《Alice The Roaming Dungeon》Chapter 11 A Kings Deal
After Alice sent Eric away to deliver her message she felt revitalized. The action had gotten her out of the normal monotony of being a dungeon. She ignored the notifications she got; they were just alerts saying she leveled up and the skills she got from the adventures were just higher level mastery skills. No new skills for herself or her dungeon made her feel a little disappointed, but it couldn't happen every time with these small groups.
Alice, now in a good mood, talked to Tamer "If anyone comes in from now on just treat them like normal."
"Master I'm sorry to question you, but what it is normal?"
"Just try to kill them like normal. You can only fight them when they're close to the portal."
"I understand."
"Let's go back we still have a while before the king gets here."
"Yeah, I want to finish off our Journeys!"
"Suprise, surprise the dumb ass is also a muscle head."
"Fuck you too."
"Guys don't be mean."
"That bitch started it."
"I was just-"
"You know your little routine is getting old."
"Fuck you, Main Alice, this is why we exist."
"Yeah what the fuck are you telling us to disappear or something? You want us to die?!"
"*Crying* Main Alice I don't wanna die. Don't tell us to go die it's scary."
"They are right you know. Stopping them from them doing that is basically denying their existence as a whole."
"What the hell is with you guys ever since we came to Atia you've just been um... weird?"
"Wow, that was specific."
''Fuck it we're going back to the house Ery is waiting there."
"By the way why didn't you bring him he is pretty strong?"
"I... I didn't want him to see us."
"You didn't want him to see us are you fucking kidding me? We killed all the people he led here and kidnapped him! Are reputation can't get any worse with that fucking Elf, and you're worried about him seeing us kill people! You are going soft, and I don't think it's a good thing."
"Why are you worried it's perfectly natural for us to kill people and these guys had it coming so don't worry about it."
"But still I-"
"No buts bitch I'm not going to let that Elf change the way we think. If anyone crosses us they die, if they get in our way they die, hell if they look at us the wrong they die no exceptions."
"I'm not questioning that it's just if Ery sees us he woul-"
"Leave us. Yes, he probably will but who the fuck has ever stuck out there neck for us. Fuck them all even those gods up there. I don't trust those bastards they ignored us for so long."
"But Mania-"
"No fucking but's and don't play into that I want to be your mother bull shit. She could've just came down and saved us. And if she really loved us she would have saved us, rules be damned!"
"... Let's just go back."
"Yeah right back to your Elf, watch he'll leave us like everyone els-"
"Because it's all a lie and you know it. He'll leave eventually, and we will all be alone."
"*Crying* Please just stop."
"The world isn't a happy place and if you pretend it's just gonna hurt you. We are just a taboo that was born to suffer and die. The Elf won't stick with damaged goods like us, and even if he did, he would die one way or another. And it will be our faul-"
"*Crying* SHUT UP!!!!!!!"
"You're nothing more than a stupid little girl, and when everything goes to shit, you'll break. And we'll be the ones stuck trying to put you back together after all were just the pieces that have already broken off."
"*Crying* I hate you, I hate you, I hate you... I hate me."
Alice just kept crying and going through her mind. Her expression changed from sadness, anger, hate, happiness, despair and finally to a mad smile. There was just one constant the tears continued to fall from her eyes. Tamer could only watch on as his master tore herself apart, he wanted to help, but he didn't know how. The Oak Guard's tried to approach, but they were torn to pieces without mercy by Alice's chains. Alice continued to sit there for hours until she started to laugh hysterically, the laugh sent shivers down Tamer's spine. It sounded like a curse on all creation as if Alice was cursing fate for letting her be born.
After Alice got some semblance of calm came back, she felt tired hours had passed, and she just wanted to go home and rest. She stepped through a portal and returned to see Erethon waiting for her, but she could only look at him with despair in her eyes. She whispered to herself "Please don't die on me."
When Erethon began to talk to her, but she just brushed him aside and locked herself in her room. She spent the rest of night lying there staring at the ceiling until finally, sleep took her to the nightmares that she was already used to. In some twisted way they brought her comfort in her dreams she was alone, and there was nothing to lose. She never had anything that she truly afraid of losing until now.
