《Overlord Spirit Martial Emperor》Black Horn Mountain


EDIT: All grammatical errors and weird stuff edited and changed. Hopefully.


The rustling of trees could be heard as a large red eyed bear like beast could be seen chewing on some berries. The bear's temper was very ferocious and would kill on instinct upon seeing a target. It was a beast that was very famous in the wilderness of the Rabid Wasteland. The beast was famously known as the Red-eyed Chiefbear. It was crowned as the king of the part of the forest that it resided in. It's strength, Feng Yun gathered, was of the Tempered Body 8th layer peak stage. It could be considered quite powerful in this part of the wilderness, but it had its disadvantages. And these disadvantages were about to be exploited.

The bear, which was voraciously eating it's food, looked up upon hearing the sound of footsteps. It looked behind him and saw a very young boy, about 8 years old, with handsome features and a very mature demeanor. His long, silky black hair was wrapped together in a pony tail and his expression was that of serenity. They had a cold light to them and reflected his mercilessness. He wore a white beast fur coat made from a wolf's fur and sandals.

The bear increased its guard and howled in retaliation at the approaching boy. It knew that the more beautiful something was, the more likely it was to be dangerous. The bear saw him as a threat to its life and reign over this part of the forest. However, though he was careful, the bear didn't think that such a young boy would be too powerful. After all, he was very young. At most, he would be at the Tempered Body 6th layer but the bear was still wary. It was possible that the boy could have grasped some special methods! After all, what boy would walk around in a dangerous forest like this with so much confidence...at this sort of age?

The bear stood on its hind legs and brought them down again charging towards the boy. It attempted to scare him off or kill him quickly in order to prevent the boy from acting against him. The boy raised his eyebrows in surprise. This bear was surprisingly fast for its physique. The boy's expression quickly reverted to its calm self and looked at the bear with disdain. The bear, seeing this, became angry and a dark like qi was added to the front of his charge, attempting to hit the boy with such a strong impact that he would crushed into a pulp.

Just as the bear reached only a couple meters away from the boy, a sword appeared out of thin air, light and dark colored qi working in perfect symbiosis to bring out an extremely overbearing effect on the bear. The bloodlust that it was reeking was extremely dense and terrified the bear to the extent that it's charge was stopped and petrified. It wanted to run and let out a howl as it turned around to try to run. This boy was not as he seemed. All pride was forgotten in that instant. One of the kings of the Rabid Wasteland was running away just like that!

"Ho, you want to run away from I, Feng Yun? You dared to confront me so naturally, you must be prepared to face the consequences right?" Feng Yun chuckled, watching the bear run away from him with an amused expression.

The bear was shaking uncontrollably as he ran but he was much too slow to avoid the black and white sword flash that zipped past striking straight through the neck and severing it from the bear's body. Black colored blood splattered everywhere from the fatal wound and the corpse turned warmer from the expulsion of blood.


Feng Yun just stood there, with his sword having been aimed towards the bear's currently non existent neck. It was too fast too see but if an expert had been there to see, he would have noticed that Feng Yun's sword had taken a lunge towards the bear's head so quickly and so efficiently that it would appear as if he hadn't moved at all. The light and dark qi had created an energy sword beam that had punctured the head as fast as it came. This was the Overlord Heaven Piercer sword's spirit ability. However, that was just the primitive version of the ability. It's true power had not been exhibited yet. Coupled with Feng Yun's speed as an assassin, the sword could deal massive amounts of destruction. A black orb of essence hung over the bear's mutilated corpse.

He walked over and slowly nodded his head. The bear possessed a very tough durability and raw power that could hardly be found in any if the other beasts in this forest. The reason that Feng Yun was able to overpower the bear so easily was because...

1) He had much more combat experience.

2) He grasped very special methods.

3) His age made enemies underestimate him.

