《Overlord Spirit Martial Emperor》Assassins


EDIT: All grammatical errors, or at least I think all of them, have been corrected.


Elemental Energy raged about on the desolate field as two figures could be seen clashing with each other. One was a middle aged man with long black hair, handsome facial features and was about in his late thirties. His hands swirled with elemental qi and seemed to cause vibrations in the air and caused his opponent to tremble slightly.

The opposite party was a young boy, approximately 8 years old. Yes, 8 years old. He had similar facial features to the middle aged man but seemed to give off a feeling of maturity and seemed quite tall for his age. He had well toned muscles and his long pitch black hair was wrapped in a pony tail. If one looked at the kid closely, you would see that the pupils of his eyes were both different colors. One was golden and another was ruby red. If there was one way to describe him it would be beautiful! Once he grew a bit older, he would be irresistible to women and would dominate them. He had qi condensed into his palms but it wasn't as powerful as the other man. The boy was at the Tempered Body 6th layer. Only eight years old!!! On the continent of Wushu Zhicai, he would be recognized as a peerless genius.

However, people didn't know that it was all thanks to his particularly strong soul and cultivation method. This boy was naturally Feng Yun. The man opposite to him was his father, Feng Luo. His father was at the Truth Realm Second Layer, an extraordinary existence that could be matched only by those of the same realm and above. Because of his power as a Truth Realm cultivator, he had the power to manipulate elemental Energy and use it to cultivate fast. By doing this, you gained insights faster in order to break through rather than its counterpart, the Tyrant realm which needs you to constantly absorb the essence of powerful beasts that you kill in order to make breakthroughs.

Feng Yun was trying his best to match up to him if only a little, but the difference in cultivation level was too great. They were merely sparring against each other, but Feng Yun felt an amazing excitement come over him. He hadn't faced anyone this strong since his previous life. He let out a grin and kicked off the ground towards Feng Luo. His father just smiled at him clearly amazed by his son's battle prowess.

"Haha. Kid, you're 30 years too early to be fighting me. I'll make a bet with you. If you can land one hit on me, I'll give you something that you want from the Sect Treasury."

"Ho, really old man? Well, you better hold true to your promise." Feng Yun just grinned back with madness in his eyes. He then condensed more qi into his fists this time, it turned bluish whitish. It began crackling as it neared Luo's head.

"Raiding Thunder Palm!"

The bluish whitish qi transformed into a brilliant burst and shot straight towards Feng Luo. This was the first chapter out of the five chapters in the Reigning Thunder Manual that was provided in Feng Yun's inheritance. Skills were classified into 4 types, Spirit, Sage, Emperor and Divine class. These were further divided into Lower, Medium and High quality.

The Raiding Thunder Palm was a Spirit Class skill, but it was of high quality and could even match up to Sage class Lower Quality skills if mastered. Feng Yun had mastered the skill over the past two years and had gained insights into the second chapter, Twin Dragons' Harmony Torrent. However, he was still far away from achieving mastery.


Usually, the most prime age for cultivation was from age 13 to 25. From there on, cultivation would come naturally much faster. The reason for this was because a person's body began changing at a very tremendous rate and various things would occur as the person went through puberty. This change also included a faster cultivation speed until 25 years old, when the body's change would stop.

Aside from the inheritance skillbook, he had been taught the Cloudscale Sect Evasion arts. They were incredible movement skills that could let you travel as fast as wind. Yun didn't have the physique to display the offensive power of the Cloudscale Sect secret arts but he was content. After all, he still had his assassin skills that he hadn't showed yet.

"Hmph, boy such a straightforward attack won't hurt me."

He raised his hands to disrupt the attack but was shocked to see that the skill he had disrupted was actually just an after image.

'Shit, behind me.'