After that night nine days passed she tried to act as normal as possible around Erethon but she tried to avoid him he wasn't teaching her.
Erethon could tell something was wrong but knew Alice wouldn't tell him even if he asked. He tried to keep an eye on her as much as possible, but she would just practice with her chains and scythe as soon as he was done explaining things to her. She even stopped using him as a sparring partner, so he did next best thing he started to teach her more. He taught her every magic he knew, but he found she was on the same level or higher in all forms of magic except for nature. But even those lessons were quick, and Alice would run off as soon as the lessons were done.
Alice managed to finish the Journeys of the Scythe Wielder, Chain User, Dancer, and Graceful. She got the expected passives Scythe Mastery , Chain Manipulation , Grace and Dance Mastery . But there was one skill she didn't expect Dance of the Dead according to Erethon there was a rare chance someone could get a skill related to their own style of fighting. On top of that Alice figured out a way to learn ice magic, she mutated a goblin to point where it could fully speak and explain the magic it could use naturally. Along with her new magic learned from her goblin and Erethon, she practiced with all of her other magics except for light and metal. But she mainly focused on her Death magic that was proving the most useful to her.
Alice also continued to expand her snow floor extending to just under 87 miles and finally figured out a way to have constant blizzards without using all her mana. She used Golem Cores to make Ice Golems and gave them a mix of Ice, Water and Wind Magic that would constantly be activated to make powerful blizzards around them. It would make it hard for adventures to fight them but when they were beaten the adventures would get a temporary reprieve from the blizzards. She named the Ice Golems Blizzard Walkers, but they were very expensive because of the passive magic they used but they worth it in the long run. She also mutated Wolfs that wouldn't follow their pack mentality they were strong and independent. They were a little weaker than wolf's on her forest floor, but they also had basic Ice and water magic she named them Ice Wolfs. They fought in the tunnels and the surface and would be the main support for the goblins.
The last thing Alice did was make giant mammoths that wandered the floor they had a passive attitude, but if someone attacked one they were for a nasty surprise like everything else on the floor they had Ice magic, but they were at the advanced level with increased strength, speed, and resilience. They were named Glacial Mammoths and would be somewhat rare on the floor. She made the floor her second floor and moved her forest floor to the bottom. And with the help Erethon, she assigned item drops across the dungeon; they were enough to where she would be valuable even someone ignored the monster cores.
While Alice was sparing with her Oak and Forest Guards, she finally felt someone enter her dungeon. Alice thought it was strange how no one had entered her dungeon for over a week, but she had to focus on what was in front of her. She grabbed Erethon made a portal to Tamer's village and immediately gave him orders, "Send someone out to keep an eye on the people who just entered. When they start to move, we'll meet them. Come with us to closest goblin village to the entrance."
"Yes, Master"
Erethon was confused and asked, "Why are you being so cautious about this?"
"Because you told me the king was an SS ranked adventure and every one of his guards is at least S rank."
"Good point but still with your strength you should be able to handle them."
"About that..."
"My stats might be a little lower than yours."
"By how much?"
"It's easier just to show you."
