《Overlord Spirit Martial Emperor》Heir to the Dragon


Damn!!! I just realized that the grammar in my last chapter was drop dead horrible. I was doing it in my bed while pretending to go to sleep to fool my parents and I was tired on top of it. I hope I can do a better job with this one. I heard a lot of the feedback and I'm very happy with you guys. This is going to be a pretty long chapter so enjoy! Thanks for supporting me and here it is.

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The sound of Feng Yun entering his chair disrupted the eerie silence that followed the area. Everyone came to their senses as they realized what had happened. Xu Lie's eyes flickered open and he pinched himself to check if it was a dream or not. The same went for the Feng Yun's parents. They were shocked beyond belief. Their son... was guaranteed to become an Asura Realm expert with cultivation? It was too good to be true. Xu Lie looked at the broken glass. He knew the names of the spirit as the pillars had told him, but he had not known where they came from. He told everyone the names in a shaky voice.

"The three...the three spirits of Feng Yun of the Cloudscale Sect are the beast essence of the Golden Tyrant Thunder God Dragon, Overlord Heaven Piercer Sword, and the Void Universal Manual. The potential of these three spirits... are indeterminable."

Xu Lie was trembling with fear and amazement. If Feng Yun was able to be on the side of the Xu dynasty, then the Dynasty would become the strongest of the five territories. He needed to report this to Emperor Qinzheng. Everyone stared in shock and some felt the need to bow down as if they met an almighty sovereign. None of them except for Yun himself knew of his true potential. Becoming a sovereign would probably be a definite in this new life.

Feng Yun felt that he was extremely lucky, and cursed at it. He had enough experience to tell him that people would target him and his family because of it. He needed to quickly become stronger. The Cloudscale Sect wouldn't be that easy to breach as it had the support of the Dragon Clan. Even if the Blood Demon Sect wanted to eliminate Feng Yun, which was currently the desire that they felt, they wouldn't be able to secretly. If they caused trouble, then that would be violating the contract that Xu Qinzheng voiced. He wasn't that worried about them though. If other families leaked this out to other territories, namely the Tian Ming Empire, then there would be too much pressure. The only way to relieve it is to grow stronger and protect himself. Even the Mystic Sacred Realm might interfere in order to keep the balance between territories.

Suddenly, Xu Lie threatened, "If anyone tells another party about what happened here, they will lose their head by the divine order of the Xu Dynasty." He had a very serious look on his face. Though he was shaken by the appeared ceremony of the trio of spirits, he had regained his composure and gave off the indomitable presence he had before. They knew he was serious.

Feng Yun was slightly relieved but he knew that some people would disregard that. He glanced at the Blood Demon Sect members. They had ugly expressions, most notably being Mo Han's evil face. He was gritting his teeth from having lost the spotlight. His red hair grew slightly unkempt and he lost some of his composure from the revelation. Ling Zi and Xia Qing both had shining looks on their faces. They had never imagined such a person would appear. Ling Zi was especially happy. After all, his clan and the Feng Family of the Cloudscale


Sect were on extremely good terms. His clan would gain a lot of benefits from this as well so he couldn't help but get excited. He needed to have a talk with Feng Yun later.

"Ahem, moving on, this Spirit Awakening Ceremony is officially over. Families may discuss with each other over marital procedures and leave for their homes," Xu Lie clarified with everyone.

They nodded their heads and immediately everyone began to talk with each other and organize meetings. Feng Yun wad approached my many families but none of them were people that he would accept. Ling Zi, Xia Qing and Mo Han got them too, but slightly less than Feng Yun's. His popularity had shot up by a huge margin. He didn't like it too much. Feng Yun wasn't used to being publicized like this, as if everybody worshiped him. He had always seen fear in people's eyes. He, a murderer and assassin was not shown compassion and showed no compassion. He truly did have to get used to this. He was walking away and trying to escape pursuers and hid behind a tree. Surveying his surroundings, he finally took a breath of air.

