《Overlord Spirit Martial Emperor》Four Powers Tournament Part 4


Alright people, here is the conclusion to the four powers tournament arc. Hope you liked it. There will be plenty of new arcs in the future as I have come up with a bunch of ideas. Anyways, enjoy.

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Feng Yun didn't know what to do. He didn't want to fight Xia Qing but he desperately needed that Xiantian pellet if he was going to grow stronger as fast as he could. He let out a sigh and stepped onto the arena floor with hesitation. He waited for Xia Qing to come up however, she showed no signs of coming. After awhile, Xu Ming became impatient.

"Xia Qing, if you do not enter the arena stage, then this forfeit shall be counted as your loss."

Xia Qing's reply was cool and natural. It was as if she had already been prepared for this outcome.

"No need. I concede this match and the rest of the tournament. I will take the third place prize upon the end of the tournament."

The crowd was astonished. She just gave up on second place? She had the potential to beat Feng Yun and receive second place. They, however didn't know that Feng Yun still held back some of his strength whilst Xia Qing used up almost one hundred percent of hers.

Feng Yun was confused. Why would she do this? Could it be because she was bored and didn't want to take part in the tournament? No, impossible. That wasn't her character.

"Xia Qing, if I may ask, why have you decided to concede this match?" Feng Yun said. Xia Qing turned around and smiled at him wryly. She then spoke.

"Feng Yun, you must be joking if you want me to fight you. Against a monster like you, how can I hope to win? I have acknowledged your strength and chosen to admit defeat. However, you must defeat Xu Fangzi alright?" Xia Qing said and lightly bowed. She then turned around and went to her seat ignoring the gazes of the audience.

Her family members were not unhappy. Rather, they were very pleased with the outcome of the tournament. It was far more than what they had expected. Xia Qing had a newfound pride in herself and carried her head much higher despite forcing herself to forfeit.

Feng Yun nodded his head at her question and then locked gazes with Xu Fangzi. The latter seemed to totally forget him while Febg Yun naturally did the same. Hmph, even if he grasps special methods, he is still only at the ninth layer of the Tempered Body. Xu Ming cleared his throat and spoke once more.

"Ahem... in light of Xia Qing's concession, the final match of the tournament shall happen shortly. This fight shall decided who receives the Xiantian pill which will bring a cultivator of the ninth layer directly to the Xiantian realm. These would normally cost an enormous sum of money even for the Xu Dynasty. Please fight your hardest for it!"

The battle between the two geniuses was going to begin. Currently, Xu Fangzi was at the Tempered Body 9th layer and was stronger than ordinary cultivators of the same level. It would not be easy but it wouldn't be so hard either. Feng Yun was younger than Xu Fangzi by one year and had much more talent than him as well as a godly cultivation technique. He would definitely not lose. Feng Yun and Xu Fangzi stepped onto the stage and stood opposite each other. Tensions could be felt as each side of the stage wanted to suppressed the other.


Xu Fangzi released the aura of the Tempered Body 9th Layer fast and spread it around Feng Yun. Feng Yun retaliated with his own qi which was not one whit lower than Xu Fangzi's. Xu Qinzheng raised his eyebrows. Although this boy had not reached the 9th Layer yet, he was still unaffected by Xu Fangzi's raw power.

"Hmmm. Xu Fangzi, I hope for a good exchange of pointers. Let us go all out." Feng Yun said respectfully while bowing. These were just external formalities but on the inside he was laughing. Xu Fangzi snorted coldly and replied.

"Hmph, I only go all out on those that are strong enough. Make me use my full strength and I'll acknowledge you. There is a very low chance you can do this though."

He was being incredibly arrogant and overbearing. Feng Yun's beautiful smile did not waver but on the inside he was thinking. Hug your pride one last time because you will have not one speck of it after I'm done with you. Feng Yun released his aura this time not holding back. It shot up to the Tempered Body 8th layer Peak phase and stopped. The audience was no longer surprised. They had already seen so many surprises from this boy. Seeing this would not change much. Still, it was nerving that he could raise his strength to such an extent. If given a couple more months, he could very well break into the 9th Layer. It's a shame that he had to fight Xu Fangzi now.

