《Twilight over Arcania》Chapter 12: Death
Location: Gloria's Temple / Council Chamber
Time: Y1502 / 27th day of the Ice Moon
Night had descended over Victoria, but because of an accident, many could not yet sleep inside the Temple of Gloria.
In front of the Council Chamber there where benches. Sitting on them Brother and Sisters that willing or not took part in an unfortunate event that could have spelled doom for the centuries old organization.
One by one the Council inquired all witnesses. At last, only a teacher, Sister Ramia, was left. And she was nervous.
[I didn't do anything! None of this is my fault! Damn. I just wish this day to end already! The wait is unbearable!] (Ramia, Teacher)
The door of the Council chambers opened, Carlotta walked out.
"It's your turn, Ramia. Just tell them the truth, ok?" *leave* (Carlotta, Healer Apprentice)
*deep breath* (Ramia)
Ramia stepped inside the Council Chamber, two guards closed the large door behind her. It was the first time she was called there. Despite being night, the room was lit as it was day inside. There were glorious paintings depicting Gloria, and a semicircular table. And behind that table sat the Council of Gloria. Even the High Priestess herself was present.
"Your name and duty for the records, please." (Geneva, Scribe)
On a corner the scribe was busy writing down the words. The results of this inquiry would be recorded for all posterity.
"I *gulp* ~ I am Sister Ramia! My duty is raise the children. I teach the ways of Gloria." *sweat* (Ramia)
Ramia was restless and fumbled with her words even with this simple question. She fully understood that this matter was of paramount importance to the echelon of the Church.
"First, we would like to hear your version of the events that happened today." (Pernida, Councilwoman)
*inhale* “It was the~ (Ramia)
Ramia told the council everything she knew, while playing down her involvement as much as possible.
She spoke of how Karan, one of her students intercepted her on the way to the classroom, stalling her with legitimate concerns.
She described what she saw when she entered the room. The children terrified. Thomen laying down, all bloody and crying. How Liara was inside an invisible wall painted red with blood.
Ramia described how Liara was too scared to come out and how she found a guard and got help as quickly as possible.
She told of how she deduced the flow of events and had Thomen taken away by the guards, and how they had to wait for Serina to come because Liara's barrier was unbreachable.
Ramia played down the state of mind of the other children, stating how their strong faith in Gloria and prayer she taught sustained them through the accident.
"Overall, your tale is coherent with that of everyone else. There is little room for interpretation." (Pernida)
*exhale* (Ramia)
Ramia was so eager for this matter to end that she believed to be in the clear , now. Little she knew that the inquiry had barely begun.
"I have a question, Sister Ramia. Thomen was a knight trainee, but apparently he was tormenting the other children under your watch. Had his instructors known, he would have been disciplined. How could thing get so bad without ANY of my charges knowing anything about it. Would you please care to explain?" *raise eyebrow* (Teoren, Lord of the Knights)
Teoren was the Lord of the Knights. A Dark Skin fifty years of age. He became member of the council after suffering a crippling injury at his right leg during the war, sixteen years before.
"I... You know how children are, Councilman. Thomen was the oldest and strongest amongst them. They all respected him. He seemed at odd with Liara from the first day they met, but nothing hinted at what would happen today!" (Ramia)
"So, not only you failed to predict those event and prevent this accident, but even after the facts you still have no idea on why it happened? Your incompetence is astounding." (Teoren)
The remark coming from the respected Councilman shattered what little remained of Ramia's confidence. She was now on the verge of panicking.
"Please! I~ (Ramia)
"Silence! You'll speak only to answer our questions." (Vaerminia, Head of the Council)
"..." (Ramia)
"I'm afraid Lord Teoren has a point. Sister Carlotta is an healer, and she reported that children arrived to her with bruises and cut after your classes. Wounds prior to the events that transpired today." (Pernida)
"Sister Bella had a talk with the children after the accident. She didn't have time for a full examination, but her findings are... disturbing." (Cassandra, Councilwoman)
"All evidence points toward Thomen being the leader of a veritable band of thugs. Under your watch, he regularly beat the other children, stealing food from them. Which would explain many things. First of all, Thomen's size. Also, the... underwhelming presence of other children." (Pernida)
Pernida had a reputation for being the voice of reason in the council. With her turning against Ramia things looked bleak for the teacher.
