gaze turned cold. It appeared as if the man was threatening him. Feng Yun would not respond kindly to those who threatened him to join. He was about to prepare to retaliate when suddenly, a voice cut through the silent atmosphere.

"Oi, Lu Kang, threatening a junior. How shameless are you? You cannot threaten someone like him into joining you. You truly do suck at diplomatic skills." A shadow flashed and appeared in between Lu Kang and Feng Yun. The man was around the same age as Lu Kang, but looked more handsome with long black hair and an amiable expression on his face. He appeared warm and welcoming and gave a great feeling to Feng Yun, who just stared. Lu Kang frowned and said harshly,

"Duo Ling, what are you doing? Can you not see that I am recruiting him? Keep you and your Death Singer Mercenaries out of this." Lu Kang had creased lines on his forehead. The crowd whispered among themselves in shock. The Death Singer Mercenaries, who had not heard of them? They were another of the top three mercenary groups and were famous for delivering justice and death swiftly. They were extremely powerful and did not lose out to the Dark Fang Mercenaries in terms of power or political influence. In fact, they were much more popular in Sky Wind City. They were noble people who killed without hesitation when it came to evil people and were gentle towards the normal and innocent people. Duo Ling opened his mouth to speak.

"Hmph, you think, by threatening him, he will join you? You truly are an idiot. Boy, would you be willing to join our Death Singer Mercenaries? We will neither restrict you nor make you do what we wish. All we want is that you join us. You can leave whenever you want and we won't make things hard on you. It is your choice whether to join or not." Duo Ling still had a wide smile and had not a care in the world. He expectantly looked at Feng Yun but did not force him. Although the conditions seemed too good to be true, Feng Yun felt he could trust Duo Ling. After a minute, Feng Yun nodded and said,

"Alright, I will join you. However, the condition is that my companion joins with me as well. She is about as strong as me and she will be beneficial to you as well." Feng Yun glanced at Xia Qing and beckoned her over. She coolly walked over and stood beside Feng Yun. Duo Ling's smile widened upon realizing the implications of Feng Yun's words. He furiously nodded his head and said,

"That is alright. We will accept you both. I can assure you that we will take good care of you as long as you stay with us."

"Okay. My name is Qiu Yun and my companion is named Huo Qing. We will be in your care." Feng Yun lightly bowed and Duo Ling responded in kind.

"Then, I officially welcome you, Qiu Yun and Huo Qing, to the Death Singer Mercenaries."

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