Feng Luo was too later to realize and Feng Yun's lightning shaped qi crashed into Luo's back but didn't appear to have done any sort of damage at all. This was due to Luo forcibly stopping the power with his Elemental Energy focused on his spine to disperse the energy that Feng Yun's Raiding Thunder Palm inflicted. Feng Luo let out a sigh and felt ashamed slightly but was even more proud. Feng Yun surprisingly had a lot if combat experience for his age where he should not have any yet he was already able to utilize such tactics!

'It appears like I have to train him more seriously.'

"Haaa. It looks like I have lost. You little rascal, where did you learn to do such impressive moves? You've far exceeded my expectations today. I'll take you to see the treasury later. For now, just rest."

Feng Luo smiled at him and rubbed his head before disappearing like the wind in an instant. Feng Yun just stood there for a moment before collapsing to the floor. Blood leaked out of the corner of his mouth which he quickly wiped away. He had gone overboard trying to use the Raiding Thunder Palm in conjunction with the Cloudscale Sect Evasion arts. It went over his qi limit and he suffered some minor internal injuries.

He folded his legs into a meditative position and began the circulation of qi. Due to this, his injuries were quickly healed and his face looked as if it had never been scratched. He stood up and walked back towards his house. Currently, nobody was here since his father was busy with the sect matters and his mother was visiting the clan at the mountain. Feng Lei was with his father so Feng Yun was alone in the house.

The house was quite large. It had about 4 floors with 7 rooms in each floor. There was a cultivation room and practice area for disciples to practice in. It was located on the 3rd floor so Feng Yun headed over there. The whole house was located right on top of a qi reserve so it was extremely helpful to cultivation. However, only outstanding disciples and the family of the sect master could use it. All the disciples and elders were on break and were not cultivating at the moment, some with their families, and others merely loitering around with women.

Feng Yun was practically alone in the colossal house. He traveled up the stairs from the first floor and eventually reached there within a few minutes. He was met by a large white room with an extremely powerful aura emanating from it. This was indeed a good place to cultivate, he thought. Isolating himself in one of the large cubicles, he began circulating his qi in hopes of gaining insight for the second chapter of the Reigning Thunder Manual, Twin Dragons' Harmony Torrent.


It was an energy attack that bypassed all material defense and went straight for the vital spots, attacking and destroying the soul of the victim in the process. As the name suggests, it was made up of two dragons that fused to form a torrential wave of energy that pierced their target ensuring an instant kill. It was a Sage Class Lower tier skill, but if practiced to a certain extent, it could evolve to an even more powerful skill.

'If I am able to learn this skill, I will be able to kill Tempered Body 7th layer cultivators and even contend against Tempered Body 8th layer'.

Feng Yun looked forward to achieving that kind of strength. Feng Yun began drawing on the power of the universe and his qi glowed with a heavenly touch to it. He was completely immersed in his surroundings. Inside the technique, he was a tiny figure in an endless expanse of systems of worlds and stars and it always surprised him no matter how many times he saw it. He was drifting across the space while beams of light were shooting towards him from the celestial bodies and his body absorbed them all. It felt refreshing and he could feel himself growing stronger by the minute. This was the phenomenon that occurred whenever he cultivated.

"Ahh, this truly is the best cultivation technique in the vast universe. Such a great benefit. Soon I'll be able to execute my assassin abilities as well as my skills. Oh, come to think of it, I haven't gained a spirit ability yet have I. I've been training with my Dragon spirit a lot and experimenting with the others but I'm at the Tempered Body 6th layer. I should get at least one ability."

Feng Yun had tried to comprehend and unlock the Void Universal Manual but it had rejected him when he touched it. It appeared to have a certain requirement for its use. His power wasn't sufficient so he had to grow stronger in order to utilize it. The Overlord Heaven Piercer sword was as much of a mystery to him as the Universal manual. When he brought it out one day, he blacked out due to the overbearing aura crushing him tight. However, over time, he gradually got a little used to the sword.

