《World of Legends: True Magic》Soul Bound


Really sorry everyone, i have been going through a lot the last several days. I am currently going through a job change. (AKA: BIG RAISE). Because of getting ready to take on my new duties and responsibilities, i have been negligent of writing this story. I have made this a Triple chapter, for all of you! This is the end of the first arc, i will take a short break to get adjusted to work, then i will start releasing longer chapters. Remember to Rate & Review

yes this is not edited yet, however i want you all to enjoy it anyway. My buddy gets out of the hospital tomorrow. I will edit it then.


After a few minutes I finally managed to calm myself down. Taking a deep breath and slowly exhaling it I started to feel my mind go back to normal. Right now there are no more windows appearing, and nothing is charging out of the woods to kill me…. Now to check the damage “Status Window”

Status WindowName:Seth BlackwingAlignment:NeutralLevel:14Class:noneRace:HumanGender:MaleTitlesSelf-TaughtFame:500Infamy:0-Health:310/310Health Regen:3.1 / SecMana:420/420Mana Regen:4.6 / SecStamina:260/260Stamina Regen:3.0 / Sec-Strength:10 (16)Agility:15(15)Vitality:15 (16)Intelligence:26 (16)Wisdom:14(9)Leadership:N/ALuck:5-

Wow, that’s all I can say right now. I’m starting to get OP for sure! Still might as well continue the path of a mage and put all my points into Int+35 and Wis+20 again. Now I’m starting to look really powerful, all I need now is to get a class. Maybe I should reapply to the Tower, or try and get a private teaching. I have no elemental skills so I don’t know what they would try to do to me.

So everything is calm, now to think what the heck happened. Yea this must have been a 1 in a Billion fluke. Anyway I am not one to give up any potentially powerful and rare loot. Rubbing my hands together a smile started to spread across my face. I continue this until I notice a small elf girl, walking my way.

As my face begins to reveal my inner greediness. Sapha walks over from her previous position and quickly begins the badgering process, sigh…… my smile quickly turns to a frown, as I’m assaulted by questions.

“Hey Master, what was that? How did you do that? What is that spell called? Did you just make that spell yourself? How can I learn a spell like that? (Continues on for about 20 more questions)”

I swear that if this girl continues to bug me, I’m going to turn into a “Divikus.” It is a term for mages that commit acts of murder, and other atrocious acts against humanity. Rolling my eyes into my head in frustration I just ignore the noise maker for now, and begin heading in the direction I threw my War Lance. Getting to the tree line I walked deeper into the forest. I just followed the telltale hole in the trees where my Lance had punctured clean through.

After walking a little further I reached a slightly open meadow area, but there were two things wrong here. The first, was the area was like a swamp in color, there was signs of rot, and decay all over this place. The second was probably my fault. Covering this entire area was not hundreds, but thousands of shards of glass sticking out of everything.

As I walked forward the shards that came within reach of me turned to dust and vanished…. Well I guess that means that I can avoid friendly fire with my attack. I continued into the very center of the glade where a giant rotten tree that looked like Swiss cheese with a gaping hole nearly split it into two. Using my Identify skill it was in fact the Treant that I killed. I could now see how it was possible for me to kill it.


My Lance was fully charged with all my mana, and it pierced the Treant’s magic core. Then after causing double damage and bleeding, the lance detonated, creating the huge hole. Finally almost all the shards that pierced its body went completely through it turning into Swiss.

As I begin approaching the Treant remains, I stop. I need to save that for last, now to look for the other two monsters I killed. The first was the mockingbird on the edge of the clearing not far from me. I walked over to it, kicking it and watching as the body turned into light. What remained was a handful of black and white feathers, and a beak they are low quality alchemy materials.

Now I try and find the mimic. For those who have no idea what a mimic is here is what you need to know. A mimic is portrayed as being able to change its shape to disguise its true body as an inanimate object, the most common being a chest. The mimic has a powerful adhesive that holds onto anyone who touches the Mimic. This allows the mimic to beat the target with powerful “fists”. As I continue to search, I found a large rock sticking into the ground almost halfway to the Treent. I walk to it and what do you know, I’m right. I quickly kick it and out pops my treasure!

What appears this time is amazing! All of the monsters that I have killed so far have been small fries. What comes out of the mimic are 2 large vials of a blue potion, a robe, and boots that match in color. I use identify to check the items.

Medium Mana PotionType:PotionDurability:N/AQuality:GoodPotion used to recover 500 Mana.

