《Alice The Roaming Dungeon》Chapter 18 Is this Training or Torture?
Alice POV
The ride back to capital was much more pleasant than the last one. And it wasn't just because I didn't have to share a wyvern with Haliae. Since Thanatos could transform into wyvern I got to mess with the one Ery was riding. Halfway through the flight, I jumped off Thanatos and dive-bombed Ery. I managed to tackle him off his wyvern. I never heard him scream so loud before. Naturally, he was angry with me, but he got me back by snatching me off Thanatos with his wyvern. It was fun hanging upside down from his wyverns feet at first, but then I realized Ery wasn't let me go. I ended up dangling upside down for an hour, and if that wasn't bad enough, Ery spent the entire time lecturing me about opening my entrance in the middle of the capital. Surprisingly he didn't mention me killing whats his face back at the association, but I guess life is cheap in this world.
After he let me go, we kept messing with each other the entire ride back. It was nice to see Ery full of energy again he looked exhausted back at my city. Well, the war zone that's supposed to be my city probably drained him. We got the capital just before dawn, and by that time Erys wyvern was terrified of me because of a few of pranks. I may or may not have set his tail on fire by mistake. I hope the crap the king is going to make to do is at least entertaining.
We flew to the same landing spot near the palace as the first time. Something that did change though is that all the guards noticeably tensed at my the sight of me. I think it was kind of funny, but this could be a problem in the future. Fear can be an asset, but if it gets to point where they resent me, it'll open the door to problems I don't need. The guards escorted Ery and me to the throne room where Imaria was waiting with what I think was a nightgown and shall. I'm still pretty bad at naming clothes.
She had her usual blank expression, but her eyes were full of relief "I'm glad you're ok."
I smiled and said "Hi Imaria."
The king arrived a few minutes later the bags under his eyes told me that he has it rough for the past couple of days. He looked at me and asked, "Where have you been?"
I frowned and said, "What no "I'm glad your back" or "Thank the gods your ok"?"
King expression didn't change and said "Welcome back. Where have you been?"
I rolled my eyes and asked "Long or short version?"
King's emotionlessly said "Long version."
I told them what happened and Imaria expression cracked, and Kings eyes just narrowed. My story probably answered most of the questions he had. Once I finished explaining what happened to me, the servants looked at me with amazement in their eyes. King, on the other hand, seemed more annoyed than anything else "I take it these events will not affect our agreement?"
One quality I liked about King was his how cautious he was. As far as he knew a contract still bound me, so he knew what my answer was. But what he really wanted to know was whether the gods would interfere in the war. "No, the issues are completely separate."
King stared at me more a minute then said "Good. Your absence this past month has set us our timetable back. But the situation at the front isn't going to change anytime soon. Its devolved into a war of trenches. There are a few sieges on the border cities, but they won't fall anytime soon."
"Ok so when do I leave?"
"You'll be leaving in a month. It'll take another three to reach the front."
I nodded and said, "That's all well and good but what's the deal with my city?"
King sighed and rubbed his eyes. It was apparent that was the issue that was causing all of his stress. "I was hoping you would relocate that entrance to a safer area."
I thought he would ask that, and I would like to move it to, but there was a problem "Atum said I couldn't move it even if I tried."
King would have probably argued with me, but at mention Atums name he just sighed. "In that case, the garrison I sent will have to remain there until you have enough retainers to hold it on your own. Haliae offered her houses services as well if you want to accept it."
"Whats the catch?"
"The Oceanid house rents out it members as elite troops. All you'll have to do is pay them once you begin to collect the taxes earned from your dungeon."
I thought for a moment and looked at Ery for his opinion. He nodded, and I said "Deal."
"I'll let Haliae know you can negotiate with her at the banquet. You'll also have to meet with a city planner as well."
I had a bad feeling about what he said and asked "What banquet?"
For the first time, King's tired expression changed as a smile spread across his face "I'm going to officially bestow you the title of Archduke in a week. Most of the nobles are already on their way here if you were gone any longer I would have had to delay it."
"Can't we just skip the banquet?"
"No. The ceremony is for the public, but the banquet is for the nobility."
"Ugh fine. Anything else I should know about?"
"Yes, two more things but don't worry both are gifts."
I perked up and asked, "What more chocolate?"
