《Alice The Roaming Dungeon》Chapter 22 Where Are My Voices!
Alice POV
Training finally ended today, so I'll be leaving for the front in the two days. I got Tarvon to give me an extra day off by telling him that my dungeon needed to be updated before I left and the process would take at least a day. A total lie, but he doesn't need to know that. He decided to go to leave for my city this morning since according to him it was pointless to sit around and do nothing. All I could say was good riddance I need a break after yesterdays trial from hell. When he decided it would be my last training, he pulled out all the stops and decided I would be training for 24 hours straight no breaks, food or water. The worst part was he chose not to use the training rings, so he completely outclassed me regarding stats. By the end of that hell, I had broken most of my bones at least a dozen time and with my regeneration cut in half a healer had to come and help set the bones properly if they were completely shattered. But even that turned out to be a godsend since it gave me a few minutes to breathe. But I can't deny that Tarvons methods definitely had results most of my passive skills rose 20 to 30 levels. I even got better at commanding my new minions and started Journey of the Commander, but it was slow going. It was at 11%, but according to Tarvon that was still a rapid rate of completion, and he thinks I'll be able to finish it within a few months. Well, either way, I was proud of the progress I made over the past month, I just wish Ery wasn't so serious lately. He just had to burst my bubble saying that my skills were still under the minimum level requirement for joining Asuras military. Why couldn't he just praise me that stupid jerk? I worked really hard right guys?
"Seriously are you guys even alive?"
"Fuck you!"
And that's another problem I've been having the voices don't say anything anymore, and it's really freaking me out. They're total ass holes but they stuck with me no matter what, so I'm kinda worried about them. Even the bitch and dumbass fighting would be welcome if they would just say something. I asked Ery about it, but he said it was a good thing and Imerae well she hasn't really heard our conversations, so she's useless. Fuck it I'm thinking about this too much knowing those pieces of shit they'll pop up eventually. I have more important things to take care of right now specifically my dungeon opened up a few days ago, and the mana has been pouring in. I got an alert saying that winter floor reached 100 square miles and the monster and rooms were added to the floor. The second floor had the least amount of monsters so far at 2,500 for the entire floor, but it was 200 rooms in total. That's because the ice under the surface was made it into separated rooms effectively doubling the size of the floor. But since the tunnels needed to be carved out by my Frost Goblins only about 20 to 30 rooms underground would be usable at any given time. With everything I wanted the dungeon to do by itself finished, I looked at my stats and for the first time in a while and enjoyed the sight of my progress.
Name: Alice Race: Homunculus / Roaming Dungeon Level: 252 Exp: 94% Titles: Homunculus, The Tortured, The Freed, The Destroyer of Worlds, Child of Mania, The Pale Rider, The Slaughterer, World Traveler Class: Pale Rider (Unique G) Racial Skills: Body Enhancements (Sub-Skill- R43 Regeneration Implant), Deaths Eyes (Sub Skills- Inescapable Eyes Lv1 and All-Seeing Eyes Lv10 (+1)), Dungeon System Health: 16,199 Mana: 17,188 Health Regen: 1 per sec (-1 per sec due to skill) Mana Regen: 10 per sec (-5 per sec due to skill) Strength: 1,344 Vitality: 1,305 Agility: 1,338 Reaction: 1,321 Intelligence: 1,306 Wisdom: 1,289 Blessings: Blessing of Mania
Elemental Mastery:
Earth-77%(+2%) Fire-79%(+1%) Nature-16%(+4%) Wind-74%(+3%) Water-54%(+2%) Ice-12%(+7%) Light-9% Dark-18% Metal-15% (+8%) Death-32%
Resistance/ Endurance:
Physical- 480
Magical- 630
Stamina- 9,310
Stamina Regen- 34 per sec
Class Skill Sets
The 7 Seals- First Seal Conquest Lv1
Journey of the Tortured, Journey of the Killer, Journey of the Freed, Journey on the Mad, Journey of the Dead Soul, Journey of the Scythe Wielder, Journey of the Chain User, Journey of the Dancer, Journey of the Graceful, Journey of the Rider(New), Journey of the Knife Wielder(New)
Journey of the One Loved by Gods 60%, Journey of the Insane 92%, Journey of the Shattered 50%, Journey of the Cruel 49%, Journey of the Merciful 7%, Journey of the Pale Rider 25%, Journey of a True Mage 63%, Journey of the ^($?~#& 50%, Journey of the Commander 11%(New)
Active Skills- True Suffering lv10 (+4), The Presence of Inevitability lv14 (+6), Message of the Rider , Summon Mount: Thanatos, Summon Weapon: Scythe of The End, Chains of Samsara lv16 (+12), Soul Grasplv4, Soul Manipulation lv4, Soul Essence lv5, The Weakness of Flesh lv1
Magic Skills- Expert Fire Magic, Advanced Earth, Wind, and Water Magic, Beginner Light, Dark, Ice and Metal Magic, Apprentice Death Magic, Mana Manipulation lv54, Spirits of the Dead lv6
Passive Skills- Pain Immunity, Soul Immunity , Mental Immunity, Scythe Mastery lv32 (+26), Chain Manipulation lv28 (+23), Grace lv22 (+15), Dance Mastery lv25 (+19), Dance of the Dead lv45 (+37), Riding Mastery 23 (New), Knife Mastery lv17 (New)
Dungeon Name- Unnamed Core Name- Alice Species- Roaming Dungeon Titles- The First of a Species, The Roaming Dungeon Level-8 Floors- 3 Max Floors- 8 Rooms- 286 Monsters Count- 7,923 (Revivable-8,300) (Unrevivable-843,134) Boss Count- 2 Mana Capacity- 1000/9000 (Reach Maximum Capacity to Level) Mana Regen- 75 per hour
Floor Creation, Room Creation, Auto-Rebirth, Absorption, Synthesis, Expansion, Item Assignment, Monster Creation, Boss Creation, Evolution, Environment Creation, Dimensional Entrance Creation, Dungeon Awareness, Safe Zone Creation, Auto Management, Monster Integration, Dungeon Store , Monster Core Creation, Magic Imbuement, Skill Imbuement, Shrine Creation
Skill Store- Skill Name (Mana Price)
Item Alteration (8,000), Mental Communication (15,000), Dungeon Mine (40,000), Item Shop (6,000), Mana Stone Creation(50,000), Natural Evolution (15,000), Monster Skill Level Up (80,000), Monster Journeys (100,000), Monster Classes (200,000), Advanced Skill Absobtion (17,000), Final Boss Creation (15,000), Dungeon Laws (20,000), Dungeon Runes 10,000
Monsters Types- Monster Name(Mana Cost)
Plant- Light Moss(5), Heat Trees(50), Rain Moss (8), Spore Mother's (120), Snow Moss (10), Frost Trees(50)
Animal Mutations- Ambush Snake(50), Behemoth Scorpion(150), Trap Spiders(100), Heat Spiders(75), Sand Cats(40), Pine Wolfs (50), Stone Bears(120), Fire Jackets(5), Fire Jacket Queens(40), Fire Hawk (100), Ice Wolfs(80), Glacial Mammoths (300)
Monsters- Sand Goblins(200), Tree Goblins (220), Leaf Guard (300), Forest Guard (600), Oak Guard (800), Frost Goblins (300), Blizzard Walkers (700),
Dungeon Magic's- Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Ice
Dungeon Skills- Minor Wind Resistance, Minor Water Resistance, Minor Earth Resistance, Fire Resistance, Minor Pain Resistance, Stealth lv23, Bravery Lv34, Field Command Lv32, Bow Mastery Lv67, Sword Mastery Lv86, Spear Mastery Lv64
Despite Ery being a prick about it I think I made pretty good progress and I think I'm overdue on making my fourth floor. I've had some pretty good ideas, and I know Ery is going to fall in love with the new floor plan. I walked out of my room and was greeted by the new guard stationed outside my door. I stopped bothering to learn their names after the first four quit. Whenever I have a nightmare, I end up almost killing them, and Ery has to come to the rescue. So I can't blame them for swapping out so much. But it made finding Ery easier because after the second time it happened King put him in the room right next to mine so he could respond to my "moods swings" quickly.