Robe of the Forest DruidType:ArmorDurability:80 / 80Quality:GoodRobe worn by the Old Forest Druids it increses Vit+5. Combine with other sets of the armor to increase bonuses.

Boots of the Forest DruidType:armorDurability:80 / 80Quality:GoodBoots worn by the Old Forest Druids in increases Agi+5. Combine with other sets of the armor to increase bonuses.

Yes! Finally some cool gear! But now it is finally time for the ultimate prize! I hungrily walk to the center of the glade, greed blinding my eyes as I grew closer to it I couldn’t help but to laugh at it. The once mighty boss monster reduced to a Swiss corpse and providing me with more loot! I can’t believe my luck with this. Maybe I am a true genius in this game. I will aim to be the strongest. I may not have strength in RL but here I’m powerful. Strong enough to kill a boss single handedly. Who needs RL, when I can live in happiness here!

I freeze on the spot and open my eyes wide in surprise…. Was I really thinking things like that? Is that what I truly wish? Holy crap that is very dangerous thinking. Ok I better not let thoughts like that control me…. How frightening. I shake my head clear of those thoughts and continue on.

As I get within a meter of the base of the Treant I begin using Identify on the various parts of its body. It tells me the bark is a great alchemic ingredient, and the wood can be made into staffs later. The blood is also a type of ingredient, but I’m too low of a level to get any more info.

So I go ahead and start stripping the usable materials from the Treant’s body. It’s not like he cares anymore. As I finish taking the final large piece of wood off the Treant It began to be surrounded in light. As it does the entire meadow glows a light green.


The corruption begins to peel off as if shedding it from itself. I watch in amazement as the green light intensifies all around me, I notice Sapha has finally shut up and is watching this scene with awe. As the last of it is peeled it starts to be form together in a ball in the sky, and then it just disintegrated. The now healthy forest clearing is all that remains, but right in front of me, where the Treent once stood was a giant stone slab. And in front of the slab was a HUGE treasure chest! HELL YEA!!

I quickly opened it up and inside was over 500 gold coins, a large cloak, some magic rings and other jewelry that I think has enchantments, and a strange handle. I picked up everything and shoved it into my inventory, i will look at those later, i don't want to have a huge pile of treasure sticking out in a big clearing not far from a city. I put everything in except for the strange handle. I use identify and I came up with this:

Sorin's Mana Blade hiltType:SwordDurability:N/AQuality:LegendaryWeapon used by Sorin the Batttlemage. The blade was broken up into 3 parts, hilt, guard, blade

Channel mana into the hilt and create blades of mana that can cut through anything

Damage rate 2 mana /1 damage.




Find the other parts of the sword to complete

Quest: Find Sorin's Legacy

Sorin Saltear was a man made for battle and war, he helped forge the Human empire to be what it is today. Find and assemble his famed sword and bring his legacy back to the Human race

Quest rank: B+


Sorin's (Complete) Mana Blade





Failure conditions


Quest Accepted

Putting the hilt into my inventory I got up and stood away from the chest as it vanished, all that was left was the huge stone slab. It had small writing on it, and a series of strange magic formations covering various parts of it. I couldn’t help but be impressed at the magic configuration. I counted over 12 of these magic circles. This must be one heck of a spell! I knelt down at the base and tried to study a little about the slab.

Sapha, who has been good for the last hour finally started to talk again. But because I was in a good mood I paid some attention to her.

“Hey master, you got a lot of pretty amazing gear, what are you going to do now?"

without looking up from the slab, I decided to humor the little girl with some answers.

“Sapha, as I’ve been telling you, I am not a master or anything. All I know is some magic I figured out myself. I need to learn a class, and focus my efforts on that. Most likely I will go back to try and enter the tower. After that I……… What the?! There is no way this is real! Why are there Deleram(Ancient) runes in a game?!”

I was looking at a real magic formation. I started to read a little, and all I could feel is dread! I immediately step back and start to yell at sapha as the slab started to glow a bright red.

“Sapha, Run! Just Run, this is BAD!”

From what I could recognize from the formation, this spell, is a forbidden spell “Mind Seal” it was connected to another forbidden spell “Spirit Meld.” Why is there something like this in a game!? Crap!!!!

As we try and get away from the slab, a huge barrier surrounded us, forcing us to stop. I looked down at the barrier circle and without hesitation grabbed Sapha by the back of her shirt. I use my mana to wrap around her and just like with my lance I used it to launch her through the barrior. She passed through unharmed. But as she slipped through, the barrier started to condense forcing me closer and closer to the slab. As I struggled in vain, the slab had started to split and out of the cracks chains protruded.