Ery and Imaria giggled, but I ignored them the snacks Imaria gave me were heavenly. To bad the snacks I took last time were destroyed along with my first set of clothing, so I'm all out. Speaking of which these new clothes better have Orichalcum weaved into them like my old set or I'm gonna be pissed.
King also amused said "I can arrange to have some made for you but no. I hired a trainer to help you improve your fighting skills and Imaria is arranging to have a battalion to be put under your permanent control."
Not bad but I have no experience commanding people "That's nice, but I've never led people in a fight before."
Imaria cut in and said, "Don't worry the trainer I arranged will also be teaching you tactics."
"What kind of troops will I be getting."
"A mixture of cavalry and air forces. I'm still organizing them, but they should be ready in two weeks. Until then it's a secret."
I see how it is "Imaria was the one prepared these gifts right?"
It looks like King expected me to figure it out and said "Yes, honestly I would have just given you a unit of knights, but she is going beyond what I think is reasonable. Especially from what the reports I've read. But that's a discussion for another day like myself; you must be tired. I'll have someone bring you your rooms."
"I would, but I need to reopen my entrance at the Association."
"It reopened last week but don't worry I've had Haliae prevent anyone from entering. And before you ask you may not leave the palace. I won't make the same mistake twice."
I can't really blame him for that, so I just shrugged and said: "Ok let's go Ery."
The Next Morning
Alice POV
The palace may look dull on the outside and most of the inside, but a few areas are full of luxury. In particular, the guest wing was almost as nice as the royal chambers. Imaria came and spent the day with me. She still sucked at holding a conversation, but we made it work. The best part was my request for sweets wasn't ignored because the maids delivered them around lunch. Ery, Takeo, and Dovron joined us in the afternoon apparently Takeo and Dovron were running errands Imaria the past few days and just got back. I asked about my instructor, but the only thing anyone told me was that he was one of the best and apparently Ery and Dovron knew him. We called it a night after dinner, but I stayed up most of the night training my death magic. Sadly it didn't go so well, and I ended up destroying a few pieces of furniture by mistake. And the best part was I had no progress to show for it. Hopefully no notices I only destroyed a few chairs, a desk, and a couch... Yup, not my fault!
A maid knocked on my door early in the morning to wake me up and bring breakfast. I liked her since she was the only one who didn't look too intimidated by me. But whenever I looked her in the eyes, she shuttered a bit. I'm the first one to admit that my eyes are a bit creepy but the more I looked at them they grew on me. When I was done, she tried to get me to change, but I refused since my clothes were likely better armor than anything they could offer me. I used my metal magic to check if they were still had Orichalcum in them which they did to my relief. The one thing I did accept was the black leather boots. It's nice to finally have shoes.
After breakfast, the maid brought me out to a training courtyard. Some of the guards were training but when I showed they saluted and left the yard. The maid also bowed and departed leaving me alone. I got bored after a few minutes and started training my death magic. It was strange my skill with it was beyond all my other magic, but it still said I a low level of mastery. It was frustrating, so I decided to work on my fighting skill Dance of the Dead. It combined a lot of passive skills so it would it would well worth it. I mainly focused switching between my chains and scythe more smoothly. Since my skills were so low level, I could actually see an improvement after the first hour.
Once I stopped someone called out to me "Not bad!"
Taken by surprise, I searched for voice and was greeted by a happy looking midget leaning on one of the training dummies. I appraised him and saw he was a high A-rank hobbit. Other than being short he had a few scars on his face but was pretty average looking. Dark brown eyes and short brown hair nothing special. A patchwork of different pieces of leather armor covered him a few daggers covered chest and a short sword hanged from his waist. "Are you the instructor I heard so much about?"
The hobbit grinned and said "Depends if I decide to take you as a student. Names Tarvon."
I see where this going "Alice it's a pleasure."
"They said you'd be a moody little brat but aren't a polite one."
"I didn't have a reason to be until a second ago asshole."
A cocky grin formed on Tarvons face as he said: "Well then let's get started catch."
Tarvon threw a silver ring to me. I noticed it was covered with runes and I asked: "What is it?"
"A training ring. It lowers the stats of a wearer to match that of its sister rings wearer."
Amazed I asked, "How did someone create this?"
