《Twilight over Arcania》Chapter 2: Rebirth
Location: City of Victoria / Gloria's Temple / Seer's Tower
Time: Y1500 / 13th day of the Harvest Moon / Midday
Under the dome of a large circular room, atop of the Seer's Tower inside the Temple of Gloria an important ceremony was unfolding.
"Release the fumes." (Meridia, High Priestess of Gloria)
At the words of the High Priestess, a Sister slowly poured over the smothering fire, causing a thick white smoke to raise upward.
Above the fire there was a balcony that lead to a platform. On that platform the figure of an old woman could be seen. The old woman took in the thick white smoke with deep breaths. With wide gestures she lead the smoke to her mouth.
*collapse* (Seer of Gloria)
"... Winds of change ... Newborn ... Fernern ..." (Seer)
The effect of the addling smoke was immediate. The now delirious Old Woman collapsed and her eyes turned white. The old woman begun describing images nobody else there could see. She was the Seer of Gloria, and this ceremony allowed her to catch glimpses of the future.
*scribble* [The words of the Seer are unusually clear, today. It must be a powerful Oracle.] (Scribe Geneva)
A scribe nearby was carefully writing down the cryptic words and broken phrases uttered by the Seer. She proved that her Orcles were real, but the images were as warped as a dream would be.
*gasp* (Seer)
The powerful seer gasped as she tensed, her back arching backward. Whatever she was seeing, it was affecting her greatly.
"!!! Cataclysm!!! Child of Prophecy!!! Gifted One!!!" (Seer)
*lose consciousness* (Seer)
**freeze** (Sisters)
Receiving Oracle from the goddess was no easy task, but this time was different. After a moment of pain, the Seer screamed her dying words then fell silent for the last time. Everyone there, froze.
"Carlotta! Tends to the Seer. Geneva, write down the words!" (Meridia)
“Ah!” *run* (Sister Carlotta)
It was the high priestess that shook her charges in action with a powerful command. At her behest, Sisters around bustled in motion. Healers rushing to the Seer's help, sisters stopping the smoke, guards rushing to deliver messages.
"High Priestess, I've finished writing the words." *hand over parchment* (Geneva)
*grab scroll* (Meridia)
The High Priestess lose no time, reading the words. She remembered of course what the Oracle was, but she had to confirm it. It was a clear warning.
"Go inform the Order of the Knights. They are to prepare for a sortie. Immediately." (Meridia)
“Yes!” *run* (Sister Serina)
Hearing that, a Sister nearby rushed down the spiral stairs.
"Sister Geneva. Write down my orders for the Knights. They have to find a place called Fernern. There will be a child there. I feel they'll know by heart who they are looking for once they see them. They are to report back to me as soon as they have informations.” (Meridia)
*write down* (Geneva)
Meridia kept reading the few scant words of the Oracle, over and over, trying to find deeper meanings.
"Uhm... One more thing. No harm has to come to the child." (Meridia)
As soon as Geneva was done with her duty, she handed the scroll to a guard, who run away to deliver the all important orders.
As the High Priestess looked on the healers, still busy in their hopeless attempt to heal the seer, she tried to make sense of her gut feelings.
[This Oracle is deeply troubling. The Church of Gloria has to quickly take control of the situation. My instinct tells me that the future of our faith depends on the outcome of this sortie.] (High Priestess)
Location: Fernern / Chief's Hut
Time: Y1500 / 13st day of the Harvest Moon / Afternoon
For the small farming village of Fernern this was a joyous day. The grandson of the Village Chief would soon be born.
"Push!" (Old Woman)
*push* *scream* (Mecabe)
*birth* *cry* (Newborn)
"..." (Old Woman)
"Is everything alright, Mother? Is he a boy?" (Son of the Village Chief Hivern)
"No, it's a girl." (Old Woman)
*weak voice* "I'm sorry, husband." (Mecabe)
"It's alright, my half. We have many long years ahead of us. You'll give birth to a boy." *hold hands* (Hivern)
"There is something else... The girl is Fair Skin." *hand over newborn* (Old Woman)
*glare* (Hivern)
"No, she didn't betray you with a Fair Skin, Son. I would know." (Old Woman)
*angry* "Than, how do explain this, Mother?!?" (Hivern)
"This girl looks nothing like you, Son. She looks nothing like Mecabe either. I only heard stories about Fair Skin children born of Dark Skin parents. Bad stories." (Old Woman)
"What should we do?" (Hivern)
"You should speak with the elders and with your father. But you already know what should be done. This girl is a bad omen. She can't stay." (Old Woman)
*sniff* (Mecabe)
This news broke the heart of Mecabe, but she would soon get better. Half of all children dies during birth, or soon after. It's a common occurrence to lose a newborn.
