《Alice The Roaming Dungeon》Chapter 19 High Society
Night of the Banquet
Alice POV
Ery, Imaria and Tarvon are evil the only things I was allowed to do this entire week was train and sleep. What made training even worse was the fact Tarvon let Ery and Imaria help train me in the mornings. Ery was reluctant to go all out at first, but soon enough he was beating me into the ground mercilessly. Imaria was even worse her skill levels must be insane because I couldn't even touch her when we first started. My one saving grace was mounted combat training which quickly I figured out was my domain. I already finished Journey of the Rider, and my Riding Mastery skill level was skyrocketing. I got revenge on Imaria and Ery but Takeo ended joining, and he made it even worse than the morning training.
I was just happy that I was beginning to integrate magic into my fighting style which made things a lot easier for me. Apparently, magic affinity worked the same way as on earth. Most people were didn't have a lot of talent for magic and mostly used mana for skills. Anyone could learn any type of magic so longer lived races tended to have a few elements under there belts but even Erys five elements was considered extremely talented. Hard to believe it took 516 years to learn them even though I learned ten in only 33 years. But either way, my wide variety of magic kept them guessing, but I was restricted to using Death Magic on only golems.
I'm kind of glad that it's the night of the banquet despite the fact I think it's a waste of time. I just really needed a day off from all the training these people are just cruel. Only four hours of sleep a night and I only got breaks to eat during training. It's like I'm back the UMRD all over again, but at least they're doing it to benefit me. The public ceremony was held during the day was just the king granting me my title in front of a crowd of people then parading me around the city for a few hours. The people were both scared of me and shocked by my appearance. I guess they thought I was some type of demon coming to destroy them all. We even paraded past the stand where Ery bought me food, and the stall owner immediately recognized me. He looked pale until I smiled and waved at him. He seemed relieved and yelled out saying I should visit his stall again. After we got back to castle the sun was already setting which meant the banquet would begin soon.
While I was getting ready, I heard a knock on my door "Who is it?"
The muffled voice of the guard outside said "The Princess Imerae Lord Rider."
"Come in."
Imerae walked through the door holding a box in her arms and said: "I have something for you."
The fact Imerae was smiling meant only one thing "You do realize I'm not a dress-up doll right?"
Imerae laughed, and she said, "Don't worry I only brought you one dress this time and I think you'll like it."
Ugh, she said that yesterday too, and it ended up putting on twenty of the damn things "Ok let's see it."
Imerae opened the box revealing a black dress. It wasn't something too extravagant, but it was enough to leave an impression. The black lace and metal accessories were all I eye-catching but not overbearing. It was the first time I tolerated let alone liked one of the dresses she brought. The dresses in question were all excellent but to be honest; I just hated colors they had on them. They were all so bright it gave me a headache just looking at them. This one, on the other hand, was perfect; it wasn't frilly or obnoxious, and it wouldn't inhibit my movement either.
Imerae saw the approval in my eyes and said "I'm glad you like it I had mine and yours made as a set. The only difference is mine is white and sky blue, now let's get you dressed!"
After a brief struggle, Imerae stripped me and got me dressed. She had the maids help her dress after she was done with me. She wasn't lying when she said they were a set, but she looked like a cold untouchable beauty. While I on the other hand when combined with eyes, which are admittedly a bit creepy, looked intimidating even though I look a child.
I turned to Imerae and asked, "So when does it start?"
Imerae looked at the clock on the desk and said "Ten minutes ago but don't worry its tradition for the guest of honor to arrive last. So we should leave in an hour at the latest, and if we need to leave sooner, a maid will be sent to come get us."
"Ok, then I have one more question."
Imerae curiously asked, "What is it?"
"Why the matching dresses?"
Imerae smiled and said, "Two reasons, first is it suits you and second my older sister used to do the same to me. I always wanted to dress up someone else, but since I'm the youngest I thought..."
This first I've ever seen her blush it's almost funny watching her ice princess persona melt away. I wickedly smiled said, "Go on say it."
Blushing, even more, she said: "It just felt I got a little sister."
I laughed and said, "Trust me I'm the last person you want as a sister."
Imerae looked up disappointed and tried to speak, but I cut her off and said: "But I'll play the role if you really want me to."
Imerae looked at me like I just grew three heads, but suddenly lifted me and swung me around in circles "Don't worry I'll treat really well."