Tarvon shrugged and said, "I don't the details but apparently its based off some of the more advanced slave collars. Just put it on, and let's get started."
I put it on and didn't feel any different, but Tarvons grin grew wider as he said: "Looks like I'm the stronger one. Now then since you already warmed up, I want you to try and kill me."
I looked at him like he was crazy and said: "Are you insane?"
"Maybe and one more thing no magic or active skills that aren't tied to the fighting style skill you were practicing earlier."
"Ok don't blame me if I kill you."
Tarvon just smiled a drew his short sword. Fuck it might as well go with the flow. I sent four of my chains to attack while I stayed back and observed. He dodged three of them and deflected the fourth with a simple flick of his sword. I continued my assault for a few minutes, but I realized I was just wasting time. After I stopped, he said, "I'm guessing your chain manipulation skill is pretty new to you right?"
"Yeah, why?"
"I noticed it took all of the attention to use it, check your shoulder."
I looked down and saw a dagger sticking out my shoulder. I ripped it out, and the wound healed quickly, but my shoulder felt stiff. Before I could say anything Tarvon said, "I threw it during your first attack and yes I severed a tendon. I was told you have high regeneration, but you need to realize that although your wounds might heal quickly, your mind will still think its hurt. It only takes a minute to readjust to it but that minute can cost you your life."
I looked at my arm and realized there was no hole in my shirt and asked: "How'd you pierce my shirt?"
Tarvon looked at me confused "What do you mean?"
"I have Orichalcum weaved into it should have pierced it."
Suprised Tarvon said, "Take a look at the blade."
I took a closer look at the blade he threw and realized it wasn't solid piece if metal. It was a bunch small needles attached to the handle. "What is this?"
"A dagger I had specially made to deliver poison into armored targets. The needles that hit anything too hard to hard to pierce they retract into the handle while the others pierce the body. Its very effective against chain mail and the like. Just be happy I decided not to use any poison during our little sparring match. Now then if there are no more questions let's see how you handle being attacked."
Tarvon rushed me avoiding my chains, and got it within range of my scythe. I swung my scythe intent on taking his head, but he dodged easily and tried to ram his sword through my throat. Luckily my chains moved to block his attack. After a while, I got used to fighting him letting my chains take care of most my defense while I tried to keep him back. But it quickly turned into a stalemate, and I could tell Tarvon wasn't even focused on fighting me. He was observing my movements, in particular, he focused on how my chains continually deflected his attacks.
We went on like this well over an hour, but neither of us were close to breaking. The only good thing that came out of this mess was that I noticed my improvement as we fought. I began using my scythe in different ways using the long shaft to block his attacks. I even surprised him by showing him back and using the sharp end the shaft to almost take an eye. He laughed at my attempt and responded by upping his game. It became harder and harder to attack, and I was quickly put on the defensive. I lost track of him for a second and paid for it by getting a kick to the jaw that sent me flying across the courtyard.
A loud cheer broke, and for the first time, I noticed the crowd that had gathered. The guards and a few of the servants were watching the match between us. I even saw Dovron and two other royal guards watching the match with great interest. When I got up, Tarvon still had the same smug grin on his, and frankly, it was beginning to annoy me. I felt my jaw pop back into place and luckily because of my skills, I felt no pain. But it gave me an idea how to get him back. I rolled up my sleeves and started pouring mana into chains summoning half a dozen to take his head. Tarvon was forced on the defensive, and with momentum, back in my hands, I rushed in. I used my chains to occupy his sword forcing him split his attention between me and my chains. A lucky hit from chains knocked him off his feet; I used another chain to catch him then slam him into the ground.
He got back up a bit dirty but for the most part unscathed. He looked impressed with me for the first time in the entire fight. But then something changed his grin disappeared, and he drew a dagger from his chest. He calmly circled me and as he deflected my chains with sword and dagger. Once he circled around me for the third time, he made his move. He dodged my chains and ran towards me like a lion about to pounce. Once he was in range of my scythe, I was able to hold him off for a brief moment, but I was quickly disarmed. My chains moved to protect me, but they were brushed aside by his dagger. At the same time, he brought down his sword. Without hesitation, I stuck out my bare hand and let it pierce through my hand up through my forearm and out my elbow. Tarvons eyes widened in shock as I grabbed the hilt of his sword and hand. I then proceeded to give the same treatment to his dagger. With both, his hands restrained I began to kick him until his feet gave out from under him.