"Jeez, what's with these people, trying to get into my good graces as if I'm a cash cow." Feng Yun was exasperated. He didn't notice that a girl was similarly panting just a foot away while looking at him in surprise. He in turn looked to his right and there she was, Xia Qing.

"Your terminology is weird, but I more or else understand it. You don't like flattering crowds and prefer to be left alone too right?" she asked in her small voice. A strand of her long purple hair fell onto her face.

"Hmmm. Yeah, I guess. I mean, I'm not used to it. I would be more adaptable in a secluded environment. Hmph, I'd rather keep long term friends than people who just want to leech off you." He crinkled his nose.

"Hahahaha. You are right! I think the same way. We are alike. How about being my first friend? I haven't really had anyone to play with since childhood and I've been an only child. You are interesting and I think I wish to be friends with you," she flashed her eyelids at him with a smile. The sound of her laughter was extremely sweet and melodic, as if an angel was delivering a message. Feng Yun's heart lurched. She would definitely grow up to be quite the woman.

"Yeah, definitely. Let's meet each other again later and talk."

She was happy and immediately took his hand and shook it. They discussed about many things including cultivation. Xia Qing had begun training around 2 years ago and was now at the Tempered Body Second Layer. Not bad, Feng Yun thought. He hid his cultivation and told her that he too was at the same level as her. He didn't want to scare people. Within his head, he was thinking that he would set a goal to reach the Xiantian realm by the age of twelve. Six years was a lot of time for training but breaking from the Tempered Body realm to the Xiantian realm was incredibly hard. With the Heavenly cultivation technique that he had, he could probably do it in less than six years.

After a while, he realized that he had to leave and said his goodbyes to Xia Qing. She smiled and watched him leave. Feng Yun went back to the location where his grandfather and parents were located and appeared next to them. His family nodded to him. It was time to return to the sect. The return trip was about the same time it took to get there. Once they got there, hundreds of sect disciples surrounded them. News traveled fast and they all knew of Feng Yun's extraordinary talent. They were all giving admiring glances and some were filled with envy. The entourage returned to the Feng Family residence and settled in back into their house. Feng Lei immediately stood up.


"Yun'er, come with me. I need to check something."

The boy got up and followed Feng Lei with a confused expression.

"Grandfather, did I do something wrong? If so, please advise me and punish me." He was extremely puzzled. Feng Lei declined to comment and retained that mysterious look of his. He kept moving forward and Feng Yun continued to follow him until they reached a large courtyard. There were beautiful flowers and trees everywhere all of them being of different colors. Stone patterns marked the ground and gave people the feeling of peace.

'It looks like a larger version of a Zen Garden from my old world' Feng Yun thought.


They came to a stop at the center of the garden. There was a large coiling tree that towered above the others, it's pink flowers gleaming. There was a table beneath it with two chairs, obviously for him and his grandfather. Feng Lei sat down and motioned for Feng Yun to sit as well. He obliged and silence filled the tranquil courtyard. Afterwards, Feng Lei began to speak.

"Yun'er, what is your cultivation level?" he said calmly.

Feng Yun was a bit surprised but answered quickly.

"Tempered Body Second Layer, Grandfather. I began cultivating about a year ago," he replied smoothly, as if that was the truth. Feng Yun was very well versed in the art of deception. It was a requirement in his previous field of work.

"Is that so? Well then, you can explain the aura of a Tempered Body 4th Layer cultivator being emanated from you. You underestimate a Tyrant Realm cultivator's sense. It is very easy to look through your cultivation when you are two realms beneath me," he said with a triumphant smile.

Feng Yun was shocked. Then, he immediately face palmed. He hadn't thought of that. Of course a cultivator two realms above him would be able to read his cultivation. He had been a little too arrogant.

"I'm sorry Grandfather. I indeed lied to you. I have been cultivating since a few years back." He gave a wry smile. He didn't think it would be this easy to look through his cultivation.

