《Alice The Roaming Dungeon》Chapter 21 Meeting My Minions
Alice POV
Kings Study
On the ride back King told me stories about his youth. They were interesting, to say the least, it turned out he ran away and joined the guild under a false name and only came back to the capital when he found out his father decided it was time to choose who would inherit the throne. It was between him and sister, and as turns out due to King's absence she was the favorite to win. The only reason why he won the throne was at the time they were at war with a few neighboring countries and King proved himself as a natural leader. He ended up becoming a massive war hero, and his achievements won him the throne. His sister ended up becoming the head ambassador to the outside world and still holds the post to this day.
When I asked if she plotted anything King laughed in my face and told me was beloved do to her kindness. He joked about how she would sooner slit her own throat then try to hurt a member of her family.
After Kings stories, I ended up sleeping most of the ride back. I needed a nap after these past two weeks. When we got back the castle, King dragged me off to his study and gave a stack of files.
Confused I asked, "Where are my minions?"
Amused King said "Minions? You'll meet them in a few minutes there assembling in the main training field. I thought you would want to read their files before you meet them."
"Fine how long till there ready and please tell I don't have to give a speech?"
"Half an hour and no you don't. I'll introduce you and then tell them the terms of their service. The details are in their files after I introduce you the men will be dismissed, and you'll meet with your commanders. I'll warn you right now the troops are considered elite, but Imerae had to settle on the units other armies were willing to spare, or that got dismissed from service."
I nodded and started reading all of the files. I would be getting a battalion of 802 men split up into four distinct units. They would have to serve me for a year, and if I was satisfied with there performance, I could take them on as retainers. The break down was one company of 100 Wyvern riders, 200 Aerial Mages split into two companies, 500 Spell Blade Knights split into five companies and to top it all off two Dragon Knights. Two things got my attention right off that bat first how the hell did Imerae get these guys and what the fuck is a Spell Blade Knight.
Most of the files were on individual men in the unit, and there was just no way I could read all there files in half an hour, so I just stuck with reading about the commanders and Dragon Knights.
I started with the ones I was most interested in the Dragon Knights. After reading the first file, I realized what the King meant when he said Imerae had to settle for what she could get. The first one was a commoner named Tlellox a mid A-Rank lizardman and a bonafide combat veteran. He and his S-rank dragon Ilveh have been serving in the military for the past 70 years but were forced to "retire." It says he had problems with the higher-ups and was given a choice to retire or be arrested. The information on the incident was vague, but a unit of friendly soldiers was killed.
The other Knight was the exact opposite of Tlellox. He was also a commoner, but that's where the similarities ended. He is an ogre by the name of Skogg, and his dragon was named Nivo. He only became a Dragon Knight last month. He was an adventurer independent from the guilds which apparently was a rarity since he had the strength to pick anyone he wanted. He was a low A-rank while his dragon which was young in dragon terms was also considered a low A-rank. Nothing else was in his file since he was pretty unknown before he became a Knight.
Moving down the list, I read about the commander of the Wyvern riders a human noble named Captain Elizabeth Jibral. Like Skogg she is new to her position and was just recently promoted to captain. She served admirably for eight years and is considered very talented. But since she is still young, she is only a mid B-rank. It doesn't say why she left the military and joined me. It also says the Jibral house are viscounts who are famed for there aerial combat skills and has a long history of raising talented commanders. The unit itself is made up of young recruits that have only been serving for a year at most and have barely seen any combat. And because of there lack of experience, they have the lowest average rank at high C, but it's made up for by the B-rank wyverns they ride around on.
Next on the list was the commander of the Aerial Mages Captain Lawrence Field. He's a mid A-Rank human but what was interesting about him was five years ago he received the noble rank of baron due to his heroism. He served for over 20 years, but he was recently demoted and discharged from service. The reports all say that he went against orders and continued an attack after he was told to abort a mission. He ended up being the sole survivor of his battalion and was stripped of any and all land and wealth he received from his title. He caught my interest, and I ended up reading all of his records, and they all pointed towards him being a smart and cautious commander. Definitely not the type to pull a stunt like that, but I'll look into that later. The unit itself was made from a patchwork of men and woman who have been fighting on the front against the Draco Kingdom. Their original units were all whipped out, so they were the leftovers. According to the records they were given the option to either join other units or retire. Obviously, they all retired, but I don't get why they decided to join me if they knew I was heading right back to the front. I'm going have to have a long talk with Captain Field when I see him.
