《Alice The Roaming Dungeon》Chapter 12 A Step Outside
"I want you to help destroy the Draco Kingdom."
Alice was taken back by the Kings the request and just was dumbstruck. She stared at the king and said the first thing came to her mind "Go fuck yourself."
The king smiled and said "Are you sure the daughter of Mania won't sit well with the Church of Life. If your location got out, you would make an enemy of not only myself but for them as well. And they have more than a few powerful people and countries under their control."
"Eat shit; I know full well the church worships Mania as much as Atum. So I'm sure that if they found out you picked a fight with me, they would be on my side, you're just a half-dead king after all."
For the first time, King Halon lost his composure his eyes widened "How..."
Alice smiled "I can see your soul and lifespan. Compared to the two next to you yours is extremely short. So what you want your bitter enemy to be destroyed before you kick the bucket?"
King Halon sighed, and his aura of authority disappeared "I see you're well informed, but it was worth a shot. Are you aware of how long Elves live and the fact they never age?"
"Yeah, just look at Erethon."
"Well put simply I'm a quarter High Elf, Beast Man, and Half Human. I don't age like an Elf but don't have anywhere close to their lifespan. I am 203 years old and lifespans for quarter elves should only be around 200 years."
"Get to the point already."
"I'm going to die any day now, and my daughter will become queen."
''So basically you and the Draco Kingdom are headed for war, and you want it to end before your daughter takes over. Wow, you might be less of an ass hole than I thought."
King Halon just smiled and shrugged, "I'm a king and a father you can think of me however you want as long I can protect my people and family."
Alice looked at the king and stared into his soul and thought to her self "At least he's honest." She smiled and said, "So how would I destroy a kingdom and what's in it for me?"
"You don't need to do much just say the Draco Kindom needs to come to an end. I already sent people to spread rumors throughout most of the continent that you were sent to this world to end the old and to make way for the new. You're the god's will, at least that's what everyone believes for the most part."
"So why don't I say that your Kingdom needs to come to an end?"
"Because I would destroy you and your dungeon. Also even if you stop the army outside your only three days away from the capital so I guarantee at least 500,000 men would be mobilized to crush you."
"Don't be so confident prick I have more than a few tricks that I could use destroy you. But you're lucky I don't feel like going to war with you. Now the fun question what do I get if I agree to help you?"
"The backing of the Asura Kingdom."
Alice more than a little annoyed said "I can tell when you're hiding something jackass. So tell me what you have in mind."
"You are a negotiator's worst nightmare. I will build a fortress city to protect your dungeon, give you unconditional aid whenever you are in the kingdom, the title of Arc Duke which will give you the authority equal to a prince or princess, and I will also give you all the mana you need to grow dungeon."
"Not good enough."
General Dawsend snapped "How is that not enough you disrespectful little bitch!? My King allow me to teach this bitc-"
"Quiet Brecban! Calm down or will send back to the army!"
"But sir!"
"Brecban do not make me repeat myself!"
The general stared daggers at Alice but said: "Yes my king."
"I apologize for my subordinates disrespect."
"It's fine I know how hard dogs are to control."
Rage was clear on Brecban's face, but King Halon just smiled and said "Thank you for your understanding. Now then what more would you like?"
"First off, I'm not stupid enough to allow people anywhere near my core so you can keep your mages to yourself. Second I want to expand my dungeon to your capital and any other city or town I choose. And Third I want every captured prisoner to be sent to and killed in my dungeon."
"Expand your dungeon to my capital... What do you mean by that?"
"I want to create an entrance there."
The king mumbled, "I see so that's why we couldn't speak to the outside." He then spoke to Alice "Very well, but I want a contract stating that you won't hurt my people outside your dungeon."
Alice smiled "Deal, but be sure to extend to every ruler of Asura after you."
Erethon had told her what contracts were during one of his teaching sessions. A contract was a spell that placed a curse on two or more people, and it would activate if one person broke their agreement. To put it simply the spell would attack the soul and kill the offender instantly. But for Alice who soul was already dead and had the skill Soul Immunity , it would do nothing to her. In other words, she could break the contract whenever she wanted.
King Halon activated the spell and said "The deal is simple you will help us destroy the Draco Kingdom and I guarantee that all the rewards promised to you will be fulfilled. The contract will be passed down to every ruler of Asura after me, but you also must promise never use your monsters to destroy the kingdom or its people."