"I know. I have seen your strength training. I realized that no one would do that kind of hellish training unless they had to stabilize their power after having broken through. However, that's not the reason why I truly brought you here." Feng Lei stood up and grabbed his arm. Feng Yun immediately felt confused. What was his true purpose? Feng Lei released a terrifying aura and winds seemed to be endlessly gushing out from his body. Feng Yun was filled with admiration. To have such strength signified great talent. He smiled at Feng Yun noticing his wide eyes.

"The old man of the Dragon clan noticed your cultivation too. We're going to meet your other grandpa Ling Sun." Feng Lei's eyes flashed. "Cloud Angel Evasion Arts First Chapter-Embracing the Wind."

They shot off into the air with abnormal speed. This appeared to be part of the martial arts that Feng Lei trained in. When trained to a certain level, one would be able to fly even before reaching the Tyrant/Truth Realm and at a much faster speed. Feng Yun was visibly excited. Meeting his other grandfather, what was going to happen?

He was even more intrigued by the level of martial arts that Feng Lei portrayed. Soon, they reached a location on top of a tall mountain. The whole mountain was shrouded with clouds and mist making it look eerie and mysterious. Feng Yun and his grandfather landed on the mountain and the boy immediately noticed the huge black gate with the blue dragon insignia on it. There were a few guards there but when they noticed Feng Lei, they immediately let him in. They had been told of his arrival by the chief prior to them coming here and were already expecting them. Also, who wouldn’t know the face of the famous Feng Lei. They gave a light bow and opened the gates.

Feng Yun was welcomed by a bright light and walked past the gates. There were many buildings and it seemed like half a city was living on the mountain. There were gold and silver statues of dragons and famous figures of the clan in the past. As Feng Yun walked along the finely paved streets with his grandfather, he noticed that all of the citizens gave off a feeling of pride and had an aura of their own. Many of them were around the Xiantian Realm. He immediately felt astounded from the majesty of the city.

They made their way to the center of the “city” where the headquarters for the chief and his family was. They reached there in a few minutes and Feng Yun found himself staring at a huge 7 story high building with great elegance attached and two twin dragon statues, black and white, appearing to guard the building. Feng Lei walked in between the statues and stood there. To Feng Yun's shock, the twin stone dragons shook and turned their heads towards him.

“Bai Fang, Hei Zhao. I’m here to see the old man,” Feng Lei spoke to them.

“Hmm, okay. Oh, is this the brat who has grandfather’s spirit and pure blood. Interesting.” the white dragon, Bai Fang said clearly amused.

Feng Yun was surprised. Did they just say that the first ancestor of the Dragon clan is their grandfather? But how was that possible? Countless generations had passed. They should have died a long time ago due to old age.

“Haha, look at the kid. He’s clearly surprised. Kid, you’re probably wondering how we’re alive. Well, to put it simply. We froze our lifespans and turned to stone statues on orders of our grandfather before he died in order to guard the clan. Although, it is sad that we can’t cultivate anymore due to our bodies being frozen. We can only use our physical bodies to fight against incoming threats,” the black one spoke, Hei Zhao. “Life has been pretty damn boring all these years cause we’ve never had anyone to fight against. Oh right kid, when you are out of the meeting with Old Man Sun, come find us again. We got to give you something. For now, don’t keep Ling Sun waiting.”

Feng Yun was curious. What exactly did they want to give him? How was it that they spoke of the clan chief in such an indifferent tone. Feng Lei, seeming as if he had read his mind, spoke.

“They are the guardian twin dragons of the clan. They are existences only below Asuras and special bodied cultivators. I cannot compare to them in strength, neither can the clan chief. It’s safe to say that they are the strongest existences in the clan.” He spoke with admiration for the dragons.

They entered the building and climbed up until they reached the 5th story. There, an old man with white hair and a friendly smile was sitting in a chair, visibly excited. He glanced at the figures standing in the doorway and broke out into a grin.

