《journal teleport science something》got 99 problems and they're mostly ants


didn't lose any arms this time

did get really puffed out because distances are hard

note: invent the wheel

city isn't as post-apocalyptic as i hoped. no like messages written in blood or anything. no prophetic graffiti. not even any like biohazard signs or whatever. just empty. abandoned. couple of crashed cars the closest it came to anything. couple of splatters that were maybe blood once. thing is even if there were bodies the ants would just be all like 'o look a tasty treat' and eat them. so yeah. empty.

tbm bulletgun held up good. a+++ would kill ants with tiny pistol thing again. shield okay but didn't get much of a chance to test it. only one ant got close enough to bite me and the shield did its sparky thing and then #4 took out the ant with crudballs.

might swap that one out actually

crudballs flying around do not make for a stressfree environment

then again pretty much anything is gonna be stressful. like a laser isn't better. bullets wouldn't be better. so what i actually need is something that kills ants but leaves superscience genius girls standing. hmm.

oh yes the ant social anxiety inducer. didn't exactly work as expected. kind of maybe slowed ants down a bit when i yelled at them. but also kind of just made them all come straight for me. aggroed them like wow. so my plan now is shove one on #4 and use him to aggro ants and then just snipe them all from a safe distance.

didn't actually get to the hive. didn't even get inside the mall. i mean i saw it. big pretty building standing as a testament to glorious capitalism or whatever. totally covered in ants. crawling everywhere. big holes in the sides for them to get in and out of. seemed like mostly they were heading away from biscuit fort which is nice. maybe they don't care about me and my delicious biscuits.


but no

silly to think that way

so i chickened out and headed back. because what. i'm gonna take on a whole hive without even some kind of explosives or a rocket launcher or flamethrower or something? just this one tiny bulletgun and a frankly terrifying crudlaunching drone? nope nope nope. gotta plan this thing out.

anyway got back safeish with only a couple of antcounters. i think just scouts. or scavengers maybe? i don't know ants. worker ants? they didn't seem much bigger than the scouts i saw before. maybe the important thing is that shooting them with bullets kills them. yes. that is a very important thing. sent out #6 with her minidrone scavenger army to collect corpses. got such a pile of antgutgems now. conversion process is really slow so i'm just doing a bunch of stuff with the leftover gems. smashing them to bits. heating them. cooling them. zapping with lasers. zapping with lightning. dunking them in tea. just whatever yknow? can't let rationality kill your science vibe. i mean i'm not a common sense girl.

also not a clean girl

ran out of wet wipes

water getting pretty low too

can't really afford a wash





like at this point i'm layering like crazy just to get more shielding between my sweaty gunky stanky human body and my sensitive human nose. i gotta do something about this. maybe some kind of brain alteration? like i don't want to just burn out my sense of smell or whatever. but maybe there's something that can be done. because something must be done.


in superscience news mostly i'm working on a scooter thing. thought about something bigger. like a car. but i feel like that's just gonna end with me trapped inside the car while ants slowly


or maybe not so slowly

eat their way in from outside. anyway a scooter feels right. little and zippy and maybe i can mount some bulletgun portals on it or put the crudlauncher on there. or something.

oh yeah had a little ant attack on biscuit fort while i was away. just a couple of scouts passing through. drones defended with their little crudturrets and bulletholes. nice to know they're keeping the place safe for me. good little scamps.

feeling pretty good lately. like things are happening. starting to figure this whole thing out. at least it's nice and simple. just stay alive. kill ants. collect gems. create superscience solutions to superinsect problems.

so what next huh

what am i gonna do next

water is boring but good for ie staying alive so sort out the plumbing situation

antgutgems are useful and interesting and i got so many of them

more scouting because field experience is good also the exercise wouldn't kill me

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