《Overlord Spirit Martial Emperor》Weird Feeling


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Feng Yun felt his consciousness slipping away and being transported to another body. It felt strange and he felt lightheaded. Normally, a soul feels this when they are placed outside of a body. If a soul is left outside of a body for too long, it will eventually dissipate out of existence. That applied to souls that escaped Yama's grasp, those could be counted by hand and we're extremely rare, most likely Immortals or powerful beings in their past life. Yun was feeling that light headed feeling currently and his though he was protected by Yama's divine power, it merely bore the brunt of the pressure. Yun himself had to endure the mental aura that threatened him. Fortunately, his mind had been very well trained in his previous life after having killed many people. While his soul was undergoing the trip towards his new body, Yun thought about the conditions that Yama had imposed upon him in exchange for the Heaven Path. Come to think of it, he had agreed a bit too fast in his excitement. He hadn't truly understood the implications of what Yama was trying to make him do at the time.

So, first condition was that Yun continue to kill people on behalf of justice and those that he bore a grudge towards. He wasn't sure about that one. Everybody had a different sense of justice. Yama most likely meant that he would kill whoever a had committed immorality acts or sinned greatly. Yun was okay with that however Yama may have had the wrong conception about Yun. He assumed that Yun had a strong sense of justice. Yun is cold blooded and will kill any who stand in his way towards his goals regardless of who it is. He just never found the need to kill innocent people. As for assassinations on evil people that Yun performed in his previous life, those were because they disgusted him and they were too weak to live in the world. They only served as practice dummies for training. That was Yun's thought process but he said none of this out loud. The Second was to become a sovereign and meet Yama in the realm of heavens. This was the hardest. Becoming a sovereign will take too much time through normal means, perhaps millions of years however Yun had the Universal Bindings cultivation method which sped it up much faster than before. This made it not impossible but still very difficult. Yun also had to go through too much pain for it. Although, that was the least of his worries.


"Hmm. Oh, it looks like I'm here." Yun saw a brilliant flash of light appearing beyond his consciousness which was currently filled with darkness. Suddenly all the senses of Yun's body were opened up in an instant and he was able to use them once again. Yun opened his eyes for the first time in hours and realized that he was in this huge blob of flesh. Oh jesus, of all the times you want me to regain my senses, it's now. Yun was currently in a stomach, in his mother's womb, whoever that was. He could hear extraordinarily well and make out the sounds of people talking.

"Is she going to be alright?She must live through this no matter the cost. Oh Ling Qian, you can do it. Be strong, for our son." There appeared to be a man outside claiming to be Yun's father. Yun found out that his mother's name was Ling Qian. Cool name. The voices didn't stop there.

"Oh don't you fret son. My grandson is a tough guy. He'll come out safely. Daughter in law as well. She is as tough as steel. After all, she has the lineage of the Tyrant Thunder God Dragon, one of the most prominent existences in the whole Wushu Zhicai continent." This time it was an old and raspy voice that had firmness in it at the same time. He appeared to be Yun's grandfather from the information given. This old man spewed so much information that I have to take some time to process it, Yun thought. Wait, what the heck is a Tyrant Thunder God Dragon? Sounds badass. This continent appears to be called Wushu Zhicai. Martial Sanction huh? A fitting name for what I wish to accomplish. Oh, it looks like I'm about to be launched out, Yun thought.



"Oh my, he is beautiful. He's like an angel, I mean look at his eyes they are the color----". Ling Qian paused her sweet and melodious voice as her mouth opened with shock.

"My god, his eyes are both golden and silver. What the hell?This has only been seen since the first generation ancestor Tyrant Thunder God Dragon, the golden variation. The fact that he has it means his blood is pure." the grandfather spoke this time. His appearance could now be described. He wore white robes with a bead necklace and had a grey beard that stretched down to his muscular chest that stuck out with pride. He was obviously an important figure.

"Indeed. He does have the lineage. He will certainly have a great future. However, that is not important right now. Hehe. My son has been born!!!" My father scooped me up and held me which felt quite uncomfortable to be honest. Yun's father wore the exact same attire as Yun's grandfather except he had a much younger face and had dark hair with tinges of silver on the ends.

"Oh do let him rest Feng Luo. You will have plenty of time to cuddle him later. Give him to me. I will take care of him." My mother took Yun back snuggling me against her warm cheek. This is my new life, Yun thought. Well, it's not bad. I'll get used to it. And then, when it is time, I will be ready.

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