*panic* "Wait!!! I can explai! This~ (Ramia)
"You had one warning already. Do you wish to worsen your position further?" (Vaerminia)
*gulp* (Ramia)
With order finally restored, the Council resumed their inquiry, which looked more and more like a one side sentencing.
"To miss such glaring events happening under your watch is reason enough to remove you from your duties. You undermined the growth of the future generation! At a time when the threat our enemies pose is at an all time high! But, remarkably, you managed to go beyond even that. It takes active effort to fail on such a grand scale. Impressive, in a way." (Teoren)
"I have to agree with my peers. When Liara was given to your care, we made sure you understood how important she was to the church. To no avail, apparently as she is now alive only thanks to her unthinkable potential as mage. The evidence presented so far is conclusive. Liara defied Thomen, and Thomen wanted to kill her for undermining him." (Cassandra, Councilwoman)
"I shudder at the thought of such disaster! Liara was a gift from Gloria herself! Had the Gifted One died, the church might as well have followed!" (Kamila, Councilwoman)
*gulp* *short breath* *sweat* (Ramia)
Things looked more and more grim. Members of the council each had their own agenda and interests, leading to long winded discussions to reach any meaningful decision. Today they all seemed in agreement, and not in a way favourable to Sister Ramia.
"The Gifted One had the guts to oppose Thomen, despite being only two years in age. None of the other children, despite being much older, did. You, Sister Ramia, despite being a full fledged Sister with an heavy duty, didn't." (Teoren)
“Indeed. Maybe your duties should have been reversed.” (Vaerminia)
"I'm not the only one to blame!!! Others knew!!! Shouldn't they be punished as well??? You just want a scapegoat!!!" (Ramia)
"You were warned. Guards! Restrain Sister Ramia!" (Vaerminia)
The two guards at the door grabbed Ramia by her arms, holding her.
"NOOOO!!!!" (Ramia)
"The rules are clear. You know them well. The duty of teaching the children was given to you. The responsibility for failing in your duty falls on you and you alone. If you felt this duty was above your skills, you should have refused it." (Pernida)
"But you make a point, Ramia. It is the responsibility of the High Priestess to give the right duty to the right Sister. It was Meridia who appointed you as Nanny and Teacher. She was obviously wrong in assessing your qualities. She failed her duty." (Amigarde)
“Meridia has already been judged and punished for her failures as High Priestess.” (Pernida)
"Indeed she has. Ramia, it will take us a few more days to reach a formal verdict. But since there is little room for interpretation I will give you the short version. You and Thomen will be burnt at the stake for endangering the children and attempting at the life of the Gifted One. May Gloria forgive you for your sins. Guards! Take her away!" (Vaerminia)
"NO!!! I didn't know!!! It's not my fault! PLEASE!!! I didn't do anything!!!" (Ramia)
"Yes. You didn't do anything. Perhaps, you should have." (Teoren)
The guards dragged the sobbing wreck out of the Council chambers and down the stairs, where the prison lies. She would be confined to a cell until the formal conclusion of the inquiry.
Location: Gloria's Temple / Courtyard
Time: Y1502 / 33rd day of the Ice Moon
POV: Liara
It's been a few days since Thomen's assault. The adults relived me of my duties to let me recover. That said, I'm mostly fine, both physically and mentally thanks to others Me and Mother.
After the assault it hit me how close to death I actually was. Had I not developed a barrier on a whim...
I wouldn't be alive...
I would like to progress with my studies in magic but I can't properly experiment with Mother always by my side.
Not that I mind! It's almost like a vacation. And I really need some down time after all that happened.