I walked to Erys room and proceeded to kick the door in "Ery get we gotta go!"
Ery shot up out of his bed with a knife in his hand and screamed "What happened!? Did someone attack you are you alright!?"
I burst out laughing and said, "No I'm going to my dungeon, and your gonna come now get dressed!"
Ery frowned and said, "Couldn't you have just knocked in that case?"
I shrugged "Maybe..."
"*Sigh* Give me a minute and why are we going so early in the morning?"
"I want to get there before adventures flood the place. I can't work on the rooms if someone is in it so we gotta be quick."
Ery got dressed and grabbed his equipment from his desk turned to me "Did you at least tell Halon your plans?"
I smiled and said, "Of course not."
Ery turned to the guard and nodded. The guard ran off to tell King and Ery turned back to me "Did you prepare any breakfast for us it's three in the morning so we can't stop off and buy food?"
"We can eat in the dungeon now come on we have work to do!"
"Ok ok why are you so excited anyway?"
"We're going to make a new floor today!"
Ery perked up and instantly started to bombard me with me with questions. Which I naturally ignored payback for being an ass about my skill levels. We managed to get to my dungeon in under an hour since the streets were empty for the most part. A few sketchy and drunk people coming out bars and what I think was a brothel. I tried to take a closer look I but Ery dragged me off, so I'm not too sure. But anyway, for the most part, it was peaceful. Nighttime is always relaxing everything’s quiet, no people to annoy me aw so blissful. And quiet and alone and cold and lonely...
Anyway when we got to the plaza, which I found out is called Association Plaza these people no naming sense at all! Fuck, stay on track Alice. I wish those ass holes would say something talking to myself makes me sound insane... Shit!!!! Focus, focus, focus!!!!! Alice, you can do this you don't need those little shits!
Ok ok, calm down. Breathe. In and out, in and out. Ok, then when Ery and I got to the plaza, there were still a lot of people around. Most of them were drunk off their asses, but a few were standing outside my dungeon. It was supposed to be closed; I think they were just waiting on line early so they could get in early and stay in there all day tomorrow. Or should I say today, guys what do you think?
Oh yeah, I'm alone in the brain right now. Haha, that doesn't make sense or does it? What do you gu... They're not there Alice keep it together Alice there not there you finally have alone time! Be happy be happy look around at all the drunks, and guilds and and... Guys what else should I look at gu- NO ONES THERE FOCUS!!!!! But if no ones-
Who the fuck is talking I'm having a moment here you stupid fuck! I'll rip your heart and feed it to your fucking cat! "OUT OF THE FUCKING WAY!"
A guard? What we just got to plaza how'd we end in front my dungeon? Where's Ery? Guys? "No one is allowed in the dungeon. Come back or wait with others."
What this prick guard sounds angry. Well, screw you I'm the one who's angry, I'm the one who's angry! Wait did I just repeat myself bitch you better not say anything no wait you can't! Your not there where the fuck are you! "Miss I said you have to leave if you do not comply I will arrest you." Shut up I'm trying to find them!
"Hey, girly I know how you feel but listen to the man. The place is a money maker but not worth getting thrown in a cell over. You can wait with us were sending Fel to grab food from our guild in a bit. We'll be more than happy share some with you. I know newbies always have it rough."
A dwarf? What the fuck are you talking about? No, wait not important. Guys come on I won't tell you to shut up anymore. Plea- "Lozac you need to stop being so nice to the newbies. I'm not about to pay for her meal."
A fish person? When did those become a thing, guys? Guys? Guys!? Answer me!!!!! "Don't worry I'll pay for it fish stick."
Fish stick that's fucking hilarious right dumb ass lets laugh together come on! "Miss this is your last warning."
Bitch if he says one more thing let's kill him! Come just like the old days in the UMRD! Rember how ripped that guards legs o-
"Alice is everything alright? I bought breakfast like you asked."