"Don't get too attached to her, my half. I'll return soon." *leave* (Hivern)
Only the strong survives. The village can't afford to feed such an abomination.
Location: Fernern Village
Time: Y1500 / 13th day of the Harvest Moon / Evening
The white moon was high enough in the sky that horses could ride despite being the setting sun.
A group of twelve knights was travelling north along the Royal Road that connects Victoria with other large settlements. After a two hours ride, the knights left the Royal Road turning west toward the village of Fernern. A small farming settlement.
The noise of the horses approaching fast could not be missed by the villagers.
Surely enough small fires could be seen by the knights. The dogs were the firsts to notice them, and their bark awoke the villagers.
They came out of their huts armed with farming tools. Public order was bad, villager had to defends themselves against mercenaries. Numbers making up for their lack of training or proper weapons. It was deterrent enough most of the times.
The knights stopped in front of the mob. The leader of the knights come down from his horse. An old man, probably the village chief stepped forward.
"Why do Knights of Gloria come to us in the middle of the night?" (Village Chief Herbern)
"I'm Steffen, leader of this unit. We are here on orders from the High Priestess of Gloria herself. Are all of the villagers here?" (Steffen)
"Why are you here, Knight?" (Herbern)
"Careful, commoner. I'm the one making questions. Answer!" (Steffen)
The villagers readied their farming tools, the knights unsheathed their swords.
"Stand down! Leader, we do not wish for bloodshed. All the able bodied are here. The young and the old are inside their huts." (Herbern)
"We are searching for newborn babies or pregnant women. Are there any in your village?" (Steffen)
The Village Chief consulted briefly with the younger men next to him.
"Leader of the Knight. I'm Hivern, son of the Village Chief, Herbern. A baby was born from my wife tonight. A Fair Skin girl. Many think of it as a bad omen. What would you do with my child?" (Hivern)
Fernern was a village of Dark Skin humans. Dark Skin are mostly found in farming villages or employed as labour force. Dark Skin are physically stronger than Fair Skin but have little aptitude for magic.
It's a rarity for a Fair Skin to be born of Dark Skin parents. Steffen had never witnessed it.
"Bring your child, along with all pregnant women and children younger than one year of age to your hut, Village Chief." (Steffen)
"Very well. We will do as you say. Please, let us be. Nobody needs to die." (Herbern)
"Knight! Guard to the hut! Stella! Inform the temple and ask for further orders. Move!" (Steffen)
The village chief knew in his heart that his grandchild would be taken from him, but that child was a bad omen. She had been born only hours before, and the village was already facing a crisis. Had the Knights of Gloria not come for her, the chief would have ended her life personally.
[Hiding our youths and mothers would only serve to make the Knights our enemies. I'm sure they are only after my grandchild. I'm sorry. You'll have to die for the village to survive.] (Herbern)
Herbern escorted Steffen to the chief's hut, where his grandchild was. Meanwhile, his son, Hivern was gathering the others. Three pregnant women and a one year old child. Outside the village, Stella, a Mage Knight came down from her horse. A faint green light could be seen around her by those adept to magic.
As the Mage Knight of the unit, Stella was in charge of communications. She weaved , a spell that link the minds of two people together. The spell was too complex for a Mage of her level, so she carried a medallion upon which the spell was engraved. By channelling magic through the artifact, the spell would activate.
"Headquarter. I'm Stella, Mage Knight from the Fourth Unit. I have an urgent report." (Stella)
"Mage Knight Stella. I'm the High Priestess. Speak." (High Priestess Meridia)
"Blessed One! ... Ah! Fernern is cooperating, and we are securing it as we speak. We have confirmed the presence of several pregnant women and a one year old child. The most significant news is a Fair Skin girl that was born tonight of Dark Skin parents." (Stella)
"The Fair Skin must be the one the Seer spoke of. The child has to be taken to the Temple. Alive and unharmed. Failure is not an option." (Meridia)
"As you will. Blessed One." (Stella)
"About that village... How many Dark Skins live in Fernern?" (Meridia)
"There are about seventy of them in twenty huts, Blessed One." (Stella)
"We can't let news of the birth of the Fair Skin to spread. If I remember right you are adept in fire magic, Mage Knight Stella. After withdrawal, you are to burn the village to the ground. The other knights are to give chase and kill everybody that escapes." (Meridia)
"But... The villagers! They are cooperating!" (Stella)
"Will you go against the will of the Gloria, Mage Knight Stella?" (Meridia)
Stella knew well what awaited her had she refused to follow the order. Going against the will of God is a grave sin. She could only obey.