Thomen obviously has some kind of mental illness. It doesn't excuse him, but I can't help but think that in our world, he would have received help.
[Yes, Had he been born in a developed country that is. The world we come from was not all flowers and rainbows, you know?] (Explorer Me)
... I wonder what his punishment will be. Mother won't answer me when I ask. She tells me not to worry about him.
I'm conflicted. He is a danger for me and the others, but he probably can't help himself.
Is it right to punish him? What about the adults? They are the one that should have seen this coming. Make things right before it got this bad. The children in the school all dreaded him. Who know how long has he been tormenting them.
[Remember Liara, you are a two years old girl. It's too early for you to worry about such matters.] (Doctor Me)
Is this really the case? The wish we all shared was to help others with magic. I thought it was childish, but I really feel like I should do something about all of this.
I see in our shared memories the best Earth had to offer. Wouldn't it be nice to bring some of that here in Arcania?
[The adults wouldn't listen to you anyway. For now, at least. Just grow and learn. In my experience, if you work hard, results will naturally follow.] (Science Me)
Yes, you are probably right.
I still need to unlock after all.
“Liara.” *kneel* take hands* (Serina)
Mother was watching while I was monologuing with myself. She seems worried. She comes close to me, kneels down to be at my height and take my hands.
This must be important.
*stern* "Liara, there is something I need to tell you. Tonight, the perpetrators will be punished. You can stay here, or... You can bear witness. I'd like you to stay put... But I think you earned the right to decide yourself." (Serina)
I have never seen mother this worried. She is putting up an act not to alarm me. A part of me just want to go to bed and pretend nothing of worth is happening.
No. I have to see this through.
I want to see what punishment Thomen will receive.
"I'll go, Mother. I want to see!" (Liara)
“I see~ *look down* (Serina)
Mother really hoped for me to say no.
I'm sorry, this is something I must do.
*take hand* *walk* (Serina and Liara)
We leave Mother's chamber and slowly walk toward the courtyard.
Location: Gloria's Temple / Courtyard
Time: Y1502 / 33rd day of the Ice Moon
POV: Amigarde, High Priestess of Gloria
In my short tenure as High Priestess the Church has suffered great losses.
I saw the fall of the former High Priestess.
I watched helplessly as our enemies relentlessly assaulted our temples and wilted away at our forces.
I allowed our influence to decay and abandoned many of our historical territories to their fate.
Gloria. Are you testing the resolve of your charges?
Is your will to make sure your faithful servants are worthy of your greatest gift yet?
Than, so be it.
I will not falter!
I will see the Church through its darkest hours until our final victory is at hand!
*whisper* "Serina and Liara are here!" (Pernida, Councilwoman)
*glance* (Amigarde)
So Serina is here after all~
I told her not to come.
*exhale* (Amigarde)
Well, I guess Liara has the right to see. We owe her that much after failing to protect her.
Had her prowess been any less, she would~
No. No point thinking in how things could have gone. Liara is alive! I'll make sure to keep her so from now on!
The Church of Gloria will not fail her again!
Gloria bear witness to my promise!
*clench fists* (Amigarde)
It is time. I open my arms wide and address all the brothers and sisters that have gathered.
"Children of Gloria! We are here tonight because sins were committed inside the walls of out temple! Sins that cannot be forgiven!" (Amigarde)
**cheers** (Everyone)
The two hundred meters wide courtyard of the temple is filled to the brim. The crimes committed here are known to all, and everyone came to see.
Crystal lights and the torches held by the guards reveal the hundreds of Brothers and Sisters that gathered to bear witness. They will know what kind of fate awaits anyone that dares put the Gifted One in harms way.
*nod* (Amigarde)
The guards poke at the four weak willed followers of Thomen. They step forward, half of them crying. Pathetic. They might be children, but endangering Liara's life is a sin beyond forgiveness. I'll make an example of you! Ignorance is no justification for sin!
