《journal teleport science something》fixing up a drone doot doot dee doot


okay so hmm


this is actually pretty weird and by weird i mean interesting

like i've seen a kicked around drone before and i've seen a drone that's been like baseball batted and #4 has not been kicked or batted

more like


anyway the mareo spat out a couple of new drones

(that apparently i ordered?)

which at least gave me materials for sciencing #4 the heck up. double armour double the fun plus double tracks because they were pretty mangled. double sensors. double comms. double everything because i mean i got two extra drone shells lying around here. sometimes triple because a lot of stuff was pretty okay. ultimate hulk drone #4 yay. thought about adding some kind of weapon thing but ehhhhh who can get excited about guns am i right?

maybe just like a laser

maybe i like lasers

dunno what chewed on it. something pretty big i guess with like metal teeth? or DIAMOND TEETH? rival superscientist out there doing rival superscience biz is my guess. giant robot maybe. giant robot dog with diamond teeth. that'd be pretty cool I GUESS

wonder if #2 got eaten. can't remember if they were doing junk together. what the flip were those two doing anyway.


today's list of stuff i might do

teleportal superscience travelling city junk

look through booooooring drone records try to remember what #2 and #4 were actually doing

maybe i do like lasers

[ tea ]

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