Name: Alice Race: Homunculus / Roaming Dungeon Level: 93 Exp: 87% Titles: Homunculus, The Tortured, The Freed, The Destroyer of Worlds, Child of Mania, The Pale Rider, The Slaughterer, World Traveler Class: Pale Rider (Unique G) Racial Skill: Body Enhancements, Deaths Eyes, Dungeon System Health: 3,769(+517) Mana: 4,453(+419) Health Regen: 35 per min (+1) Mana Regen: 11 per sec(+1) Strength: 294(+31) Vitality: 261(+64) Agility: 272(+41) Reaction: 240(+39) Intelligence: 333(+36) Wisdom: 287(+40) Blessings: Blessing of Mania
Elemental Mastery:
Earth-75%(+9) Fire-78%(+2) Nature-12% (New)
Wind-71%(+12) Water-52%(+15) Ice-4%(New)
Light-9% Dark-18%(+6)
Metal-7%, Death-17% (+12)
Resistance/ Endurance:
Physical- 170(+24)
Magical- 245(+30)
Stamina- 2878(+523)
Stamina Regen- 19 per sec(+1)
Journey of the Tortured, Journey of the Killer, Journey of the Freed, Journey on the Mad, Journey of the Dead Soul, Journey of the Scythe Wielder, Journey of the Chain User, Journey of the Dancer, Journey of the Graceful
Journey of the One Loved by Gods 60%, Journey of the Insane 92%(+4), Journey of the Shattered 46%(+3), Journey of the Cruel 48%(+12), Journey of the Merciful 3%(+1), Journey of the Pale Rider 4%(+1), Journey of a True Mage 63%(+7)
Active Skills- True Suffering lv5(+1), The Presence of Inevitability lv7 (+2), Message of the Rider , Summon Mount: Unnamed, Summon Weapon: Scythe of The End, Chains of Samsara lv3 (+1) Soul Grasplv2(+1), Soul Manipulation lv2(+1), Soul Essence lv2(+1)
Magic Skills- Expert Fire, Earth (New), Wind (New), Water (New) Magic, Beginner Light, Dark, Nature(New), Ice(New), Metal Magic, Beginner Death Magic, Mana Manipulation lv54, Spirits of the Dead lv1
Passive Skills- Pain Immunity, Soul Immunity , Mental Immunity, Scythe Mastery lv6(New), Chain Manipulation lv5(New), Grace lv7(New), Dance Mastery lv6(New), Dance of the Dead lv8(New)
Erethon was taken back not just because her stats were so low but because she showed him everything. "You realize you just showed me your full stats right?"
"I made you show me yours and... I trust you so um... Yeah."
Erethon just smiled "Thanks."
"So you get why I'm being careful now?"
"Yeah, your stats would put you around the level of a D rank adventure but from what I can see your regeneration stats are insane for your level. So your skills are the things you're relying on right now?"
"Well basically yes, without them I would probably be dead."
"That's some game you're playing, but your list of skills is impressive this is the first time I have seen Godly skills not to mention your unique skills."
"Thanks but let's get going already we have a king to meet."
An hour passed and Tamer's tribesmen kept giving reports on the people who came into the dungeon but according to the goblins they weren't moving from the entrance. Alice was getting bored with the situation and decided to send out the soul she had gotten from the dwarf to go speak to them. Erethon was surprised at what he saw and asked: "What is that it looks like a ghost dwarf?"
"So that was a dwarf, well anyway it's not a ghost it was a soul."
"Wait a soul how could you... No never mind I don't want to know."
"You learned not to ask too many questions! I'm so proud of you Ery!"
"*Sigh* No comment."
Alice waited for her soul to send word about who her newest intruders identities and sure enough, an hour later there identity was confirmed. Alice was pleasantly surprised to find out she could communicate with her soul soldier. She used him to communicate that she would open a portal to her home where the King and two guards could walk through and much to her surprise they immediately agreed. Alice waited on her horse with Erethon waiting in his house with her soul there to call him out. It took a while but someone walked through, and it was none other than Knight Captain Sarah she paled and ran back through the portal as soon as she saw Alice. A minute later Sarah and two other men walked through the portal; one was a large man with a dog ears and a tail. He was obviously a beastman with brown hair and black eyes he looked like an average guy, but his face gave the impression of a hardened soldier. The man next to him was younger, looking around 20 years old, but he had an air of authority around him. He had blond hair that was almost as white as Alices and piercing green eyes.
Alice sent out a message when they stared at her.
Alert you have come to the dungeon of the Pale Rider. You are the presence of the representative and child of Mania.
The beastman was about to speak, but the younger man cut him off and spoke instead "It's a pleasure to meet you Lord Rider my name is Halon Asura, King of Asura. The man next to me is Lord General of the Asura Army Brecban Dawsend, and I believe you know Captain Sarah."
"It's a pleasure to meet you King Halon you took your time getting here."
Brecban snapped at Alice "Quiet you brat; you're talking to the King of Asura! Show some respect!"
Alice activated The Presence of Inevitability and smiled "Quiet the adults are talking."
"You little-"
King Halon cut him off "That's enough Brecban, we came here to talk not fight. I understand that you have Erethon the Dungeon Slayer may we see him."