*cold stare* "Karan, Ramaan, Stefi and Yuree. For the sin of tormenting your fellow students. For the sin of giving in to the coldness inside of you. I, Amigarde, High Priestess of Gloria, sentence you to one moon of forced labour in the northern mines!" (Amigarde)
**cry** (Stefi, Karan)
*fall on knees* "Please!!! Thomen forced us!!!" (Yuree)
"Maybe. Maybe not. In the end, you sinned. You should consider yourselves fortunate I let you keep your lives! Guards! Take them away!" (Amigarde)
"You brats come with us." *grab chains* *pull yoke* (Guard A)
*gasp* "AHHHHHH!!! LET ME GOOO!!!" *cry* (Karan)
**cheers** (Everyone)
The guards will take them to the cells. They'll leave for the mines in the morning. I really hope this punishment will straighten their behaviour. Despite their sins, they can still serve Gloria, and we'll need fresh bodies in the years to come to act as shield for the Church.
*stare* (Amigarde)
*nod* *poke* (Guards)
The guards poke at the two main perpetrators. They step forward. They costed us many resources already, so they wear no clothes as there is no need to waste good fabric.
I had them bathed before the execution to allow them some measure of dignity before the end. Which is far more than they deserve given their crimes.
"Thomen. For the sin of tormenting the children and for the sin of attempting to the life of the Gifted One, you are to be burned alive at the stake!" (Amigarde)
"NOOOOO!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! LET ME GOOOOO!!!" *scream* (Thomen)
*spit* "With me, sinner!" (Guard B)
This child has the eyes of a madman...The guards quickly take Thomen to one of the stone pillars we erected in the centre of the courtyard. They use iron chains to restrain him.
“Is he possessed by the Great Other?” (Sister)
“Looks that way~ (Knight)
“May Gloria welcome him in her warm embrace~ *pray* (Sister)
It's Ramia's turn. Her eyes have heavy black circles around them. She didn't sleep much. She is sweating and trembling. What a pitiful appearance. You should have thought about this before you almost let Liara die. If we lose her... We can't!
I'll show everyone what the price for endangering Liara's life is.
"Sister Ramia. You had the duty of watching over the children. You neglected it. Repeatedly. The children suffered greatly under your watch, and the Gifted One had to save herself because of your inaction and your incompetence." (Amigarde)
**BOOOOOOO** (Everyone)
"Sister Ramia! For the sins of apathy, negligence and gross incompetence, you are to be burned alive at the stake! You'll share Thomen's fate!" (Amigarde)
*collapse on knees* *cry* (Ramia)
**Cheer** (Everyone)
"Your place is over there, sinner." (Guard C)
"As High Priestess of Gloria, I shall execute the sentence myself! May Gloria's fire wash away your sins! May Gloria's light cleanse your soul. Repent as the flames consumes you, and Gloria may yet forgive you and embrace you in the afterlife!" (Amigarde)
**Cheer** (Everyone)
""Burn them!!!"" (Everyone)
I walk toward the two stone pillars. Both Thomen and Ramia are restrained. They are terrified. They should be. My attendant helps me remove my dress. I start weaving magic.
I spend three full minutes weaving. This is going to be a much bigger spell than would be required because this fire must be awe inspiring! Order must be restored. An example must be set.
You will not suffer, sinners. Consider this my final mercy.
*whisper* "This ought to restore order. Well done, Amigarde" (Vaerminia)
Public Execution
Location: Gloria's Temple/Courtyard
Time: Y1502 / 33rd day of the Ice Moon
POV: Liara
Mother walks slowly, I follow closely behind. Along the way, few Sisters run past us.
We reach the courtyard. So many! The number of occupants of the temple has increased recently, and they all seems to be here.
It's night, but it might as well be day. The light of the pale moon make it easy to see, and on top of that there are many orbs of light floating over the courtyard.
Everyone is whispering to each other. It's not very noisy, but the murmur is unsettling. It makes me feel like something big is going to happen.
I'm too short! can't see anything from here!