There was the fact that over the past year, he had greatly increased his strength, to the point of reaching the peak stage of Tempered Body 7th layer. He could challenge and kill opponents of the Tempered Body 8th Layer very easily now. The him that fought the White Kingwolf a year ago was nowhere near the him that was now. He gained a cold merciless light in his eyes and an oppressive amount of bloodlust. He had gained three spirit abilities, two for his Dragon spirit, and one for his katana spirit. Feng Yun had conquered many parts of the forest by killing their Kings and had gradually become bored as time passed and his strength grew. Not only that, the Ten Thousand Mile Traveler jade pendant that Feng Yun always wore had begun glowing which signified that it was available for use.

He walked calmly towards the black orb hovering above the Red-eyed Chiefbear and tugged at the spirit energy drawing the orb towards his chest. His dantian began fusing it with his qi and Feng Yun felt a refreshing sensation fill his vein with qi and power circulated through his dantian. After some time, his eyes that were closed from gaining the spirit ability had now opened and a smile crept onto his face. He had gained his second spirit ability for his Overlord Heaven Piercer katana. Feng Yun rejoiced in his heart as he had gained an extra addition to his power.

Feng Yun stood up and took out his sword. The sword now shone with a deep blood red light coupled with the light and dark elements. The amount of bloodlust that it gave off was much more compared to all the previous times that he used it. Feng Yun swung the sword in a 180° angle and a small spatial tear could be seen forming in the air. A gust of wind shot out from the sword as the aura from the light and dark elements coexisting together cut through the surrounding trees and further very cleanly. The earth trembled under the pressure that it gave off and the gravity had doubled making the already dead trees flatten into the ground. Feng Yun was filled with delight at this revelation.

"Haha. This ability truly isn't to be underestimated. Red eyed Chiefbear, I must thank you for this exquisite ability. I shall name this ability, Sword Blood Gravity." Feng Yun laughed and sheathed his sword.


"I have been here for a whole year in the Rabid Wasteland. My strength has continuously grown and I am extremely close to the Tempered Body 8th layer. I still need two more spirit abilities for my Void Universal Manual. However, the Manual is much more demanding. It rejects every single beast essence in this Wasteland. It seems much more attracted towards the pressure from the Black Horn Mountain. I have already conquered the forest. Time to move on to the mountain."

Feng Yun contemplated it for a bit but curiosity got the better of him and he had to explore the mountain. He needed to know exactly what it was that drew the Void Universal Manual towards the mountain.

When Feng Yun was just at the Tempered Body 7th layer about half a year ago, he had been fighting one of the local kings of the Rabid Wasteland and was having quite the difficulty. It was a Five Tailed Blood Ripper Fox. The beast possessed tons of strength and agility. It was at that time that the Manual flew out of nowhere glowing with an extremely luminescent light and the energy in the monster that made it have so much vigor had completely vanished and it dropped to the floor loosely. Feng Yun discovered at that time that the soul had disappeared and all of its physical capacity had been drained.

When he looked inside the Manual, he saw that the soul of the Five tailed Blood Ripper Fox had been completely trapped and turned into a mark the size of half a page. It was a mark of five red tails. It glowed after it had been trapped. When Feng Yun pressed his finger against it, he heard loud roars in his head and had immediately taken it off in pain. The roars were that of defiance and unwillingness.

Feng Yun had speculation that it was a prison for holding demonic beasts and he had perfect reason to believe so. He could not control it so easily as he did the dragon and sword spirits. Even so, he felt that the Void Universal Manual was the most dangerous out of all of his spirits currently. It's power was not limited to just trapping the souls of demonic beasts. Feng Yun was very curious as to its true nature. After a while, he immediately headed towards the mountain. The looming pressure that the mountain gave off grew stronger as he went closer.

At his fast pace and with the assistance of the Cloudscale Sect Evasion arts, he made his way to the base of the mountain in a very short amount of time. Feng Yun looked at the tall mountain in excitement. There was a passage way for entering it. He went through the passage and began his exploration of the mountain. The mountain had an extremely powerful gravity. It pushed down on Feng Yun as he stepped onto the passageway. Gritting his teeth, he continued to ascend. He was making slow progress due to the overbearing gravity but Feng Yun kept his qi circulating while he ascended up the mountain, so the pressure would lessen somewhat.