The sword seemed very similar to his katana in his past life. It was thin but not too thin, and very long. What was very strange was that it gave off the aura of light and dark elements but was extremely stabilized. Feng Yun found that incredible. It must be said that the Light and Dark elements were two natural forces that absolutely did not like to interact with each other. Often times, there would be chaos if they were to merge.

'If I could master this, then I would be practically unstoppable.'

As for the remaining three spirits, no clue whatsoever. They were tightly locked and not one had stirred in the past two years.

"Haaa, as I thought. I'm still too weak. But six spirits, seriously. Why the hell am I so overpowered?" Feng Yun sighed hut was pretty curious as to their identities.

He continued to cultivate for half an hour before he felt a tremor in the ground. He snapped out of his cultivation and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Which basted was it that disturbed my cultivation?" Feng Yun gritted his teeth and muttered under his breath.

He was in an important stage in making a breakthrough towards the Twin Dragon Harmony Torrent and being able to access it but was so rudely disturbed by the sudden tremors. Before backing out of his cultivation, the Universal Bindings technique detected six figures speeding towards the mansion. Three of them were Tempered Body 8th layer, two at the ninth layer and one more much stronger than the rest. Yun was surprisingly not able to tell his cultivation. Not good, Yun thought. To be at this level meant that this man was most likely at the Xiantian realm. They appeared to be hostile as they carried deadly weapons and wore black cloaks.


A term that he was very familiar with.

"These people most likely saw the opportunity to murder me after realizing my family isn't here!Why would they want to assassinate me?"

BOOM!!!!!! The windows of the mansion shattered and the six men entered as fast and swift as shadows. They were making their way towards the third floor where Feng Yun was located. These men had obviously been well prepared before coming here and knew their way to Feng Yun's area.

"Hmph, they want to assassinate an assassin. They must be dreaming. That Xiantian realm master will be a definite problem. I'll have to use my assassin techniques a little earlier than I expected."

Feng Yun had a cold smile on his face but his blood lust was controlled to the extent that it was a thin line surrounding his body. He knew that these people were much more powerful than him however a little trickery can buy some time. Feng Yun had a sent a distress call to his family a little earlier.

Feng Yun wore a necklace around his neck at all times. This necklace had an ability such that when it was ripped off, it would send a signal to another person wearing the pendant. In this case, his mother and father each wore a pendant. They should be making their way here in fifteen minutes. He immediately used his Cloudscale Sect Evasion arts to send him up the walls of the cultivation room and in good time as well. The door to the room burst open and six men burst through taking out an assortment of knives and short swords. They were trying to sight their target but could not see him anywhere. Finally, one of them spoke up.

"Boss, I don't see him anywhere. Was our Intel wrong?"

"Idiot, it couldn't have been. Song Ling, you know of our precautions. We clearly saw only one heat signature in the mansion and the Intel from the employer said he should be the only one in here." This time, the man next to Song Ling spoke. His voice was slightly high.

"Could he have masked his presence somehow?" Another person spoke up.

"Du Fan, I would have sensed his presence if he was here. He is a mere Tempered Body practitioner. I, Yi Fen, a Xiantian realm cultivator should be able to find him."

"Ho, guess again."

Feng Yun dropped from the ceiling and dropped straight down dive bombing towards the group. The group contemplated the voice for a minute before looking up in shock. They hadn't realized their target could conceal his presence.

"Overlord Heaven Piercer, cut them down by your fury."

Feng Yun summoned his katana without a single moment of hesitation. It appeared in his hands, a black and white blade releasing an overbearing aura as the six men, even the Xiantian cultivator felt the gravity on them. They were too late to respond to the sudden introduction of their target and Feng Yun crashed through their ranks. With incredible precision, Feng Yun slit the neck of Song Ling who had a look of terror on his face.