"Mother, can I ride on your shoulders?" (Liara)
Mother gives me a worried look. She really doesn't want me to see. But I'm here, and I will see!
We look in each other eyes, finally Mother looks away. Without saying a word, she grab me and let me climb over her shoulder. She is trembling.
"Don't worry about me, Mother. I'll be strong!" (Liara)
Looking down I can see a smile. I say that, but if she is that worried about me... What in the world the punishment will be?
The High Priestess speaks. And people cheers. That's rude. You don't cheer at people misfortune!
[In our world there is an history of people cheering during public displays like this. Even during executions. Or I should say especially during executions? It was a form of entertainment.] (Explorer Me)
Executions, uh? Surely Thomen won't be killed? I mean, he did try to kill me, but he is a brat, and he is mentally ill. I want him far from me. Not dead.
[You should prepare yourself for the worst.] (Doctor Me)
Thomen's side kicks have been judged. A moon worth of forced labour in the mines? That sounds a bit harsh for a bunch of six to ten years old brats. Well, this ought to set them straight. The crowd is cheering a lot. They really like seeing other people in misery.
"Thomen. For the sin of tormenting the children, and for the sin of attempting to the life of the Gifted One, you are to be burned alive at the stake!" (Amigarde)
... Burned at the stake... BURNED AT THE STAKE!!! What are they thinking!!!
**cheers** (Everyone)
And you all cheer to this too?!?
"Liara... He tried to kill you. If was allowed to live... No. This is justice, Liara. Don't cry over him. The flames will cleanse his sins. Gloria will welcome him in her warm embrace." (Serina)
... This is not what I wanted.
[Not unexpected. I remember something a Sister said a while ago. Only life can pay for life.] (Explorer Me)
[They don't speak a lot about it, but when you live as long as I do, you can read between the lines. You almost died. You are exceedingly important for the church, Liara. Thomen is not. They are making an example out of him. So that none will harm you in the future.] (Doctor Me)
[We can feel your emotions, Liara. He is a criminal. He tried to kill you. This is the punishment the authority in this world deems fit. You have no faults.] (Bookworm Me)
I do actually. I impressed hard how his plan was to kill me from the start. Thomen had no plan. He wanted to beat me up, he...
[Would have killed you by accident? No. He planned poorly, but the outcome would have been your death. To me, he deserves to die.] (Soldier Me)
Enough. We'll talk later, ok?
"Sister Ramia! For the sins of apathy, negligence and gross incompetence, you are to be burned alive at the stake! You'll share Thomen's fate!" (Amigarde)
**cheers** (Everyone)
... The teacher too???
She doesn't deserve to die!!! Give her forced labour like you did with those brats!
[I don't think Ramia deserves to die either. They are making a statement here. That failing to protect you is a sin. They are making an example out of her too. You may have not noticed, but many Sisters here look at you with jealousy. You are gifted beyond imagination. They are not, and feel threatened by you.] (Doctor Me)
I... I didn't notice.
[It happens a lot in our world too. People with average skills tries to hinder those that are gifted. I know something about it.] (Science Me)
Still... The teacher will die because of me!!!
[No. She will die because she did nothing to stop Thomen. She could have stopped it had she done her job. Death might be too big a price, but she is the one at fault here.] (Bookworm Me)
An eye for an eye will make the world blind. There has to be a better way!
*soothing voice* "Liara. Do you want to leave? What will happen next is not pretty. No one will hold you for not wanting to watch." (Serina)
"... No. I will watch. Thanks, Mother. For everything." (Liara)
**stupor** ""Ooooooohhhh!!!"" (Everyone)
Two columns of fire. Two almost perfect cylinders of white flames about two meters in diameter each rise in the sky. They must be at least fifty meters high!!!
For a split of second One could hear screams from the flames. They didn't last long.
The fire only last a couple of seconds, and disappears, as quickly as it came into existence. So, this is magical fire?
[The core of the fire must have been thousands of degrees in temperature! I doubt they even felt it! Remarkable.] (Science Me)
Remarkable??? People just died!!
