《Overlord Spirit Martial Emperor》Four Powers Tournament Part 3


Hey guys. I was out shopping the whole day so I could not update any chapters. Sorry about that. Here's a longer one as an apology. Once the weekend is over, I'll have to go back to my usual schedule of one chapter every two days. Anyways, here it is.

EDIT: All grammatical errors and weird sentences corrected. Hopefully. There were a lot of problems with this chapter.

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Feng Yun glanced at the remaining twelve participants. They were quite good as far as he was concerned. Three disciples of Cloudscale Sect, two Disciples of the Xu Dynasty, three from the Blood Demon Sect, two from the Tyrant Thunder God Dragon clan, Xia Family's Xia Qing, and Lei Family's Lei Zhuo. Feng Yun wasn't very interested in much of these people except for Xia Qing, Ling Zi, Mo Han and Xu Fangzi. He merely watched as Xu Ming paired the remaining twelve people together.

After the twelve matches were over, they wouldn't give any break and would immediately start the next six matches. Feng Yun was paired with one of the members of the Blood Demon Sect. Surprisingly, he was Mo Han's elder brother, Mo Kai. His cultivation was of the Tempered Body Eighth Layer Mid Phase. He wielded a Evil Demonic Bear spirit which was very good in terms of offensive power and very tyrannical. Unfortunately for him however, he was facing Feng Yun, who didn't care what spirit he had. Mo Kai was the elder version of his younger brother Mo Han, full of arrogance and pride. Feng Yun walked up to the stage calmly and didn't pay attention to Mo Kai's haughty demeanor.

His snow white jacket glistened in the sun and his handsome features were illuminated for the whole audience to see. However, despite the strength that he had displayed, everyone thought that he would surely lose today. After all, in his fight against Xu Long, he used the strength of a Tempered Body Seventh Layer Peak stage. This was simply not enough to be the opponent of Mo Kai. In response to this outlook, Feng Yun wore a look of confidence and had the aura of a war god that could decimate anything in his path. Mo Kai on the other hand seemed relax and lazy and snorted coldly before harshly telling Feng Yun.

"You...Feng Yun. You dared to humiliate my little brother and attempt to get away with it. I'm afraid that can't happen now can it? Relax,I won't hurt you too much, I'll just ruin your cultivation!"

Mo Kai leaped off of the ground and a rush of blood red mist spurted out almost engulfing Feng Yun in the aura. Mo Kai jumped at him and attempted to land a palm strike against his body. He aimed towards the area where the dantian was located trying to sever the connection. Ling Qian jumped out of her seat eyes flaring and ready to murder Mo Kai but a fierce glare from Feng Lei made her sit down once more.

Fend Yun merely let out a sneer and waved his hand. A gust of wind shot out and assaulted Mo Kai harshly making Mo Kai suffer a few cuts. He looked slightly shocked because he didn't think that Feng Yun had the power to hurt him. He regained his composure but was a little too late.

Raiding Thunder Palm!

Feng Yun appeared behind Mo Kai and prepared to execute his attack. Deftly, he launched the fist against Mo Kai's back making him vomit a mouthful of blood and indignation flare within his eyes. Mo Kai whirled around and delivered a heavy palm strike filled with blood red qi that not many people would be willing to take head on. Feng Yun closed both of his eyes and waited for the fist to land there. The crowd was shocked. What was he planning to do? Was he just going to give up and let it come to him? Who would be crazy enough to just accept a fist of that strength?


"Haha, Feng Yun. It seems that you have resigned yourself to failure. Die then!" Mo Kai laughed coldly but surprisingly Feng Yun didn't budge at all. He opened his eyes and a smile crept onto his face.

"Something so weak like that, threaten me? You must be joking!"

Feng Yun reached out with his alms in an instant and caught the fist within the palm. The blood red qi had dispersed and only a normal fist was left there. The crowd's mouths dropped to the ground. He caught the fist of a Tempered body 8th Layer Mid phase so easily. Feng Yun put pressure on Mo Kai's hand and cracking noises began sounding. After a few seconds, the cracking sounds grew more intense and Feng Yun completely broke the hand. Mo Kai howled in pain and the Blood Demon Sect members cringed from the sight. A tyrannical energy began to emanate from Mo Kai's body and caused Feng Yun to let go. The former grasped his hand in pain as he glared venomously at Feng Yun's body.

"BASTARD!!! I'll kill you for this!"

Evil Demonic Bear Spirit!

The illusion of a blood red bear appeared behind Mo Kai with a threatening glare at Feng Yun who decided to just disregard it completely. Feng Yun stretched out his arms and sighed. This caused Mo Kai to be further enraged and he shouted at Feng Yun.