Eventually, Feng Yun came to a point where the passageway did not work and had to fly up the walls and jump onto the rocks in order to ascend. Very gracefully, his back unfurled a large set of azure gold wings that were as sharp as diamond and as tough as a Dragon's skin. He flapped his wings and kicked off of the ground. The mountain was completely black and he could feel the dangerous presence of multiple beasts. They were all as powerful as the kings of the Rabid Wasteland if not more powerful.

Feng Yun flapped his wings once more before having them come back into his body and landing on a platform. His wings could only be kept for a short time as they consumed a lot of qi and exhausted him. His qi circulated faster than ever and under the assistance of the Universal Bindings technique, he regained most of his qi. However, he still could not use his wings. They had a cool down time until he could use them again. Feng Yun had tested it out and counted the time needed until it was available for use once before. He had counted about three to four hours. At that point, the wings went back into his body and even upon his commands, it would not respond. It wasn't too much but it was still a problem. If they exhausted during a fight where every trump card might make a difference, then Feng Yun would be in grave danger.

Feng Yun stood there for a minute and decided that he should explore the platform to look for demonic beasts whose abilities matched that of his Void Universal Manual. He still did not know the element of the Manual but the it would usually point in the direction of the beast it was attracted to. In this case, the platform he stood on was a perfect example. There was a force attracting the Manual towards it and Feng Yun could clearly sense the presence of the force.

Curiosity filled his mind and he followed the direction that it pointed to. The platform was actually very big. There were many large rocks that he had to scale in order to follow the Manual's directions. The glow that the Manual emitted grew ever brighter as they grew ever closer. Feng Yun stopped when two large boulders blocked his way. They appeared to be guarding something. Peering in between the gap of the two boulders, he noticed a black hole behind it. He immediately grew excited. This was the entrance to a secret cave!

Feng Yun had to access that cave in order for him to continue to advance towards the directions that the Manual showed. He slowly took a step back and focused on the boulders that blocked his path. He held out his fist and coated it with extremely dense but stable lightning qi and prepared to launch the fist towards the two boulders. He took a deep breath and launched the punch.

"Raiding Thunder Palm!"

The boulders then split into five pieces each cleanly and opened up for a full view of the cave entrance. So what if they were huge, two ton boulders. In the face of the skills that one of the strongest dragons in the world had created, it means shit. Feng Yun's eyes glittered as his suspicions were confirmed. This was indeed a cave. Furthermore, the cave gave off an extremely large amount of spirit energy and something else, something powerful.

"I must find out what this mystery is."

He descended into the cave to find the source of the energy. As he went deeper, the energy became much more dense and Feng Yun felt like he was breathing the energy. Excitement and anticipation filled him at the thought of the things he may gain. Feng Yun continued walking until he ended up in a large circular room that was clearly signified the end of the cave. He looked around, searching for the source of the energy and was shocked upon finally witnessing it.

He was looking at a rainbow colored pool. The pool had an extraordinary air to it and could probably fit 9-10 people at a given time. It released large amounts of spiritual energy into the air and caused a very refreshing smell to invade his senses.

"A Spirit Energy Pool!"

Feng Yun exclaimed out of shock. Spirit energy pools were dense sources of spirit energy that cultivators could use to make breakthroughs and gain a greater supply of spirit energy reserves. Feng Yun had been stuck at the peak of the seventh layer for a couple months now. The spirit energy pool would not only help him break into the eighth layer, it could possibly go further if his luck was good. He stepped towards the pool in an attempt to get a feel for the waters when he suddenly felt a rush of killing intent come flying at him. Although he had been curious about the source of the energy, he had not once let his guard down. Feng Yun was neither arrogant nor extremely prideful. He would proceed towards uncertain situations with the utmost caution.

Feeling the rush of killing intent coming in a wave towards him, he summoned his katana and parried the axe that was about to behead him. The wielder of the axe was pushed back a few steps and stared at him in surprise. The attacker was a Twelve Eyed ogre. As the name states, it had twelve eyes which mad either look grotesque and disgusting. The ogre was about two meters tall and was much taller than Feng Yun, giving it an all powerful aura.