Crybaby Ery is fawning over us cry some tears of joy! Come on I know you want to! Wait when did I send him to ge- "See Lozac she has a party."
Say somethi- "Don't blame me for being nice to the new guys we were just like them not even a year ago."
Let try- "Sir if she is with you, please remove her from the area. If she stays any longer, and I will be forced to arrest her."
Stop fucking interrupting! Please, guys, answer me... You got be shiting me am I actually fucking crying! "You miss understand she ow- Alice?"
"Don't cry because you can't get into the dungeon miss. It won't change anything it opens at eight I can't make any acceptions."
Will you shut the fuck up! Guys lets kill everyone! Come on let's go! "Alice are you alright.............. Alic........... A............"
Shut up shut up shut up answer me, you guys! I can't take it anymore! Please answer me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Erethon POV
Alice went quiet on the way over to the plaza, but I didn't think anything of it. She seemed a little off, but I had assumed it was her usual well... Moods? I thought the same thing when she suddenly demanded food. I walked to Association Headquarters, and I was lucky enough to catch the morning kitchen staff preparing for the day and when I told who I was and why I there they gave me everything I asked for no problem. I was lucky some of them knew my face, but that's beside the point. I expected to meet Alice in her dungeon, but I found her being yelled at by a guard. I half expected her to kill him outright but seeing her just stand there made think she had matured. But with her unique looks, I assumed that if she told the guard who she was, she would be able to pass no problem. I walked up and asked what was happening, but something made anxious.
Alice was just standing there under threat of arrest and wasn't saying or doing anything. Her lips moved, and her eyes shot around, but they were hazy. The guard threated her again I better explain the situation.
"You miss understand she ow- Alice?" And now she's crying what the hell is happening?
"Don't cry because you can't get into the dungeon miss. It won't change anything it opens at eight I can't make any acceptions." For the first time in a long time, I might cut a guard in half.
No, I need to keep calm and try to snap Alice out of this. If she goes berserk here, a lot of people will die. "Alice are you alright?"
"Alice I know you can hear me say something!?"
Good, she looked up at me at least that's something. "Sir, you need to leave!"
"If you say another word you worthless grunt I'll have you executed for threatening an Archduke!"
The guard looked confused, but then he processed my words and yelled "HOW DARE-"
But before he could finish, I slammed him to the ground and had my knife to his throat.
"Do you have-"
This ignorant fool "Another word and I'll cut your throat." He nodded, and I addressed the crowd that was forming around us "Who knows who I am?"
A Sea-kin to the side spoke up "Erethon the Dungeon Slayer. You serve the Pale Rider."
"Exactly now who is the girl with black and rainbow eyes over there."
Everyone froze as they all looked between me and Alice like it was all a bad dream. I don't have time for this nonsense "Say it!"
"Th- The Pale Rider."
Finally. I got up and threw the guard away from the entrance and said: "Good now everyone leave before she decides to kill you." I pointed at the guard and said: "Except you, I'm having you take responsibility for what happens next."
With the crowd dispersed, well these morons just moved a few feet away while I tried to snap Alice out of it. But nothing I tried worked but after 20 minutes Alice finally whispered: "They're gone."
Alice POV
Why is this void nothing but darkness and silence? The voices always filled this place light and sound. Why aren't they here, they should be, but they're not why?
Why won't you say anything come on say something? *Crying* Please I don't care anymore I'll be nice. I won't keep you locked up in my head anymore I'll let talk as much as you want. Are you guys gone please tell me? Did you guys die please I don't want you guys gone were friends right? You can't be dead I'm still here so you can't be. You're not allowed to, be like Ery he's not allowed to die either or Imerae she can't. You guys might be as nice all the time, but I still love you guys just as much as them! No, I love a billion times more so say something!
You can't be dead. You're not allowed to be dead. I won't let you be dead. You shouldn't be dead. You're not dead. You're not dead. You're not dead. You're not dead. You're not dead. You're not dead. You're not dead. You're not dead. You're not dead. You're not dead. You're not dead. You're not dead. You're not dead. You're not dead. You're not dead. You're not dead. You're not dead. You're not dead. You're not dead. You're not dead. You're not dead. You're not dead. You're not dead. You're not dead. You're not dead. You're not dead. Say something. Please.