“Haha, my grandson and Brother Lei, how great it is to see you two. Especially you, young one. Haha, to have the essence of the first ancestor within your body as well as two other spirits, you have unlimited potential and could even become an existence feared by the Mystic Sacred Realm themselves. Anyways, the reason that I have called you over here is simple. I want to hand over the first ancestor’s inheritance to you.” Ling Sun was full of vigor and looked at Feng Yun with a gleam in his eyes.

“The first ancestor’s inheritance. The Golden Tyrant Thunder God Dragon’s inheritance?! How...Why would you give it to me?” Feng Yun was shocked beyond belief. Why him? he wondered.

“When the first ancestor of the Dragon Clan died, he gave instructions that anyone who has his beast essence as a spirit or his pure blood will receive his inheritance. Only people of his direct lineage and blood could use this inheritance. In short, you are the Heir to the Dragon and I am supposed to give you this.”

Ling Sun took out a box under his desk. It has golden silk thread covering it made from the Ancestor’s whiskers itself. The box would only respond when it recognized the true heir. He handed it over to Yun, who received it with sparkling eyes. Immediately, the box lit up and Yun’s body shook. The Dragon spirit involuntarily came out and it’s spirit form flew into the box, flew out and re-entered his body. The lock on the box clicked open and Feng Yun opened it. In it, was a large dusty book, with lightning insignias and a dragon head. Yun read the character’s on the book and let out an involuntary gasp.

The book was called the Reigning Thunder Technique and was exactly as it was named. It was a technique befitting a god of thunder. Feng Yun was extremely happy and wanted to devour all of its knowledge but controlled himself and held the book. He looked inside the box again and found an azure ring coated with jade and shined like thunder. Feng Yun wore it and gasped, realizing that there was an extremely large space inside it. It could probably cover half of the Headquarters building of the Dragon Clan.

“A Skill Book and an Interspatial Ring? Incredible!!! Only the first ancestor would have something like this.” Feng Lei opened his mouth in shock. But that wasn’t all that was there. Inside the interspatial ring was a single object, but it caused such dread within Yun that he broke out in cold sweat. It emitted a powerful aura. This object was an blue and gold orb that seemed to be beckoning him to touch it. Yun pulled it out of the interspatial ring and it bloomed into full view. The clan chief was shocked but then realized what that orb was and with a sense of urgency tried to slap it out of Yun’s hands.

“Yun, don’t touch that! It’s not something that you can handle yet! Shit…” Too late, the orb had exploded and enveloped Yun in a blue and gold aura which felt comfortable at first, but then he realized that pain was beginning to stem from his back. It became fierce, ripping through his body at alarming speed. He let out a scream.

“AHHHHHHHH!!! GOD DAMN IT!!” Crap, Yun thought. He needed to calm down and assimilate the pain with his body functions. Yun with difficulty, sat down in a cross-legged position and began cultivating. He let out a sigh and gritted his teeth from the excruciating pain. The other two were astonished. Feng Lei was scared out of his wits at first. He was worried that his first grandson would die here. He didn’t know what he would tell Feng Luo and Ling Qian if Yun indeed died. However, his panic had calmed down after seeing Yun cultivating. That was a smart move. The circulation of qi would calm down the pain ripping through his body. However, what was that orb? Feng Lei looked at Ling Sun and the latter noticed it and sighed.

“You will see what it is when he is done assimilating it into his body.” Then, he declined to comment further.

Yun was making progress with the orb’s effects settling down and merging with his body. His willpower and soul strength had increased greatly after being reincarnated and it was easier to absorb it. Then, after a few more minutes, the pain was gone. Yun looked inside his body and noticed that his dantian had turned bluish goldish. Yun opened his eyes and at the same time, a pair of blue-gold wings flung out of his body causing so much pressure that even the two leaders had to use some of their true strength to keep themselves upright. Everyone in the room were endlessly surprised and Ling Sun let out a faint smile.