"I'm adding a part saying that if people come to the dungeon to assassinate me and manage escape I can send monsters out to hunt them down and everyone involved with their scheme, even if they're your people."
King Halon's face twitched "I agree now inject your mana into the contract and we will be finished."
Alice read the contract carefully and made sure not to leave any loopholes and then finally injected her mana. "It's done, now then when does the war start?"
King Halon smiled and said, "3 days ago the army encamped at the entrance will be heading to the front lines now."
"I see then let's go."
"We don't need you to come along yet."
"Not with the army, you'll be taking me to your capital."
"You don't waste time, do you? Very well we need you to speak with the church anyway."
"Also was it you guys who stopped people from coming into my dungeon?"
"Yes and no, I gave the order when we arrived here, but a local guild was the one who initially forbade it."
"I guess I scared them a bit too much. Well, whatever start letting people in and build the city as fast as possible."
"That won't be a problem your dungeon is located on a fairly fertile plain with a few forests nearby. I just need to find a mayor after construction."
"You don't have to I'll rule the territory and Ery will be the mayor."
"Ery? Wait you mean Erethon, why would you trust him with that."
"Ery care to explain."
"Well um... We bonded your majesty, and well we are sort of friends."
"I see, no matter Erethon you will act as mayor under Archduke... My apologies but I never got your name."
"It's Alice."
"Do you have a family name?"
"I suggest you make one you'll need a house if you want to keep retainers formally."
"I'll worry about it later let's go."
With that Alice opened a portal to the entrance rode her horse through followed by everyone else. They arrived in the middle of the encampment that the king's army had made at the entrance inside her dungeon. The troops were already in position ready to fight Alice but when the king walked through they relaxed. They walked to the entrance and when Alice tried to walk through she was pushed back and sent a notification.
Warning- Dungeon Core "Alice" now exiting the dungeon. Auto Mangement parameters not yet given. Until parameters are set Dungeon Core "Alice" will be unable to leave the dungeon.
Alice was a little confused but activated Auto Mangement. Another window popped basically asking her to give orders on what to do when mana capacity was reached and the general behavior of the dungeon. She opened the screen up and gave her orders.
Dungeon Behaviour- Passive (Kill anyone who enters bottom floor maze)
Mana usage- Priority 1. Expand 2nd Floor to 100 square miles.
2. Fill 2nd floor with an appropriate amount of monsters.
3. Buy all skills in skill store that mana cap allows.
4. Level up dungeon.
Boss Candidates- Bring to bottom floor maze. Floor Creation- Off Room Creation- Create 1-mile rooms on second-floor. Surface and tunnels are separate rooms. Alert- Auto Managment setting has been set Dungeon Core "Alice" is now able to leave the dungeon.
With that last chore done she stepped through the entrance and saw her new world for the very first time. Erethon walked over to her and began to speak "This is your first time being out of your dungeon right?"
"Yeah, but wish I didn't have to see an army with their weapons pointing at my portal."
"Well, King Halon did personly come here to negotiate with you."
King Halon cut in "They had orders to begin the assault if I didn't come back through the portal in 2 hours. But don't worry they will be sent to reinforce one of the western army's."
"And my fortress town?"
"We will leave 200 men to begin planning out your town and scout the surrounding. From what I can tell you're close enough to a river so it will be easy to dig wells and the soil is fairly fertile."
"So my town will have a good foundation."
"Yes, but it won't be easy to defend in case of any attacks. You are in the middle of a plain after all."
"That's why you are building a fort, so how long till my town is finished?"
"I'm not a city planner, but I would say around four months since I'm the one financing it."
"That's quick but make sure to spread the word about my dungeon being here."
"I don't have to news is already spreading like wildfire. Adventures from Erethon's expedition or the guild survey you destroyed probably already spread the news. My men have already told me that some adventures and craftsmen have already established them selfs around our army camp."
"Even though I basically destroyed both expeditions?"
"Monster core's are quite literally the most profitable monster drop in the world. They are basically hardened elemental mana, so they are always in high demand."
"*Sigh* So there just greedy morons then."
Erethon began to speak "Actually no, many of them are just looking for a new start. In our world using magic and skills is as common as breathing and everyone can use it to a certain extent. For example, a single farmer can easily work 5 miles of farmland with the proper magic and skills."
"Ok, I somewhat understand."
King Halon again jumped in "Let me explain but first, has Erethon told you how many people are adventures in this country?"