Seeing it's axe blow parried by him, the ogre had become afraid thinking that it had offended a powerful expert but upon realizing that it was but a child, it gave a cold snort. A child parrying his axe swing? The kid must have just had a little luck. It bellowed at Feng Yun and motioned to the entrance of the cave to tell him to get out. Arrogance was clear as day in the ogre's eyes and it didn't even see Feng Yun as a threat, giving him a chance to leave. Feng Yun noticed this and could not hold it. At first, he had tried to stifle his laughter. But he was unable to and clutched his stomach while letting out tears of laughter which astounded the ogre. It angrily made a few grunting noises towards him.

"Hahaha...sorry. Very truly...*chuckle*...sorry. It's just...*chuckle*...you, defeat me?" Feng Yun replied to the ogre. Then, his expression made a one hundred eighty degree turn as it suddenly turned to that of disdain."You're much too weak to be considered my opponent."

The ogre's eyes flared at this and it pulled out its axe once more. Feng Yun analyzed it and could tell this was no normal axe. The axe was pitch black with large mounts of dark qi emitting from it. It gave off an extremely powerful pressure and had appeared to have slain many enemies before. Feng Yun narrowed his eyes, a contemptuous smile on his face. The clip that made his hair into a ponytail had been cut off by the ogre's attack and fully exposed his long hair.

The ogre took its axe and held it out horizontally in front of it. Then, it placed the hand that wasn't using the axe on the upper portion of the axe. It infused the axe with even more dark qi. The ogre then charged forwards towards Feng Yun with a great speed that betrayed it's massive size.

'From the looks of the qi, this guy should be at the Tempered Body 9th layer.'

The ogre was surprisingly intelligent. The ogre had maintained an offensive charge while protecting it's vital spots with the axe in a defensive position. Usually, only demonic beasts at the Xiantian realm and above had this much intelligence. This was most likely due to the spirit energy pool. The ogre must have soaked in it everyday and somehow caused it to gain a higher intelligence. Feng Yun disregarded the attack and instead felt extremely curious towards the pool's effects. He faced the charge with a smile even in the face of the terrifying black qi.

"A charge like that will do you no good I'm afraid. I already have countermeasures."

As the ogre came close to Feng Yun, the latter lashed out with his katana and clashed with the charge. Feng Yun couldn't stop the charge completely and he was pushed back as the charge had no intention of stopping. However he still had a smile on his face even when he spit out some blood. The ogre looked at him with disdain thinking that the boy was merely putting on an act to inspire fear into it. This was completely not the case however. Feng Yun's sword began flashing blood red as he activated the spirit ability.

"Overlord Heaven Piercer Second Spirit ability---Sword Blood Gravity!"

The ogre immediately felt the enormous bloodlust within the sword begin to collect and fuse together into a menacing gravitational pressure. It was as if a mountain had been placed upon its head. The features of Sword Blood Gravity were very helpful in scenarios such as these when one was facing an opponent who focused more on brute strength. The gravity would decrease the opponents strength by 25% and increase Feng Yun's strength by 15% for three minutes which was more than enough for him to kill the ogre.

The ogre tried to get out of the range of the gravity in fear that it would be struck down but was too late. Feng Yun appeared in front of it and executed five successive cuts on the ogre. The ogre had managed to protect a few of its vital spots but was still heavily injured. Blood poured out of the cuts in thin streams despite the ogre's extremely tough body. What good would skin do against a weapon of that kind? The ogre stepped back a little bit while panting heavily. Feng Yun wiped some of his blood from his mouth, which turned into mist and joined the gravity. He had a cruel smile on his face, his pupils flashing. The ogre was terrified.

It had never been forced into a position like this before. At this point, it honestly believed that the boy was the reincarnation of a death god. Feng Yun sneered at the ogre, making it forget all its fear and fury filled its expression once more. The ogre picked up it axe, which had been on the ground since Feng Yun had cut the ogre.

The axe started growing dimmer and dimmer and a surge of energy rushed through the handle into the ogre's body. The axe broke into two pieces and transformed into two pitch black rings around the ogre, as if protecting it. The veins on the ogre's head had turned black and it's twelve eyes devoid of color. Feng Yun was astonished. It still had a trump card.