When I was forced into a meter away from it, the chains, as if alive, started to grab ahold of me. It started to coil itself around my arms, legs, and neck. Then as I was shoved up against the stone I felt an intense, horrible pain, as the end of the chains punctured through my body. I wasn’t sure where or how many times I was punctured, all I could see hear and feel, was pain.

Finally after what felt like hours of torture, I passed out….. and there was nothing but darkness but over and over I could hear something in that darkness speaking to me:

“I of the Origins from before the dawn of time, Seek my Champion.

I of the Origins that may finally be free, Seek my Champion.

I of the Origins with my power released, Seek my Champion.

I of the Origins that can bring balance to what is broken, Seek my Champion.

I of the Origins call out to YOU, Be my champion!”

As the last of the words leave me I can no longer think, I just drift off to a dreamless realm.


My name is Allan Myrdread and right now me and my family are living in Japan. There is something different about our family from others. It is the fact that we posses magical power. Right now we are in the middle of helping out an old family friend Hojiro Akumatokko, who is letting us stay in his home.

Its been a few day since we moved in and have been working on various projects to strengthen one of the seals that has been coming loose recently. When we moved I was happy that my older brother Seth could come along with us. He is 17 years old this year and is soon going to be kicked out of our home, due to not having any magical powers of his own.

My sister Drella and I love him very much, but we also understand that it is because of us that Brother is suffering under Father and Mother. I was kind of sad when Brother turned to games to cope with us. Father and mother didn’t give a care.

It’ the 9th day of us staying in the Akumatokkōs house and it is early in the morning. All the family is there, except for Brother. But Momohime told us that he should be here in a bit. Today Me, Drella, Hiru, and Tobi are going out. We are going to ask Brother if he would like to join us in the forest. In the past Brother would always come and play with us. Brother always helps us when we need it, treats us like kids, yet respects us.

Big Brother is still not here. What is taking so long. I hope he is alright, but it is already 10:30 a.m. Drella and I are getting really worried. Momo is also showing a worried face, she went by the door and looked in. the Rice balls she had made for Brother where still there. I'm sure he will come out at some point. So we go about our day

It is now a little past noon and as everyone was getting ready to eat lunch a huge power wave swept over the house. The only thing that causes these distortions are high level spells. Father and mother had serious looks on their faces, and Master Hojiro was frowning. We all could sense that this was an extremely powerful spell!

Father led the way to the source, Brothers room. He immediately opened the door and brother wasn’t there. Everyone watched as Momo squeezed passed us and into the small room. Walking over to the corner and banging on the egg shaped statue yelling at brother. She was asking if he was ok. There was no answer, only then Momo grabbed a hidden latch and opened the front, and brother lifelessly fell out. He was covered in sweat, with a dark mist emitting from his body.

Every Magician in the world knew what happened if you start to get covered in a black miasma. There was something wrong with your body and soul synchronization. Father grabbed brother and ripped his shirt off. Revealing a strange mark, similar to a chain that continued to circulate around brothers body. In the center of his chest was a strange rune, I have never seen before. But as Father and mothers eyes gazed turned to it, they started to grin. They got up and left brother on the floor, and strolled calmly past everyone and out of the room.

Momo gently tried to sit him up on the container she called it a “pod” and began to examine Brother. When Father took brothers shirt off everyone had gasped, because on brothers chest was a Powerful forbidden spell, Hojiro was trying to explain to us the implications of such a thing. A spell of this strength could not have been made by a Human, demon, or an angel. No the only ones strong enough to create the seal big brother was under is one of the Supreme Spirits.

These Spirits are our like our gods, we pray to them and borrow power from them. One must want brother, but why would they want our powerless, kind, loving, older brother? I felt terrified that we didn’t know what happened, but father and mother had actually showed smiles. If a deity took favor in one of their direct family members, they may give some special favor to them… this thought sickens me. Why, why did this happen to big brother?

I must figure out what had happened to my brother, and for what purpose. I look over at my twin sister Drella, and she looked at me. We both turned to face the "pod" and without saying anything, went over to Momo who was trying to take care of brother and asked

"How much are these Pods Momo?"


Alright I hope you enjoyed the final chapter of the first arc. Stay tuned, and in about a week i will resume Posting.

Please comment, criticize and rant (if you must) it always helps me to see what i have to cover and what needs to be changed.

BTW someone said that the Regeneration rates were OP... it evens itself out. it just seems insane at a low level. just wait until later. it will look stupid. I will also go back and overhaul the first ark, adding in details and things that i had missed. I will be sure to tell you all when.

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