"Well, Alice in this country over a third of the population are adventures and with another quarter being in the military full-time. Do you get it now?"
"So basically skills and magic make jobs so easy that you don't need too much of a labor force."
"Exactly but also there is the constant internal threat of monsters and the external threat from other countries. This war with the Draco Kingdom is the 8th one we had in the past 150 years. Of course, some were bigger than others, but they still happened."
"So that's why you want me to destroy them."
"Yes and no. It will easier to explain if you have a grasp of the situation. The first and current ruler of the Draco Kingdom is a Dragon Newt named Qotzen-Cha Draco. He came to power through a rather popular revolution and then went about the systematic conquering or destruction of every other tribe and kingdom in The Diamond Peaks. He managed to create a multiracial nation, much like Asura, which consists mainly of White Dwarfs, Snow Elves, and Dragon Newts. When their nation was first created 200 years ago, I hoped to make allies out of them, but they declared war on us after Qotzen solidified control of the Peaks. What I want is the Draco Kingdom to be destroyed only in name."
"How the hell does that work?"
"We need to defeat their military and put in a new king."
"So where do I come into play?"
"The entire country is deeply religious, so the Church of Life has a lot of influence in the country. You're the first and only daughter of Mania, and that makes a powerful symbol."
"So I'm just a figurehead great."
"That is the plan for now anyway; the current invasion is already bigger that than last four wars combined. If this keeps up, we may use you in a more direct way."
"I'm not a tool you piece of shit."
"Forgive me; I didn't mean it like that."
"Whatever when do we leave?"
"Brecban and I have to deploy the army so about an hour."
"I'll be by my entrance then, come on Ery."
Erethon and Alice were about to leave, but Knight Captain Sarah screamed out "Wait Erethon isn't your hostage anymore he can come with us!"
"Who said he was my hostage?"
"Shut up, come on Erethon you don't need to be a prisoner anymore."
Erethon looked at both Alice and Sarah, but he already made his choice in the dungeon "I'm sorry Sarah, but I'm going with her by choice."
"Why? She killed all of our men! the people you lead are dead because of her!"
"Sarah I told you to leave the dungeon, but you didn't listen to me. Their blood is on your hands just as much as Alice's."
Sarah clenched her fists and stared daggers into a smiling Alice "Fine; I hope you die with that bitch!"
"Goodbye, Sarah."
"Good job Ery, but I looked at her soul she didn't believe your words."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
Alice smiled evilly "You'll see."
Alice and Ery explored the area around her dungeon entrance, but all she could see were soldiers breaking down camp. All the soldiers were avoiding her with only a few nervous glances sent her way. She didn't care much and figured rumors about the knights be slaughtered by her had gotten around. She looked at the entrance of her dungeon and was unsatisfied that it was just a swirling portal in front of a rock slab. She tried to play around with it and found out she could manipulate it just like the inside of her dungeon. She shaped the rock around the portal and made it seem like it was a door and planted a tree behind it. She mutated the tree grow large enough, so its trunk encased the sides of the stone entrance. She also made it seem like half the tree was dead while the other half was thriving with flowers and fruit growing on every branch. She decided that when she bought the dungeon skill Shrine Creation, she would put a shrine Mania, Atum and maybe a statue of herself.
The process took a little over 30 minutes after that Alice had no idea what to do with the remaining time. She sat on one of the tree branches and talked to Erethon for a while. But as Alice thought a pest had come back to bother them and seemed she brought friends. Alice looked over at Sarah and yelled out with a smile "You must love leading people to their deaths!"
"Go to hell! Men prepare to rescue Erethon!"
"I told yo-"
"Shut up Ery there is only five of them besides I only to kill one or two and the rest will run."
"Wait a minute that armor, Alice!"
Alice ignored him and hopped off the tree and activated The Presence of Inevitability and summoned her scythe. Alice smiled as she watched a few of them visibly pale and sent out her message to everyone around to not just Sarah's group but every soldier that was watching the scene.
Warning you have challenged the Pale Rider. Your lives are forfeit pray to Mania that your deaths will be painless.
Seeing the message, everyone in the area went into an uproar. The extreme turn the situation took surprised even Alice, she didn't realize how much a system message meant to these people. One of the men Sarah had brought tried to turn tail and run, but Alice sent one of her chains and dragged him in front her. And in a dance-like move, she cut his head clean off. Alice smiled and began to walk towards the Sarah and the three remaining men, at the same time activating True Suffering.