[What Science Me means is that burning people in our world took a lot longer. Minutes even. It might be even more painless than lethal injection. This is a humane way of delivering a death sentence.] (Doctor Me)
I didn't think about that.
The smoke subsided, there are only charred bones still chained to the pillar and ashes left.
*soothing voice* "Liara, do you want to go inside, now?" (Serina)
"Yes. I'm tired." (Liara)
"You don't need to come down. You can stay on my shoulders." *smile* (Serina)
The High Priestess is still spouting nonsense about justice. I don't care. We head back inside.
Location: Serenia's Domain / Forbidden City / Roots of the Dragon Plaza
Time: Y0000 / 29th day of the Fire Moon
"I'm tired!" (Rat Kin Youth A)
"I'm Hungry!" (Rat Kin Youth B)
"I'm cold!" (Rat Kin Youth C)
"I know, my children. Bear with it a while longer." (Shi'Shi)
It was almost night time. The temperature was dropping.
Virtually every Rat Kin in the Forbidden city was gathered in the grassy plain around the Dragon Plaza. Standing torches lit the area, revealing an ocean of at least two hundred thousand individuals. It was noisy as people talked with each others.
In the air, there were dozens of Dragons. Some wandering aimlessly in the sky. Others making circles around the plaza, like vultures awaiting for the Rat Kins to die.
Shi'Shi was near the back of the gathering, at least two kilometres away from the plaza itself. But even from there, she could see small mountains of food and riches dotting the plaza.
Today, the head of The Apex, the most dreaded Dragon of all, would awaken.
Stories passed down amongst the Rat Kins show that She is not as forgiving as the rest of Them. Even They fear her! Enough that the suicidal task of waking her up is given to the Rat Kins, for no Dragon would dare to do so.
This offering is meant to try and appease Her. Shi'Shi did her part, sharing what little precious food she had. She can only hope it will be enough.
**ROOAAARRRRRR** (Dragons)
An incredible roar shook the air. Many Rat Kin hunkered down in terror.
Shi'Shi looked in the direction of the Black Mountain. Five lights were approaching from there. They got bigger and bigger. Even from that distance, the size of those creatures was apparent.
"My children, that's The Apex. Those five rule over all of Them. Kneel now." (Shi'Shi)
Shi'Shi, her children, and all the Rat Kin not consumed by terror knelt down.
Shi'Shi glanced a peek. The five touched down in the Dragon Plaza. That structure was about one kilometre in size, enough for those five to coil down and still have space to spare.
In the centre on the Plaza, on top of the Dragon's Altar, Shi'Shi knew a Dragon Priest was waiting to hear whatever unreasonable demand The Apex would make.
To date no Dragon Priest ever survived an encounter with a Dragon, but sometimes they died before being able to fulfil their role as messengers. Ruin would follow in such cases. Dragon Priests go through a gruesome and painful training to ensure that they can survive long enough to deliver their message.
An unsettling silence fell over the plaza. Broken only by occasional screams of terror from individuals who couldn't handle the pressure. Even the Dragons flying in the sky became totally silent.
"What's happening" (Rat Kin Youth D)
*whisper* "Shhhh. The Dragon Priest is hearing Her demands." (Shi'Shi)
"I'm scared!!!" (Rat Kin Youth C)
*whisper* "I know. Pray for our ancestors in your mind. They'll give you courage." (Shi'Shi)
The Rat Kin didn't believe in Gods for even the Gods were couldn't do anything against Them. Instead the Rat Kins worshipped the souls of their ancestors. Those who endured Their rule and left a descendence.
Long minutes passed. The Dragons had yet to start feasting upon the Rat Kin's offering.
Not a good sign.
The silence was broken by the roar of a single Dragon. Yet that roar was stronger than the any dragons Shi'Shi had heard before. It could only have come from Her. Shi'Shi ears were ringing, and she was two kilometres away from the plaza.
Terror filed Shi'Shi's heart.