"You can." Alice gave the order to her soul, and Erethon was brought to them.
"King Halon it's been too long."
"Erethon it's good to see you too. Thank you for not harming him. Let's get down to business then I want to make a deal with you Lord Rider."
"I thought you might, so what do you want."
"I want the resources from your dungeon I don't care if it's the normal way of adventures killing your monsters. I just don't want you to interfere unless they directly try to kill you."
"Fair enough but why shouldn't I kill everyone that walks into my dungeon?"
"Because I will have the army outside come and destroy you."
Alice was surprised by his bluntness, and when she checked with Death's Eyes she could see he was telling the truth "You don't play around do you?"
"No, I do not."
"I just want to be free to live my life and do as I please, so I'll agree to your deal. But there is something else your not telling me."
"I want you to help destroy the Draco Kingdom."
Spoiler: Dungeon Stats Dungeon Name- Unnamed Core Name- Alice Species- Roaming Dungeon Titles- The First of a Species, The Roaming Dungeon Level-5 Floors- 3 Max Floors- 4 Rooms- 116 Monsters Count- 7,635 (Revivable-7,970) (Unrevivable-853,434) Boss Count- 2 Mana Capacity- 1242/6000 (Reach Maximum Capacity to Level) Mana Regen- 71.75 per hour
Floor Creation, Room Creation, Auto-Rebirth, Absorption, Synthesis, Expansion, Item Assignment, Monster Creation, Boss Creation, Evolution, Environment Creation, Dimensional Entrance Creation, Dungeon Awareness, Safe Zone Creation, Auto Management, Monster Integration, Dungeon Store , Monster Core Creation, Magic Imbuement, Skill Imbuement
Skill Store- Skill Name (Mana Price)
Item Alteration (8,000), Mental Communication (15,000), Dungeon Mine (40,000), Item Shop (6,000), Shrine Creation (8,000), Mana Stone Creation(50,000)
Monsters Types- Monster Name(Mana Cost)
Plant- Light Moss(5), Heat Trees(50), Rain Moss (8), Spore Mother's (120), Snow Moss (10), Fost Trees(50)
Animal Mutations- Ambush Snake(50), Behemoth Scorpion(150), Trap Spiders(100), Heat Spiders(75), Sand Cats(40), Pine Wolfs (50), Stone Bears(120), Fire Jackets(5), Fire Jacket Queens(40), Fire Hawk (100), Ice Wolfs(80), Glacial Mammoths (300)
Monsters- Sand Goblins(200), Tree Goblins (220), Leaf Guard (300), Forest Guard (600), Oak Guard (800), Frost Goblins (300), Blizzard Walkers (700),
Dungeon Magic's- Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Ice
Dungeon Skills- Minor Wind Resistance, Minor Water Resistance, Minor Earth Resistance, Fire Resistance, Minor Pain Resistance, Stealth lv23, Bravery Lv34, Field Command Lv32(+10), Bow Mastery Lv67(+21), Sword Mastery Lv86(+13), Spear Mastery Lv64
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|Convert| [Hiện Đại, Showbiz] Yêu Thương Tốt Nhất - Lục Manh Tinh
Truyện này lúc trước mình có edit nhưng lỡ tay xoá hết mà vẫn chưa lưu lại nháp. nay mình đăng convert cho bạn nào đang theo dõi để đọc tiếp nhé. Tác giả: Lục Manh TinhThể loại: Hiện đại , ngôn tình, showbiz, sủng, sạch, HETình trạng: 74 chương - 4 ngoại truyện - HoànTrích:Tại hiện trường họp báo:Phóng viên: Nghê tiểu thư, cô với Hoắc tiên sinh kết duyên từ bộ phim 'Mê Thành' sao?Nghê Hạ: Xem như là vậy.Hoắc Thiệu Hàng: Chắc chứ? Vậy cô bé 8 năm trước quấn lấy anh là ai?Nghê Hạ: ....Phóng viên: 8 năm trước? Chẳng lẽ Nghê tiểu thư là fan của Hoắc tiên sinh?Nghê Hạ: Không...Hoắc Thiệu Hàng: Ừ, vẫn còn là fan
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