After I let go Dovron ran over to me and yelled "What the hell is wrong with you are trying to lose an arm! Someone get a healer!"
Tarvon got up frowning and ignored Dovrons screaming and asked: "You have pain resistance don't you?"
I shook my head and said, "No, Pain Immunity."
Tarvon nodded and said, "Ok you pass, can I have my sword back?"
I nodded and stuck my mangled arm. Tarvon sighed and pulled the sword out much to Dovrons and everyone else's horror. Some of the servants even fainted at the sight while most of the guards cringed. My arm would probably heal in a few minutes which wasn't too bad. I took out the dagger in my other hand using the mouth. That wound closed in a few seconds which was nice.
Tarvon watched as my arm began to heal itself and then kicked everyone out of the courtyard and sat me down. "Well, first you passed so I'll be training you from now on. You'll meet me here every day till you leave the capital. After which I'll head to your city where we will continue your training after you return from the war. Understood?"
"Got it."
"Good and now for your first lesson don't pull that stunt ever again. Sure it worked this time, but that was only because I didn't want to cut your arm clean off. And another thing turn off Pain Immunity."
I looked at like he was an idiot and asked: "Why the hell would I do that?"
Tarvon sighed and said "Because how else are you gonna tell your taking damage. If I hadn't pointed out my dagger in your shoulder would you have noticed it? Yeah didn't think so, for now, keep it at 99% got it."
"I can do that?"
"*Sigh* What the hell has that damned elf been teaching you? Yes, you can just think of the skill and then think of lowering the skills effect."
I did as Tarvon said and sure enough, it worked. I lowered just enough so my mangled arm putting itself back together felt like throbbing pain that was only at the level of being annoying. "Anything else oh wise one?"
Tarvons cocky grin came back as he said "Your 30 years too early to start mouthing off to me brat. Now then my goal is to help you raise your skill level to the point where you won't embarrass yourself on the battlefield. Do you know why skills and skill levels are so important?"
"They make it easier to fight."
"Yes but not the answer I was looking for. The reason is that once you get to the A-ranks and above skill level is almost everything. This due to the fact leveling becomes increasingly harder, so the best way to grow in strength is to raise your skill levels."
"I somewhat follow what you're saying."
"Think of it this way a person that's a low A-rank can beat a high A-rank if they there skills levels are high enough despite stat difference. Of course, the types of skills have an effect, but a common high-level skill is better than a rare low-level skill."
I nodded and checked my arm. It was almost healed, so hopped up and said: "Ok then I guess let's get to it."
Tarvon pushed me back down and said: "Not so fast. Do you know how to counter people with high regeneration rates like yourself."
"No, but something tells me your about to explain how."
Annoyed Tarvon said "I am so quiet. The answer is skills and poison that lower regeneration. Some weapons also have that effect, but they are stupidly rare. You have any skills like that?"
I shook my head, and Tarvon continued "Ok then I'll be teaching you alchemy on top of everything else. Catch."
Tarvon threw me his needle dagger and said "A gift for my new student. Pour the poison in the handle and stab to inject it. And before you ask you can also pour poison on your scythe blade, it won't be as effective, but it will work in a pinch. I also want to teach you how to use it since your scythe is obviously meant for mounted fighting."
I rolled my eyes and said "Anything else?"
"Yes, our secondary goal will be to improve your unique fighting skill. I want you to get used to using magic and other active skills while using your scythe and chains. We only have a month to train so we'll be making the most of it. Our schedule will be like this in the morning we will spend time training your skills individually then try to integrate them into your fighting style. I'll be teaching you dagger mastery during this time as well. After that, we'll move to alchemy training followed by mounted combat. We'll end things easy with military tactics but at night Princess Imaria, and Erethon will train you in etiquette, magic and city management."
"So do I get any freedom this month?"
"You have a month till you get thrown into a war that's only been escalating. So no you won't have any freedom, but you'll thank me for this later."
I sighed and mumbled, "Are you trying to train me or torture me."
Tarvon just laughed and said, "You'll be surprised how similar the two feel after a few days."
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