"I... It will be done, Blessed One." (Stella)
"I shall await for favourable news and for the child to arrive. May Gloria's blessing be with you." (Meridia)
The village was quiet, basking in the moon light of the night. The villagers went inside by order of the Knights of Gloria. They were afraid, but confident that the situation had resolved. Many were already thinking about the work to be done in the fields, tomorrow. Little they knew that their fate was already sealed.
"I have the child, Stella. The villagers are inside their huts. They think we are preparing to leave, they are not expecting an assault. Now is the moment, before they realize our intent. Magic Knight Stella, I order you to burn Fernern to the ground, along with every soul that lives in it! For Gloria!" (Steffen)
With a heavy heart, Stella took out an artifact from her belt, an unimpressive wooden ring about ten centimetres in diameter. She raised the ring in the air, closed her eyes, and started weaving magic. She carefully refined the magic power around her in thin threads, and directed the threads according the image that was forming in her mind. The image of Fernern burning.
It took about two minutes for the weaving to complete. A villager, untrained, but with some aptitude in magic was observing the Knights from a window in his hut. He could see a faint red light around the female knight. He realised the danger too late.
In an instant, strong magical flames erupted from the ground. They lasted only a few seconds, enough to lit the huts made of wood and dry mud along with every Dark Skin living inside the village. The flames reached high in the sky. The heat could be felt by the knights and the horses. The wooden ring turned to dust, ashes falling over Stella.
"It seems no one will attempt to escape. Well done, Magic Knight Stella. Your spell weaving was magnificent." (Steffen)
Steffen looked with pride at the handiwork of his Mage Knight, studying the situation.
"We'll stay a while longer to confirm no Dark Skin survived. Then we will ride back to the Temple. The child has to be delivered to the High Priestess as son as possible." (Steffen)
[This is the will of Gloria. This is the will of Gloria. This is the will of Gloria. This...] (Stella)
Stella repeated the mantra in her head. Silent tears dripping from her eyes at the lives she took. This action was ordered by the High Priestess, it was the will of Gloria herself. What was wrong with her that she doubted her actions? Stella tried to bury her feelings.
Twelve knight were seen riding toward Victoria on the Royal Road. One of them holding a new born girl.
Location: Gloria's Temple / Serina's Chamber
Time: Y1500 / 14th day of the Harvest Moon / Morning
POV: Serina
I'm Serina, a Sister, serving in the Temple of Gloria. My duty to the temple is to nurse children that were gifted to Gloria by the faithful. They'll grow to be Priestesses or Soldiers. This happens often, but yesterday night the High Priestess entrusted me with a new born child personally.
I have never seen a girl with such a fair skin color. It is said that the fairer the skin, the greater the aptitude for magic is. She might grow to be an outstanding mage. I understand why this child is given special treatment.
Still, there is something that bothers me. There are rumors that the Seer died yesterday!And, according to the rumors, the last Oracle was about a newborn child.
This can't be a coincidence. But I trust Meridia. She is the High Priestess. Her voice is the will of Gloria. I am merely an instrument of her will.
*cry* (child)
As I walk toward my chamber I hear a cry. The child finally woke up. I pick her up and embrace her. I chant her a lullaby.
"~Young girl do not cry~ ~Gloria watches over you~ ~My love will keep you warm~" (Serina)
It works. The girl stops crying. When she arrived yesterday night she was dirty and wrapped in rags. She must have been through quite the ordeal. But she seems alright now.
I'm glad.
The child briefly opens her eyes.
"!!!" (Serina)
They are red! I have never seen eyes of such a deep crimson red in my life! Combined with her pure white skin, her appearance is unsettling.
The child finally settles down and falls asleep. Rest well. I will take care of you. I promise.
*kiss forehead* (Serina)
Location: City of Victoria / Gloria's Temple
Time: Y1500 / 14th day of the Harvest Moon / Morning
POV: Liara
I'm awake.
I feel weak.
! I remember!
Was it all a dream? It doesn't feel like it.
Unlike my encounter with I can feel my body now. I'm alive. Then why can't I move?
I try to open my eyes.