"Hmph, the acting that you're doing is quite good but let's see if you can still act so arrogant after I knock you to the ground!"

First spirit ability - Seven Blood Illusionary Claws!

Mo Kai lashed out with a burst of blood red qi. Seven claws made out of the qi approached him at terrifying speeds. They surrounded every direction and were closing in on Feng Yun's body.

"Oh? This is a good control based attack. But it lacks too much in power. If it was anyone else, they might survive but with heavy injuries. However, your opponent is me. I'm afraid that having me as your opponent was your worst luck."

Golden Tyrant Thunder God Dragon spirit first ability - Wind Transferrer!

Feng Yun unleashed his spirit and an incredibly oppressive qi fell onto Mo Kai. The aura and illusion of a golden scaled dragon that was over fifty meters tall filled the atmosphere and looked down upon the crowd with a proud gaze. Heavens! Was this the strength of the ancestor of the Tyrant Thunder God Dragon clan? The dragon clan members in the audience looked at the dragon with awe inspired gazes and some bowed their heads to the figure. Surprisingly, most of the elders kowtowed to the illusion making many people stare at them. They did not care however.

Many felt admiration to Feng Yun for having gained such a spirit. Xu Fangzi narrowed his eyes at this illusion. He might be a little trouble, he thought. Mo Han's face was even more ugly. He had attended the ceremony with Feng Yun and had seen his spirits but he had not thought that Feng Yun would be able to make them so powerful this fast. He didn't know that Feng Yun had not even used 25% of his power. This was due mostly to the Spiritual Energy Pool that he had bathed in. Spiritual energy had properties that, when absorbed by spirits, could make them rise in power. He had bathed in it for months so naturally, his spirits were very powerful.

Feng Yun's eyes flashed and Mo Kai couldn't tell where he was. The Wind Transferrer ability was an extremely useful agility technique and could appear directly behind his opponent delivering a crushing blow. Mo Kai frantically searched around for Feng Yun's figure to no avail. Upon realizing where he was, he attempted to block the attack but was too late. Feng Yun was suspended in the air and lifted up his foot. He then said with an indifferent voice.


Raiding Thunder Palm condensed version - Raiding Thunder Kick!

Feng Yun's foot flashed with an extremely powerful and tyrannical lightning qi and slammed itself against Mo Kai's head sending him flying into the barrier that separated the matches from each other. His eyes rolled back into his head and he collapsed, obviously unconscious and suffering heavy injuries. The crowd stared blankly. Their eyes then grew wide. The aura that he had released was that of a Tempered Body 8th layer cultivator. He had been hiding his strength throughout the matches! Feng Yun was still hiding his strength however.

Feng Yun smiled and his white jacket fluttered as he swiftly left the stage. Officials from the Xu Dynasty picked up the body of Mo Kai and dragged him off the stage. Feng Yun glanced at the other matches and saw that Xia Qing, Ling Zi, Mo Han, Xu Fangzi, and Xu Sheng(The other remaining member of the Xu Dynasty' s royal family) had survived the trial. Ling Zi and Xia Qing smiled at him warmly while Mo Han and Xu Fangzi held evil gazes. Xu Ming cleared his throat and spoke.

"The last six disciples are now chosen. We shall begin the next set of matches. They shall go as follows. Xia Qing vs. Xu Sheng, Mo Han vs. Feng Yun, and Ling Zi vs. Xu Fangzi. Please proceed to your arenas." Xu Ming's voice sounded out and decided the new match ups.

Feng Yun sighed as he looked at Ling Zi. He had the worst luck. Ling Zi was at the Tempered Body 8th layer mid phase and could not fight against Xu Fangzi. Ling Zi nodded back but the fierceness in his eyes did not diminish. Evidently, he wouldn't go down without a fight. Xia Qing would most likely win her fight as her opponent was only a Tempered Body 8th layer initial phase cultivator. As for Feng Yun's fight, he would utterly destroy Mo Han. He would make sure of that. Mo Han stared at him with a mocking gaze and stepped onto the arena.

"Hmph, you think that just because you're at the Tempered Body 8th layer, that I'm not either? BOOM!" Mo Han's qi thickened and began to grow rapidly shooting past the seventh layer to the eighth layer initial phase and finally stopped at the mid phase. The crowd and the Xu Dynasty were astonished. He too had been hiding his strength. Feng Yun narrowed his eyes. Evidently, Mo Han had hid his power as well. Looks like the information was wrong.