While the pressure was still active, Feng Yun raised his sword, and in a dance of graceful sword cuts, two more of the men had their heads rolling to the floor. The pressure then was released and the remaining three felt their bodies ease. They all had a look of fear and extreme anger. Feng Yun could only hold the pressure for five seconds so he had to kill as many as he could. There were now three people left. Their expressions were that of indignation and fury.

"Bastard kid, you actually killed three of us with your mother fucking sword. See if I, Luo Ren doesn't kill you and drink your blood."

One man pointed his finger at Feng Yun and yelled. Du Fan, who was next to Luo Ren nodded his head as well. Yi Fan had a dark look on his face but he wasn't as enraged as the others. On the contrary, he was rather happy that Feng Yun had presented himself to the trio. He would get a larger share of the money. Luo Ren and Du Fan released their auras which were both of the Tempered Body 9th layer, only one step below Xiantian realm. Feng Yun face-palmed himself. He must have killed all the people of the Tempered Body 8th layer. Shit, I got all the weak people instead of the strong people, he thought.

"Ho, we shall see who will die today, hmmm?"

Despite his blunder, Feng Yun wasn't afraid in the slightest. His parents were on their way and he just had to hold out for a few more minutes. Then, Du Fan rushed forward and a fist clad in dark colored qi flew at an incredibly fast pace.

"Stone Shattering Fist."

Feng Yun's golden and red eyes flashed and he ducked under the punch, his palms coated with lightning qi.

"Raiding Thunder Palm condensed version, Raiding Thunder Clap."

Feng Yun slapped his palms together near Du Fan's wars in which the lightning qi entered through and he screamed from the pain. Logically speaking, Feng Yun shouldn't be able to inflict this much damage due to his inferior cultivation but his combat experience made up for that several thousand times more. Du Fan stopped screaming and with a jerk, brought out a short sword, it's edge pointed towards Feng Yun's face. The latter merely narrowed his eyes and the Overlord Heaven Piercer katana struck upwards blocking the strike. He managed to successfully block it however, Luo Ren was behind him in a flash and thrust his sword, coated with a bluish qi.

"Storm Wind Slash."

Feng Yun narrowly dodged the sword as it cut his skin slightly and jumped backwards. Dealing with one ninth layer Tempered Body layer cultivator is enough but another at the same time?

"Hmph, so you people have no pride whatsoever. You attack me, a weakling with an inferior cultivation to yours, with two people? You must feel ashamed of yourself. If being a coward is what being an assassin is like then people like you have truly degraded the ways of an assassin."

Feng Yun began to taunt them to buy time but his opponents were completely aware of it.

"Shut your fucking mouth!!! I'll tear you to shreds one way or another. Luo Ren, let me handle him alone."

Du Fan roared with anger. Luo Ren stepped back and let him go. Du Fan began releasing an oppressive qi as a long spear burst into view.

"Monkey Chief's Tyrant Spear!"

He rushed towards Yun and thrust the spear at him. Feng Yun blocked as best as he could but was blasted backwards by ten steps or so.

'Tch, it's a bit more powerful than I thought.'

His mouth leaked out a bit of blood but he kept going, excitement coming over him. He began to radiate an extremely hot bloodlust that reeked of countless deaths. Many people had fallen victim to Feng Yun's sword and thus, his bloodlust had grown incredibly large. Feng Yun rushed towards Du Fan and thrust the katana at his chest. Du Fan let out a snort and blocked it preparing to strike Feng Yun but when he did, his figure disappeared and all that was left was a copy of his aura. Shit, an after image, Du Fan thought and tried to react quick. It was too late, Feng Yun got behind him and in a rage, sliced Du Fans head clean off.