"Start by putting me down dammit!"
Imerae remembering where she was and that there were maids still in the room put me down turned around embarrassed. The maids smiled and gave their congratulations. Looking more closely they were the same to maids that were in Imeraes room when we first met. I guess there her personal maids or whatever you call them. Nobles have stupid names for everything.
We spent the next half an hour talking about the nobles that Imerae was friendly with and which nobles I should stay away from. After a while, a guard arrived and told us he was to escort us to the banquet hall.
Imerae looked a little annoyed but got up to follow the guard. The walk reminded me just how much I hated this maze of a palace, but we arrived after a few minutes. I was told to wait while Imeraes arrival was announced. When she was announced, everyone in the hall went quiet. I guess it was my turn when the announcer looked at me the cleared his throat. "Archduke Alice Styx the Pale Rider, daughter of the Goddess of Death Mania."
The hall was quiet as walked down the stairs into the banquet hall. It was the first time I heard my new last name being used, but I think it fits pretty well since it'll be one of the main features of my city. Even after a week, the river of death magic hadn't stopped, so I decided to name it the River Styx after an old earth myth. It's the river souls need to cross to go the underworld. I thought it fitted since anyone who touches it dies since its a river of pure death magic. I'm even using it in the house sigil I've been creating during what little spare time I have after training.
I walked straight to Imerae since I didn't want to deal with these bastards one on one. She introduced us and made it clear how she thought of me when one of the ladies commented our dresses. She blatantly said it was the duty of an older sister to dress the younger one in cute matching dresses. Needless to say, it caused a bit of a stir. To my annoyance, Imerae was dragged away by King to explain what she just said. And to my immense displeasure, I was immediately ambushed by these people. They were trying to offer me help, in the form of managing my city for me or opening a dungeon entrance in their cities. It was obvious they were only interested in managing my dungeon and the cores that flowed out of it. Most of them tried to force their sons on me with a few even offering their daughters. A disgusting noble offered to marry me himself the fucking pedophile. Imerae also overheard him and looked like she wanted to kill him. But King kept her away from me, that old bastard.
At some point, I snapped and activated The Presence of Inevitability, summoned two of souls and said: "Next person to speak dies."
The roaches scattered and I deactivated my skills while the nobles off to sides all laughed. I walked over and started to speak to a few of them off to the side of the room, and these guys were much more interesting. They were all accomplished warriors, mages, researchers or something along those lines. I even got caught up in an exciting conversation on potential uses of my dungeon cores.
After an hour I began wondering the room again, and the annoying nobles got smart and began kissing my ass. I naturally told them all to piss off since to be blunt I wanted to kill all of them. I did notice something far more interesting off in a lonely corner of the banquet hall. An old man was sitting down using magic on some pieces of metal. I thought he was enchanting it at first, but then I realized he was actually using metal magic.
A little excited I ran over an asked: "What are doing?"
The old man looked up from his work and nearly fell off his chair. "My apologies Lady Styx if it pleases you I'll stop."
I nearly shouted, "No don't stop you're the first person I met who can also use metal magic!"
The old man's eyebrows rose in surprise as he said: "You can use metal magic?"
I nodded and said "It was the magic I was born with. So what are you doing?"
A little relaxed the old man said: "I making a music box I'm not too fond parties like this."
I sighed and said "Same here if I get another marriage proposal I kill someone. By the way, you can call me Alice."
Seemingly remembering something the old man stood up and said: "How rude of me my name is Adam Lamton I'm a Baron on the border of the Draco Kingdom."
I smiled and said, "Mind if I join you?"
Adam smiled and gestured to the chair next to him "Please."
"Thanks so why are you making a music box?"
"It's a good way to increase your mastery of metal magic. I usually build automata in the city I rule. In fact, it's how gained my title."
I curiously asked, "You earned it?"
"You didn't know? The Asura Kingdom is a meritocracy."
I pointed towards the center of the room and asked: "Then how did those pieces of trash gain titles?"
Adam with a hint of annoyance said "If your accomplishment is large enough your children are allowed to inherit your rank. They are commonly called high nobles since they are born as nobles. People like me who earn their rank are called low nobles. It's a little confusing, but since you are newly appointed, despite being an Archduke, you are considered a low noble due to your birth."
"So basically there spoiled pricks who didn't earn anything for themselves."