The last file I read made my skin crawl. The Spell Blade Knights or whatever you call them were all worshippers of Mania. On top of that Imerae didn't scout them like the everyone else. According to this when they got wind of her recruiting efforts, they abandoned all there current missions and contracts and offered their services free of charge. It turns out the cavalry unit is only just a portion of there overall strength. Their files classify them as a crusading army which means they have all the elements of an army, everything from infantry to air forces. Their cavalry is the best they have so even though they offered their full forces we only accepted the cavalry since managing an entire army was beyond my capabilities. That being said Imerae sent them to help defend my city from the ever-growing shit storm outside my walls. Records on them go back to there creation 316 years ago with the fall of there temple. The files say it was wiped out by five SS-Rank monsters of unknown origin. The survivors of the masquer began what they call the Crusade of Penitence in order to kill the beasts that destroyed there temple so far they haven't found a single one. On the upside, they became renowned for slaughtering monsters all over the continent. So countries will hire them to take care of any problems they can't handle, or that they see as too costly. But they are also known for putting their clients to the sword if they see find they are performing acts they perceive as blasphemous against Mania. The most well-known example is the incident involving the minor kingdom of Ureca, they famously killed half nobility, the entire royal bloodline and a tenth of the population for heresy. Unknown to the general public the country was trying to create a Homunculus, so the Church contacted them and gave them the resources to wipe the country off the map. Even with the Churches support the campaign took 43 years and after they were done with the place they just up and left with no regard for the fallout. They let the remains country fall into a state of civil war for another six years it only stopped when it was absorbed into the Ablana Republic. I better make sure that Mania told them not kill me.
All of the documents about them point me to the same conclusion they are religious fanatics in the worst possible way. They specialize in wars of annihilation with little to no regard for there own lives. They somehow keep up their numbers up by recruiting the survivors of monster and bandit attacks. Typical take everything away from a person, and they thoroughly embrace anything the dulls the pain. They also have a high number of blessed of Mania, so she definitely has some hand in their actions. But other than that they are a diverse group of people who have a diverse number of classes. They're completely self-sufficient with there own healers, smiths, and enchanters. Makes sense since they were mostly recruited later in life compared to of my rest of forces. The leader of the crusade is one of the few surviving priests of the original temple and a blessed of Mania. A High A-Rank, High Elf named Ronara who is rumored to be the overall leader of the entire crusade. She has no official military rank, but Imerae made her a Captain. The unit itself is probably the most elite part of my battalion the average rank is high B-rank with a quarter being some level of A-Rank. Looking at there war records, it makes sense since they louse over 90% of there recruits during each campaign. A perfect example of sink or swim training I guess. According to a description submitted by Ronara, they are heavy shock cavalry unit that is meant to break the front lines with an initial charge and then stay in combat for extended periods of time before pulling back and hammering them again. The name Spell Blade comes from there duel focus on there physical and magical skills. Every one of them has at least one advanced level magic and high-level mastery over some kind of close quarters weapon. Ronara also wrote that they can act as infantry if needed but are much more effective on horseback.
So to sum it all up, I have 500 fanatics that may or may not kill me if they find out I'm a Homunculus. A retired Dragon Knight that might have wiped out a friendly unit. A newbie Dragon Knight who has no experience or training as a Dragon Knight to speak of. 100 fresh-faced Wyvern Riders who with little to no real combat experience with the only exceptions being there officers. At least I have 200 grizzled veteran Aerial Mages, but a disgraced noble as there commander might be a problem. On the bright side there all stronger then the average, I think?
I looked up asked King "What the average rank in the army?"
King looked from his work and said "Mid C-rank is the average for a common soldier in the kingdoms army. The average outside the kingdom is mid D-rank, low C-rank in highly militarized countries."
"I see thanks."
King smiled and said, "Impressed with the reports?"
"*Sigh* Yes and no."