"Haha, young master Mo. You truly have advanced to the Tempered Body 8th layer mid phase. How powerful. I'm afraid that... it won't be enough to stop me." Feng Yun's eyes flashed and his multicolored eyes grew ever brighter. Mo Han snickered at this.

"Hmph, all big talk from a whelp with no strength. Haaaa!!!"

Mo Han leaped at Feng Yun and blood red qi similar to Mo Kai's appeared except much stronger. Feng Yun frowned. He dared to threaten him with this amount of strength? Feng Yun summoned qi in his right hand and clashed with the blood red qi. At first, it looked as if Mo Han was winning, but Feng Yun began to win over the battle of qi slowly and slowly until Mo Han was pushed back.

Mo Han glared at him and five illusionary fists popped up in front of Feng Yun. Feng Yun, with a wave of his hand dispersed the illusions but not before noticing the fist that shot out from the illusions towards his chest. Feng Yun let it connect and prepared a barrier centered around his chest. Mo Han's fist connected but did not appear to do any damage. It was like hitting a rock wall. Mo Han was shocked and tried to retract his fist but it was held form tight by Feng Yun's hand. He frantically attempted to break free and eventually did...hard. Feng Yun side kicked him and he flew back a few meters before stopping himself with his feet. Mo Han's eyes flared and he yelled at Feng Yun.

"You little...! Taste my power."

Blood Demon Sect Arts - Tyrannical Illusionary Sword!

Mo Han materialized a blood red sword whose aura seemed to dominate the air with its qi. Mo Rei, Mo Han's father, nodded in approval. The sword was one of their finest sect arts. It could not be defeated so easily. How will you defend yourself from this, Feng Yun?

The sword had flew directly at Feng Yun defying all speed and seemed to cut through air. Feng Yun looked at it grimly as it approached. He stepped up to it and, with his fist cut it in half. It was like butter, he thought. However, the sword's two halves converged on Feng Yun and drew close. Feng Yun was alarmed. These swords could reconnect. No, that wasn't the main point. The swords carried an explosive power. Shit, he thought. As the swords nearly met him, a deafening explosion sounded outwards.

"Haha, you like that Feng Yun? This is the price you pay for having offended me!" Mo Han laughed and turned around to leave the stage. A strange voice came from behind and stopped him however.

"Ho? My corpse young master Mo? That is very funny considering you're the one about to be lying on the floor."

Feng Yun emerged from the explosion almost unscathed. He had a few tears in his white jacket but he had no internal injuries. He didn't look tired at all in the slightest. Mo Han stared at him in terror. The audience had their mouths agape. The look on Mo Rei's face was especially good. Mo Han spoke while stuttering.

"H...How? You should have been heavily i...i...injured from that attack. You're barely even touched!"

"Hmph, that attack? It was completely flawed. Too slow and far too less power. My personal defense after assimilating the dragon spirit within me is enough to stop that attack of yours."

Feng Yun snorted in disdain. The attack was actually terrifyingly fast and powerful but Feng Yun was too strong and it seemed like child's play to him. Mo Han sensed the danger behind Feng Yun's expression and resolved himself. His gaze suddenly became much more evil than before.

Devil's Judgement Spear!

Mo Han brought out a large pitch black spear that released a powerful aura. It seemed to carry the wrath of the devil itself. Feng Yun was curious as to the spear ' s power. Mo Han spoke arrogantly.

"Now that you've forced me to use this, good luck in hell!"

First Spirit Ability - Devil Overlord Spear Throw!

Mo Han threw the spear at Feng Yun who immediately attempted to block it. It was not so simple however. The spear completely shattered his qi defense layer and moved towards him. Not good, Feng Yun thought. He tried to dodge out of the way but found himself get a wound on his shoulder as the spear nearly punctured it. The spear then flew back into Mo Han's hands as it finished its attack.

Blood was flowing freely from Feng Yun's shoulder but he didn't mind it. He stared seeming expressionless at Mo Han's spear. It was quite powerful, that throw of his. However, it had to have used a large amount of qi. Mo Han slightly panted and his expression had a little delight as he saw the wound he had inflicted. Feng Yun circulated his qi into his wound and with a jolt. The blood stopped flowing outwards upon being exposed to his qi. He then stood straight and let out a breath of fresh air.

"I'll get a little serious now."

Qi began to flow outwards towards Mo Han and almost suffocated him from the large amount. Feng Yun adopted the aura of a demon looked as if he would kill everything that stood in his way. His Dragon spirit began to release a lot more energy and Feng Yun's gaze grew sharper. Before, he had been holding back but now, he released some of his stored energy. Mo Han was growing ever wary by the minute so he decided to end this battle once and for all.