Adam shook his head and said "No there is a set time limit where you need to do something to earn your title again. It can be anything from paying money to slaying a powerful monster. The size of the task depends on the title you are trying to keep. Believe it or not, some of them are pretty capable. They’re just a little too political for my taste."
I still think the high nobles are just useless trash "I still think they are a group of roaches, but let's change the subject how do you manipulate the metal so well?"
Adam stroked his beard and said, "It's better to explain while doing it care to help me."
I nodded and said "Yes please."
After a brief explanation, I began to manipulate the metal gears and the box. Adam was working on other pieces when I asked: "So is the banquet the only reason you came here?"
Adam didn't look up from his work and said "No I came to make an appeal to the king. A marquess from a neighboring city has been causing problems lately. Your gears are to large try making it smaller like this."
I looked at his gear then began redoing mine "Whats he doing to you?"
"I rule over a mining town that provides ore to larger cities in the area. The marquess in question is supposed to protect my city from the Draco Kingdom but has instead forced a tax on my citizens and taken most my men to protect his city."
"Sounds like a prick he a high noble and this good?"
Adam took a glance at the gear I made and nodded "Yes and yes. Next, we need a spring about this big."
"On it. By the way is metal magic popular in this world?"
Adam laughed and said "Not in the slightest. The only reason metal magic is somewhat known now is the fact I invented the automata."
I handed him the spring, and he nodded in approval while making a few adjustments to it "They any different then golems and what's next?"
Adam pulled out a piece of metal and said "Make this into a box while keeping its dimensions. To answer your question automata are more versatile then golems. You can use them to fight like golems, but you can also use them to replace lost limbs and other things. That's all I managed to use them for as of now, but I believe they'll prove superior to golems as the field advances."
Adam and I spent most of the banquet tucked away in our corner. Some of the other low nobles I was talking joined us, and it ended being a pretty good night. Two of them said they ruled cities about a week away from where my city was being built and offered to send troops to drive back the monsters. All they asked for in return is that I allow merchants to travel freely between our cities. I agreed to the deal since it was probably a good idea to friendly with my neighbors and more people killing monsters means my city get built faster. Haliae popped up out of nowhere and ended up joining our merry little group. It was funny since the highest ranked person I just met and actually liked was a Viscount. Imerae was stuck with King and looked like she wanted to join us, but King kept her next to him. Poor Imerae I'm here having fun while your stuck dealing with the roaches with King. Not my problem!
While I was at it, I negotiated with Haliae, and we agreed I'd 500 monster cores to her house in exchange for some of her houses troops. I had no idea how much that was in the grand scheme of things but whatever. By the end of the party, Adam and I finished our music box. The tune it played was surprisingly calming, and everyone enjoyed the melody for a few minutes. But sadly we gained the attention of one the roaches.
The jackass just walked up to me like he owned the world and said: "Baron Lamton how dare you waste the Lady Styx?"
Before me or Adam could say anything, the arrogant prick threw the music off the table. Before he could say another word, I had two souls break his arm and gag him. "Adam do you know this prick?"
Shocked by the situation, Adam said: "Yes he the marquess I was telling you about."
I smiled and said, "Good follow me."
I had Adam follow me right up to where King was sitting and pointed at the marquess "Hey King this guy pissed me off, but I didn't kill him so praise me."
King just looked between the three of us then asked: "*Sigh* What happened?"
I smiled and said "He broke my music box and is trying to screw over my new friend. So can I kill him?"
"No. Your Baron Lamton correct."
Adam bowed and said, "Yes your majesty."
"Good, explain the situation."
Adam explained what happened to his city and Kings eyes grew dark as he addressed the still gagged marquess "You took troops away from a vital mining town in the middle of a war to defend a minor trade city. Are you incompetent or just foolish?"
King looked at me and said, "You can't kill him, but I'll strip him of his noble ranking and dissolve his house."
"Good can you give the title to Adam then."
"I can but why would you want me to?"
"He taught me how to build a music box." Plus I need allies in the kingdom if shit ever hits the fan.
Not wanting to deal with the situation any longer King agreed and had the ex-marquess escorted to the dungeon. I spent the rest of the night undisturbed with my new noble friends. All the high nobles were too afraid to approach me since I just had one of there own so easily stripped of his title and land. As for the low nobles, they all quickly grew fond of me because in their eyes the arrogant prick deserved it.
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