His irises began to shine even more brightly and Yun turned his head to Luo Ren who was shaking with fear. Yi Fen was surprised, but regained his composure quickly and drew a long golden blade from the empty air. Despite the provocative gesture however, he did not choose to act. Instead, he wanted to see what Feng Yun would do. Feng Yun stared at Luo Ren and jumped at him but Luo Ren was too quick and in panic unleashed his spirit, the Lava Spewing Frog and assimilated it's properties within his body. Luo Ren opened his mouth and spewed boiling hot lava at Feng Yun who tried to deflect it with his sword but it managed to stain itself on his clothes burning through into his skin. Feng Yun shouted from the pain but then, limitless bloodlust surrounded his body once more.

A flash of blue-gold came and a pair of wings opened up and five pillars of bluish gold light shot out from the wings, piercing each of Luo Ren's organs and thus ending his life. Before he died, he said one word,


Feng Yun retracted his wings and panted hard. He had exhausted all of his qi in using that move. Cuts could be seen through his body and his upper body was completely exposed. His back hurt from the overuse of the Falling Heavens Wings. He was leaning on his sword to keep himself up. Feng Yun didn't know what that skill was but it had saved his life. He had somehow learned a skill through this ordeal.

"Soul bone artifact. Boy, you truly are something. Unfortunately, I'll have to seize that bone first."

Yi Fen began to run towards Yun who didn't have the energy to block his attack. Yi Fen kicked his legs out at Feng Yun who crashed into the wall of the room and tore a huge hole into it.

"Tch, so honorable, trying to kill an injured man when you haven't done anything. What cowardice."

Feng Yun spit out a mouthful of blood while glaring defiantly at Yi Fen. Yi Fen didn't know that Feng Yun was merely putting on an act. He was laughing on the inside. In a few seconds, you're gonna die, he thought. Yi Fen merely smiled and raised his golden sword.

"Dead men know no honor," Yi Fen said. "I'll do whatever it takes to seize that soul bone artifact of yours and complete the contract. You took a lot of my men to death, surprisingly. Its your turn. Now die!!!"

Yi Fen raised his sword and pierced it towards him. Suddenly, a roar came raining down from the sky and the ceiling broke down. The aura of an Azure Dragon the height of half the mansion crashed down into the ground causing Yi Fen to break his arm that was going to strike Feng Yun and get flung backwards five meters. As if he had expected all of this, Feng Yun closed his eyes and smiled.

"It's about damn time!" Feng Yun said.

A man and woman approximately middle aged flew down from the skies and landed in between Yun and Yi Fen. Yi Fen had a look of terror in his eyes. He stared at Yun, a crazy look in his eyes.

"Bastard, you called for help? Damn, you were stalling."

"Haa? You sick son of a bitch. I am ashamed to hear that you are an assassin. Did you forget the assassin's code. You're supposed to finish battles quickly. Your arrogance brought you here. Damn straight I was stalling. Now go die you trash." Yun cursed furiously and Yi Fen was too shocked to answer as the two people were still staring at him. Particularly the woman. She had a cold smile that could strike fear into any man.

"Say, I got a distress call from my son. I realize this may be a stupid question but, are you the one that hurt my son?"

She said with indifference and a smile. This was naturally Ling Qian and well, she was angry. VERY angry. She was practically reeking of bloodlust.

"Ma'am I didn't do anything. It was all my subordinates. They did everythin---". Yi Fen had tried to explain bit was stopped by Ling Qian. She held up her palm telling him to stop.

"Okay, I get the situation now." She then looked at Yi Fen who appeared to have relaxed thinking he was okay. "You may die now."

A flash of light whizzed at a lightning fast speed zipped through Yi Fen's head. He had a look of shock on his face before his head rolled to the ground. Feng Luo put his hand on her shoulder.

"You could have saved some for me," he said seeming exasperated. Ling Qian ignored him and disappeared, reappearing by Feng Yun's side.

"Yun'er, are you okay? Well get you to a doctor soon. You'll be fine. Stay with me---". Her next words were drowned out as Feng Yun began to lose consciousness. Crap, he thought. I gotta sleep. That took... a lot...of... energy. He then succumbed to the peace that the darkness gave him.

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