"W~ With me, my children! Take each other hands! Like I taught you! RUN!!!" (Shi'Shi)
That roar caused the Rat Kins to panic. What followed was a stampede. The Rat Kins desperately tried to flee. The screams. The slow ones being trampled.
**screams** (Rat Kins)
Shi'Shi was near the edge of the gathering. She was one of the first to start fleeing, she was safe for now. She was running like her life depended on it. It did.
*flash* *wave of heat*
An incredible flash of light made the night become day for a moment. Shi'Shi wasn't blinded because her back was turned.
After the flash, a flickering red light like it was coming from a fire cast a shadow in front of her. Shi'Shi felt heat and timidly looked over her shoulder while still running and holding the hands of her litter.
Shi'Shi eyes went wide.
The plaza was no longer visible. It was surrounded by a gigantic wall of flames!
Shi'Shi thought the flames were encircling the entire Dragon Plaza. Surely a spell The Apex had weaved.
The flames must have been at least half a kilometre in height!
Tens of thousand of Rat Kins must have been engulfed by it. Shi'Shi's mind couldn't wrap around just how gigantic the flames were.
Shi'Shi kept running along with her litter.
The light and heat quickly disappeared behind her.
Shi'Shi kept running.
*heavy breath* "I~ Can't~ (Rat Kin youth A)
*heavy breath* "Let's~ Rest~ A moment~ *sits down* (Shi'Shi)
Shi'Shi didn't know how long had she run. But she just couldn't take another step. She had to rest first.
Shi'Shi looked back. Few Rat Kins were running past her, but most were still behind her.
She was farther from the dragon plaza than before, but she didn't feel safe at all. It was a plain. There was no where to hide. Being one or tens of kilometres from Them made no difference at all.
For some reasons They had stopped. Most of them were still flying idly in the air. She couldn't see well that far, but she felt like they were waiting for something. Surprising. She fully expected Them to dive and hunt the Rat Kins.
[This pause won't last. Where can I go? Maybe I can reach the city?] (Shi'Shi)
Shi'Shi didn't want to let this chance to live go to waste. She was thinking about what to do. As a mother, the instinct of protecting her children kept her sane, kept her focused.
Hiding in one of the caves in the canyons of the Forbidden City was probably the best call. The city was only ten minutes away. She would have been a lot safer with tens of metres of rocks over her head.
*heavy breath* "Alright, children. Enough rest. We head towar.D. Gha!" *collapse* (Shi'Shi)
Shi'Shi and her litter collapsed to the ground. Dead.
Every Rat Kin around her collapsed. Dead.
Every Rat Kin still alive in the city, in the plaza, underground or in tens of kilometres in every direction from the plaza collapsed. Dead.
There were no longer any Rat Kin alive that could even think on what happened.
Everyone simply stopped being alive.
Today, the twenty-ninth day of the Fire moon, The Rat Kin tribe in the Forbidden City ceased to be.
But the day was not over.
The worse had yet to come.
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8 61 - In Serial8 Chapters
She is the author
Она очаровывает его и слепит каким то странным, новым, неизведанным ощущением, завораживает своими руками, заглушает эмоции и вытаскивает наружу из самых глубинок сердца только самое хорошее. Невероятно, ему так тепло.(Под песню Fleur - Будь моим смыслом. )
8 117 - In Serial6 Chapters
One more message
Неизвестный: Привет Эль. Прости меня, повел себя как идиот. Не надо было мне тогда сосаться с Майклом. Софи: Чувак я конечно не Эль, но сосаться с парнем, если ты парень это уже слишком! Она - девушка с непонимающими родителями и старшим братом. Она - открылась миру благодаря ему.Он - её кумир. Он - человек который поможет ей. Он - однажды ошибся номером и поменял её жизнь. Он - Люк Роберт ХеммингсОна- София Элизабет АдамсонВсего одно сообщение и так много изменений в жизни.Если я хоть немного вас заинтересовала, то страницы моего фанфика открыты для вас.
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