《Overlord Spirit Martial Emperor》Escort Mission



The surrounding audience sucked in a huge breath. By joining the Death Singer Mercenaries, you would get a lot of support and would be able to be part of a strong power. To be a part of such a strong group that even the city lord of Sky Wind City had to be slightly respectful to, who wouldn't want to. Feng Yun however took on the invitation with a straight face and no happiness visible on his face. He didn't care much whether he got into a very powerful group, but it would help to be able to get proper experience and not get held back because of weak members. Xia Qing had a slightly dissatisfied expression on her face. She had hoped to be able to prove herself worthy of the strong mercenaries through combat but Feng Yun had did that for her and secured her into the Death Singer Mercenaries. She couldn't help but put on a pouting face. Meanwhile, Lu Kang was fuming and yelled at Duo Ling.

"What do you think you're doing, Duo Ling?! He is part of our Dark Fang Mercenaries, not your naive Death Singer Mercenaries." Duo Ling coldly glanced at him and had not a speck of actual attention to Lu Kang's blabbering. He sarcastically spoke to Lu Kang,

"Oh really? Well, I'm pretty sure that fellow member Qiu agreed to MY invitation and not yours, am I correct? And I am not the one who threatened him to join, right? Well well well, Lu Kang, it seems like the situation is that junior brother Qiu and junior sister Huo just don't want to join you." He let out an exaggerated sigh to add to his sharp words. Lu Kang was enraged beyond belief and stomped his foot on the ground. He released a very vicious pressure and turned his gaze to Feng Yun, who stared at him coldly. He didn't care whether he angered Lu Kang at this point. Lu Kang was much too domineering and arrogant. Feng Yun and Xia Qing both had no respect for this man. Lu Kang gritted his teeth and harshly said,

"Qiu Yun, if you do not join us and instead choose to join the Death Singer Mercenaries, you will be making an enemy out of us. Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Hmph, do you think that I am afraid of you and your group? I am confident that my choice is the correct one." Feng Yun snorted without caring much for angering the opposite group. He was involved with the Death Singer Mercenaries, who did not lose to the Dark Fang Mercenaries in the slightest and had even a better reputation than the latter. He was sure that he would be properly protected by them. What was there really to fear? Anyways, the duo wouldn't be involved with the mercenary group conflicts after they reached their destination.

"Good good! Haha, then we will not hesitate to destroy you should we meet." Lu Kang's face turned dark and he waved his hand. His fellowship walked behind him as they departed from the plaza. They had already lost enough face for one day. They walked off with a heavy expression on their faces. Duo Ling let out a small smile upon seeing them leave. He turned towards Feng Yun and spoke to him with a happy voice.


"Well, now that you've joined our Death Singer Mercenaries, you will naturally have to meet the rest of the members. In a few days, a mission will be taking place. This one is huge and is gong to be involving most of our extremely powerful members. With your assistance, the mission will have a higher chance of success."

"If I may ask, Senior Duo, what exactly is this mission that all the powerful members of the Death Singer Mercenaries must attend?" Feng Yun curiously asked.

"It's the biggest mission that we have ever received. We have been asked to perform an escort for a particularly powerful set of people. This mission is to be never told to anyone and kept within the group. The escort will lead to Azure Sky City. It is a half year long voyage and is expected to be very dangerous. The reward is 10,000 purple gold coins." Duo Ling's eyes sparkled upon speaking of the astronomical amount. Feng Yun and Xia Qing sucked in a huge breath. This was too huge of a number. The amount of purple gold coins that the duo had brought along had totaled to about 1,000. Compared to the reward given for the mission, this amount was nothing. But the money was of no interest to him. He was more interested in the identity of these mysterious people that were being escorted. Their destination was Azure Sky City, a First Class City. The more higher the rank of a city, the more money you had to pay to get into it. Feng Yun didn't have to pay money for entering Sky Wind City, but for First Class Cities and Imperial Class Cities, you would need to pay a tax to enter. It symbolized that the people entering were extremely wealthy. What kind of nobles were they that they had the money to pay something like this.

"Senior Duo Ling, who exactly are these people that they can afford such a powerful sum?" Feng Yun questioned.

"I...I myself do not know. In reality, only the head of our mercenary group and the four elite commanders under him have knowledge of the people residing under our protection." Duo Ling scratched his head in thought. Feng Yun nodded his head. It was natural that the people wanted to hide their identities from the Death Singer Mercenaries or anyone for that matter. They must be incredibly important people.