Alice formed an aura of Death Magic around her that rotted ground around her and had chains shoot out, like black snakes, destroying everything. The last thing she did was use Ice Magic to make the temperature in the area drop drastically, and with a mad smile she said: "You caused this."
One of the soldiers screamed out "Get away from me you fucking mon-"
Alice didn't let him finish. She sent chains through his chest tearing him apart. At this point, Alice had gotten an idea that would make this pointless and frankly boring fight a little more interesting. She used Soul Grasp and Soul Essence on the two soldiers she just killed. It only took a minute to tear part of each soul off, since they were already dead. She then used Spirits of the Dead to summon the souls in the form they had in life. Everyone only looked on in terror since the entire process was visible to the naked eye.
Alice brought everyone back to reality and said "Be thankful that I found another use you trash. If you help me with a little experiment, I'll let you live."
The men looked at Alice and tried to speak, but they were still writhing in agony because of True Suffering. After a minute Alice realized and deactivated it and asked "What do you guys think? Wanna help me out and have a chance to live or die on your knees?"
Surprisingly it wasn't Sarah who spoke up but one of the soldiers "I... I'll take the chance."
Alice smiled and said, "Good how about the rest of you?" The other soldier didn't look Alice in the eyes but nodded. As for Sarah, she just sat there crying looking at the souls standing behind Alice.
Alice ignored her for now and spoke to the other soldiers "This little game is simple, beat one of the souls behind me, and you live. Lose and you die, but first what are your adventure ranks and what was there's?"
The same soldier who spoke up first took off his helmet revealing a young face with what seemed to be kind of cat ears "I'm a low A rank, and the two behind you were both high B."
"I see, what about you in the heavy armor?"
The soldier in question just kept trembling to Alice's annoyance. At the same time, Alice said "Why the fuck do they always just sit there?" and shot a bolt of death magic corroding away the soldier's helmet and left shoulder armor.
As the helmet corded away, it revealed a very pretty young woman with strange blue-black hair. The woman frantically screamed out "I'm a High S rank!"
"That's the answer I was looking for! Now then what are you?"
"A... a Sea Nymph."
"Never heard of it but whatever. Sarah stop having a breakdown and tell me if you're ready."
"Ugh... you really are a pain in the ass." Alice summoned the dwarf soul she had and said "Here you can fight this one now get up already and start! As for you two go ahead and pick whichever one you want!"
Alice deactivated her skills and spells and leaned against her scythe. The quickest one was the Sea Nymph's fight the girl got serious right after Alice deactivated her skills and crushed the soul in an instant. As for the Cat Beastman, his fight dragged on for a while, but he eventually overpowered the soul. Alice already guessed that souls strength was close to what it was when they lived and the fights confirmed it. Sarahs fight was the most intense of all them they reached a stale and were fighting with everything they had. But Alice was more interested in her other two test subjects and called them over.
Alice smiled sweetly at them trying to put them at ease "Congrats you two! You guys are free to go. But first, you guys have to answer one question."
The two gave her very different looks, the beastman had the expected of look suspicion but had a little more hatred than normal in his eyes. But the Sea Nymph looked at Alice like she was some kind cute little animal. The beastman spoke up first, "What's the question?"
"Why did you help Sarah? Everyone should know what I'm capable of and you followed her anyway. So you're either brave, loyal or stupid."
Beastmen answered first "My younger brother was a part of the expedition."
"So good old fashion revenge I can accept that. You can go Mr. Cat Ears."
The beastman started to walk away and said: "I'll kill you one day."
Alice smiled and replied, "Try not to piss yourself the next time you try. Now then Miss. Sea Nymph are you out for revenge too?"
"Nothing of the sort I have neither met nor do I care about anyone you've killed so far. I just wanted to see the Pale Rider in action."
"Weren't you shit yourself a few minutes ago? And stop looking at me like that I'm not some fluffy animal!"
"Oh, my apologies without the sheer terror you give off when mercilessly slaughtering people you quite the cute little girl. You're criminally cute in fact."
"You do realize I was about to kill you right?"
"I grew up wondering the ocean, and when I was 200, I had a death match with a Sea Dragon. No offense but the dragon was at least ten times more terrifying than you, and we still became good friends in the end."
"Bull shit you were trembling so much you couldn't even move."