Then, Xu Fangzi leaped off of the ground and swiped at Feng Yun with his finger tips which contained a fierce flame qi that could burn anything in its path. He struck out with his fingers with extreme accuracy and deadlines but Feng Yun merely continued to dodge his head out of the way of the attacks and pushed Xu Fangzi back with a kick to the chest. Surprisingly, it felt like hard rock. His material defense was not something to be taken lightly. Xu Fangzi snickered and disappeared from view. He reappeared behind Feng Yun and swung a devastating flurry of punches at him.

Three Thousand Death Fingers!

Xu Fangzi launched the hands full of dark and earth like qi at Feng Yun. A mid level Sage Class Skill! Even Feng Yun didn't have one although his Twin Dragon's Harmony Torrent could be comparable to one. As the qi approached, Feng Yun whipped around and delivered his Raiding Thunder Palm to counter the strike. It deflected the damage but it wasn't enough to completely stop the force. After all, this was a Sage class mid phase skill. It wasn't something that one could just so casually block.

Feng Yun leaped back and wiped his mouth which started leaking blood. Xu Fangzi had a look of surprise on his face. He never thought that there was someone who had the power to counter a Sage class mid level skill in this whole tournament. He had used his skill to dominate Ling Zi in the previous match as well and the latter hadn't been able to resist much at all.

Nearby, on the stands, Xu Qinzheng was looking at his son with pride. That boy Feng Yun may be strong, but he couldn't defeat his son. His Xu dynasty had invested a fortune on Xu Fangzi's cultivation and had given him high class skills ever since he was born. The wealth of the Xu Dynasty was not something that a somewhat smaller sect like the Cloudscale Sect could go head to head with.

"Looks like the outcome of the match has already been decided."


His thoughts were mostly wrong however as Feng Yun had only been probing Xu Fangzi's strength in the last few exchanges.

As far as he was concerned, using his full power was not a necessity for someone like Xu Fangzi at the moment. Feng Yun kept evading Xu Fangzi's punches and countering them with indifference. To the audience, it looked as if Feng Yun was being pushed back and slowly starting to lose but to the fighters themselves, it was quite the opposite. Xu Fangzi was starting to feel tired whereas Feng Yun was only getting started.

Xu Fangzi made a mistake in one of his punches due to his fatigue and left a weak spot open for Feng Yun on the chest. Feng Yun, upon seeing it dodged under the punch and delivered a two fist blow filled with a compression of lightning and wind qi fused together. Xu Fangzi felt a sharp pain in his chest and an explosion take him off his feet and thrust him backwards into the barrier.

He glared at Feng Yun, who appeared to be smiling in a mocking way.

"Young master Xu left his chest open and I had to take the chance to hit it. Young master Xu must be more careful in the future about leaving his openings unchecked."

Feng Yun sounded very innocent but the people all knew what he was implying. Xu Fangzi gritted his teeth and leaked out a substantial amount of killing intent. Ho, it appears he's getting serious now, Feng Yun thought. Xu Fangzi stood up with difficulty and clutching his chest. He coughed out a mouthful of blood and said to Feng Yun.

"I'll kill you...you bastard. You actually forced me to use my spirit against a trash like you. Go to hell!"

Demon Chief Scythe!

Xu Fangzi summoned a large scythe out of mid air and released a boundless pressure upon Feng Yun. Feng Yun wasn't too affected as he was used to the Overlord Heaven Piercer sword's pressure which was far greater than the likes of this puny scythe. However, it still looked slightly troublesome. It must have very good control over dark qi which made it difficult to deal with. What exactly is that scythe? he wondered. Where did it come from? His inner questions were interrupted as Xu Fangzi lunged at him with his scythe. Each one of the swings that he used were incredibly deadly and Feng Yun knew that he could not take a blow from the scythe without using his spirit else he would undoubtedly suffer heavy injuries.