Ah! The light hurts!!!
I just want this nightmare to end.
*cry* (Me)
I hear steps! I'm not alone. Before I can make sense of the situation, someone picks me up.
Whoa. This person must be a giant! Gigantic arms wraps around my body and lift me effortlessly!
The arms are warm, what gentle embrace. I hear a voice. It's rhythmic. Like a lullaby.
What a sweet voice.
This giant doesn't seem to have bad intentions. I stop crying.
I stop for a moment and think. Nothing good will come out of me panicking like this.
I'm weak. I can't open my eyes, my body can barely even move, and someone much bigger than me picked me up and is singing a lullaby.
Am I... Am I A baby?!?
did speak of a new life. Being reborn as a baby makes sense. This giant must be my Mother! I feel all fluffy! My original mother abandoned me. This time she cares instead!
All the crying and worrying made me tired.
I fall asleep while still held by Mother.
Location: Gloria's Temple / High Priestess' Chamber
Time: Y1500 / 14th day of the Harvest Moon / Morning
POV: Meridia
I'm tired. I have been unable to sleep because of tonight's events. But as the High Priestess of Gloria, I do not have the luxury of resting. There are many matters that requires my attention.
The death of the Seer. The burning of Fernern. The arrival of the child.
*knock knock* "Blessed One. Sister Serina wishes to see you." (Sister)
Good. Serina is quick with children as usual. I'm eager to hear her thoughts about the child.
"Many blessings to you, Sister Serina. First, I inform you that I decided upon a name. The child shall be known as Liara, from now on. Now, tell me. How is she?" (High Priestess Meridia)
"The girl, Liara, was in poor condition when she arrived. But she woke up, and she seems alright, now." (Serina)
This is good news. But I can see something troubles Serina.
"Sister Serina. I'm sure you realized already. Liara is an important existence to the church. If something is troubling you, no matter how small you think it is, I want to hear it." (Meridia)
"Ah! Uhm... This child. I find Liara to be... Unsettling... She is different from the others. Her skin is of the fairest color, sign that she has outstanding magical potential. On top of that, her eyes are crimson in color. I never seen such deep red. I don't know what to think of it." (Serina)
Red eyes?!? This is unheard of. She might be dangerous! Should I dispose of the child right away?
No. The Oracle. All signs points to Liara having a destiny to fulfill. And we lost the Seer. With no suitable replacements, we simply must get value out of this child. Under the right guidance, Liara might become our sword. Tip the balance in the church's favour.
"Uhm... Blessed One? Is everything alright?" (Serina)
Ah! I let my doubts be seen by a subordinate. I still have much to learn as High Priestess.
"Serina, the rumors you may have heard are correct. The Seer died tonight. Her last Oracle is what guided us to Liara. Our calling is clear. It is our sacred responsibility to guide this child under the light of Gloria. So that she may fulfill her Destiny." (Meridia)
"Yes! I shall rear Liara to the best of my abilities Blessed One! I will not fail you!" (Serina)
"I know you won't, Sister." (Meridia)
There are too many unknown surrounding Liara. This might be dangerous, but I need to shed some light over this matter.
"There is something else, Serina. We must gain deeper understanding of this Liara in order to guide her. I will prepare for the Ceremony of Gifts. I'll be ready the day after tomorrow. And, Serina, no one else shall know this." (Meridia)
"But... To perform the Ceremony of Gifts on a new born... In secret even..." (Serina)
"I shall perform the ceremony personally. Rest assured, no harm will come to the child. This is the will of Gloria." (Meridia)
"! Forgive me for my doubts, Blessed One. I shall make the necessary preparations." *leave* (Serina)
If she is merely a girl with great aptitude it would be fine. But she might be a dangerous existence. And finding this out one year down the line, might be too late.
What is that Gloria wishes of us? What is Liara's destiny? It's up to me to find out.
*knock knock* "Blessed One. You have another visit. A Knight of Gloria wishes to see you. Steffen, Leader of the Fourth Unit." (Sister)
There is this matter too. Burning Fernern was a bold move, but information about Liara mustn't spread. Our enemies would try to kill her. Or worse, kidnap and make use of her.
It had to be done. Luckily, Fernern was attacked before. Many times, according to the reports. Furthermore it was just seventy Dark Skin that had to be silenced. A small price to pay.
As for the cover story, it is simple. Our knight saw the smoke, and rushed to the Fernern, only to find it burned to the ground. The work of bandits no doubt.
*grin* (Meridia)
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