"Anyways, in a few days, report to the gate of Sky Wind City and you will see our entourage there. It is incredibly imperative that we keep this from the Dark Fang Mercenaries else they may want to disrupt our activities. We have, after all had an incredibly long enmity with their group." Duo Ling's face turned serious. Feng Yun understood the meaning of those words very well. He glanced at Xia Qing. She nodded her head. This mission was a good one to take. Azure Sky City happened to be very close to the center of the continent, near Holy Continental Academy. And by the difficulty of this mission, the duo would be able to get some very valuable combat experience. After all, who knew what would happen in a mission like this. Feng Yun turned his head to look at Duo Ling once more.


"Then, Senior Duo, we will meet you there at the gate in a few days. In the meantime, we ought to explore the city a bit. Excuse us." For the both of them, this was their first time entering a Second Class City. They were quite curious to see what was there in a place like this. Xia Qing's eyes shined. She was a woman so naturally, she had her tastes. Feng Yun sighed and shook his head. Seems like they would be spending a lot today. Duo Ling smiled at the exchange between the two.

"Then, I will see you there Junior brother Qiu. You too as well, Junior Sister Huo." Duo Ling then promptly left the vicinity of the area and walked off, escorted by a large amount of followers, the amount being comparable to the followers from the Dark Fang Mercenaries. Only, these people had a much more gentle and noble aura coming from them in contrast to the savage and fiendish aura from the Dark Fang Mercenaries. Feng Yun watched them leave until they escaped his vision. The duo consisting of Feng Yun and Xia Qing then promptly left under the watchful gazes of the audience. They had watched the entire exchange between the Feng Yun, Lu Kang and Duo Ling. They had not believe their ears when they heard Feng Yun fiercely reject Lu Kang and speak so disrespectfully to him. They had not heard about the mission due to Duo Ling having spoken quieter fortunately. Gradually, the crowd began to disperse after seeing the duo leave. They had seen a lot and hoped to share the story with others.

Feng Yun and Xia Qing did not directly return to the Emerald Dragon. They wanted to explore their surroundings and started walking around. Xia Qing would drag Feng Yun by the hand to different shops to see and buy new things. Feng Yun spent quite a lot of money on her. Luckily, Feng Yun had collected the bodies of powerful beasts while travelling. He had accumulated a large amount of them and didn't know what to do with them. Thus, after seeing the rate at which Xia Qing was tearing through their savings, Feng Yun unhesitatingly sold all the bodies and amassed quite the money. The shopkeepers were extremely surprised and astounded that a young person like Feng Yun could kill so much beasts and most of them being in the Xiantian Realm. There was some difficulty due to the rarity of these beasts. One must know that Xiantian Realm beasts were not uncommon, but they were still worth quite the money. Feng Yun rapidly gained money from this exchange and the two continued to shop. In reality, Feng Yun didn't have any other use for the dead bodies of beasts except their souls. He had begun to rebuild his soul amount back to what it was originally. It was taking some effort but he was slowly nearing that number.

Feng Yun had just sold some more beasts to another shopkeeper and completed the transaction when Xia Qing once more dragged him over to another shop. He sighed. This woman really is vicious when it comes to shopping. It seems we shall exhaust our money regardless of whether I sell beasts or not. Xia Qing was surveying her surroundings, her sharp and beautiful eyes searching for something she considered valuable. The majority of what they bought was clothing and accessories. Xia Qing surprisingly has such a cute side to her. He had never seen her get so excited. Most times she would be very formal or serious but he was now beginning to see the girlish heart in her. He found it very interesting to see. He suddenly realized that the whole time they had been exploring, Xia Qing had been holding his hand. He slightly smiled and decided not to tell her. It would last that way.

"Haha...come come, Feng Yun. Let's go find more and more things to buy. Hehe, this is quite a lot of fun!" Her purple hair glistened in the sunlight and her azure colored eyes flashed continuously. Suddenly, she slightly paused and her expression turned thoughtful. She squinted her eyes at something and then she dragged Feng Yun in a single direction at a much faster rate. Feng Yun sensed the change and pointed his eyes at the place where Xia Qing was taking him to. He raised his eyebrows because at the stand, a lonely old man stood, scars evident on his face. He had a very ragged appearance, but a fierce look in his eye that told people that he was not to be trifled with. But Feng Yun wasn't paying attention to the man. In front of the man, was a small palm-sized black shard. If a normal cultivator was looking at this rock, they would only see a normal charcoal covered shard with nothing special defining it. However, Feng Yun and Xia Qing were not ordinary people. They both could feel a type of black aura emanating from the shard. Although Xia Qing felt very puzzled by the familiarity she felt towards it, Feng Yun's face was more brightly lit.

This was because, this aura belonged to one of the four mystery elements used in conjunction with the primary seven elements in order to achieve Creation Synthesis.

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