《journal teleport science something》still here i guess


i am allegedly still alive

jury's still out on the crudlauncher

mercy killing might be the best option

that thing is a heap of crap

only got saved by #4 and his trusty laser

and my shield

12yo me was a tiny little superstar for inventing that thing

burnt out a power pack though

so yeah

need something way better for next time

and oh yeah there's gonna be a next time


you don't just kill one giant ant and go home

i mean you do but that's not the end

need better weapon

need better shield

need so much tea

after me and #4 comboed the thing to pieces i rooted around in the corpse because hey dead giant ant. how often do you get the chance to loot one of those. anyway got a bunch of weird crystals from out of its weird goopy ant insides. pretty exciting. who knows what scientific wonders could come from antgutgems. storing them in my bathtub for now. shower still not working anyway. no real way to wash off all this ichor. smells like dirty lemon. could become a problem at some point. can't honestly care about it right now though.

found the hole where the ant got in. sealed it up but yeah theres gonna be more coming visiting. not just scouts either, flip that was just a scout, smallest weakest wussiest type of ant but yeah whatever

so now i gotta make a plan. pick a path. i'm alone here. ants aren't going away. yeah that's the thing huh? i mean i have no precise idea about the extent of the infestation but i ran some sims and the chances of me not being completely surrounded are like uh well basically i'm definitely completely surrounded

so it's me alone in the middle of a city of ants


no easy escape

no hiding

if i do nothing i'm screwed. eventually a scout's gonna find this place and report back and bring more ants and they'll dig down and get me. not like ants ever think 'oh you know what we got enough already we cool' and just like stop. no. they spread and spread until there's nowhere left.

so i got some choices about how i deal.

first, information. got to get some solid numbers. where are the ants. where are they strong. where are they weak. do they have weaknesses? they must. experimentation. dissection. maybe even a little vivisection. whatever it takes to get an edge on these freaky things.

next, long term stuff. like could i just like make a run for it, invent some kind of vehicle thing and zoom off somewhere else. somewhere else with humans i guess gross but whatever, humans are yucky but slightly preferable to giant ants. humans at least won't eat you alive. they do have that going for them.

teleportation another option. have to get some serious juice and also find a safe place to teleport to like a receiver would be tops if i could somehow find one somewhere and get the code to it and everything. this was actually my first thought but it's probably one of the trickier options. lot of variables. lot of what ifs. lot of stuff i need and lot of stuff that could go wrong.

still. i do love teleports.

next thing is yknow actually fight them. forget about escape. i mean what i got here is pretty amazing, a whole city to myself. isn't that like a paradise? kind of feels like it. except yknow for all the giant ants. so if i could get rid of them all with like i don't know maybe a bomb or something or sonic waves or some amazing science solution then i'd have a whole city yeah. all these resources. i could do amazing things.


or as a modification to the fighting plan just like establish a kingdom for myself. don't have to kill all the ants. actually keeping some around could be good. if i clear em all out other humans are going to notice and want to move back in. yuck. so just like marking out a decent area with all the stuff i need in it and rigging up some defences and such might work. natural living barrier of ants between me and the world. could be cool.

and like as a modification to that there's like the possibility i could maybe even make friends with the ants. and by make friends i mean dominate them with superscience.

jin alakija

queen of the ants

not such a bad title


i am tired as flip

guess i gotta do some deciding though

just like basics

so here we go

to do:

[ fortify. build. biscuit warehouse not exactly a fortress. yet. ]

scout. explore. get drones out and build more drones and maybe cameras and sensors and no surprises

weapon. personal defence. get myself geared the heck up

would actually kind of love a shower right now but yeah

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