King just shrugged and said "I told you Imerae had to settle for what she could get. Ronaras men were an unexpected plus I've hired them on several occasions, and I can say first hand they are terrifyingly effective. Also getting a two Dragon Knights even if one is untrained is a valuable investment. Honestly, it's rare for even a Duke House to have one and you ended with two you should be jumping for joy."
I know asshole. "But how many of these rookies are going to die in the first five minutes of a battle? Not to mention what do I if the veterans decide to do there own thing?"
King gave me a knowing smile "At least your thinking like a commander. Heres some advice as long a feed, pay and don't treat them like fodder, they'll respect you. Now, let's go. It's about time for you to meet your men."
15 Minutes Later In The Castles Main Training Ground
Alice POV
All my minions were lined up in neat ranks in the training grounds. They were all wearing their combat gear because according to Halon I needed to come up with some kind of formal dress uniform. The different troops were easy to pick out not just because of there equipment but there overall attitude and atmosphere. Going from right to left the first the first and largest group were my cavalry units. Those fanatics were dressed in pitch black plate armor and stood there like statues. They were armed with a variety of weapons, but it seemed to be standard for them to carry a large weapon for mounted combat and a smaller close combat weapon. Other than that their armor was covered in runes with an image of Mania carved into the rightsholder. I couldn't see there faces, and the overall feeling I got from them was creepy.
Next up were Aerial Mages who dressed in some weird suit that I assume is what allows them to fly. Every one of them had different colors and insignias on the armor covering their flight suits from what I think was their old units. They sported medium armor with what seemed to be a standard set of runes that covered each one of them. The troops themselves were all scared veterans that looked alert all times. From the state of there equipment they had all seen more than a few fights and hadn't come out unscathed. Scars and burns decorated every man and woman I saw and it seemed like the light their eyes faded. They looked like ghosts that wondered to far from the battlefield.
Last were the Wyvern Riders who all stood at attention with smiles on there faces. All of them looked eager, young and naive. Dressed in medium armor that was a little heavier than the Aerial Mages but they had the least amount of runes on them. The armor itself was new and shiny with no noticeable repair jobs. Standing next to the other units only added to there almost childlike image.
Five people were standing in front of the stage who I immediately recognized as the commanders. First was a large lizard man who I could only assume was Tlellox. Covered in old but well-kept armor with a large spear and shield in his hands. He stood at attention with an uncaring look on his face. Well, I think it was an uncaring expression it's hard to tell with lizardmen. His blue scales were dull with large scars covering most of his face and neck. He was most intimidating of the five with the large orge Skogg standing next to him coming in at a close second. He was the typical big green humanoid that I expected. Kinda like a goblin mixed with a human except he had passible looks and much taller than both. He had two small tusks jutting out from his mouth going upward. But other than that he had the features of a human for the most part except a little rougher. He had a large claymore on his back and tough looking leather and metal armor covering all his vital spots. I looked around and found there dragons hiding off to the side both sleeping through the ceremony. They were both beautiful creatures the larger one of the two was light red. I think that one is Ilveh with the small purple one being Nivo but I not really sure.
As for the other three, it was easy to figure who was who from the type of armor they wore. Ronara being the only High Elf in the group was easy to spot. She held he helmet in one hand and a halberd and shield in the other. A saber also hanged from her waist and like all the other equipment she and her men had they were all black. In contrast, she had blonde hair bordering on silver with purple eyes and delicate features. She was a beauty with no noticeable scars or blemishes on her face. If I didn't already know, she was the leader of a bunch of murderous fanatics I would think she was some kind of warrior princess.
Next to her was Captain Field the leader of the Aerial Mages, he was a middle-aged man with a neutral expression, but brown eyes were intense scanning the area for danger. He looked at least 40 years old, and his black hair was already turning gray. He had a few faded scars but nothing too noticeable. He had a sword on his waste and few vials on his belt. His armor like the rest of his men looked beaten up, and the colors he had on his armor was blue and yellow. An angel sword was painted on his soldier probably his old units call sign.
The last person at the end was Captain Jibral. Unlike the rest of her men she seemed a little more serious, but according to her records, she has only ever fought against monsters and few bandits, so she is still pretty green. Her armor was shiny and new which was a stark contrast to everyone next to her. She was the youngest of them looking to be in her mid 20's at most. She had a lance and shield in her hands which also seemed a bit expensive for the military to provide. Probably bought them herself with daddies money. Besides that, she was an average looking girl bordering on the cute side. Short brown hair with gold eyes which were a supposedly a famous trait of the Jibral House.