Devil's Judgement Spear Second Spirit Ability - Cross Blood Seeker!

Mo Han threw the spear with even more intensity than his first spirit ability. The characteristics of this spear throw were that it could home in on targets and never stop seeking them as long as there was a wound that the spear inflicted prior to the attack. Thus was evidently shown when Feng Yun dodged to the left and the spear followed him. Mo Han laughed on the inside. You have surprised me many times. I'd like to see how you escape the seeking of my spear.

Feng Yun however, had no intention of stopping it from seeking him. Feng Yun narrowed his eyes upon realizing that the spear. Then, he let out a smile and released an oppressive aura on the spear. The spears movements slowed a little but showed no intention of stopping. Feng Yun turned around and waited for the spear to come to him. The audience was confused. What was he trying to do?

"Golden Tyrant Thunder God Dragon Spirit First Spirit Ability - Golden Lotus Claw!"

He held out his palms and placed spiritual energy within it transforming it into a five petaled lotus which had the shape of a large dragon claw and clashed against the spear. The spear tried to break through and failed. Feng Yun's dragon claw suppressed the spear to the extent that it stopped moving and dropped to the floor from the air. Mo Han's mouth dropped open and terror flashed in his eyes. The reaction was mostly the same for the audience as well. He stopped the spear and caused it to completely surrender. How powerful! What did the Rabid Wasteland and Black Horn Mountain do to Feng Yun for him to grow to this extent? This was the thought that echoed through the minds of Feng Yun's family.

Mo Han at this moment was almost out of qi and he was in a very bad spot. Do I have to use that spirit? Mo Han was furiously thinking and the only solution to defeating Feng Yun was using the other spirit. Mo Han cringed at the thought of using it. He resolved himself as Feng Yun was looking his way. Although the side effects were horrifying, it would be very worth it if he managed to defeat Feng Yun. He had completely disregarded the fact that Feng Yun had three spirits and all of them were powerful.

"You forced me to do this! Do not blame me for what happens next?"

Beserker Devil Divine ability!

Instantly his body was enveloped in a dark qi and his eyes had turned completely red. His face had darkened somewhat and black veins could be seen along his forehead. He let out a roar and seemed to look as well as feel like a demon. Feng Yun looked at the newly transformed Mo Han with wonder and curiosity but not the least bit of fear. He had seen scenes far scarier than this before. He was already aware that Mo Han still had his second spirit, his divine ability. Feng Yun had researched a little into it and found out that it was wielded by a demon that existed ten-thousand years ago. He used it to utterly decimate his enemies with his rage and struck fear into everyone that he used it on.

Feng Yun wasn't too clear on the powers that this divine ability granted. Divine ability spirits, unlike normal spirits, did not have spirit abilities. They were characteristics adapted into the users body. It was a part of the user so to speak. Feng Yun did not have a divine ability. Well, he wasn't sure yet. After all, he still had three spirits that he didn't know about. The Beserker Devil divine ability granted boundless stamina and offensive power as well as a devil like qi that threatened and degraded the opponent's strength a little. Mo Han clearly did not have the most control over the ability and because of that, there would be painful side effects. Feng Yun shook his head and merely smiled as Mo Han yelled in fury.

"HAAAAA! I'll kill you. I'll tear apart your organs and drink your blood!"

Mo Han said. But the voice was replaced by that of a demonic voice. It was as if he was possessed. He rushed at Feng Yun with power surging out of his palms.

"That's a nice divine ability you got there. Too bad you suck at controlling it. I'm afraid that this will be too easy. Prepare to lose Mo Han."

Feng Yun said fearlessly. Mo Han merely launched a fist at him which Feng Yun skillfully dodged. It seems Mo Han had lost his wits as well. Mo Han launched a kick up at Feng Yun in which he used his Dragon qi to counter. He launched a few kicks of his own which did indeed connect but Mo Han had unlimited stamina and could not be affected by it. Feng Yun still smiled.

"Haha. I get it now. Your ability causes you to lose your reasoning in exchange for strength but once woken up to reason, you'll lose all your powers. Then the side effects will come. In that case---" Feng Yun ran up to Mo Han and dodged one of his fists as he came close to Mo Han's ear. "A little wake up call should do you some good."

Raiding Thunder Palm condensed version - Raiding Thunder Clap!

A boom sounded from his hands and invaded Mo Han's ears. The lightning qi jolted him from his ability and the side effects. Mo Han began to convulsed and clutch his chest rapidly. He was clawing at it and screams erupted from him. Poor guy, Feng Yun thought. I might as well pit him out of his misery. Feng Yun slammed his foot against Mo Han's head and he immediately fell unconscious while tumbling through the arena at the same time. He then came to a stop. The crowd watching Feng Yun's battle was silent. They then erupted into cheers. However, one person was not so happy.