"Not out of fear but excitement. You don't become a Royal Guard by cowering in front of the enemy."
"Are you guys all this crazy?"
"You have to be if you're willing to fight the kind of beasts that will get you to S Rank."
"Whatever looks like Sarah might actually win, you can go."
"My name is Haliae by the way."
"I said you could go."
"I'd rather see the fight through to the end."
"Suit yourself, just don't get in the way."
Sarah was clashing with the dwarf soul for over 20 minutes straight, but she was slowly getting the upper hand. She used a mix of spells, sword techniques, and skills that kept the pressure on the soul. From what Alice could see she had mostly specialized in lightning, with some earth magic mixed in. It made for a flashy fight if nothing else but Sarah was quite skilled and ended the fight with a lightning clad strike through the soul's chest. Alice was more happy that it was over with more than anything else. "Congrats Sarah you made it through this alive again, and this time two of the people following you walked away. I'm impressed you're actually improving."
"I'll fucking kill yo-"
"Knight Captain care to explain whats going on here."
Sarah froze when she saw King Halon and General Dawsend staring right at her. But before she could speak Alice cut in "You know full well what happened."
King Halon just smiled "Those of eyes of yours are truly something else."
Sarah stood there trying to figure out what was happening "My king?"
"He's been watching us ever since I took your men's souls."
"A terrifying skill I might add. And Haliae why did you not prevent the deaths of those two men?"
"They picked a fight they shouldn't have it's not my fault they paid for it."
"But they were Knights with bright futures ahead of them."
"Short futures. Better for fools to die quick and young so they can't give birth to more fools."
"*Sigh* Anyway Knight Captain Sarah I suggest you avoid attacking Archduke Alice in the future."
"You made her an Archduke, and your name is Alice! Congrats that even higher the house I founded, were only dukes!"
"Haliae please stop interrupting."
"My apologies your majesty."
"Good, now Knight Captain am I understood?"
"Good, you and the remainder of your company, will be heading to the front lines to assist General Brecban I suggest you go with him and prepare."
"Yes, my king."
"Now then are ready to leave Archduke Alice?"
"Drop the Archduke part and let's go. Come on Ery!"
"Good we won't be needing to travel with the army anymore we will be traveling back to capital by Wyvern."
"It's a subspecies of dragon they are as dumb as a troll so there the only dragon species that can be trained. Even other dragons treat them like pests."
"I see thanks, Ery."
"Erethon have you ever rode on one before?"
"No my king they were always far too expensive for a mere adventure."
"I see then we will have to split you up Alice you can ride wit-"
"Please your majesty allow me to take the cute one."
"Ok, I don't se-"
"Thank you, my king! Let's go, Alice!"
"Wait a min-" Before as could finish she was dragged off by Haliae with speed worthy of an S Rank.
"Sorry about that Erethon you know how eccentric the Oceanid house is, and she's the founder."
"Don't worry your majesty I-"
"No one is around Master please just call me Halon."
"Haha, Master that brings me back to when you were a child begging me to tell you stories about slaying dungeons or teach you magic."
"Care to ride with me it's been 20 years since we last talked."
"To ride with an old student and friend, it would be my pleasure."
A few minutes later Alice was plopped down on an oversized lizard by the crazed blue-haired lady. "Don't worry cutey pie we will have a fun trip together!"
"Wait what the fuck is happening?"
"We're heading to the capital." And with that, they took off into sky much to Alice's dismay.
"Am I seriously gonna be stuck here with you for three days?"
"I wish, but by Wyvern its only takes 18 hours."
"Fuck my life..."
"Oh don't be so negative let's have some fun while we're up here."
"Like what and play eye spy?"
"I thought we could talk but if you want..."
"No never mind it was a joke I might seriously jump off if we play that."
"Good now then I'll formally introduce myself I'm Duchess Haliae Oceanid founder of the Oceanid House."
"Um ok, I'm Alice the Pale Rider, and I guess I'm an Archduke or Archduchess? Fuck it Archduke is shorter."
"See we're getting somewhere now for the big question."
"Want me to adopt you?"
"What the hell was that!"
"My mother Mania and you managed to royally piss her off. Good job."
"Wow, the first time a god has ever reacted when I tried to adopt one of their kids."
"You've tried that before?"
"Yup and succeeded but I've never heard a pissed off voice in the sky. You're pretty loved aren't you?"