King walked up from behind me and began to speak "You all have been gathered here from all over the kingdom. You are the elites that will serve as the sword and shield of the Pale Rider in the upcoming war. You have all signed contracts and will serve for the next year at the end of which she will decide if she will keep you all as retainers. Your first mission is to aid her in defeating the Draco Kingdom. Now without further ado allow me to introduce Archduke Alice Styx the Pale Rider."
I walked up to the front of the stage and gaged all other reactions. Skogg, Tlellox, and Jibral were noticeably shocked by my appearance. Fields eyes narrowed and looked like he was judging my every move. Ronara was the only one who didn't have an obvious reaction to me. A barely noticeable grin formed on her face as she made a slight bow, but that was about it. Everyone else's response reflected their captains except for Ronaras troops who immediately knelt in unison surprising everyone around them.
King waited a minute probably giving me a chance to look at them and maybe say a few words. But I already said I didn't want to give a speech, so he wrapped it up by saying, "Serve her well in the coming war troops dismissed!"
All of my new minions gave a salute and turned and left in an orderly fashion. I probably should have said something, but I don't want to, so that's that. After the training grounds were cleared, King brought me to what I think is a strategy room with maps covering the tables.
Ronara, Skogg, Tlellox, Field, and Jibral stood around the table and kneeled in front of King and me. King nodded and turned to leave and said: "Take your time with them Tarvon said you have the day off."
Once the door closed, I immediately got down to business "You guys can get up I just have a one question for you."
They all got up, and I asked: "Why the hell are you here?"
They all seemed taken back by the question well except for Ronara and Field. Skogg was the first to answer and said "Money."
At least he's honest "What Imeraes offer was that good?"
Skogg shook his head "Yes."
"So what if someone pays you more you'll betray me?"
Skogg replied with a casual tone, but I picked up a hint of anger in his voice "I don't break my contracts."
Deaths Eyes says he's not lying, but I need to keep an eye on him. Wait how much am I paying these guys anyway?
Before I could ask Field asked, "Ma'am before I answer may I ask how old you are and long have you been commanding troops?"
"The first one question is a bit complicated; I'm technically 10, but mentally I'm 33. As for leading troops I have no experience what so ever. We'll be doing training to help me get used to commanding before we leave. Now I want to know why a disgraced noble that got kicked out of the military is doing here? Hoping to earn your land and wealth back?"
Field looked like he was expecting my question but his eyes still narrowed. "I simply wish to help end the war ma'am."
He's lying, but I'll drag the reason out of him later. Tlellox was next to answer "Ma'am I also wish to end the war but as I was also discharged this my only option."
Another lier "What about you two?"
Jibral answered, "I want to help win the war ma'am!"
Another one full of shit great. "Ronara I have a pretty good idea why you're here."
She responded by giving a graceful bow and said: "Our Lord has commanded us to protect you to our dying breath. All under my command will trade our lives for your success, my lady."
This fucking fanatic... Let's see how far you will go "If I ordered you to cut your own throat right now would you?"
Everyone went silent until Ronara stood straight a drew her saber and pressed it against her throat. With a genuine smile, she said: "If that is your wish."
A chill ran down my spine when I confirmed she was telling the truth "It's fine, but I know about the Ureca Kingdom we won't have any problems will we?"
"I have been made aware of your situation by my Lord. I guarantee there will be no issues from me or my men. But my Lady, if my men cause you any displeasure; I guarantee a swift execution, will be the most lenient punishment they will receive."
"Good. Well, for now, we have training scheduled for tomorrow so tell your men to be ready. I'll send someone to give you all the specific time later."
They all saluted and said, "Yes ma'am!"
I turned to leave but, made sure to add one last thing "By the way I don't care why three of you guys lied to me about being here but if you do it again I'll have you killed."
The Field and Tlellox seemed to ignore me, but Jibral paled at my parting words. I wonder how many of them are going to survive this stupid war? Oh well, as long as they kill the enemy, I don't really care. There only my trial minions I can always find new ones later! Now then I wonder where Ery and Imerae are hiding It's time to enjoy my day off!
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