Mo Rei stood up and yelled at the top of his lungs. He flew towards Feng Yun and stretched out his hand in an attempt to grab him. It seems Mo Rei had gone insane from seeing his son lose. Feng Yun stared at him with indifference. A figure flew past Feng Yun and stopped Mo Rei's advance with his own qi. He had a small smile on his face but a fierceness that threatened to kill anyone that touched Feng Yun. This was Feng Luo.

"Touch him and you anger the whole Cloudscale sect. Mo Rei, you have already broken the rules of the competition. Go back to your seat." Feng Luo said firmly.

"That boy heavily injured my son! He did something to him. He clearly cheated. My son could be near death. How are you going to take responsibility for that huh? Get out of my way Feng Luo." Mo Rei retorted.

"Hmph, old man you need a new pair of eyes. Mo Han was a weakling. He didn't know how to control his divine ability and thus harmed himself. Even if he was near death, who would care? Trash like him don't deserve to live! Mo Rei, haven't you already shamed yourself enough. You've completely lost all face available to you so you try to kill me? Despicable."

Feng Yun came and interjected into the argument. His words were incredibly sharp and precise. None could retort his words but few would dare to do what he did today.

"Shut up little boy. I will rip your skin and---" Mo Rei was about to say something but was interrupted by Xu Qinzheng.

"SHUT UP MO REI! If you continue to blabber this nonsense again, I will personally remove you and the Blood Demon Sect from the competition completely. Sit down, all of you."

Although Mo Rei was reluctant, he went and sat down at his chair with a foul expression on his face. After all, who could resist the orders of an Asura Realm expert. I have to get rid of that boy soon, he thought evilly.

Xu Ming announced that Feng Yun was the winner of the match and the crowd cheered. Feng Yun looked to see if Xia Qing and Ling Zi were done with their fights. Xia Qing was sitting in her seat smiling sweetly at Feng Yun. Feng Yun smiled back and looked towards the arena where Ling Zi was fighting Xu Fangzi. He was shocked. Ling Zi was kneeling on one knee clutching his arm. Blood was covering his robes and streamed down his face. His feminine face was focused and concentrated but he was incredibly exhausted. Opposite him was Xu Fangzi. He stood there with his brown hair streaking past his face. He looked at Ling Zi with indifference.

Compared to Ling Zi, he was barely injured. Aside from his shirt being slightly torn, he looked absolutely fine. Ling Zi had brought out his spirit a long time ago but was still helpless in the face of Xu Fangzi's spirit. Ling Zi possessed the Heavenly Wrathwyrm which possessed astonishing defense and offensive power. On op of that, it held incredible agility. In terms of strength, it was only second to Feng Yun's dragon spirit. The heavenly aura that surrounded Ling Zi had diminished bit by bit. Ling Zi stood up and glared defiantly at Xu Fangzi. He let out a deep breath and said to Xu Fangzi.

"I may have lost today, but I do not feel regret. Take my strongest attack!"

Second spirit ability - Wrath Tyrant Roar!

Ling Zi opened his mouth while the illusion of a large yellow dragon appeared behind him. A deafening roar sounded and Xu Fangzi still looked calm. The roar was a soul attack and targeted Xu Fangzi's soul however Xu Fangzi had countermeasures.

"Hmph, it's too bad for you that I have a defense for this type of thing."

Demon Chief Scythe First Spirit Ability - Demon Protection Seal!

Xu Fangzi brought out his scythe which was extremely dark and contained a red flame like qi to it. An illusionary shield appeared around him and the roar dissipated as it hit the shield. Ling Zi coughed up some blood and smiled a little. He glanced behind him and saw Feng Yun looking at him, slightly worried. Ling Zi gave him a nod and fell unconscious on the floor. Feng Yun stared at him for a minute and resolved himself to defeat Xu Fangzi. Moments later, Xu Ming announced that Xu Fangzi was the winner and that the next set of matches was about to begin.

"The last couple matches will commense soon. I would like to congratulate the three who made it this far. Xia Qing, Feng Yun and Xu Fangzi. No matter what place you get, you will all receive something. Good luck on the last two matches." Xu Ming bowed and proceeded to begin the last match up.

"The semifinal match shall be: Feng Yun vs. Xia Qing. Please step up to the arena." Feng Yun was shocked upon hearing those words. Would he have to fight her? He looked at Xia Qing who looked surprised as well. She appeared confused and hesitant. What would they do?

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