“As I thought, Little Yun has assimilated with a Soul Bone Artifact. This is good. Never would I have expected that you would be able to succeed. Moreover, this artifact gives off the feeling of at least the Asura Realm. Maybe even above. You have the luck of the heavens.”

“Grandfather, what is a Soul Bone Artifact?” Yun asked with a questioning glance as he got up to speak.

“Soul Bone artifacts are extremely rare artifacts that can be obtained from killing extremely powerful beasts. Even so, most of the time, they will not appear. They are generally parts of the beast’s body and can join with a human’s body if assimilated. However, they are incredibly painful to merge with and the more powerful the beast, the more painful. This is due to the merging of a foreign type of creature’s essence and a human essence. They are not very compatible and thus create pain. But with a bone like this, it seemed to assimilate far better than others I’ve seen. Usually only divine beasts can assimilate easily with this type of Soul Bone but most likely due to your soul strength being high, it was far easier. On top of that, the bone you have is that of wings.”

“Why is the wings so important?” Feng Lei interjected.

“Descendants of the first ancestor have the ability to transform their body to have similar physical characteristics to that of a dragon. it is native to our clan and other dragon clans. However, the physical characteristics never include the wings for whatever reason. The fact that you have the wings means that when you gain the ability to Dragonform, you will have a complete body and your power will be increased ten-fold or even one-hundred-fold.” Ling Sun spoke brightly.

Just then, two stone phantoms broke through the windows of the room and surveyed the people there. This was Bai Fang and Hei Zhao. They had felt the familiar presence and bottomless pressure and rushed up. Upon noticing the wings protruding from Yun’s back, they exclaimed,

“Azure Dragon God Wings!!! How did you get these wings? Wait, grandfather must have given them to you. But of all things, those wings of death.”

“Seniors, you know these wings?” Yun asked.

“Of course we know them. Our grandfather acquired these wings while adventuring with the Cloudscale Sect first ancestor in the Immortal Fiendlands. He had been walking when he noticed that the corpse of a humongous dragon had been just laying there. It gave off the aura of an extremely powerful expert even after death and made grandfather and the Cloudscale Sect first ancestor seem like ants. Their power would pale in comparison to the god-like existence in front of them. They named it the Azure Dragon God as they didn’t know what kind of dragon it actually was. The soul bone also lay there but grandfather could not fuse it because he already had wings and could not replace them as they would take away a part of his cultivation and leave him weakened. The Cloudscale Sect first ancestor couldn’t take it either because it required the lineage of dragons. So it has been kept with grandfather until he died and decided to give it as an inheritance to his successor.”

“Amazing, so these wings are this powerful. These belong to a sovereign like existence if they could make even the two ancestors who were comparable to Asuras tremble in fear.” Ling Sun said quietly.

“Ahem, this visit has been quite interesting but Yun’er and I should be going now. After all, it is getting late and his parents will be worried,” Feng Lei said glancing outside and cleared his throat. The other three nodded their heads and saw that the two left safely. Yun was about to grab onto Lei’s hands but the wings re-appeared and began to flap. Yun was shocked. He was actually flying. It took awhile to get used to but he eventually got used to it and was travelling alongside Feng Lei. The two stone dragons were watching Yun’s back disappearing from view when they realized something. They looked at each other.

“Uh, brother. We forgot to give him the thing,” Bai Fang said.

“Indeed. Crap, we’ll give it to him next time. I think grandfather would be okay with it for once...right?” Hei Zhao said uncertainly.

“Yeah...I guess? We’ll give it to him before the Four Powers Competition that’s happening in four years.”

“Oh, it’s already going to be that time. Hmmm, that will be pretty interesting. Too bad we can’t see it.”

“The Four Powers Competition between the Xu Royal Family, Blood Demon Sect, Tyrant Dragon Clan and Cloudscale sect between the younger generation. Let us see who shall become the legend.”

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