Yes, come on say it!
Yes there back! There back, there back, there back, THERE BACK!
"Alice wake up!"
Wait, who?
"Alice! Say something please!"
Your not... Ery?
"Alice wake up!"
No, no, no, no! Why is it Ery it should be you guys not him! I can't wake up until I find you guys don't worry. You have to be here unless your...
Ery "They're gone."
Erethon POV
Alice woke a few minutes ago, but she's been talking nonsense about someone being gone. She has been staring into space asking who killed them it sounds like utter nonsense. A royal guard showed up and asked me what was happening, but I couldn't tell her even if I knew. If anything else she can help out if things get too messy. The worst part was the guilds are starting to show up in mass to watch the spectacle, and we can't clear the plaza without Halons or the Association Masters approval, so my hands are tied.
Thank the gods "Alice whats wrong what happened?"
"I figured it all out Ery."
A shiver went down my spine when she looked up at me with a smile plastered on her tear stained face. And it doesn't look like it's just me everyone with some level of instincts was quiet and preparing to move. I tried to ask as calmly as possible while preparing to move "What did you figure out?"
"Oh come on Ery you supposed to the all-knowing, wise one right? Fine, let me tell you I figured out who killed them."
"Killed who Alice?"
"The voices, of course, they're gone. They haven't been here since Mania messed with my body. I've been occupied all month, so I haven't had time to figure it out, but now I understand what it means for them to be gone. But that's not important right now guess who killed them."
This is bad there too many people around. I need to play along and hope for the best, or everyone is going to die "Who?"
Alice's disturbingly smile grew wider as she said spoke "The same person who caused all my problems. The person who didn't come save me. The person who swore to protect me. The person who lied to me. The person who killed me. Don't you get it was Mania, she killed them! She killed them the same time she killed me its all her fault! IT'S ALL HER FAULT!"
Not even a second later Alices magic exploded in all directions. Her skills activated one after another, and everyone in the plaza writhed in agony. Those who could stand tried to help their friends but it was too late we were all trapped. Alice chains and magic shot out in all directions the plaza cracked and shaked from her earth magic while fire, ice, wind, and water shot severing limbs and set the guild halls ablaze. The worst of it was her death magic it dissolved the ground and building to nothing I don't even want to think about what it's doing to the people it hit. I managed to get the skill pain resistance from fighting Alice so often, but even with that, I was just barely able to stand. The Royal Guard was much better off as she skillfully dodged everything Alice could throw at her. As much as it pained me to say I yelled out "Knock her please!"
The Royal Guard didn't even hesitate as she rushed Alice with no mercy. She dodged with the skill worthy of an S-rank. But the volume of spells Alice was putting out was too much, and she had to prioritize blocking the death magic over everything else. She managed to get to Alice with only a few cuts and bruises and proceed to rain down blows on Alice with her sheathed sword. Cracked after crack echoed through the plaza as blow afterplease rained down on Alice. But for some reason, she wouldn't go down, and it looked like the Royal Guard decided enough was enough as she released a terrifying sword skill that knocked Alice into the ground, shattering her body. Once Alice was knocked out all her skills deactivated, and we were able to move freely again, but the scene in front of us was out of a nightmare. Building were burning, and the corpses that littered the plaza were shredded, burned and crushed. The worst were the screams of the injured, but honestly, that was all below my concern. I ran straight to Alice and the Royal Guard. Alice was slowly beginning to heal, but that was both a blessing and a curse. There was no telling what she would
I picked up Alice and addressed the Royal Guard "Keep everyone out of the dungeon."
The Royal Guard just nodded and took her place in front of the entrance preventing anyone from entering. I carried Alice to the entrance intent on bringing her to her house where she wouldn't be able to hurt herself or others. But as I was about to walk through the entrance, I noticed the corpse of that foolish guard burnt and cut to pieces. I had one thought ”if you hadn't had stopped her none of this would have happened."
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