The ogre looked at him deeply before kicking off its feet at a speed that was several times faster than before. Feng Yun also jumped and began swiping his sword at the ogre with a lightning quick pace. They were trading blows and retreating at astonishing speeds. After a while, Feng Yun found that he no longer held the advantage over the ogre and his Sword Blood Gravity was almost used up. Analyzing the situation, he realized that he needed to finish the battle quickly else he would most likely lose the battle of attrition.

Feng Yun sliced his sword at one of the vital spots of the ogre but it merely waved it's hand and the two rings blocked his strike completely. At the same time, the ogre delivered a roundhouse kick and landed the blow on his chest. Feng Yun staggered a bit and coughed up some blood. Despite suffering from injuries however, Feng Yun retained his calm demeanor. The ogre was shocked that Feng Yun was still calm even after getting hit with such powerful attacks. It did not know that Feng Yun had already figured out the way to kill him. Acting quickly, Feng Yun did a back flip and landed two meters way from it. The ogre snorted. It thought that he was retreating from it and attempting to escape but it had no idea, of his true plan.

"Haha, you truly are powerful. However, after these last few exchanges, I've realized the flaw to your shield."

The ogre narrowed it's eyes thinking that Yun was bluffing. It stood there, with a sneer on its face, as if saying, 'come at me.'

"Haaa. You truly are too stupid and arrogant. Allow me to demonstrate to you what true power is."

Feng Yun held his palms together and unleashed a torrential wave of soul energy as well as two dragons . The ogre's cocky expression dropped. A soul attack. A nine year old shouldn't be able to perform a soul attack. Yet he is able to. It's expression became that of terror.

"Twin Dragons' Harmony Torrent!"

The wave of energy and the two dragons reached it and the ogre screamed. The dragons entered it's body and ate away at the ogre's souk. It dropped to its knees. It then sat in a meditative position attempting to dispel the soul attack. Feng Yun stared down at the ogre as it received the glance. It let out a deep sigh as it realized that its death was completely inevitable.

If it continued to try to dispel the soul attack, then it would be vulnerable to Feng Yun's attacks and would definitely die. The other was that he could fight him and the soul attack would still eat his soul until he died. Trying to preserve its own life would not help at all even if he tried all other methods. An expression of defeat surfaced upon the ogre's face as it cut off all of its defenses and stopped trying to dispel the soul attack.

"Hmmm. You indeed were a tough opponent. However, it was not enough to defeat me. I will give you a clean death. Dragon spirit first spirit ability---Wind Transferrer."

In an instant, Feng Yun appeared behind the ogre and cleanly lopped off its head. The corpse dropped to the floor and a pitch black orb hovered above the body. This was the Twelve Eyed Ogre's beast essence. Feng Yun walked over to the orb and sat down next to it. The Void Universal Manual flew out and pointed towards the orb.

'It appears that the Manual wanted this thing not the spirit energy pool.'

He tugged at the spirit energy threads of the orb and drew it towards his chest. The orb began to fuse with his dantian and Feng Yun felt the same refreshing sensation that he has felt every time he absorbs a beast essence. After a few hours, the fusion completed and he opened his eyes, which were deep in meditation.

He waved his hand and the Manual appeared in his lap. Feng Yun stared at the object, anticipation building up within him. He opened the front cover of the manual carefully and to the first page. There, he saw the mark of the Five tailed Blood Ripper Fox that he had captured. However this time there was a slight change to the page. There was now another mark there as well!

There was a symbol of six pairs of eyes there on the other half of the first page. Upon witnessing this phenomenon, something strange began to happen. Feng Yun began to feel dizzy. He didn't know why but he could feel the energy coming from the Void Universal Manual. He gradually began to lose consciousness despite him desperately trying to stay awake. Suddenly, a voice came.

"God damn it kid. Just give it up. You'll be fine. No one's hurting you. Just go to sleep."

"Who.....are......you?" Feng Yun said in a weak and tired voice.

"Haha. Boy, I am the Prison Warden." Then, Feng Yun succumbed to the sleep and all was dark.

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