Xu Fangzi seemed to wield the scythe as if it was a part of him and used it very fluently. Even Feng Yun found it hard to counter his strikes. However, using it must take a toll on him. Xu Fangzi had black lines appearing like veins along the side of his head making its way to his pale cheeks. Every time the lines moved a bit further, his power would increase but so would his craziness. After having exchanging multiple times with Xu Fangzi, Feng Yun assimilated his Dragon spirit and was able to do some damage to Xu Fangzi.

Golden Tyrant Thunder God Dragon Spirit Second Spirit Ability - Lightning Whip of the Thunder God.

Immediately twelve large golden scaled tails materialized out of aura and surrounded Feng Yun's body. They emerged from behind him and each launched against Xu Fangzi severely damaging him and was able to bypass his defenses. Lightning Whip of the Thunder God came from a Thunder Tailed Black Leopard. It's entire tail was made from strands of lightning and it used it as a primary offensive when it fought Feng Yun. It also made it harder for Feng Yun by using it's claws at the same time. Feng Yun had a hard time with it and eventually used the Twin Dragon Harmony Torrent against it to kill it. The Lightning Whip of the Thunder God was a powerful offensive attack that could be used to completely overpower your opponent as well as handle multiple targets at the same time.

Feng Yun's lightning tails were near invincible as every time Xu Fangzi tried to cut one of the tails, another one sprouted from behind Feng Yun and continued the onslaught. Xu Qinzheng was biting his lip from anxiety. This was a truly powerful spirit ability and could be used for a variety of effects. How would his son do against that? He forgot that Xu Fangzi had not used his spirit abilities yet.

Feng Yun raised his hand in an open palm and then clenched it as a signal for the tails. The tails all converged on Xu Fangzi in an all out combined assault. They swirled into a fusion of lightning qi and neared Xu Fangzi rapidly. Xu Fangzi stood still and raised his scythe.

Demon Chief Scythe Second Spirit Ability - Song of Death!

Xu Fangzi swung his scythe in a graceful motion and instantly obliterated the tails altogether. The tails could not regenerate if not one tail remained. Also, Feng Yun would have to expend a lot of qi for that. The scythe did not stop moving after having took out all the tails. It continued to swing itself in a manner of graceful motions at Feng Yun in which he skillfully dodged. Another swing came rushing at him towards his legs and he barely dodged it however, the scythe came flying at him once more the butt of the blade hitting him square in the chest. He staggered a few meters and coughed up some blood. That scythe shouldn't possess that much power. It didn't have that much power at the beginning. His second spirit ability must have amplified it's power and Xu Fangzi's own physical power itself, Feng Yun thought.

Feng Yun stood up with some difficulty and his white jacket was torn from the arm portions and shoulder portions revealing his delicate and gleaming skin. He let out a sigh and gave a smile of confidence. The crowd was dumbfounded. How could he still have that much confidence and a smile after having taken a blow that big? How did he have any hope of beating Xu Fangzi at all? Feng Yun had still not revealed his second spirit however.

"Old friend, the stage is set for you."

Overlord Heaven Piercer Sword!

Feng Yun shouted and a sword appeared out of thin air embedding itself into the ground. Upon touching the ground an enormous pressure was exerted in the surroundings and the crowd as if there was a domineering mountain placed on their heads. The sword was a katana with black and white qi orbiting it. It emitted a sharp and fierce bloodlust that had even the supreme experts present shaken out of fear. Heavens, was this a dual elemental sword spirit? It has so much pressure! It must have killed tons of people. The crowd's thoughts were that of complete wonder and incredulity. Xu Qinzheng stared at the sword with shining eyes. So this was the rumored sword that showed up at the spirit awakening ceremony. He was curious but also deeply afraid as to the extent of his power. He wanted to see it in action but he was afraid that his son would lose because of it.

Feng Yun placed his hand on the sword and lifted it from the ground with ease. Xu Fangzi had a look of wariness and hefted his scythe in a defensive posture. He didn't know the extent of the power of this sword and nor did he wish to. Feng Yun smiled at his posture and relaxed himself.