"Ya guess so. So why did you try to adopt me."
"You're cute, and I wanted you."
"Your reasons are shit."
"Come on plus it's not good for a... 6 no 7-year-old girl to be alone."
"I'm 33."
"Oh, what race are you?."
"I'm a Homunculus."
Haliae and stared at Alice "You shouldn't make a joke like that."
"I'm not."
"Then never tell anyone what you are."
"Why Mania knows and still took me in."
"We're talking about people, not gods some crazy cults would love to kill you if they heard that. You are the ultimate taboo so people are bound to think they would get the gods favor from killing you."
"I'm surprised you even know what my race is I showed Ery, and he had no idea."
"That's because he's a dungeon obsessed brat who hasn't been around that long."
"How old are you?"
"I'm a spirit, so I don't age or die of old age like the mortal races. So if memory serves, I'm about 4,560 years old give or take a few years."
"So I guess you have seen a few things huh."
"You have no idea. But anyway keep it quiet about your race. I try to keep those creeps out of Asura, but they keep popping up like roaches."
"Thanks for the warning."
"Anytime it always good to kiss up to the only Archduke in the kingdom. By the way, did come from another world like some of the other god's children?"
"Do tell."
"I rather not it wasn't what you call pleasant or fun. Basically, it's just memories of torture."
"Oh come on I walked around this world for awhile. I've seen and heard plenty of stories of suffering I even met a guy finished Journey of the Tortured. Funny story about that there is actually a Journey after that called Journey of the Shattered. The guy spent another century in that hell hole, and it didn't go up a single percent."
"You're in for a shock then."
Authors note- this includes the journey progression from the last fight
Journey of the Tortured, Journey of the Killer, Journey of the Freed, Journey on the Mad, Journey of the Dead Soul, Journey of the Scythe Wielder, Journey of the Chain User, Journey of the Dancer, Journey of the Graceful
Journey of the One Loved by Gods 60%, Journey of the Insane 92%, Journey of the Shattered 46%, Journey of the Cruel 49%(+1), Journey of the Merciful 7%(+4), Journey of the Pale Rider 5%(+1), Journey of a True Mage 63%
"What the fuck is this."
"My Journeys all done within a 33-year lifespan. Still, want to hear about me and my world."
"No, I think... No, I'm still interested."
"Ok, then it started with this prick named Walker..."
The story took well over 4 hours to tell every grueling detail. Including all the time it took just to get Haliae to comprehend the concepts that were needed to understand what Alice went through. There were some tears and hugs from Haliae but eventually, she realized Alice didn't want that from her. She just needed to shut up and listen. When it was all over Alice decided she was done talking for a while and went through the notifications that piled up.
Alert- First kills made outside dungeon full exp awarded. Calculating level... 213 Alert- level 100 reached Sub Skills now unlockable. Sub Skills become available as the level of skills rises. Alert- Blessing of Mania has been fully activated all stats at level 100 doubled, except regens. Alert- Racial Skill- Body Enhancements in full effect (Sub-Skill- R43 Regeneration Implant) Active Warning- 3 Souls have been defeated. They will be available for re-use in 3 days. Sub Skills Gained- Skill Deaths Eyes have gained sub-skills Inescapable Eyes and All Seeing Eyes. Class Skill Gained- Mana Touched - Effect Permanent- Infuse any type mana into body gaining all the mana types benefits and immunity from said type. Class Skill Set Unlocked- The 7 Seals (Skill Set- First Seal Conquest Lv1)
Alert - Level 200 reached. Do you wish to start Journey of the Error...
Journey of the ******* Forbidden by Admins Atum and Mania
Admin Override "Lyssa"...
Journey of the ^($?~#& begun
Admin Message- Your Welcome Shrimp
"You have got to be shitting me..."
"Open our stats right now."
"It said all our stats doubled..."
"Open our stats!"
"God damn it shut up, I'll open them."
Name: Alice Race: Homunculus / Roaming Dungeon Level: 213 Exp: 21% Titles: Homunculus, The Tortured, The Freed, The Destroyer of Worlds, Child of Mania, The Pale Rider, The Slaughterer, World Traveler Class: Pale Rider (Unique G) Racial Skills: Body Enhancement (Sub Skill- R43 Regeneration Implant), Deaths Eyes (Sub Skills- Inescapable Eyes lv1 and All-Seeing Eyes lv1), Dungeon System Health: 15,538(+11,769) Mana: 16,586(+12,133) Health Regen: 2 per sec (+85 per min) Mana Regen: 15 per sec(+4) Strength: 1,188(+894) Vitality: 1,103(+842) Agility: 1,144(+872) Reaction: 1,141(+901) Intelligence: 1,176(+843) Wisdom: 1,143(+856) Blessings: Blessing of Mania
Elemental Mastery:
Earth-75% Fire-78% Nature-12% Wind-71% Water-52% Ice-5%(+1) Light-9% Dark-18% Metal-7% Death-18%(+1)
Resistance/ Endurance:
Physical- 460(+290)
Magical- 620(+375)
Stamina- 8,890(+6012)
Stamina Regen- 34 per sec(+18)
Class Skill Sets
The 7 Seals- First Seal Conquest Lv1
Journey of the Tortured, Journey of the Killer, Journey of the Freed, Journey on the Mad, Journey of the Dead Soul, Journey of the Scythe Wielder, Journey of the Chain User, Journey of the Dancer, Journey of the Graceful
Journey of the One Loved by Gods 60%, Journey of the Insane 92%, Journey of the Shattered 46%, Journey of the Cruel 49%(+1), Journey of the Merciful 7%(+4), Journey of the Pale Rider 5%(+1), Journey of a True Mage 63%, Journey of the ^($?~#& ---%
Active Skills- True Suffering lv6(+1), The Presence of Inevitability lv8 (+1), Message of the Rider , Summon Mount: Unnamed, Summon Weapon: Scythe of The End, Chains of Samsara lv3(+1) Soul Grasplv3(+1), Soul Manipulation lv3(+1), Soul Essence lv4(+2)
Magic Skills- Expert Fire Magic, Advanced Earth, Wind, and Water Magic, Beginner Light, Dark and Metal Magic, Beginner Death Magic, Mana Manipulation lv54, Spirits of the Dead lv5(+4)
Passive Skills- Pain Immunity, Soul Immunity , Mental Immunity, Scythe Mastery lv6, Chain Manipulation lv5, Grace lv7, Dance Mastery lv6, Dance of the Dead lv8, Mana Touched (New)
"Best day ever!"
"For once I agree with the dumb-ass!"
"We not gonna die anymore! We can kill all the scary people!"
"Hey, Main don't get too caught up in this."
"I know we're still only half as strong as Ery, but we're getting somewhere."
"Our potential is terrifying I will say that."
"We still got a while till capital lets get some rest."
"Good idea and watch out for that Nymph she is creepy..."
"I know. I really don't like the way shes looking at us."
Spoiler: Dungeon Stats Dungeon Name- Unnamed Core Name- Alice Species- Roaming Dungeon Titles- The First of a Species, The Roaming Dungeon Level-5 Floors- 3 Max Floors- 4 Rooms- 116 Monsters Count- 7,635 (Revivable-7,970) (Unrevivable-853,434) Boss Count- 2 Mana Capacity- 1242/6000 (Reach Maximum Capacity to Level) Mana Regen- 71.75 per hour
Floor Creation, Room Creation, Auto-Rebirth, Absorption, Synthesis, Expansion, Item Assignment, Monster Creation, Boss Creation, Evolution, Environment Creation, Dimensional Entrance Creation, Dungeon Awareness, Safe Zone Creation, Auto Management, Monster Integration, Dungeon Store , Monster Core Creation, Magic Imbuement, Skill Imbuement
Skill Store- Skill Name (Mana Price)
Item Alteration (8,000), Mental Communication (15,000), Dungeon Mine (40,000), Item Shop (6,000), Shrine Creation (8,000), Mana Stone Creation(50,000)
Monsters Types- Monster Name(Mana Cost)
Plant- Light Moss(5), Heat Trees(50), Rain Moss (8), Spore Mother's (120), Snow Moss (10), Fost Trees(50)
Animal Mutations- Ambush Snake(50), Behemoth Scorpion(150), Trap Spiders(100), Heat Spiders(75), Sand Cats(40), Pine Wolfs (50), Stone Bears(120), Fire Jackets(5), Fire Jacket Queens(40), Fire Hawk (100), Ice Wolfs(80), Glacial Mammoths (300)
Monsters- Sand Goblins(200), Tree Goblins (220), Leaf Guard (300), Forest Guard (600), Oak Guard (800), Frost Goblins (300), Blizzard Walkers (700),
Dungeon Magic's- Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Ice
Dungeon Skills- Minor Wind Resistance, Minor Water Resistance, Minor Earth Resistance, Fire Resistance, Minor Pain Resistance, Stealth lv23, Bravery Lv34, Field Command Lv32, Bow Mastery Lv67, Sword Mastery Lv86, Spear Mastery Lv64
- In Serial12 Chapters
The Grandmaster of Magic and Alchemy[Discontinue- Rewritten Version will be up soon]
Do you believe in reincarnation? Well, I don't. Why? Because to reincarnate, you must die first. But then, if you didn't die but just suddenly vanished and replace someone else's life? What does this call? This is the story of a woman who lives for so long that she had wished she could just die already, only to mistake the spell [Soul Incarnation] as a spell that could kill her. Instead, her soul and memory were sent into another world that looked down on the weak and the strong walk toward the path of righteous. Her name... is... was... called Megie, the Immortal Grandmaster Magician of Kingdom of Magic. And now, her soul is in the body of a girl who accidentally poisoned herself to death. Her name is called Jenna Loveheart. Now... what will you do, Megie? No, Jenna?