"Wow, you actually forced me to draw out my sword spirit. I must say, that last attack of yours really surprised me. Unfortunately, your moment of victory has come to an end."

Feng Yun said coolly and he appeared behind Xu Fangzi in an instant using his Wind Transferrer ability and lashed out with his sword at his exposed back. Xu Fangzi, sensing the impending danger immediately swung his scythe around in a 180° angle and met head on with the Heaven Piercer katana. Unfortunately, the power of the katana far exceeded what he had thought of and Xu Fangzi was slammed into the barrier several meters away. The explosive power that the Overlord Heaven Piercer katana used was no joke. Xu Fangzi used Song of Death to try to get the upper hand but Feng Yun merely smiled and activated his own ability.

"Overlord Heaven Piercer katana First Spirit Ability - Overlord's Raging Slash."

Feng Yun pierced the katana straight through the attack and spun in the air swinging it at Xu Fangzi making him suffer serious internal injuries. Xu Fangzi was constantly coughing up blood and rasping but he still wanted to fight. He could not believe that he would lose to a mere Tempered Body 8th layer Peak Stage whelp.

"Ahhh, I'll kill you! I'll fucking kill you."

He shouted madly and furiously swung his scythe in all directions trying to get a hit on Feng Yun. His eyes were bloodshot and black lines nearly covered his eyes. Feng Yun effortlessly dodged the strikes that seemed to lack any real power and looked at Xu Fangzi with pity.

"It seems you have already lost all of your strength. It is pointless to continue this battle. You lose Xu Fangzi."

Overlord Heaven Piercer Sword Second Spirit Ability- Sword Blood Gravity!

The wounds on Feng Yun's body seemed to emit a blood red mist which then began accumulating into an astonishingly powerful gravity. The sword blood gravity completely crushed Xu Fangzi's already severely weakened body into the ground and completely left him unconscious. Silence filed the air. The whole Xu Dynasty had their mouths agape and could not seem to comprehend what had happened.

The rest of the powers including the Cloudscale Sect realized far earlier and began to cheer loudly. With the exception of the Blood Demon Sect of course. This event was an unprecedented event that rarely ever happened. Normally, the Xu dynasty would always get first place but this time, the situation had not gone as expected. The Xu dynasty recovered their composure but still looked upset about it. Their winning streak had suffered an upset, and naturally this was disheartening. Xu Qinzheng let out a sigh and looked at the body of his son being carried out of the arena. He didn't expect this to be the outcome but he admired Feng Yun's strength. He accepted this defeat with honor. Xu Ming then spoke once more.

"Ahem. Well...er...the tournament has ended and the prizes have been allocated to the spots. Disciples that reached the top three, please receive your rewards."

Feng Yun and Xia Qing walked over to the stage to get their rewards. Xu Fangzi was injured to badly and wasn't in the condition to receive anything. Feng Yun went over and Xu Ming reluctantly put a small pill into his hand. The pill looked extraodinary as it had a shade of red to it and gave off a powerful energy. This was the Xiantian pellet. Feng Yun's hand almost shook from excitement. Once he reached the 9th Layer, he could use the pill to directly break through to the Xiantian realm. Then, a whole new realm of strength would be available to him and he could continue on his path of cultivation. He walked down and saw Xia Qing smiling at him.

"Great job beating Xu Fangzi, Feng Yun. Your strength has...well, it has astounded me. There is some time after the tournament is over. May I exchange pointers in cultivation with you later?" Xia Qing looked incredibly cute and said this with an embarrassed expression.

"No need to be so formal. We are friends remember. Of course, my lady. I would love to exchange tips after the tournament is over." Feng Yun said this with a warm smile and a bit of teasing to her. Xia Qing's face brightened up and she said happily,

"Alright. I will meet you later."

She then tuned around, her purple hair fluttering about giving off a good scent which wafted through Feng Yun's nose. Her beautiful facial features contained an allure that could interest even the most steel like of minds. Feng Yun watched her go. He could see his family members rushing up to him, pride and reverence clear on their faces. Feng Yun then looked at his palm once more and grinned. It was time to make a breakthrough.

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