8 271 - In Serial9 Chapters
The Magic Man (Very Dead)
John was a fan of system apocalyspes, so he thought he knew what coming when he got caught up in one. He was wrong. This was an apocolypse in the original sense of the word, an unvieling. There were no ravenous hordes of monsters, no genocidal tutorials, and certainly no aliens from another dimension. Just humans. So John thought, "How can I exploit this?" This is my first story, and I am writing it as I go. Dont expect a regular update schedule or much long-term foreshadowing.
8 92 - In Serial15 Chapters
Joker's way of life
What will happen if an avid gambler wakes up to see that his world had a massive change. Jack awakens to see a blue screen telling him to prepare for a great change. "Screw this lets go gambling. Gambling is the way of life."
8 186 - In Serial6 Chapters
Xeno Slayer
Gee is an Immortal Legionnaire. His cause is just, his might without question, and any xeno who steps in his path ends up dead. In Eden's name he prays. A hidden foe, unscrupulous traders, and nefarious aliens bring the feared monster of humanity out of retirement. The Xeno Slayer will vanquish Eden's foes to continue humankind's aggressive expansion. Note: This is a MC killing aliens story, not an erotica book. There will be 0 graphic sex scenes in this version.
8 90 - In Serial37 Chapters
Reincarnation Royale
Actual Synopsis: Mike died. Mike met God. Mike was made to play a game. Mike wants harem. Mike goes on quest to get harem while playing god's game. XD Currently rewriting first arc (RW for rewritten chapter) Have you ever wondered what it'd be like to reincarnate as the main character? Have you ever wondered what it'd be like to have to go through something like Terror Infinity? Have you ever wondered what it'd be like to go through both at the same time? And the most important question, does it count as NTR if you actually are the main character? Follow Mike on his adventures and maybe one day we'll get to answer that century old question... From the mind of one man and his split personality who were inspired by fellow seniors here on Royal Road to bring out their ideas for the world to see, we bring to you Reincarnation Royale! Inspired by: Terror Infinity, D.Grayman, Bleach, and Terror Infinity Side-B (More works will be added as the story continues) Thi's is my first time writing on RR...
8 89 - In Serial36 Chapters
The New Alpha
Everly is a werewolf living in a pack where no one wants her. Her mother and father don't treat her the same as her beautiful sister. She has learned to get used to their unfairness towards her. Her sister, Victoria, humiliates her in school, at home, around her parents, and the whole pack thinks she's a weak link. But no one can take away how she feels when she runs in wolf form. Something only her mother and father know about her is she's a black wolf, the only known female black wolf in existence. She doesn't think anything of it, in fact it's something her mother and father hate about her the most. She can't wait to find her mate and just get away from her pack and family.When their pack alpha dies a new one comes in, Maddox, one of the most feared Alphas. When he comes to the new pack he instantly starts showing Everly some confusing attention. She doesn't know whether he likes or hates her. But what happens when her eighteenth birthday rolls around? The day she's supposed to finally know who her mate is....or isn't.Secrets start to unveil themselves causing trouble not only with Everly and Maddox but also with her family and the surrounding packs. Find out what happens when situations occur and they try to figure out how to fix it...and fast.Number 1 in #Werewolf- 2020
8 368